➟𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙞𝙭𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣

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̶̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶«̶ ̶̶̶ ̶       ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ ̶ ̶̶̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ 

• ━━━━ •

     HER HAND RAISE TO HER FACE, putting away her fiery hair that block her vision. Her green eyes formed into slits, trying to ease the shining sun that burned down on her features. Jessica's hands were placed on her hips, her back straight as a ruller as she made steps before her small army of football players.

     ,,They are gonna be hitting us with everything they've got." Spoke up the voice of Luke Hobbs. The male kept his gaze at the small girls with his hand exchange before to present their plan. ,,So, we wanna engage with maximum speed."

     The redhead stopped her movements. Standing by her best friend, she turned to face their team. ,,Neutralize the shooters and then move on to our objective." She finished, pointing out, before continuing. ,,There are two things I want you to keep in mind, number one, we choose you for this squad because you are the most fearsome warriors on the planet."

     ,,And number two-" Raised his voice the dark skinned male, showing them two of his fingers. ,,You go out there, you do your job and you take them down. Everyone...and I mean everyone, manice and pedice at the mall, later on today." He smiled, sounding like guy from those commercial that were right before a movie. The girls immediately cheers in excitement, making the woman's lips form into grin. The female then stepped back to let them do their ritual dance that Luke so despairtly wanted. Before it started
Sam went to her, the two doing their secret handshake.

     The team stood before their enemy team, waiting for their signal. The male walk through them, his voice strong when he calls out in his home language. The girls follow his every move, making the other's look at them with big eyes, filled with fright and confusion. It made the redhead almost laugh at their reactions, but they were just kids. She also realized how much more women come to watch the play. They were giggling and whispering, their eyes set only on one thing on the field. Now this made her laugh.

     When the girls did their last movement, stopping before the other team with a small war cry that made the team almost stumble back, the blow of whistle echoed. At the sound they rushed to their positions, while the male rush to join his best friend at the stands. ,,Quite the cheering section." Spoke up someone from behind them. The duo turn to the direction of the voice. Their was standing man with grey hair and black sunglasses on his nose. They already that he is here to tell them their next job by his appearance. The redhead slightly sigh. Can they just for once give her a one minute break? She loves her job, but sometimes it was exhausting.

     At the statement that left his lips the agents turn their heads at the direction. The moms from earlier still couldn't take their eyes of Luke. When he turn his attention to them, they immediately fix their posture and smile flirtatiously. ,,Oh yeah. That's moms they come out to sport the kids" Laughs the dark skinned male, smiling and waving at the females.

     ,,Except there seems to be more moms than kids. Way more like moms and..." He remarks. The woman smirks in amusement, while her best friend wave it of by turning to the game.

     ,,Yeah, it's a big soccer time." He waves off, completely ignoring the man. He just want to watch his daughter play. Most of these times they have a new mission, his best friend would take it in her own hands. He protests every single time, but he also knows that she can take care over herself. The woman didn't let him on those missions, because has a daughter. Someone to fight for, someone to take care of. One day she hopes that having her family will not be a problem. One day.

      The older man looks at the male agent with mouth agape, the redhead saying that he can continue. ,,So your intel was spot on..." He says to her, his eyes slightly flickering to the father who is still cheering. ,,A democly 7 EMP weapon that went missing in the gulf." Jessica's eyebrows furrowed in thought, looking down at him. ,,Arms dealer from the Liberation front have it in Berlin." He says, showing the weapon on a tablet.

     ,,Shit." The duo spoke up in usion. Luke now is giving his full attention, hands placed on his hips.

    ,,This thing can wipe out..an entire electrical grid in a major city. No lights, no power, instant stone age." He continue, making the woman with green eyes cross her arms in thought, while her best friend turn to the field again.

    ,,Chloe, Maya, you can't let her run by you like that." He calls out,stretching out his arm. It made the male with glasses slightly angry that he isn't listening. ,,Let's go, let's go."

     The younger agent wanted to stop him from going near the darl skinned male, but she let it go,watching as he stop right beside him. ,,Hey, Hobbs. This is a class 4 WMD. Do you have any idea what's at stake here?" He spits out.

     Luke rolls his eyes in irritation, before turning to face him. Yes..! I know exactly what is at stake here, okay?" The amn shut his mouth, thinking he is done here, but no. ,,If Pink Butterflies beat my Red Dragon that means we lose the championship." Hobbs says, gesturing to the field. ,,Which means I have 20 little girls who are crying..and that's not a good thing. Which then means I have to spend a lot of time in ice cream shops and lot of time in Tay-Tay concerts." He slightly raise his voice in the end, furiously turning back to watch the game.

     ,,Tay-Tay?" The older male asks in confusion, making the redhead look at him.

     ,,Taylor Swift." She answers in amusement, explaining and making him look in realization.

     ,,We need you to do this, Lot of lives are at stake. I need to be clear here." He continues his peach after a moment of silence, his attention only for her. ,,US Government can not sanction this operation in anyway. You're on your own. This thing goes sideways you don't just get burned, you go to prison and there's nothing we can do to get you out." She parted her lips at the statement. She will never be in prison, never in million years. She is dangerous and deadly, but she does everything everytime for her country and was always loyal.

      The dark eyed man turn to him again, Jessica still gazing at him with unreadable expression on her face. ,,Let me tell you something. The only thing that I love more than saving lives, is my daughter. So you don't shut up with this government bullshit right now and start showing some team spirit and respect for the Red Dragons. I'm gonna have all 20 of them lined up kick you right in the Tay-Tay." The dark skinned father warns, making the older man awkwardly turn to the field.

     ,,Go, Dragons!" He says, his voice slightly higher while raising his fist in the air.

    ,,Say it again."

    ,,Go, Dragons!"

    ,,Good boy." Turning back to the game, he cheers, while his friend clap her hands in usion. ,,Go Dragons..Go Dragons!"

     Following the girl with her eyes, she sees open place for her to kick the ball in. ,,Go, she's open...Go!" The daughter of the agent does exactly that, the duo hugging and cheering loudly as they hear the whistle, signaling the end of the match.

     ,,That is my daughter right there!" Shouts Luke in proudness, squeezing Jessica's shoulder. Samantha jogg to them with a big smile, going for group hug with a laugh.

     The redhead stroke her head in the quick hug, smiling widely in joy. ,,Good job." She breathes out, making the girl grin at her as they pulled from the hug. The man compliment her game too, making her look up at him, her smile slowly fading in a frown, knowing what this all means.

     ,,Daddy and Auntie are gotta go to work?" She mumbles, sighing in sadness. It made the female agent frown too at the expression on her face. Before her father could say anything, the green eyed woman put her hands on their shoulders with a small smile.

     ,,Matter of factly...only auntie's gotta go to work." At the statement Luke turn to her fully, with a knowing look. This mission is important and letting his best friend all by herself isn't that good idea. It could do wrong at so many angles, but the agent just wants them to have a great day with celebrating this amazing victory.

      ,,Again?" He sighs, looking straight into her green eyes. ,,I think you could use my help on this one."

     ,,Luke, it's just another mission, nothing bad it's going to happen." She says, smiling at him, before giving the same smile to the girl who looks up at her, grateful for this opportunity that she's giving them, but the girl doesn't like it either letting her do this alone.

      ,,Now, you gonna need to get a team that you can trust." Spoke up the man from behind them. The older female turn to Hobbs firstly with a small smirk, before turning to the older man with a bigger one.

     ,,Oh, I already got one."

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


      AN DOSENTS OF EXPLOSIONS GOES OFF as the agent flew out of a building. Her hands gribs the steering wheel tightly as she land on the ground, her car slightly jumping at the force. ,,You were only to supposed to create a diversion, Roman." Says Letty through the radio. The agent nodds slightly in agreement, even if she knows that she can't see her.

       ,,That was a diversion." The named male comments in defence.

       Huffing, Jessica gives him a question, knowing she probably has the right answer for it. ,,How many of the damn explosives did you use?" She asks, looking through her review window.

      ,,I do not know, Jess." The dark skinned man trails off. ,,All of it?" He asks himself, making her roll her eyes.

     ,,Wait, all of it?" His best friend says in disbelief, before series of curses comes from all of them.

     ,,You have more of your fan club ahead." Comments the brunette, making the female look closely through her front window. At the statement the Toretto male turn to left, all of them following his lead, making their enemy follow them from behind. Then they started to fire at them, but thankfully they had bulletproof glass, so it wasn't that much of a problem.

    ,,They're still on us."

    ,,These guys are taking this personal." Remarks Roman.

     The woman sigh. ,,Roman, we just blown up their facility and stole their EMP. Other than your doctor's cold fingers, I'd say it's about as personal as it can get." She says calmly.

     Dom then suddenly spoke up,making her ears perk up. ,,Phase 2." The male orders.

     ,,Phase 2?" Said again the dark skinned man in confusion, already getting on the redhead's nerves. As always. ,,So you just gonna keep that to yourself? What happen to Phase 1? What about that part?" He continues.

     ,,Yeah, remember the airplane?" Says the male hacker. ,,Everyone drove their cars out but you."

     ,,I told you my engine seized up." Fires back his friend.

     ,,It's your balls that seized up." Remarks Letty, making the agent smirk in amusement.

     ,,Just follow my lead, okay? And Roman, whatever you do. Don't think." He says, sounding like he mean it in a question. Well he does this often so...thinks Jessica, before giving them another order.

     ,,Tej, drop it." The green eyed woman orders, her hands moving on the steering wheel, ready to turn.

     ,,Bomb's away."

     Looking up, she raise her voice, her hair moving out of her face at the movement. ,,Split, now!" The team completes her order, while she watch a yellow demolition ball flying right through the gab they made, by separating. It hit the enemy,  destroying almost all of their cars and making them flew through the air, flipping and spinning, now being only balls of sheet metal.

     After some curses from Roman, he clear his throat to say something different and more politer. ,,Great plan, Tej." He comments. ,,Just so you know, you miss some." He remarks.

     ,,Just wait for it." When he let this statement passed his lips, the demolition ball come back, striking now all of the cars down. Then she sees that it slightly graze Roman's car, making him yell in the radio.

     ,,I hate you, Tej!" He roars, making his the named friend laugh and the female slightly chuckle at that.

      ,,Got your ass."

      After a moment the redhead realize it's time to split up, making her release a sigh. ,,Alright. Great job, team." Jessica compliments. ,,Let's break up and meet me at the safe house."

     As she says this, her and Dominic turn to left and others to the right. She is thankful this is finally over, really looking forward to have one of hers relaxing baths and maybe even call Luke, knowing that he was tense all day, waiting for her to call or something and say she's alright.

     The duo after a moment slow down little bit, driving right beside each other. ,,Beers on me this time, Dom. Great job." She says, almost not finishing her statement, because the most unexpected thing then happened.

      Dominic collided into her, but unintentionally, he did it with a purpose.

      The agent gasps at the force, loosing her power over the wheel. Her jeep hit a lamp, making the vehicle flip in the air, while she tries hard to hold on. Cries of pain left her lips, hitting her head, arms, legs, her whole body on to the deck and door, before she landed on the ground. A big groan left her lips, trying to move her legs, but the were stuck. No no no, she repeats in her head. This can't be happening. Her eyes then lift up, watching as the Toretto male make his way to co-driver's door and not hers.

      She watches him realising the EMP from the ropes, making her confused, why he's doing this. This isn't Dom. The Dom she knows just wouldn't leave her there, trapped and injured. ,,Dom, you put hands on the EMP, you're gonna have the whole world...even me." She warns, forming her face in pained expression as she tried so hard to wiggle free. The man she trusted ignore her, grabbing the weapon and going back to his car. Jessica gaze at him with mouth open, thinking this is all just some kind of joke. 

       She breathes heavily, giving up to even move any further. ,,I don't know what you're doing but you better think about this, Dom." She breathes out, turning her head to his back. ,,It ain't too late to stop this." She tries further to reason with him. He even stopped for a moment, but didn't turn. The woman thought he will, but he then walks away, making hard for her not to break down.

      Her hand then search for her walkie-talkie, trying to see if it is somewhere. Then like a miracle from heaven happens, she finds it completely fine and working. Her hand wrapped around it, pressing the button at the side with shaking hand. ,,He crossed us..." That's all she is able to says, not able to make a longer sentence.

     ,,What?" Letty speak up with disbelief.

     ,,Wait a second, what are you talking about?" Comes right after her statement.

     Closing her eyes, she breathes out, not believing it either. ,,Dom took the EMP." She says, explaining further and licking her chapped lips.

      ,,Bullshit." Says Roman.

     A short silence linger in the air, everybody falling in their own thoughts, not believing a single word that left her lips, but someone did I understand. ,,Where are you?" The wife of the man asks, sounding not so surprised. She sounded like she knew it was going to happen.

      Then police sirens echoes through the night, making her close her eyes in defeat. ,,It's too late for me, get out of here." She orders for the last time, before putting the walkie-talkie down, banging her hand in her seat with a cry.

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚* ❋ *˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧


    SHE CAN'T EXPRESS HOW ANGERED, disappointed and confused she felt. Why would Dom do this? She knows him for a good time to know he wouldn't ever do this, but still she stood here, wearing the orange jumpsuit that she never thought she would wear, surrounded by guards who guied her every doing.

     ,,No no, wait, fellas." Spoke up someone. The redhead immediately looks up at the familiar voice. Mr. Nobody stood there with a young male by his side, showing his identity card to the guards that made them back away from her. ,,Thank you." He says, shoving the card back in his pocket, looking up to the glaring woman. ,,Well, this is an exciting new look." He comments, his eyes going up and down her outfit.

      The statement make her slightly roll her emerald eyes, before they fall on the young man. Brown light hair and eyes hiden behind black glasses that didn't fall from her, even when she gaze at him with a judging look. ,,What boyband bus did she fallen off?" She spoke up. It makes the male slightly laugh at the offense, taking off his glasses and making her till her head into side.

     ,,My new junior associate." Explains Nobody, the male pulling his head high in the air. ,,He's working with me on this. All yours." He gestures to the younger male.

     ,,Mr. Nobody and I have been given the authority to get you out of this." He spoke up, his blue eyes piercing through her green ones. ,,All you have to do is agree to the terms and you're free."

     ,,What is Justin Timberlake, talking about, what terms?" She asks, turning to Mr. Nobody, but the male answer for his boss,making her again turn to him with irritation.

     ,,Confess to your crimes in Berlin. Treason, international espionage." He lists, making her clench her jaw, trying to contain herself. ,,Massive destruction of civic property. You do that, we close the case." The blue eyed male remarks calmly.

     Turning back to the older man, she let her question slip past her lips. ,,And?"

    ,,And the DSS blacklist. Sure Germany loves that." Mr. Nobody explains, looking at her through his own glasses.

    ,,Officially you'll be a criminal." At the statement she release a big sigh  through her nose, glaring more at the younger man.

    ,,Woah, woah, woah." Laughs nervously Mr. Nobody, trying to ease the tension between them, seeing that any second his assistant could be pinned down on the ground with a bloody nose and black eye. ,,You need to work on your delivery alright." He says, turning to him, before looking back at the redhead. ,,Unofficially, you're off the books. Come work with me."

    The woman flickers her green eyes to each one of them. ,,I'm not a criminal." She says slowly with confidence. And she will never be.

     ,,Jess, come on. Labels."

     ,,There is no confession, there are no back room deals." The named woman remarks. ,,Got myself into this, I'm gonna get myself out of it. You know that." She says.

    ,,I do and that's what I told them. Well there you have it." He sighs. She knows that he became quite fond of her and will try to get her out of this. ,,Good luck in the course." The man smiles slightly, making her raise her eyebrow with the same smile.

     ,,It's good to see you, Nobody."

     ,,You too." He says, patting her on her shoulder.

      The woman for a moment watch him and his assistant go, calculating how long it will take to make her get out, but she just shakes the thought of her mind. Her feet then guid her through the gate. She never in her life though that she would be walking around the cells with the same jumpsuit as the ones she once arrested. Her eyes search through the place with a weird feeling. So this is how it felt? Humalited? Bad? Maybe someone feels even proud that they make it in one of the most guarded prison's in the world. Maybe.

     She held her head high and back straight. She even see some people that she arrested, even remembering their faces. Insults flew through the air. Banging on the bars and screaming at her goes through the whole prison. ,,You're dead cop!'' Someone says, but it didn't make her loose her confidence, maybe it even boost her up. ,,Dead!" The guards held her tight, worrying that she will spring free any minute, but she didn't do anything, following them to her cell with a confidence.

     When they start to near her cell, they turn around a corner, surrounding her even more. It made her slightly confuse why they were so many guiding her. Like she even have the strength and mood to break free. A sudden voice that she thought she will never hear again and see it's owner's face, echoes through the prison like a loud alarm. ,,Well, well, well...Jessica Gray behind bars. Would you look at that?" The woman sneers at him, while the guards started to open her cell.

    The British male didn't seem to mind her death glare, but there is something that both of them minded. Their cells are right opposite each other. How ironic, thinks the female, rolling her eyes as he spoke up again. ,,It's nice to officialy meet the woman that cripple my brother." Says Deckard Shaw, pressing his hands on the glass, looking at her reaction through it.

     ,,Can't say I am please to see your face again." She remarks, turning her back to him, when the doors of her cell open. The guards take off her handcuffs, before shoving her in the cell. She turns to them, giving them last glare, before the door shuts. Immediately she then walk to the glass, facing the man, finding him leaning on it with crossed arms.

     His brown eyes goes up and down her body so slowly that it made her raise her eyebrow and purse her full lips. ,,You know that color looks good on you." He comments, finally speaking up.

     ,,Yeah?" Jessica raise her voice, before leaning her hands on the glass with a glare. ,,Thanks, but it look a whole hell of a lot better with your blood on it."

      ,,Yeah?'' Deckard repeats after her, before leaning on the glass with the same movements as hers. ,,Good luck with that, Wonder Woman." The two stand there for a moment, just death-glaring each other down, before the man spoke up with raised eyebrows.

     ,,Gone bad." He humms in amusement. ,,Such a cliche." The red haired woman rolled her upper lip, trying hard not to fire back a remark, watching his every move. ,,Ah well. Welcome to the club." He says his accent thicker then ever.

      ,,We ain't in no club, mate." The green eyed female comments with a British accent, before laughing dryly. The criminal clench his jaw as she mock him, while he listen to her rambling. ,,We got nothing in common and unlike you, I ain't gonna be here long." The Gray woman spits out, crossing her arms.

      The man turns away to her, before mumbling a statement. ,,We'll see about that..."



this chapter is for mcador_5 :)
i hope you like it and same for you guys *secretly thinking i could do better than this*
btw thank you so much for your amazing support and thank you for reaching 20k
luv ya all


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