Chapter 11 - The Differences Between Us

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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed the last chapter! Emi finally performed! However, Kaylee and I have realised that writing so many words in our chapters takes up quite a bit of time, and we're especially busy since all our assignments are due soon, and we have major exams coming up. That's why, from now on, the chapters are going to be shorter than they were before. At least, until we get to the more important chapters. Sorry if you liked our REALLY long chapters. But anyways, I hope you keep reading and enjoy!

Our dreams are rising and our hearts are singing. Aikatsu Dreams is about to begin!



"You're just bubbling with happiness aren't you?" Kazuna asked, grinning.

I smiled. My solo live I put on was all I was thinking about.

"All right! I'm going to perform!" I exclaimed, standing up.

"Hold your horses-"Kazuna began.

"I don't have horses...but I want a pet elephant!" I beamed.

Kazuna face-palmed. I stuck my tongue out.

"I'm kidding! Well, not about owning a pet elephant. That would be amazing!" I started to drift off into a daydream. Kazuna shook me.

"We have to go to class, remember?" Kazuna told me.

"Of course! Let's go then!"

We both headed off towards class in good spirits.


"Morning darlings! I have an exciting surprise for you all!" Miss Hiroki announced. I had my doubts.

"Why do you look so skeptical?" Kazuna whispered as she leaned over sideways.

"Because the last time she said she had a surprise, we joined classes with Blazing Symphony..."

"Today, we are once more going to be joined by the Blazing Symphony darlings!" Miss Hiroki said happily.

I sighed loudly and flopped down on the table. "I totally called it."

"Anyways, I'm going to elect one darling of this class to represent us! Emi, since you look so enthusiastic, why don't you be our representative?" Miss Hiroki said. Kazuna snickered.

"Y-yes Miss Hiroki...but um, I have a question"


"What am I the representative for?"

"Mr Etsuko will explain."

"Right, thanks..."

This time, we were heading over to Blazing Symphony classroom.

Blazing Symphony's classroom was basically the same as ours. Kaito, who saw us when we walked in, waved. Kazuna waved back and dragged me over. She sat next to Kaito, and I grudgingly took a seat next to Ryuu.

Mr Etsuko explained how Aurora and Blazing were going to be putting on a play, since it was nearing the date of one of the school's festivals. The two representatives were going to be the leads, and were going to have a joint practice too.  I was bubbling with happiness that I could get to be the star in the play! I was in my own little world, daydreaming. I didn't hear Mr Etsuko ask for the two representatives to step forward, so that they could receive their scripts.

"Hey, Emi! Emi! EMI!" Kazuna shook me out of my wonderful daydream.


"Mr Etsuko wants you down there!"


I happily skipped to the front of the classroom, accidentally bumping into the representative from Blazing Symphony, who was already at the front.

"Oops! Sor-" I opened my eyes to see Ryuu standing in front of me.



"Come on Emi! Stop sulking! You're the leading lady! I should be a lead too" Hanaka whispered the last part, pouting.

"You're so lucky! This stegosaurus and the rest of my class will only be running some stalls this year..." Miru sighed. "So will Crimson Melody."

"Running a stall is fun though! What will you be doing?" Kazuna asked Miru.

"I'll be selling some stegosaurus biscuits with frosting!" Miru stated proudly.

"Of course" Kazuna laughed. "How 'bout you Hanaka?"

Hanaka laughed creepily to herself.

"Uhhh" Kazuna blinked.

"I'm selling some dog and cat mugs, fluffy things, and most importantly Hanaka Jukashi merchandise!" Hanaka declared boldly.

"You're joking right?" Kazuna asked.


Kazuna and Miru sighed.

"Oh, and I'm gonna have to take over your stall too Miru" Hanaka said casually.


"...Hey, where did Emi go?" Kazuna asked. As soon as she finished her sentence, the bell rang.

Hanaka, Miru and Kazuna waved goodbye before leaving.


"Where did you run off to Emi?" Kazuna asked me.

"I went to go get a cookie~" I said cheerfully. Kazuna sighed, but smiled afterwards.

"Okay darlings! Time to start preparing! Now, here's a brief overview of the story and the characters. The story is about four very different people who come together in order to defeat an evil demon. Since Emi and Ryuu are the representative's they're the main characters. Emi, you're playing the poor farm girl who's the descendant of a legendary king, and the rightful heir to the throne of your kingdom. However, you don't know this till the end. Ryuu, you're a prince of the neighbouring kingdom who comes from a powerful lineage, and you vow to make your own name. Now for the other characters. Kazuna, you're a travelling mage who meets Emi while she is on the quest to defeat the demon. You agree to go along with her. Kaito, you're a defender of a nearby village who is misunderstood, and by defeating the demon, you hope to be accepted by the people of your village."

Miss Hiroki continued listing the other characters. I didn't even care that I had to act with Ryuu. The story sounded so amazing and interesting! This was no regular play at all! I couldn't wait!

"Alright! I'm gonna fly to my dreams!" I exclaimed, doing a fist pump. Miss Hiroki stopped talking and everyone looked at me.

"Heh...sorry!" I apologised sheepishly.

"Oi! You can't fly to your dreams" Ryuu whispered.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Because there's gravity idiot!"

Before I could retaliate, Miss Hiroki finished listing the characters, and we began rehearsing.

I had to admit. Ryuu was truly amazing while we were practising. I didn't really realise that there was such a huge difference in our abilities though until...


The day of the play was finally here. I was so excited, but a tad bit nervous.

"All right everyone, places!" Mr Etsuko yelled. "Oh, and can I please speak with Ryuu and Emi?"

Ryuu and I went over to Mr Etsuko.

As you're aware, Epiphany and Just Soar are both currently on tour. They were supposed to get back today, but due to a transportation failure, you will be filling in for them.

"...EH?!" Ryuu and I said in unison.

"Now, go take your places!" Mr Etsuko announced to us, and everyone else who was dawdling.

I took a deep breath as the curtain rose.


I stood there, frozen. I had completely forgotten my next line. And it was such an important line too! I tried to think, but I didn't know what to say. Every pair of eyes were looking at me. The scene we were currently performing was the scene where Ryuu and I hold the all-mighty sword and take down the demon, with the rest of the cast cheering us on. This DEFINITELY wasn't your average play. And I had forgotten my line.

The guy from Blazing Symphony who was playing the demon, was mouthing the words that I had to say, but I could understand.

"I know that  you're scared right now, but we can do this!"

Everyone on stage looked at Ryuu. This wasn't in the script!

"I know that things are looking bad right now, but we can't lose hope! We have to keep fighting, to strive for something better!"

I was lost in my own thoughts as I was taking in Ryuu's cheesy line. Heh, so I wanted a grilled cheese sandwich...

"So, let's do this Emi!" Ryuu said.

"Huh?" I said, snapping out of my daydream about me eating grilled cheese sandwiches.

The audience laughed.

Surprisingly, Ryuu didn't look fazed. "Come on Emi! While the demon in distracted! Let's go!"

I don't know why I said the word, but as soon as Ryuu finished his little speech, I spoke up.


"We can do this Emi. Don't give up! Remember why you've been fighting! Let's see this till the end!"

I took a deep breath, and nodded. "Of course!"


"Now, let's finish him off together Ryuu!" I shouted.


We performed the final blow, and the demon fell to the floor. The audience erupted into cheers. The curtain closed, and re-opened again to reveal the aftermath of the demon's death, and how dreams were coming true. I had taken my rightful place on the throne, and Ryuu had created a title for himself.


Everyone bowed as the audience clapped, cheered and whistled in delight. This play had been so intense and thrilling, not to mention a heap of fun! I was sad that it was over. But, something else was on my mind. The line that Ryuu made up...

Ryuu was already pretty good in the rehearsal, but on the stage, he was just...simply incredible! I can't believe I'm saying this, but he was. His acting skills were amazing! I had been fairly confident with my acting, but seeing Ryuu made me feel a bit upset. It confirmed the fact that I still had a long way to go before I reached the top. I sighed loudly.

"Oi! Stop sighing and go get ready for your performance! Mr Etsuko is explaining to everyone how Epiphany and Just Soar won't be performing, but we will be instead. And you're up first.

My sad expression turned into one of pure joy.

"Aaaaalllllrrrrriiiiiggggghhhhhttttt!" I beamed happily.

"Woah, calm down" Ryuu took a step back from he excited me.


I held the cards I was going to use for this performance in my hands and smiled.

"Emi Miharu, like a dreaming miracle!"

(Title: Blooming Star Skips)

(Music: Heart Ski♡ps )

(The following song is Heart Ski♡ps by AIKATSU☆STARS! I know that this song is a pop song, but in Aikatsu Dreams, it'll be a cute song. Imagine our lyrics in place of the ones sung. The song does not belong to me.)

Coord: I couldn't get the picture to load. Sorry :/ Emi's wearing a coord from Ethereal Sunrise)

Our Lyrics (Welp, this has to be the weirdest song we've written so far xD):

Emi: Blooming star skips

Yay yay yay!

Blooming star skips

Yay yay yay!

Emi: Standing on my toes, I'm searching for happiness

The flowers beneath my feet are spreading their colour

I wear my shoes that twinkle in the daylight

And skip forward towards the goal

The sadness around me is blooming into smiles

And I'll sprint past the meadow to the stars!

Emi: The sparkling stars shine upon me

And I can't help but feel excited

The rhythm I embrace

Makes me want to skip to the blooming stars!

The sky filled with wishes is up ahead

And I will continue to skip down this blooming star path!

Emi: Blooming star skips

Yay yay yay!

Blooming star skips!


Special Appeal: Dazzling Ethereal World (See chapter 7 to see how this appeal goes. Emi's performing this appeal since the coord she's wearing is from Ethereal Sunrise. The appeal will be the same, but the hearts, stars and colours will be fewer than Asami's version of this appeal)


I waved at the applauding and cheering audience. There was a spring in my step as I stepped off stage, beaming.

"Hey...that was pretty good" Ryuu said quietly, staring at the floor.

I was so jubilant that I grinned and said thanks cheerfully.

Now, it was Ryuu's turn.


"Ryuu Tanaka, about to rock!" (A/N: Heh this is so weird)

(Title: Unwavering Hero)

(Music: Glass Doll (EXCEPT! The first bit of the song, where it sounds spooky like, will not be in our version of the song. It'll start when the rock music comes on. Any Gothic/spooky-like bits in the music will not be in our version. A Gothic idol will be appearing soon for that ;))

(The following song is Glass Doll by STAR☆ANIS. Imagine our lyrics in place of the ones sung. This song does not belong to me)

(A/N: Because why not? xD)

Our Lyrics (A/N: Just saying, but the song is completely different xP):

Ryuu: Looking straight ahead

It's clear that the road is rocky

I will not falter

And I'll continue in the crimson sunlight

These unpredictable days seem endless

But I'll keep going, because I want to protect you

Ryuu: The adventure is at its peak, and I will stand my ground

With you beside me, I'll overcome this wall

I'm getting my courage from the cheers I hear

I will not lose

Because I'm an unwavering hero


(A/N: Kaylee and I won't do special appeals for the boys...sorry :/)


The cheers and claps were even louder this time. People were even standing up from their seats.

I pouted as I fiddled with my fingers.

There was no doubt about it though. Ryuu was amazing. Unfortunately.

Later that day, I saw Ryuu talking to some people.

"You were so cool! I'm your fan!" a girl stated.

"So am I!" a little boy jumped up and down with excitement.

"How did you become so awesome at acting and performing?" someone else asked.

"I'm always training, and I keep working hard! There's no secret to becoming better!"

"Don't you ever just want to slack off though?" another person asked.

"I do, but I always tell myself that this is just the beginning of my idol career. The first part is always the hardest, so I need to keep on going till the end! Because then, it'll all be worth it! My dream would have been achieved!"

I walked away from Ryuu and his fans.

Ryuu said that all he did was practice and train. But I practice and train too! Maybe he just trains harder than me...or maybe he has a secret alien friend who gives him a special potion to make him amazing!!! As I was thinking, I accidentally walked right into a pole.



"HUH?! What?" Kazuna switched on the light. "You okay Emi? It's-" Kazuna glanced at the clock. "It's 11:20 pm!"

"There's no way I'm letting Ryuu reach his dream first! I know that there's a difference between us, but I'm going to start to train harder every day now! I will become a top idol, and that's a guaranteed promise!" I exclaimed, before I fell asleep.


Well, that wasn't much shorter...anyways, the next chapter will be a Halloween one! Also if you say any mistakes, let me know! Stay tuned!~

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