Chapter 10 - The Light of a Dream!

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Our dreams are rising and our hearts are singing. Aikatsu Dreams is about to begin!



Emi came sulking back to our dorm, and she flopped down on the floor.

"Y-You okay Emi?" I queried as I observed Emi roll around.

"Kazuna, do you think anyone wants to see me? Does anyone care?" Emi questioned, staring at the ceiling.

"Are you talking about your solo live tomorrow?"

Emi sighed.

"Well duh! Of course people want to see you perform! And I care!" I pulled Emi up.

"But I don't have any fans..."

"Yes you do! And I'm your fan too, remember?"

"I'm your fan as well Kazuna! But still...AHHH THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!" Emi flailed her arms about.

"Stop. Thinking. Negatively!" I grabbed Emi's shoulders and shook her.

"You're right..." Emi said in a negative tone.

"Look. It doesn't matter about how many people show up! What matters is the performance you give!"

Emi exhaled. "You're absolutely right! I've been waiting for this moment, and I'm not going to be miserable about it! Because I want to be a top idol!"

"That's what we're going to do! We're going to become top idols!" I said determinedly.

Emi started to daydream. A little later, she took out her Aikatsu mobile and watched one of Asami's performances. I sat beside her and we watched the wonderful performance together.

"...Every time the sun comes up, the feeling to go forth comes over me. And I'll keep chasing your smile till the very end."

When the performance concluded, Emi stood up.

"I feel inspired now! I'm going to go train!" she announced.

"I'm coming too!" I got up and followed her.


"You're all set for tomorrow Emi!" I told my precious friend, who had just finished practising the dance routine for her solo.

"Thanks! Now I just have to pull off the most amazing show ever!" Emi said, her eyes dazzling.

I grinned. "You definitely will! But it's getting kinda late. We should go eat dinner now" I commented. Emi agreed, and the two of us had a hearty meal before heading to our dorm.

Ten minutes after I switched off the light, Emi, who had been tossing and turning, piped up.

"Are you asleep Kazuna?" Emi asked me.

"Nope. Not yet" I responded.

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight" she whispered.

"Is it because your solo is on tomorrow?" I questioned.

"Wow, you used magic Kazuna! You guessed it! I'm just so excited! But I'm nervous at the same time..." Emi said the last bit quietly.

"There's no need to nervous" I told her.

"Says the one who didn't want to go on stage alone!" Emi joked. I laughed awkwardly.

"Anyways, we should both try to get some sleep." I closed my eyes and snuggled in the blankets.

"You're right. Well, goodnight Kazuna! Oh, and one more thing!"

I opened my eyes again.

"Thanks for being here for me."

After Emi said those words, she turned, and didn't stir. I smiled to myself. "Thanks as well Emi."


"Morning Emi!" I said as I woke up. I didn't get a reply. I looked over at where Emi was supposed to be. There was no sign of her anywhere in the dorm.

I put on my uniform and went to the main building.

"Hey Kazuna! Where's Emi?" Miru asked when we were getting breakfast.

"I have no clue...please don't tell me she's lost again" I muttered, remembering the other day on Aikatsu Island.

"Maybe she was blinded by my amazing Hanakaness?" Hanaka suggested.

Miru and I looked at Hanaka.

"I was just kidding!" Hanaka huffed.

As the three of us discussed where Emi could be, someone came up to us.

"Are you looking for Emi Miharu?" a girl in Aurora Symphony questioned. The three of us nodded.

"I saw her early this morning. She went out for a jog, and then she said she was going to the Headmistress" the girl explained.

"Why though?" I said to no one in particular. The girl shrugged.

"Something about leaving school grounds and going to a beach. Anyways, bye!"

"What..." Hanaka's eyebrow twitched as she became confused.

"Stegosaurus..." Miru muttered.

I had already raced to the Headmistress, taking a few snacks with me.

Hanaka and Miru watched me go. As Miru reached out to grab the biscuit I had gotten and placed on my tray, Hanaka slapped her hand.

And they had another battle.


I stopped running when I passed through the park. The stage was being set up for later. It looked amazing. I didn't stay to marvel for long though. I rushed down the path, and after five minutes, was at the beach.

This place was oddly familiar. I saw Emi sitting on the sand as she gazed at the ocean.

She seemed to sense my presence.

"Do you know one of the reasons why I like the ocean?"

I walked down to the shore and sat down next to her.

"Go on."

"Because, when you look out to the ocean, you can't see the end. It seems endless. It makes you wonder what lies beyond the eye's view, but what you can already see is stunning enough. It reminds me of our futures. We want to know what's at the end, but we can't see it. I believe that we should stop trying to see the future, and enjoy the journey we take to get there."

The wind ruffled Emi's hair. I had never seen my best friend like this before. The sparkles seemed to radiate off her.

She closed her eyes, then when she opened them, she stood up.

"Let's get going!" she stated cheerfully. I was still a bit bewildered by Emi's sudden speech, but I got up. She grinned at me. Before we left, Emi turned back.

"Hey Kazuna, guess what?"


"We met before the New Year's festival! Well, sort of."

Then I remembered. It was a few years ago, and I came to this beach when I was visiting my Grandmother.

I was walking along the shore, when a girl with brown hair with a lilac ombré, and purple eyes with a hint of gold, walked passed me. We had both looked at each other but didn't say a word.

It was kind of funny to think that we were complete strangers at that time, completely unaware that we would become best friends in the future.

"Before we go, can I ask you something Emi?"


"Why did you want to become an idol?"

Emi smiled at me.

"I was average, and did average things. I never really had an interest in idols. Until one day, I came across Epiphany when they had just formed their group. I was moved, and wanted to become an idol myself! I wanted to shine too!" the beaming Emi said.

"I can relate to that" I told her, grinning.


"Please come for my performance in two hours!" Emi said, handing a flyer out. Emi, Miru, Hanaka and I were handing out some flyers for Emi's performance, just to get some extra people. At that moment, a boy that Emi finds extremely annoying came up to her.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Riding a purple elephant...actually, that would be very cool!" Emi started to daydream about riding a purple elephant afterwards.

"Haha. But why are you handing out flyers? It's not like anyone will come anyways" Ryuu remarked rudely.

"Of course people will come!" Emi retorted, but she was unsure when she blurted those words out. Ryuu sighed.

"Whether or not people come, still put on an amazing performance." Ryuu said.

"I know that!" Emi pouted.

"Sure you did" said the unconvinced Ryuu.

"I DO KNOW THAT!" Emi screamed.

"Alright, alright!" Ryuu grunted, taking a flyer out of Emi's hands.

"Give that back! Hey! HEY! COME BACK HERE!" Emi shouted, racing after Ryuu who was walking away.


"I need that flyer to give it to a potential audience member!...And why are you even here in the first place?"

" there a problem with me being here?"


"You're rude."

"You're ruder."

"I'm not going to waste my time arguing" Ryuu said as he ran off.


"Well Emi, we've finished giving out all of these flyers!" I told Emi as I handed the last of my flyers out.

"I AM the flyer!" Miru said.

"You can't be everything Miru" Hanaka mumbled.

"But I AM everything!"

Hanaka rolled her eyes. "I expect an amazing performance Emi in exchange for me helping hand out flyers" she said.

"I won't disappoint!" Emi declared cheerfully, a determined glint in her eye.

The two hours passed quickly, and soon, Emi found herself getting ready.

"You will do great Emi" Headmistress Seiko told her as Emi was taking some deep breaths. She nodded.

Emi however, didn't realise that only ten seats had been filled. I spotted Ryuu hiding behind a tree, but he wasn't the biggest concern I had.

My biggest concern was how Emi would react to the number of people that came to see her...

When Headmistress Seiko hurried away, I went backstage. The outdoor stage was incredibly huge, so that was why there was a backstage.

"You ready Emi?" I asked her.

"Of course!" though she didn't sound so sure.

"You'll do great!" I remarked encouragingly.

"Thanks Kazuna! I just can't believe that I'm finally going to perform" Emi said sheepishly.

"You've been waiting for this day for ages haven't you?"

"Yep! But still...I've only dreamed about this day, and now that it's finally happening..." Emi took a step towards the stage, but she halted.

"You can do it Emi!"

"Right!" Emi beamed, but she still didn't budge.

I marched towards her.

"Make your audience smile from their hearts!" I gave her a push of encouragement.

"Kazuna...of course!" Emi stated cheerfully. She then gave me a hug. I hugged her back.

"Good luck!" I said.

I took my seat in between Hanaka and Miru, and prayed that everything would go alright.

The special effects went off, and I watched anxiously as Emi walked onto the stage. Her smile dropped.

Oh no.

"Umm...hi everyone...I'm Emi Miharu..." Emi introduced herself awkwardly. Two people rolled their eyes and got up to leave. A girl giggled to her friend. This made Emi even more flustered. "I-I..."

People were looking bored, and some were yawning. The number of people here was decreasing slowly.

"Go Emi! I believe in you! Show us a miracle!" I shouted as I stood up.

Hanaka and Miru glanced at me, and they rose too.

"Show me that you're not a nest, but the best!" Hanaka exclaimed.

"This stegosaurus is ready to be dazzled by a dream!" Miru announced.

"Kazuna, Hanaka, Miru..." Emi said quietly.

"So Emi, what are you going to do?"

Asami had appeared on the stage next to Emi.

"A-Asami?" Emi stuttered. The people seated went wild.

The small audience gaped at this sudden entrance.

"Asami can teleport!" Miru exclaimed, her eyes wide.

Asami smiled at Emi. "Sooo..."

Emi took a deep breath, then faced the audience.

"I might not be able to pull of the greatest performance right now. But my friends have worked so hard to help me! I don't want to let them down! I don't want all of their hard work go to waste! That's why I'm going to perform! I've been working my absolute hardest to be able to pull this off! I'm not going to back down now! I'm going to give an amazing performance!" Emi shouted. She turned to face Asami.

"Because I want to shine too" Emi exclaimed as she smiled to herself.

Asami smiled gently before she exited the stage. She looked back at Emi, and opened her mouth to speak. "Well then, show us what you can do!"


Emi held her cards tightly in her hands.

"This is it. My solo live. And I'm going to make it unforgettable!"

"Emi Miharu, like a dreaming miracle!"

(Title: Miracle Line!)

(Music: Start Line! (short version))

(The following song is Start Line! by AIKATSU☆STARS! There is an off-vocal version for this song, but I've decided to put the actual performances instead. Imagine our lyrics in place of the lyrics sung. Start Line! does not belong to me.)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Coord: Dreamy Smile Coord


Our Lyrics:

Emi: Miracles aren't mean to be dreamed

They're meant to be achieved

Believe that you'll reach your dreams one day

Miracle Line!

Emi: If you find yourself losing your way

Just let the light guide your path

Can you hear that sweet harmony?

It's the melody of your heart's desires and wishes

Doubting yourself will only lead to misery

Become the unfaltering light that shines on the future!

The dream begins now!

Emi: Miracles aren't meant to be dreamed

They're meant to be achieved

Believe that you'll reach your dreams one day

Don't look over your shoulder all the time

And you'll surely take flight and reach out for the

Miracle Line!

Take this chance

And leap towards that endless dream!


Special Appeal: Dream Cute Charm (basically the Star Cute Charm)


Cheers and applause erupted from the large crowd that had gathered when Emi started performing. Ryuu had come out from behind the tree and started clapping along with everyone else. Emi beamed at the audience, who seemed to have tripled in size.

Emi's idol aura had grown, and that wasn't the only thing that was dazzling. Emi herself was.

I sprinted backstage to where Emi was.

"You were truly outstanding Emi!" I hugged her tightly. She hugged me back tightly.

"Thanks Kazuna! I couldn't have done it without you! Though, I think I finally understand now..."

I let go of her.

"I've daydreamed about being a top idol since I first knew about Epiphany. But there's more to being an idol than just dancing and singing. I know that it requires hard-work, determination, talent, skill, and so many more things. As I am right now, there's no way I'll be able to be a top idol. Plus, I know I'm missing a vital component that's preventing me from reaching my dream..." my best friend looked at the ground with a sad smile.


Emi lifted her head and smiled. "I still don't know what it really means to be an idol, and I still don't have the skill. But that's why I'm going to keep working hard! I've realised now that my dream may never come true. But if I give up now, I'll never know what's to come! And I might find what I'm looking for if I keep going. That's why I'm going to continue flying to my dreams!" Emi beamed, doing a fist pump in the air in the process.

"I like the sound of that!" I exclaimed. "And you know, I think what you just said was very top-idol like" I grinned broadly.

Emi's face lit up. "Really?" she said delightedly. I nodded.

"Recognising the qualities of an idol helps you understand what you're missing" I said.

"I feel so wise now! Though I still don't know what it really means to be an idol, and what I'm missing" Emi sighed loudly.

I put my hand on her shoulder. "We can find out together!"

Emi and I both smiled. Her words had also got me thinking. I knew I was missing something too...but for now, I would put that thought aside. "Let's both work hard together!" 

We put our hands on top of each other. When we raised them, we high-fived. Afterwards, the two of us leapt into the air, excited for the future! But before we headed to the future...

"Let's get something to eat!" Emi declared. "I'm starving!"

"So am I! And why don't we start planning our next live?"



And that's a wrap! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you find any mistakes concerning grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.

I sincerely hope you read the next chapter, and continue reading Emi and Kazuna's story! There's going to be some new characters coming soon as well, so look forward to it!

Till the next chapter!

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