Chapter 2 - My Stranger...

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Lee's Cafe:

"Haan ji Mumma" she replied as her mother spoke on the phone "Ji" she nodded giving a bored expression.

Her eyes met his and her blood boiled "Kon woh gadha? (That Donkey?)" Sanskar smirked as she continued "He's not a baby anymore, he is completely capable enough to take care of himself!"

He nodded as she shook her head "Fine! I'll see what I can do" she exclaimed bored again and now he started ringing the bell annoying her more.

"It's some makki bhin bhinaing around me since a week" she replied to her mother making him frown "Anything is better then a makkhi dude!"

She twisted her lips but then chuckled "That donkey brother can do nothing, boys are just useless. I can handle this makkhi myself!" Sanskar stuck his tongue out.

"Okay, now bye!" she cut the call off and gave him a token. He gazed around "Every table's empty and yet you give me the farthest one? Why baby why?"

She leaned on her desk with anger "First of all, I'm not a BABY!" he covered his ear as she stood back straight and continued "Either that table or no table, choice is yours Makkhi!"

He grabbed the token and walked away as her lips curved up "Is it just the case and me or does it include a third person, say a person whose name starts with an R and ends with an I?"

He gave her a straight look "Shut up! and do your work okay?" and he walked away.

The fifteen missed calls on her cell phone went unnoticed but the high pitched scream grabbed both their attention, she trembled in fear as he ran past her.

Sweat beads formed on her forehead as she tried to breathe, he rushed in his right hand on his gun but someone dashed into him. He held her as she hid her face in his chest "Please help" her voice laced in fear "there... "

He caressed her hair and gave her a moment but then separated her, his hands on her shoulders as he asked "Where?"

Ragini was shivering "The cold storage, he looked all pale and .... and he jumped in me from no where. I... "

"Shh... You stay here, I'll have a look okay?" she grabbed his hands "No" she shook her head "Please... don't leave me here alone. What .... what if he comes here."

"But if I don't go now, he might run away" he exclaimed and but she was in a denial mode "No! I can't stay here alone please... "

"I'm right here" Aira exclaimed holding onto her "Officer you can do your work."

Her grip on him loosened as she now hugged Aira tightly who consoled her "Shh.... Baby, it's not him."

The other words became indistinct for Sanskar who turned towards the cold storage, the gun now in his hand as he slowly pushed the door open the person suddenly fell over him with a gun in their hand.

Gun shots were heard and both the girls got alert "We need to go, he's alone." 

The sudden change in Ragini's attitude shook Aira as Ragini rushed the same way Sanskar did "Are you really the same Ragini that I know?" she wondered following her.


The dead body was covered in white and taken out, Aira frowned as Sanskar pulled her along "I'm putting a harassment case on you officer!"

"Yea sure, once I complete this case I myself will write the FIR. I badly need a vacation!"

Ragini stared at him confused "In a jail?"

He nodded as they entered the security room "Did you find anything?"

The security guy nodded and pressed enter and a glitched voice spoke "Hello Officer! I know you have been dying to get a hold of me aren't you?"

Sanskar smirked as the hooded figure continued "So I finally thought why not have a long game of justice in the open?"

Photographs of a gang of men appeared as the voice continued "If I'm not wrong you have a great memory and you perfectly know who these men are?"

"Gang rape of a 20 year old girl in the name of religion" Sanskar exclaimed now his fists balled in anger as he heard a chuckle "Yea the old stupid religion rivalry. But I'm an Indian so for me injustice to any human is just plain unfair and I am going to give the girl justice."

"So, I remember the court pleading the younger one to be a juvenile" Sanskar's cellphone ringed and he stared the screen his eyes red and moist. 

"Aww, your such a nice human being and that's why Agni's being so nice to you. He's already dead and the remaining will die inside your jail."

Ragini had no expression's as Aira shivered the voice continued "The ball is in your court lets see who goals it first. Also I have a clue for you somewhere around and now!"

The hear a spark "Justice with no Agni is an incomplete Justice after all!" the whole system was ablaze as Security guy and Aira rushed out Ragini stood there numb.

The laughter echoed "Tick tock tick tock officer, grab the clock if you can... "

Sanskar grabbed Ragini and rushed out of the room as the monitor blasted, "Are you okay?"

She nodded as he got off her and gave her his hand which she grabbed and stood up.

Aira held onto her watch and finally she was back to normal as she inhaled a deep breath "Call the fire brigade quick!"

The security guy nodded and left as Yug approached her "You fine?" she nodded and pointed towards Sanskar who seemed a bit injured.

"Sir!" Yug rushed to his aid "The doctor is on his way- "

"Doctor? We should rush him to the hospital, he's injured injured not little bit injured." Ragini exclaimed all hyper concerned.

Sanskar smiled at her "I'm fine, besides I have loads of work to do then just sit in a hospital ward and stare at the walls. Unless the clues are in the hospital, are they?"

Ragini wondered "He did mention the clock at the end" she tried to remember more "In most of the books they give cliffhangers in the end of every chapter."

Sanskar watched Aira who was holding onto her watch tightly and he replied "But this isn't the end of this chapter... "

"Hey pretty lady can I get some coffee?" his voice made her lips curve up as she looked up a broad male back covered her and she heard a familiar voice "You should have your eyes checked up, the big board outside says closed buddy."

Aira frowned as the other guy sighed "I was just- "

"Maybe some other day!" and he left.

"How dare you deprive me of hot guys?" Aira's hands now folded on her chest as Yug turned around to face her replying "Boss's orders, you need to kept under my safety radar for a few days."

"I guess safety radar means saving me from criminals not handsome and hot guys!"

"You didn't even have a look at him."

"I could feel the vibes?"

"Shut up! And focus on your work" he walked away as she fretted "Focus on what work? Thanks to you and your boss I haven't had a single customer since morning and the dead person in my cold storage who was not so dead until your stupid boss shot him!"

"Sanskar would have died if not for the other guy" Ragini replied and she gave her a look "You think so?"

"Everyone dies when they are shot Aira!"

"Oh please, this moti chamdi is gonna take a lot more then just some bullets. For a thought, sometimes I feel he's some satan's minion who never dies. Even if this world ends, he would be the only person alive on some other planet and starting a new crime trend!"

"Why so mean?"

"I'm just like that, take it or leave it!" she slammed the door shut and Sanskar chuckled "Okay, you can give me a tour of this place right?"

Ragini nodded and he turned to Yug "Be on the line, if anyone needs you just drop me a message and if anyone asks for me tell them I'm busy."

Yug nodded as they left, he grabbed his intercom "The way's all clear, we are on now!"

Aira's Car:

Aira's cellphone buzzed but she didn't pay any heed and continued to drive ...

"If it weren't for your brother you wouldn't have been alive!"

"Mom, I did not ask him to be my hero! He did it cos he wanted your attention which he has 24 by seven."

"Oh my god, not this again!"

"You started it."

"Look at your condition, you cant even walk properly, you have always been a disappointment to me and now this!"

"If your so disgusted of me then LEAVE! I'm fine all by myself. I don't need your fake motherly concerns!"


The car came to a screeching halt, she shivered "I'm a disappointment is what you remind me always mom and after all that happened thanks to your wonderful son even I feel like a disappointment now. I mean theres nothing that could put me down anymore anyway, I'm at the lowest level already and waiting for my death!"

A knock on her glass grabbed her attention and she smiled lowering the glass "Yes?"

"I din't know cute girls had such low memory?"

The voice curved her lips up as she replied "Lift?"

He nodded with cute puppy eyes and she opened the door "Usually I don't give lift to strangers!"

"Lakshya" he replied and she giggled "What's your Lakshya today Mr. Lakshya?"

"JBR road, there's a cafe over there. I know Lee's cafe tops the list but now that it's closed I guess we have to work it out there."

She nodded driving off.

"So that's all?" Sanskar asked and she nodded in return.

"I'm tired how about some coffee?"

"I don't know to make coffee" her response made him chuckle.

"What's so funny about that?" she frowned and he shook his head saying "You work at a cafe and you don't know to make coffee? It's like I'm a police and I don't know to pull the trigger on a gun."

She twisted her lips "It's not like you can do everything."

"Just name it girl!"

"Coffee for two" she exclaimed walking out and his eyes fell on the board.

"Agni is really a women of her words" he read the clue "Fine then if I'm so wrong let's see until when you are going to be right" he caressed the word Agni.

Lee Cafe's Kitchen;

Ragini eyed her cellphone suspiciously "Waiting for a call are we?" he questioned and she tried not to show her nervousness.

"Actually... Yea but it's kinda personal."

"Personal as in family or... "


He kept down the coffee mugs "You can share your worries to a complete stranger."

She shrugged her shoulders "Maybe, but where would I find complete stranger?"

"Right in front of you lady!"

"Your not a complete stranger" she fought back and he was quick as a cat "Then who am I?"

She licked her lips "Just a stranger..."

"What difference does that make?"

"I know your a officer and I know your very serious regarding your work which makes you prada an honest and hardworking officer but also I know that you're not gay which isn't a bad thing but being indifferent about marriage is."

"Hey! In my defense I want a girl who would love me just me" he replied "Not some stranger who she knows is officer Sanskar."

"Then go get a girlfriend you doofus!"

"I don't want a love marriage that's so cliche" he made a face.

"Okay so you want a girl who knows just you but you won't make any efforts" she nodded "I get it now."


"That your a mcp!"

"Haww" his mouth formed an O "In my defense I'm not!"

"Prove it" she said setting her coffee mug down.

"Okay so she can wear what she wants, she can work where ever she wants and she can do what ever she wants!

"See an MCP!"


"These are her free right's she doesn't need your approval for that?"

"Hey you extreme feminist! That what I said she can do what she wants" he shrugged his shoulders.

"In my defense I'm an equity follower unlike mcps like you."

"Then in your opinion how should I be miss Ragini?"

"Umm, someone whose there for her always!" her eyes sparkled as she continued and Sanskar couldn't help but just get lost in them.

Some Random Cafe;

"Ragini" Laksya replied and Aira felt nervous "How does she look?" she queried and he sighed.

"Can we not go back into my past?"

She nodded "I'm sorry, it's just that I know someone with the same name."

"It's a common name" he replied and she shook her head "It's a 90's ka name!"

"Chuck it" Lakshya exclaimed "You tell me how many?"

"None" she grinned "I just fool around, men aren't worth my attention."

He leaned in closer to her ear "How about legends like me?"

She flushed "Your Lame!"

"Pleasure's all mine" he expressed.

She sipped in her coffee knowing it all she leaned back on her chair with a smirk "I'm an undying mystery officer. Even if I share pieces of my thoughts, you'll never be able to guess my next move. Because my stranger, I do everything in silence... Or do I?"

P.S Okay, so no cliffhangers aaj bhi! See I'm so good at not being mysterious aren't I? :p So let me know how it was in the comments section and do vote if you feel it's worth one ;) Until Another Sunday,

Keep Reading :)

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