➟𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣

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• ━━━━ •

JESSICA HAS HER EYES CLOSED, trying to little bit zone out of this place. She couldn't do it and it Deckard's not moving eyes from her figure didn't help either, while she leaned on the wall. She lick her lips, sighing, having a hard time not to snap back at him for watching her like a creep. The male wants exactly that, she knows that. He wants her to blow up like a bomb and he maybe will see it, if he doesn't stops right now. He stare at her with crossed arms against his chest, leaning his back on the wall of his cell, waiting for her move that is coming up.

Her green eyes snaps open, glare immediately forming on her face. She then turns to him with a raised eyebrow. ,,Can you shut up?" The female sighs, making him raise now one of his eyebrows at her. He watch her as she stood up, facing him while he uncrossed his arms.

,,I didn't say anything." The British male says in defence, glaring right back in annoyance.

,,Yeah, but your face did." She fires back, looking closely at him. He laughs bitterly, shaking his head.

,,So, where's your Knight in Shining Armour?" He asks, tilting his head and looking around like if the person will come up right around a corner.

Rolling her eyes, she rolls up her sleeves slightly, while answering. ,,I don't need a man to rescue me. I can perfectly handle myself." She answers, tilting her head in the same way, knowing this will make him more annoyed.

,,That's funny because I remember that if Toretto wouldn't distract me at the party back in Abu Dhabi, I would shoot you straight in the head." Deckard remarks, quite proudly, making her tap her fingers on the glass with irritation. He's even worse than Roman and that's saying something.

,,Just like you Brits, rewriting history, huh? All I know is that I was saving my friend's life because where I'm from, we don't settle fight by throwing bombs."

,,Well, that's funny, because where I'm from, we don't need someone to run to our rescue." He pressed again on the same topic, making her roll her eyes again. ,,I mean, do you really believe you could stand in front of me?" At the statement she gives him her full attention. ,,And beat me in a straight up old fashioned fist fight?" He says, raising his fists in the air for more effect.

The redhead clicks her tongue, before leaning on the glass with both of her hands. ,,Let me tell you something. Me and you...One on one, no one else around." She says, banging nextly at the glass. ,,I will beat your ass so hard that you'll crawl right back between your mommy's legs."

Ignoring her remark, he nodded, looking back at her with same confidence. ,,Maybe one day we will find that out." The male comments.

,,Oh, you better hope that day never comes."

She then goes to sit down on her bed, but something happens before she could do it. Ringing noice goes off, making her furrow her eyebrows in confusion. Her green eyes then turn to the the door of her cell that slide open. The woman slightly moves out of the door, while the male opposite her watch quite interested. Realizing what is now happening, she turn to the camera in the corner of her cell. ,,I said no, Mr. Nobody." The redhead says, before hearing sound of footsteps coming her way and a loud alarm. ,,I'm not leaving this cell. I'll get out my way. The right way"

About seven guards stop before her with paralyzers pointing at her, making her put her hands up in shudder. ,,Get back to your cell!" They shout at her, while she slightly backs away from them as the Gray woman trie to reason with them.

,,It's just a malfunction." Explain Jessica, but they still yells at her to go back, but something else caught her attention. A loud shout of pain is heared behind the guards, making her look up at the sound. Deckard just grab one of those guards by their collar, tugging at it and making the guard's head hit the door of his cell. Before he could do anything, the male grab his weapon electrizing him and then raising the gun to the lock on his cell, making it open. But his door weren't the only ones that open.

She watch him take down another guard, knowing she has to do something, before he will escape, but they don't let her pass. ,,Son of a -" The green eyed woman cursed, before doing something that will propably make her more in trouble.

She grabs one of those guards' arm, twisting it, so it hits the other guard with the paralyzer. Her eyes slightly look up to the British criminal, before she grab another guard and hitting his head in to a wall. Raising her leg, she kicks another black clothed guard in the stomach and dogging a fist. Wrapping her arm around the guard's neck, she bounce off the floor, kicking another one in the head and taking the one she's holding down with him. As she stop rolling on the ground, she snapped her head up, not wasting time and following her neighbour.

Her cell was at the forth floor, so she had to jump down by grabbing the ledge and flipping over to the second floor. Shaw took down another man, hearing a load footsteps behind him, knowing it's her. For his shock he decides to run further away, making her huff. The woman stop in her tracks as man stop before her with a knife. He flicker the weapon in his hand, trying to strike her and making her dock. She kicks it out of his hand, before her leg meets his croch, making him immediately fall on the floor in pain. The woman then blow her hair off her eyes, just seeing Deckard jumping off a railing to the next floor. Jessica follows him. Right before the railing she jumps and put her hands on it so it boost her up.

The man at the bottom goes through the fighting crowd, pushing over another couple of prisoners. His shoes then squeals at how quickly he stop in his tracks, turning around at someone's voice. ,,So, want to have the old fashioned fist fight you suggested earlier?" Calls out the redhead from behind him with tilled head. The male smirks at her, making her do the same, before it faded quickly when she rush to him.

Her fists flew to his jaw, but he judge it easily by grabbing it. He wanted to twist it, but she was quicker, flickering her other hand to his arm that is holding her.

The fight wasn't really that much of fun that she thought it would be, because they dodge each other perfectly. Every single time. So she then decides to go to his legs, kicking him down and making him kneel. He groans at the impact. The woman then raising her leg to wrap around his head, but he grabbed it in mid-air. Before she could do something about it, he shove her down, making her fall on the floor.

A small moan of pain left her lips, looking up, ready to see his face leaning over her, but he wasn't there anymore. Her eyes glare at his turned back, watching as he runs away like a coward, but she then realized that it was because they started to shut down every door.

Her hands flew behind her head, bouncing on to her feet and then following him. The redhead pushes everyone out of her way, while even dodging some of the fists send her way. Jessica's heartbeat ringed in her ears as she mimickes his movement, sliding off another floor down. Right after her feet met the ground she rolls under the fighting men, after Deckard jump over them. Standing up quickly she dodge as someone tries to hit her, seeing she is nearing the exit door. Her green eyes then goes to metal paling at her right, deciding to take a shortcut. The female jump on it, wrapping her fingers around it and then climbing further to the male, jumping down as she makes it over another fighting crowd.

But someone seems to make her stop. Heavily breathing she sees three guards blocking her way out, making her slightly shrug. Here goes nothing. Running she jump at them, making them flew to the wall behind them. She is now thankful for Luke showing her this trick.

Running down the hallway, the redhead's green eyes stop at the man. Then suddenly she sees a door closing before her, knowing she can't make it like that. With a cry she jump at Deckard, just as the door slides close. At the sudden weight on his back, he shake her off him, rolling over.

The duo stood up from the ground, immediately raising their fists in the air and looking straight into each other's eyes with a glare. Before they could continue their unfinished fight, another guards surround them, cocking their guns. ,,Ah, took longer than I expected." Comments someone behind them, making the two turn at the direction of the voice.

Mr. Nobody stood there looking at his watch, before looking up to the heavily breathing Deckard Shaw and Jessica Gray with a small smile.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


HER HEELS CLICK ON THE FLOOR with her gaze on Mr. Nobody who was walking by her side. The woman is thankful for seeing them again, her team, but not liking the circumstances that she's now in. Now she is a criminal. It sounded so unrealistic in her head and on her tongue, but it was the truth. She lost her job, all of her assessments and good reputation. All of this made her feel weird. Her a criminal? No way!

Well that's what she used to told herself...

,,This is my new base. Welcome to Nowhere." Says the man at her right, while she looks around. Nearing the glass door, he opens it for her, like a true gentleman he is.

,,Nice little stair for you." Jessica remarks, making him chuckle and follow her into the room.

The woman's eyes then falls down at her team who sat at a table with handcuffs, making her raise her eyebrows, but a noice of chair sliding on the floor, makes her immediately look up. Her eyes stop at Luke who waste no time to give her one of his famous bear hugs. He slightly took her breathe away. Litterally. She already can hear him saying; told you so or you should've listen to me, but he didn't says anything. She also wants to be mad at him, because he shouldn't be here in the first place. Now that he is, it will be even more complicated and dangerous, because now he will be a criminal too.

,,Whoa, whoa, what handcuffs. What is this?" She heard Mr. Nobody say, making her turn her head to his direction, shaking off those thoughts that will propably hunt her in her dream till this is all over. If. With furrow eyebrows she looks down at everyone at the table with handcuffs on their wrists. It makes the female pull away from her friend, watching the scene closely.

,,It's called the abuse of power." Remarks Roman in annoyence, the redhead leaning on to the table, staring down at the light haired male from earlier.

His eyes slightly flickers to her, but immediately he look at his boss, because he couldn't handle the intense glare send his way. ,,You told me to round 'em up." He says, not sure if he trully understand what the man meant, seeing he again did something that didn't satisfied the expectations.

,,I told you that hand - " Mr. Nobody sighs at this embarrassing situation. ,,Cut 'em loose. Oh man, this is embarrassing." He laughs as the man started to take of their handcuffs. Her green eyes then goes to the brunette who under the table open her handcuffs with ease, making her smile slightly at that.

,,This is how you treat old friends?" Letty remarks, showing her open handcuffs, while Luke sat down at a free seat in the corner of the room, the red haired woman leaning on his shoulder.

,,Friend?" Tej says, meeting the man's eyes. ,,We don't even really know who the hell this guys is."

,,It does not matter who I am, Tej.
I'm like Nobody, ok?"

,,Nobody then who is he?" He gesture to the standing blonde with his head.

,,He's nothing. He's like less than me." He gestures to the younger male.

,,Clearly we're getting nowhere, with nobody. I've been in here for four hours, my ribs are showin'." Comments the dark skinned male, standing up. Jessica sighs, while her eyes watch him. ,,I don't know about y'all, but I'm out." Roman finishes his small speech, going to the door, but the blue eyed male stopped him.

,,I wouldn't recommend that." He says, making Roman by the remark turn to him.


,,Well, thanks to your bust Berlin job. You all made Interpol's Top 10 Most wanted list." Spoke up Mr. Nobody, his eyes looking at each one of them and making them gaze up at him.

The standing dakr skinned street racer looks slightly too excited, grinning at the whole room. ,,Top 10?" He asks, the older man humming beside him. ,,That's alright."

,,Well, not you." The man beside him breathes out, the male immediately turning to him with confusion written accross his face.

,,What do you mean?"

,,You just missed the cut, you're number eleven." At the statement the redhead and the the hacker duo look at each other, trying to cover their laughs by coughs.

,,So...I missed it?" Roman says in disbelief, Nobody nodding for an answer. ,,Yeah that's impossible." He exhales, before gesturing to others. ,,What number did they come in at?"

The question was answered by the young man who point at each one of them. ,,Six." He gestures to Luke. ,,Eight." Letty. ,,Nine." The male hacker. He then turns to Ramsey and lastly to Jessica. ,,Ten and...one."

The redhead's eyes almost pop out of her skull, looking in disbelief. ,,One?" She spoke up, pointing to herself. Mr. Nobody nodds, shrugging, gazing at the wide eyed woman.

She is ready to try and ask again if they got it right, but Roman interrupt her. ,,She's Ten? And she's one? One?" He says, gesturing to the dark skinned female and then to the ex agent. The oldest man in the room shruggs again, nodding, making him only continue.

,,That's impossible, there is no way she's at ten - well it kinda makes sense that you're at one..." At that the redhead tilted her head, raising one of her eyebrows at him, not knowing if this meant to make her insulted or complimented and looking as he again turn to Ramsey. ,,But you? At ten? There's no way, she is at ten."

His friend turn to the woman that it was meant to. ,,Oh, she's definitely at ten." He says, slightly flirtatiously laughing, but it only make her turn away. She gives him a look, on Tej's features immediately forming a frown, mumbling a small what. The standing female little bit rolls her eyes, taping her fingers on her best friend's shoulder in eagerness to know their mission. Thankfully, Nobody safed her from falling asleep.

,,How about we focus on someone who we're not gonna find out in anybody's list?" The man then press his finger on a small controller, his hand raising to a screen at the center of the room. On the screen show up a short haired blonde woman with nothing in her indentity list, other than her gender. ,,We are awaiting hard confirmation, but...I believe that's the cyber terrorist known as Cipher." When the statement came out of his mouth, the dark skinned woman immediately makes a remark.

,,Wait, no, Cipher's an organization. Not a person." Ramsey says, raising her eyebrow, unsure about the information she just said.

,,Not according to our sources." Comments the young man in suit.

,,What does she want?" Sighs out Letty, gazing at the woman on the screen.

,,No one knows." Says again the hacker, looking at them and then gesturing to the screen. ,,Cipher is like a digital active God. They, she, can manipulate world systems under shadows. Anything that can be hacked."

,,And here is the kicker. You will never find her linked to any other. Her digital identity is scrubbed every few seconds worldwide." Says the blonde, while Roman take a seat back at the table.

,,So basically, she is the boogeyman." Tej explain.

,,Yeah, she is." Mumbles the other dark skinned male. ,,One of the hottest boogeyman I have ever seen, I mean...If y'all know her, tell her to get ya boy." The two females rolls there eyes at him in annoyance while the blue eyed man comes to him, coughing, before kicking him in the leg to stop his chuckling.

,,What are you, twelve?"

,,That was my shin, motherfu - " Roman says, glaring at him and before it could get any further Ramsey speak up.

,,Let's just say." The female sighs. ,,People are scared of the hacker group Anonymous. But even anonymous won't mess with her."

The brunette slap her hand on to the table, her brown eyes looking up to the ceiling. ,,What the hell does any of this have to do with us?"

,,Probably nothing, Letty." Exclaimes Mr. Nobody, while he near her. ,,But I do find it interesting, apparently for some reason. She's now working with this guy." When the statement passed his lips, he press another button on the controller, sliding to next picture.

Everyone's throats seem to dry out and their hearts skip a beat when they see Dominic's indentity flicker on to the screen. The redhead catches Letty's eyes, asking if this only some kind of a bad joke. The ex agent give her a expression that seem to give her everything she asked for, turning away from her. They are silent, just sitting there and looking into nothingness.

,,He's already delivered a fully operational EMP into her hands." Speak up the dark blonde, carefully. ,,Detonate that, they can turn any city in the world into a war zone."

,,So then what is it that you're suggesting?" Tej gives him a question, his eyes not moving from the table.

,,Maybe we find Dom, huh?" Humms the grey haired male, playing with his sunglasses in his hand. ,,Well, first let's catch him and then figure out why he's turned."

,,So y'all want us to track Dom" Roman says slowly, linking his hands on the white table.

,,And I know Roman, it's kinda a big job."

,,It's impossible." The named ricer corrects him.

,,Which is why...I'm bringing in an extra pair of hands." Mr. Nobody then opens the door by his remoter.

From the door come a person, she thought she will not see ever again. Atleast not twice in the day. Deckard Shaw walk in with a small smirk looking at the redhead. Luke stand up furiously from his chair, almost knocking it off while Jessica slowly walks to him, but still not that close and stopping in front of her best friend in protective manner. ,,My day just got a whole hell of a lot better." Spoke up the dark skinned male.

,,I think mine just got worse." Says the green eyed redhead, while others slowly stood up from their seats. ,,Mr. Nobody you want to tell me why you just put me in a room with this teen crumpeting criminal, some bitch." The female says slowly, trying to found the right words to insult him, because her brain seem to shut down.

He glares at her. ,,You got a big mouth for a small lady. Coming from prisoner 6753." At that her upper lip curved up, him knowing that this will make her even more mad.

,,Don't think we've forgotten everything that you've done." Letty comments in such calmness that it made her sound even more scaring.

,,We're not...teaming up with this guy." Tej continue, gazing at Nobody.

,,Let's get one thing clear, I ain't on your team." The British male says turning to look at him, before pointing a each one of them. ,,I don't care about you, you crew...your little family. I'm here for Cipher."

,,You gonna do apply for a job, Head-asshole?" Hobbs raise his voice at him, making Deckard look at him.

,,You don't think that tight t-shirt is cutting off the circulation to your brain. You should get bigger size." The man fires right back at him, while looking at him from behind the redhead. ,,Cipher came to me first, wanted me to steal Nightshade for her. When I said no, she went off to my brother." While this left Shaw's lips he walk around the table to them, the duo doing the same. The woman is ready to punch him straight in his nose, but Mr. Nobody step between them, before it could happen.

,,Oh Yes. Brother Owen who could forget him?" Laughs the older man, while pressing the controller and showing his brother on the screen. ,,Former hell-raiser and current guest, at a nasty little black site prison."

Deckard turn away slightly from the female to look at his brother. ,,Cipher corrupted him, left him for dead. So if I get a shot to take her down, believe me, flicks I'm taking it." He points at her, making her and him walk around Nobody to face each other.

,,You're taking my heels right up your ass - " Before she could say or do anything else, the grey haired man place his hands up in shudder.

,,Guys, guys, guys." He exhales, really not liking the idea of the three fighting or especially the duo that face each other, standing so close to each other that their noses almost touch. ,,The fastest way to find Cipher is through Toretto. Now aside from myself, there's only three people in the world, that have ever managed to actually track him down with any success and guess what. They're standing in front of me right now. So like it or not, you three are gonna work together. Especially you two." He corrects himself, pointing at the facing duo. ,,You got that?" The trio sighs, turning to face him, but still not fully answering him. ,,I'm gonna take that as a yes."

From across them Roman turn to look at them with a imaginary lightbulb above his head. ,,Am I the only one seeing this?"

,,Oh, this gotta be good." Sighs the blonde, making the dark skinned male shush him rudely by his raised hand.

,,Use God's eye." He starts, everyone looking up at him. ,,We put our lives on the line. Running around the world trying to figure this thing out. It can find anybody, right? Let's use it to find Dom."

,,Roman, that is a great idea." Mr. Nobody says, clapping his hands after putting his sunglasses in his jacket.

,,Did you hear that? Great idea." Roman imitate the man, his eyes on the redhead, only making her roll her eyes. ,,And no, no! Don't tune it out." The male points at his ears, because she turn her attention somewhere else.

,,Mr. Nobody. Let's fire it up?" Suggests Luke, humming at the named male.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


THE ONLY SOUND IN THE ROOM FOR A MOMENT WERE JUST FINGERS PLAYING ON A KEYBOARD. Others watching the screen and waiting for the duo to find what all of them are looking for. ,,Got him." Tej says. ,,He's in London." The two hackers then turn to each other, smiling. It makes the redhead raise a eyebrow at them with with a smirk playing on her lips, while Roman grumble at them. She thought this was over, thinking they just will pack their things and go after him but when Ramsey look back to the screen another place show up on the map.

,,Wait, we have got a second match in Hong Kong." Ramsey speak up.

,,Bejing and Seoul." Roman slowly continues.

,,And Tokyo."

,,And just about every other major city on the planet." Sighs Jessica, crossing her arms against her chest, while every city on the planet lights up.

,,And so...God's eye was where we start." Explains Mr. Nobody. ,,Cipher's already created an evasion that masked her location by pinging random spots all over the globe." He gestures with his hands, passing by the dark skinned male as he went to Ramsey. ,,But it was a good thought Roman." Points out the man, making the named male nod in proudness, only because of this small compliment.

,,So she's made my programme obsolete." Ramsey whisper slightly, putting her hands on a desk.

Nobody stop by her side. ,,And that Ramsey is why are you here." He says to the saddened female.

A sound of footsteps make them turn around, finding the blonde that just turned around a corner, his eyes immediately going to the Pearce man. ,,See, simple solutions aren't gonna cut it here slick."

,,Why are you looking at me when you're saying that?" The redhead ignores the bickering, looking from behind her shoulder in to the room they were earlier. She catches the eyes of Shaw who walks through the room while calling. It makes her slowly turn to look back on the screen with a cough.

,,Wait a second, wait, wait." Tej says. ,,Simple solutions might just cut it. In order for God's eyes to give up all this false pings, Means they have to be using a free relay." He points out.

,,Watch these two." Whispers Mr. Nobody to his assistant, quite excitedly.

,,Which means it has a decaying sync quantanizer. Which we can reverse." The dark skinned man continues, turning to Ramsey with a smirk.

,,And track it back to the originating source and find Dom's true location." The female finish, gazing back at everyone with proud smile. Roman snap his finger, pointing at them with the same manner.

,,Telling you, they got skills."

,,That was my idea. That's what I was saying, remember in there?" Roman says, pointing behind him, but everyone ignores him, shaking their heads at him.

Clapping his hands again, Mr. Nobody points to the screen. ,,Alright, let's try this."

The duo then starts to press their fingers on their keyboards, while everybody watch as suddenly some of the spots started to disappear. ,,It's working..." Ramsey breathes out, looking at the screen.

Turning to the dark blonde man in a suit, Jessica puts her hands on her hips. ,,Time you wanna take your manual and start organizing first response." She orders and shockingly he complete. Grabbing his walkie-talkie, while she goes to the dark skinned female to join her by her side.

,,Alright they are not in China or Russia..." Tej trailes off as they gaze on the screen.

,,Europe's clear." Ramsey continue. Everything disappear, only leaving one spot, but there wasn't any description by it, just a red dot on a some building. ,,But this one's not going away."

,,This is interesting." Points out Mr. Nobody, his smile slowly fading, while everyone look at him.

,,Why?" The blonde asks, turning around to look at his boss

,,Because that's here."

When he let this words slips through his lips, an explosion echoed through the room. It shader the glass all around the room and the worst it wasn't an explosion meant to destroy.
It was an explosion to make it's victim concussion, but still the impact made Jessica flew on to the table before her. The female grabbs on to it, trying to see what's happening through her blurry vision. Her ears ringed, not hearing anything else but ringing. Her green eyes flickers around the room, her head pounding, not seeing a another bomb, coming right at her direction.

From across the room Deckard looks to others, almost everyone on the ground, moaning in pain, but not the redhead. His eyes then flew to the boom sliding on the floor to her, making him do something that left even him speechless. He runs to her, jumping on her to make her fall down in cover.

A sudden impact makes her immediately fall down, crying out when a bomb near her goes off. The man rolls immediately off her, his arm immediately raising to shield him from a big ripped piece of metal flying on him.

She tries so hard to even open her eyes or even breathe in and out properly, but she could catch a sound of footsteps coming into the room. ,,Did you all enjoy that?" Spoke up a female voice, the redhead already knowing that this must be Cipher. ,,Next generation concussion grenade. It scrambles your senses. Don't worry, It'll wear off in an hour. Probably." Her footsteps stop near her, making her turn her head to the right, still trying to open her eyes.

,,Hello, Deckard." The woman finally opens her eyes, looking at the named male, on him a piece of metal pressed on his figure. She shakes away her shock that he was the one that saved her, her green eyes searching for the blonde female. ,,Nice to see you again. Look at this, body's not even cold, Dom." She laughs, while pressing her foot down on the metal. At the sound of that name, Jessica tries to find it's owner, but she just couldn't pick her head up. ,,Your family's already replacing you. You chose the loosing team, I guess your brother is smarter than you." Her blue eyes then goes to her, a grin slowly coming to her lips.

,,Jessica, nice to finally meet you." She says, tilting her head, while the named woman stare right back at her with heavy breathing. ,,You know you're my big inspiration, it's pity that you're on the wrong team." She clicks her tongue, before turning away from her.

Then she sees Dom. He wears an unreable expression, passing his friends that were groaning in pain on the floor with coldness. She cringe and covers her ears quickly when he shoots at a glass, the sound painfully piercing through her ears. ,,Smart move embedding God's eye into the mainframe. Irritating to make me have to come all the way down here to get it, but..." The woman sighs, taking it from the computer and already going to the exit. ,,Let's go." She orders to the Toretto male, him immediately following, but so slowly and unsurely.

,,Dom!" Call out Letty, using all of her might to sit up and look into his eyes. ,,You're gonna turn your back on family? Just like that?" His wife says, making him stop in his tracks and look at her. Then Cipher came to him, leaving everyone speechless of what happen nextly. Wrapping her arm around his shoulder she turns his head to kiss him. The brunette gasps slightly, tears forming in her eyes as she watch her kiss her husband. Her other half. Her everything. Now she knows how it feels, the feeling of her heart shatter in million pieces and the whole world falling down with it. But he didn't even look like he wants to kiss back, only slightly moving his lips against hers.

The blue eyed blonde pull away from him, while the redhead's hand goes to her left leg slightly, searching for something. ,,Let's go." She repeats as Jessica's hand stop at her gun that was wrapped around her thigh. Her fingers wrapped around it's handle, ready to fire, but a hand place it's self on hers making her stop her movements. She could just end it right here, but she isn't in her own skin and still she feels dizzy. She can do it, but he thinks she can't.

Turning to the side, she meets Deckard's eyes that give her a look, to not do it. She just looks into his brown eyes for a moment, before she does exactly that with a small sigh escaping her lips.




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