Sticky Situation

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It was an early sunday morning,  okay so more like afternoon!  I wake up late...that's beside the point though.  What woke me up was of a delicious sweet smell.  I decide to go check it out. I peaked through the kitchen door and found my twin sister happily eating waffles.  She looks up at me and smiles.

" Matthew ordered wayyy to many waffles.  Want some?  " She asks and I simply nod. I am not much of a morning person,  so I didn't feel like arguing. I took a plate and ate my waffles.  However, my twin kept staring at me. I looked at her and narrowed my eyes. She then looked at the mable syrup. I admit I knew where this was going,  we used to do it as kids.  I simply shook my head no,  but she kept staring at me.

" You're going to keep staring at me till I agree aren't you?  " I mumble. The obvious answer is yes.

She only nods.

I sigh and look at her straight in the eyes. She takes out her wand and places it on the table.

" Magic?  " I grumble.

" When in doubt, we always have magic " She giggles.

" Alright fine...." I mumble taking a jar of mable syrup.

She takes of her gloves and grabs a jar of mable syrup.

" ready?  " she asks.

I nod. 

" go!  " she says and we both began pouring mable syrup on to our hand.

" annndd... " She says.

" stick... " I mumble and we put both our mable syrup covered hands together. 

" So how long do you think till it sticks?  " she asks. 

" I think the question is if it will stick.. " I mumble.

" Well pull!  " she says.

We both pull and we're stuck. 

" Alright!  High five! " she says with a smile.  With our free hand,  we high five.

We then try to pull out of the high five,  only to realize we are stuck. 

" uh oh.. " She mumbles and i frown.

" This was a horrible idea!  " I say trying to pull out. She just starts laughing though.

" Lizy this is serious!  Don't ya have princess stuff to do?  " I say hopping that makes her help me.  Instead she laughs some more. 

" Ughh!!  " I groan as I still try to break free.

Then Matthew comes in and stares.  " So you're finally taking dance lessons,  Lizy?  " He says laughing. 

" What?  No!  My name is Izzy!  " I growl. 

He laughs and walks away,  " whatever ya say Lizy!  "

" No come back and help us!!!  " I yell back.

I look over at my twin to see her with a grin. " what's so funny?  " I grumble.

" What's funny is the fact that you agreed to get stuck with me!  " She giggles. 

I frown and start pulling again. I hate to admit she's right,  so I don't say anything.   However that stupid grin on her faces means she already knows she's right.

" I hate you... " I grumble.

" Love ya too!  " She says with a smile.

She then helps me pull as we both try to get out of this sticky situation.

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