Heart Break 💔

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I hear knocking on the door and I groan. I didn't feel like getting up to open it. No one vists, so I don't even bother locking it. I guess this person just didn't feel like trying the knob. I get up and open the door to find Jack. He stares at me and I simply say " Hi " I make a hot chocolate appear and I take a sip. He narrows his eyes at me, so I do the same. " You're not crying! " He states. I look at him confused, " no... " I mumble lost.

" Where's the ice cream? And Liz? " He asks.

" There is none... And she's not here.. " I say taking another sip of hot chocolate.

He takes out his phone and shows it to me.

It's a message from Liz,

Hey Jake... The Admin just went through a mega heart break and needs comfort! And lots of ice cream! I'll be gone for a while, so take care of the castle for me!

" I didn't know you had a boyfriend... " He mumbles.

" I don't... " I mumble back as I take another sip. I spit it out as I come to realize something.

He frowns at me and takes out a handkerchief to clean himself up.

" Sorry... But dude! That means Liz just lied to you! She lied! " I say knowing Liz is a terrible liar!

He frowns. " She lied to me? I thought I was her best guy friend.." He says.

" Well now it explains why she didn't call instead... " I mumble.

" Why would she lie?! Where could she be? I need her back at the castle! " Jack states.

I sigh. Today I just wanted to write in a book. An OC needs help finding another OC so I gotta help. I take out a stick from my boot and it turns into my staff.

" Alright let's see where the princess is hiding..." I mumble.

I stomp my staff on the ground and a map of the MK appears.

" how is that going to help? Can't you just vanish there or something?! " Jack asks.

I give him an anyoed look ( -.- ) " Every OC has a tracing device on them! And this map shows me. I got keep track of all of you, ya know? " I say.

I look around and point to a red dot on up in the sky. " That's you.. " I mumble.

I hope he starts getting I color coded everyone. Making Liz purple.

Jack is red and in the clouds because the castle is up on the clouds.

In the dark forest we have dark green for Vivian and gray for Izzy. She would be black, but she spends her time in the dark forest.  It wouldn't work.

In the racing tracks we have a magenta dot for Lola.

At coconut mall we have a light blue dot for Harry. Must be buying party supplies.

In Toad Town we have a rainbow dot for Bow.

At Ihop we have a golden dot for for Matt.

Huh that's odd... No purple dot.

" Is she... DEAD?!?!? " Jack asks worried.

I face palm. Ya see, My sprixie OCs are the most easy to put a tracking device on. They carry around a wand and hold on to it for life! Basically like a cell phone xD so even if she was dead, I'd see the dot.

" No she must be in another dimension... " I mumble.

He looks at me confuse.

" There's the Mushroom Kingdom, Starlandia, and Mobius... " I say. Well obviously there's more, but these are the ones I got down.

I swipe my hand over the map and it changes to show one of Starlandia. There I see a purple star, then a dot.

" who's that...? " Jack asks.

I smile. " Acey! " I say. I swipe the map again and a map of Mobius appears. That's where we hit bingo!

" You have OCs in Mob..? " Jack says.

" Mobius. And yeah I got two... I didn't invite them to the talent show cuz they appear in a book I haven't finished... " I mumble glacing towards the book I left on the couch.

" Well you said a purple dot was Liz right? So that's her? " He asks.

I nod. Although, I hope he doesn't asks why she's there. I don't even know the answer to that.

" So how do we get there...? Do I wave my wand? " Jack asks taking his wand.

" Nah it's more fun to take the pipe! " I say whistling and making my broom appear.

I hop on and signal him to hop on as well.

" I'll rather fly " He says and I frown. I snap my fingers, turning him into a human.

" fly? " I say raising my eye brow and smirking.

He frowns and climbs on. " Not cool... " he mumbles.

" I know! " I say with a grin and fly on.

We finally make it to a clearing in the forest and I land. Jack looks like he's about to barf. " I hate you... " he grumbles.

" Love ya too! " I say looking around.

After he got a hold of himself he looked around. " So where is the pipe? " he asks.

I shrug.

" What do you mean? I thought you knew! " He says.

" Ya have to get lost... " I mumble.

" Great how are we supposed to just get looooooooooo" Jack says before tripping,  and falling in the green pipe with blue swirls.

" HEY GREAT JOB YA FOUND IT! " I yell as I jump in.

Once we're on the other side I see Jack looking around.

" So this is Mobius? " He asks and I nod.

I take our my stick and make a mini map appear. " Alright let's go find her! " I say walking ahead.


Meanwhile in an ice cream shop in Mobius...

" So you came all this way just for ice cream? " Manic asks.

Liz only nods as she enjoys her ice cream.

Manic raises an eye brow at her, as if wanting a better explanation.

" The ice cream is really good here... " Liz says staring down at it.

Manic looks over at her ice cream, to notice it has mostly melted.

" Really now? " He says and Liz just nods. She doesn't look over at him.

Manic raises her chin. " You know you can tell me anything! " He says with a look of worries.

Liz bits her lip. As if not sure to tell him or not.

Manic contuines to stare at her, " Liz? " he asks.

She sighs and look out the parlor. " I just got tired of all the princess things... It seems everyday is the same! So I thought maybe I could get away for a bit. Somewhere far and no one asking me to come back can find me... But that's selfish isn't it? I have to go back, it's my duty.." She explains as she stares down at her ice cream. A few tears streaming down her cheek.

Manic raised her chin again. " Hey don't cry... It will be alright. " He says with a smile.

Liz only nods. " I should go though... Someone might come looking for me eventually... " She says wiping her tears off with a napkin. She gets up and does a weak smile. " Thanks for joining me... " She says and walks out the store. She's about to grab her skate board but Manic grabs her hand. He pulls her in and the two stare into each other eyes. That's when Manic kisses her.

After the kiss, Liz is pretty shocked. " M-manic? " she manages to say.

" I am sorry Liz, but I love you! " He says turning a bright shade of red.


I look over to where me and Jack have been watching, but he's not there. " Jack?! " I say turning around and seeing him run away. He trips and I run over to him. I see him crying and I help him up. I snap my fingers and we're back at HQ. He flops on the couch crying...

I better go get some ice cream...


....so that was WHAT IF I give an OC a heart break...

And WHAT IF I give an an OC a boyfriend...

Although idk if I am gonna make them official... Me and Jack didn't stay long enough to see how that conversation ended xD

I ship Liz and Boo a whole lot more even if someone forbid it... it's forbidden love! Kinda cute xD

And then I sorta ship her and Jack...

So no se...

Also I will get down to the request soon! I actually do have some ideas for one shots. ..and I defiantly have an idea for the first request ever! The second one I actually um... Gotta go search up that ship...

Anyways more one shots soon... All questioning WHAT IF or simply silly ones.... I hope you're all patient and understanding!

Cuz it may be a while...

Well I am sorry if I broke ur heart or anything o-o

I think I went a little too romatic-y on that scene with Liz and Manic... But meh!

~ Jinxy

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