➟𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚

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• ━━━━ •

     A GROAN ESCAPED RAMSEY'S LIPS, her brown eyes opening slowly, but as her orbs meet the bright sunlight, they closed again. At the sound the firely haired female turned around, snapping out of the admiring the beauty of the lake's waters. ,,Hello Kitty is awake." Comments the brunette as Jessica makes her way to her. The statement makes Dom turn a little to the dark skinned woman, while his blonde friend walks to the hacker.

     Sitting on the bench, Brian looks at her, trying to find any big injuries, but when another voice spoke up, the agent immediately turns her head to the direction. ,,She don't look like a hacker to me." Furrowing her eyebrows, the female glance at the girl.

     ,,Oh, yeah?" Spoke up the dark skinned male beside him, catching her attention again. ,,And what hackers look like?"

     ,,They don't supposed look like that." Roman continues, gesturing to the female. ,,I am just saying, like, you know how they normally wear them little weird glasses that's all crooked and pimples all over their face from drinking soda? I mean, trust me, with a body like that, you ain't gonna park it behind a computer." The redhead couldn't help, but roll her eyes at him. Turning to the duo on the bench, she thought of their first meeting, remembering she was shock by her appearce too, but preferred to leave it to herself.

     ,,How are you feeling?" Asked the blue eyed blonde, tilting his head. The curly haired female on the bench nodded her head, gesturing that she's fine. ,,Did you hit your head?" No, was answered with her head. ,,Feeling nauseous? Ears ringing?" He questions further and each time it was, no. Ramsey's brown eyes just felt on her feet, with a furrowed eyebrows.

     ,,Where's my shoe?" She asked, gazing at her green stripped sock. The redhead little bit raised her eyebrow at this, amusement flashing in her eyes.

     ,,Oh, it flew of when you crashed." Answered Brian gazing at her. ,,If you start experiencing any of those things, let me know, okay?" The male says, motioning their previous conversation. The hacker nodds her head again, before he stood up and make his way to others.

     Pulling herself up, so she had more comfort, the dark skinned woman look up at Dominic who's back was turned to her. ,,I don't know whether to thank you for rescuing me or kick your ass for throwing of a cliff." She remarks in confidence. The statement make the brunette snicker, while her husband turned around fully, making slowly his way to her.

     ,,Thank us or kick our ass, right?" Said Toretto with raised eyebrow, before his face crunched into cold expression. ,,How about you tell us where the device is?"

     The asked girl by their shock answered them with a ease, leaving them confused. ,,I mailed it to a friend. In Abu Dhabi." She said.

     ,,That was pretty easy." Comments the blonde, gazing at her. ,,That other team would have tortured you for that information."

     ,,I didn't trust them." She said, looking at him. ,,I trust you." Ramsey then turned to all of them, answering simply.

     Letty snickered a little, staring at the brown haired woman. ,,Now, why would you trust us? You barely know us."

     ,,I know enough." Points out the hacker, before her eyes landed on Jessica like first. The agent raised her eyebrow at her as she shifts in her seat.

     ,,By the way you took that guys easily and by your image...you must be Jessica Gray. Master in martial arts, trained Olympic athlete, acrobad, aerialist, gymnast and even a ballerina." She was little bit lost for words at how she now her so well and the others little bit too. They know her, she was their friend after all, but they didn't know that the redhead was this much skilled.

     Closing her mouth, the brunette continues, now gazing at Brian. ,,Ex cop."

     Then her eyes shifts to Tej. ,,Tech guy, offended by the hacker remark, naturally." She said, making him laugh a little.

     Then Dom. ,,Alpha." Then the female next to him. ,,Mrs. Alpha." The statement, makes the named woman snicker again a little.

     And for the grant finally, Roman. ,,Joker." The female finished, but this name only maked him look at her little offended, before it got quickly away, a confident look playing on his face.

     ,,Wrong." He said, standing up. The redhead and the dark skinned brunette sigh in annoyance as he neared the female. ,,Double Alpha." The Pearce man continue, grinning and making them sigh more. ,,Man candy. You know what I'm saying?"

     ,,Man, sit your candy ass down."

     Jessica laughed. Maybe too loudly, because everyone glance at her. Her dark skinned friend gives her a offended look that she only innocently shrugged on. The green eyed female gives Tej a small thumbs up, saying it was good, the male grinned, making Roman even more offended, while he went to his seat again. ,,The disrespect is real around here." He said, sitting down.

     ,,Life is binary." Continue Ramsey, gazing at him. ,,Zeroes and ones. Only two things keep a group together. Fear or loyalty." Her warm brown eyes then shifts to everyone. ,,And I don't see a drop of fear among you guys."

     ,,Very impressive." Spoke up Tej. ,,Just one thing, they're not married." He points out, meaning the Alphas. Gazing behind her, the agent sees how the brunette looked uncomfortable and she couldn't blame her by it.

     ,,She's so off it's crazy." The redhead snapped her head in the man's direction, giving him a warning look. ,,You just gonna-" Looking up, he sees the glare that the female send his way. So he closed his mouth and then glanced down while rubbing his chin like nothing happened.

     The dark skinned female then spoke up again, making their attention go to her again. ,,You work for US government?'' She asks, meaning it to Letty who laughed, her mood raising up.

     ,,We got similar intrest." Said Dom, before going down the small set of stairs. ,,Tej, call it in." He orders, his friend immediately nodding. ,,We're going to the Middle East!"

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


     SOON AS THEY ARRIVED IN THE DESERT, the agent maked her way to the beach. Breathing the salty air that tingle her nose, the female could say only one word. Beautiful. Every place has it's own beauty and the azure waters were maybe the best thing of Abu Dhabi. There was something about being in the desert and splashing yourself with a water so soothing and relaxing.

     Thinking of it, she always seem to find herself in places she never been, only with Toretto family. By the time knowing them, it felt they know each other for years, not for only for few months.

     Somebody seemt to enjoy this place same as her, maybe even more. It was the dark haired female hacker who was now swimming next to her with a smile on her face.

     The duo talked a lot in the car, riding to the city and they got pretty good with each other. Ramsey was a little mad, because she litarily pushed her out of a bus, but eventually she was the one who started the conversation.

     As the two males sit next to each other, they gaze around each other with interest, but Roman seemt to have his eyes only on two things. ,,It's hotter than I thought it would be." He remarks, gazing at the sea. His friend who was seated beside him, raised his hand in a mocking manner.

     ,,Yeah, well, we are in the desert, so it would be hot." Points out Tej, gazing at his friend. He ignored him, his statement being answered by the males figure leaning forward. Rubbing his chin, his eyes didn't move from his sign.

     ,,Oh, no, I ain't talking about the weather." The friend's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, before his eyes goes to the direction he's looking.

     From the waters emerge Jessica who flipped her hair, the red locks falling on her back. ,,My, my, my." Mumbled Roman as his friend hummed.

     Sliding her hands down her hair, smoothing them, the brunette meats her at shore, making her way to their towels. The two males were watching them as a predators their preys. As the females walks out of the sea, they looked like characters from Baywatch. Their curves moving in slow motion as they placed the towels on their wet bodies.

     Pulling over her body a shirt, they walks to others. Ramsey looks up, finding her friend she was looking for. ,,Hey, Ramsey!" Greeted an unfamiliar voice to the agent.

     ,,Hello, Safar." Greeted back the named woman, rushing up the stairs to give the man a small hug. Stopping by her side, the redhead looks him up and down.

     Pulling away, the brunette gaze at him. ,,I see you make some new friends." He comments, shifting his gaze to the team.

     ,,Yeah, some short-tempered friends." Said Ramsey, gazing at them, before her attention goes to him. ,,I need the speed drive I send you. Where is it?"

     ,,Oh, good." He started, making the agent have a bad feeling about this. ,,You will be pleased to know I sold it." This answer make Jessica to sigh in anger and annoyance, not liking that they had to fly around the word to get it and now they get this.

     ,,You sold it?" Said the hacker in disbelief. ,,I asked you to take care of it. Why on earth would you sell it?" Pulling her arms under her chest, the redhead makes his way to him.

     ,,We're gonna need it back." Spoke the green eyed woman, her glare never disappearing from her face. The male turned to her, apologizing and disbelieving expression coming to his face, when she pierced him with her green eyes.

     ,,Impossible." He answered simply, making her eyes form into slits. Thankfully his friend spoke up again, his attention going to her.

     ,,I stashed something inside it, it's important." The dark haired man started to shake his head, giving her the answer. And then suddenly his left arm was twisted behind his back by the Gray female who had enough of this.

     ,,Okay, okay!" He chanted, crunching his face in pain. Still the red haired agent didn't realised her grip, only little loosing it up. ,,Good news, it is safe." He points out.

     ,,And the bad news?" Sigh his friend.

     ,,It is very save." Answered Safar, before the female let him go. The male then immediately rubs his arm where her hand was.



hi guys!
today little bit shorter chapter, but i hope you still like it
btw i upload my first chapter for my mission impossible fanfiction


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