OC Talent Show

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I appear from thin air wearing a magenta short dress,  with black flats,  and a tiny witch hat head band.

" WELCOME LADY AND GENTS!  or um readers... TO THE FIRST EVER OC TALENT SHOW!!!  I am your host Jinx!  Let's meet our contestants shall we?  Oh I forgot to mention...You the readers will vote on your favorite act!  You all decide the winners!  : D Now then... "

I look around and spot Izzy.

" Izz darling!  Care to spill a secret on your act?  : D "

She looks at me with an annoyed look.  " Seriously?  I just found out you're forcing us all to participate! I don't have an act yet!!  " She states.

" Well you can team up too... " I mumble feeling slightly bad.  Sure I could of given them a heads up,  but what's the fun in that?  This may just be a talent show,  but it's also a test... I am trying to see what's the best my OCs can come up with in such sort notice!  Is that evil?  I hope not... Although I am both good and evil soo... * grins *

Izzy looks over at Rainbow,  " Hmm... Rainy!  Wanna team up? " She asksI guess she took my advice?

" Sorry Izz,  I am going solo!  And I am first up too.  " she says with a grin.  There's a reason why she picked first....

" First up, we have the colorful eye goul!  Says she will blow you all away... Literally..?  O.o ...WE HAVE BOW!  : D "

Bow comes floating down a cloud. In human form, she wears a rainbow dress that matches her rainbow eyes.

" Greetings everyone!  I am your first contestant because I'll be getting first place! Just you watch!  "

Told ya there was a reason... xD

She makes it rain like a crazy thunderstorm.  Then makes it seem as a tornado will form.  Finally,  she makes it super bright.  It almost blinds. " Tada!  " She explains , pointing to the very clearly visible rainbow. 

" Remember to vote for Rainbow!  " She cheers walking off the stage proudly. 

" That was Bow! Next up we have... " I say not sure myself.  I go backstage and find Izzy still without a partner.

She looks at me and frowns.  She then turns to Jack who is now a human.

" Are you a new OC the Admin didn't tell us about?  " Izzy asks and Jack laughs. 

" Izzy it's me,  Jack.  Matt and the Ad- " He was interrupted however.

" As you can see lizy.  Me and jack are going to win this contest. I mean we all know I am the strongest and most powerful out of you and Liz!  "  Matthew says laughing with Jack. 

" My name is Izzy... " Izzy grumbles, not caring. 

Although I could tell she seemed slightly hurt. I should also mention it was I who turned Jack into a human,  not Matthew...

" Next up we have the daring golden knight,  Matt!  Along with the red hearted pirate Jack! Says they shall fight till one claims victorious...? I gotta stop letting them write their own intros... "

They both walk on stage. Matt wearing a knight costume and Jack a pirate one. 

" Knights are better!  "

" Pirate are!  "

" We shall duel!  " They both saying taking out a fencing sword. 

They begin to fight.

 A few minutes it seems Matt will win. 

A few minutes later it seems Jack will win. 

It goes on and on...

" So umm... " I awkwardly stand there trying to get the two off stage. 

They contuine to battle,  but I manage to get them off the stage. 

" That was Matt and Jack!  Heh... Next we have.. " Then my phone rings.  " Hello?  "

" Admin!  Hook ur phone to the projector!  And do a video chat!  "

They quickly hang up.  " Alright... " I mumble snapping my fingers.

It was Lola a koopa with red locks and Harry a blue shy guy.  They both wave. 

" As part of the talent show,  we're going to see who's faster!  " Lola explains.

" Lola in her go kart or me in my party Canon!  " Harry explains. 

" I didn't approve of this... " Is a voice you can hear behind the phone.

" Oh come on dad!  The admin is forcing us!  Now can you hold the street light?  " Lola says.

Next you can see Lakitu holding the street light.

It's red.

Then yellow.

Finally Green! 

A blast and a zoom can be heard. 

" I think they should of mentioned the finish line is the stage... " Lakitu says before hanging up. 

" Wait what?!  " I say.  However then I see Lola in her go kart and Harry. 

" SO WHO WON?!?!?  " They both ask. 

I blink,  " Uhhh... Let the viewers vote?  " I mumble lost. 

They both agree and high five.

" So that was Lola and Harry... Next we have... "

I look backstage again to see Izzy roaming around.

Ace then appears.  " am I next?  " He asks. 

I smile,  " sure!  "

" Hey Izz,  wanna team up?  "

She crosses her arms.  " your the last person I'd team up with!  I'd rather go solo or not at all!  " She states.

" Great!  Let's go!  " Ace says grabbing her hand. 

" wait!  Did you not hear what I just said?!?!?  "

I giggle and go back to the stage...

" Next up is The magical,  mysterious Ace!  With his lovely assistant Izzy!  "

" Admin I didn't agree to thiisss!  And I am defiantly NOT lovely!!  " Izzy says. 

" For my first act... I shall saw  my amazing assistant in half!!!  "  Ace says making a box appear. 

" Yeah no!  I am our of her! " Izzy says flying away.

Ace snaps his fingers and Izzy is inside the box.

" Just great... " she grumbles. 

Ace saws her in half.

" TADA!!!  " He cheers. 

" great now put me back!!  " Izzy says. 

" Uhhh... " Ace looks puzzled

Izzy turns pale.  " you're kidding right?!  "

Ace makes a book appear and flips through it. 

" I just had to be the lovely amazing assistant... " Izzy groans. 

I make my scepter appear and I wave it.  Izzy is then back together. 

" That was Ace and.. Izzy?  Everybody!  "

" Sorry... " Ace mumbles. 

Izzy grumbles and flys back stage.

I follow to see who would be next. I then see a dark green Toadette

" I haven't seen you before... " Izzy mumbles. 

" Yeah that's because I am new captain obvious!  " She says. 

Izzy blinks, " So the Admin created another new OC?  "

She frowns and her eyes glow red.  " please! I am nothing like the other goodie OCs!  Don't you go and compare me to them!  "

Izzy grins,  " I like your style... Wanna team up?  "

Her eyes return to normal.  " sorry kid,  but I work alone.  " She says before walking on stage. 

" wait but I didn't introduce her... " I mumble. 

" She doesn't need one " Izzy says impressed.

The dark green Toadette walks on stage. 

" My talent...?  It will take a moment... " She mumbles as she concentrates.  Nothing seems to happen and she sighs.

She then grabs a potted plant I used as decoration.  The plant slowly grows, twisting and turning. It creates the word ' Vivian '

" There!  " She grumbles.  A beanstalk then comes crashing from the ground.  " Finally!  " She says hopping on. 

" The name is Vivian Evergreen!  See ya losers!  " She says as the beanstalk contunies to grow.

" Aren't we up in the sky...? " Izzy mumbles.

I simply nod.

" whoa...." Izzy mumbles. 

I look around, " Um...Izz..."

" Hm? " She says distracted.

I guess she didnt notice that she was next. " So next we have... " I mumble and that seems to snap her out of it. 

She looks around to notice it's almost empty. 

That is...

" Knights are so better right?  You're my sister back me up!  " Matthew says.

" Well um... " Liz mumbles.

" No way pirates are!  We've been friends for the longest!  That has to count right?  " Jack says. 

" Yes but..." Liz mumbles again. 

Izzy blinks and groans.

I smile at her. 

She frowns.

" Time is ticking....and all OCs that don't participate will be grounded.. As in no magic! Better come up with something or team upppp~ " I warn with a smirk on my face.

She sighs and flys over to them.  " Hey!  Leave her alone will ya?  " she growls. 

Matthew and Jack blink before laughing. 

" You're sticking up for her? That's a first!  " Matthew says.

" Beside Liz already said she wasn't going to participate! " Jack explained.

" If she doesn't then she's going to be grounded... " Izzy mumbles.  She's mostly wondering if I lied and only told her that.

" I know,  but being a princess has been so stressful.  I am just not in the mood...I don't have a talent anyways..." She mumbles. 

Izzy narrows her eyes at her.  " I don't believe it for a second!  " She says grabbing her hand.  She pulls her on stage...

" Next up we have Izz!  ...with Liz?!  "

" Izzy I am not in the mood! I appreciate it but I can't!  "

" Yeah well I am not doing this alone!  Its stupid, but if everyone else did it then we have to as well!  " She grumbled. Izzy waved her wand and the lights would change colors. Kind of like a party.  Music then began to play.  Her wand became a microphone. 

" I am sorry Izzy.. " Liz says trying to run off stage, but Izzy stands in her way. 

" Oh don't you dare look back
Just keep your eyes on me " Izzy sings.

" I said you're holding back... " Liz mumbles. 

Izzy smirks.  " She said shut up and dance with me "

Liz sighed and tapped her necklace Turing human. " This woman is my destiny... " she mumbles again. 

" She said oh oh oh
Shut up and dance with me!  " Izzy sang and that's when Liz began to dance.

The two then worked together till the end of the song.

Once it was over Liz bowed and Izzy flew off. Liz giggled before running off as well....

" WELL THAT WAS THE LAST ACT FOLKS!  : D remember you the readers get to vote on who won!
Voting ...


NOW!  "


* Rainbow

* Matthew

* Lola

* Ace

* Vivian

* Izzy

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