Episode -16

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Hey everyone..

To be continued..

A week later:
It's been a week since Pooja. Swara tried to behave normally but was she normal? Not at all. She was disturbed , the moments between them, past two months, family and their care everything was coming in her mind. She wanted peace . So was sanskar, he was unable to get answers of his questions which he was asking himself about swara. Why he feel so different with her. He still lie to himself that she is just a good Friend but he also knows he doesn't need to make himself believe that if he is so sure. He makes excuse to ignore Kavita's call even if he is free. His mind roam around swara and her thoughts. Even going through all this, they still choose to behave like nothing happened which is quite difficult for both of them. They often land themselves close to each other which results in another beautiful yet awkward moment for them.

Sanskar was getting ready for the office.. tying his tie and searching for his file in cupboard. Then only swara comes out of washroom.
Swara sees him finding something.
Swara: sanskar are u finding something?
Sanskar: ( without turning and still looking in side drawer in cupboard) swara, do u know where is mr. Khanna's file?
Swara: it must be in drawer only sanskar.
Sanskar: I need it for meeting. I remember I kept it here only but I don't see it.

Swara: sanskar, u r doing two work at a time. First finish tying ur tie and then search na.. where will it go?

Sanskar: I can't find that swara.. pls help na.
Swara: wait, I will see it.

She go to him and started finding. Then only sanskar eyes caught her. In a second he forget everything ,what he was doing? He look at her wet hair, movement of her eyelashes, her beautiful eyes.. her perfect petal lips as she was saying something.. then only it curved up into smile . She find the file. She took it and shut the cupboard. She turned around to give him the file but she stumbled as sanskar was standing just behind him and the file slipped from her hand and fall on the floor while she immediately hold his shoulder to stop from falling. Sanskar hold her waist by one hand while another hand was on cupboard to support himself. She shivered feeling his touch on her bare waist and look at him ,they have beautiful yet intense eyelock that longed for a moment. She was pinned to cupboard as sanskar unknowingly move closer to her, while her hand were resting on his shoulders.

Then only his phone rang and they come back into their sense. Swara immediately looked away and removed ved her hand from his shoulder while he also removed his hand from her waist. He look at her and moved away a bit.
Taking a deep breathe ,he took call. While swara took the file from floor.

Sanskar: what?( On call) I m so sorry Alok. I totally forgot.
O.s.: ( shouting on phone , swara also heard that) u should be here at my wedding but no, mr. Maheshwari totally forgot about it.
Sanskar: I m really sorry yr, I had some work.
Alok: I want u here by tonight if u don't want me to kill u.
Sanskar: what? Tonight? But how?
Alok: I don't know, it's ur problem. U should have come here with Arav but no u were busy with conference.
Sanskar:( murmured) this Arav na..
Alok: whatever, just come here!

Sanskar: ok, I will come. Bye Alok.
He cut the call and sees his file on bed. He sees swara near dressing table getting ready..
Sanskar: um.. swara..
Swara:( turned around) yes sanskar..
Sanskar: thank you. U helped me.
Swara smiled and nods.
Sanskar: I don't know what would I have done if u were not here?
Swara: right sanskar, u should think about it because I won't be there always. I have to leave one day.
( Said in flow without realising but as she realised, the colour fade away from both of their faces)
Swara composed herself and said: oh I forgot, Kavita will come in ur life na? ( Said with forced smile) she will take care of everything.

Sanskar didn't felt good as swara said this.
Sanskar: no one can take ur place Swara. U r really nice and totally different from everyone. Anyone can never be like u. Not even Kavita.

Swara look into his eyes . She find truth in those eyes with a different emotion. She was again drowning herself in those eyes . realizing it, she immediately diverted her eyes away from him.

Swara: mom must be waiting . I should go.
Saying this she walk passed him nd go out of room while sanskar look at her retreating figure with some kind emotion. Once she go away. He looked down and smiled.

After sometime:
Everyone were having breakfast. Then sanskar said.

Sanskar: bade papa, I have to go to udaipur today evening?
Dp: udaipur? But why?
Sanskar: actually bade papa,it's Alok and Nisha wedding,I told u last week but I really forgot in my meetings and conferences. Laksh has gone to Mumbai for meeting so he will come from there only. And I was leaving today.
Dp: sanskar u should have gone till now na? We would have attend meetings. Anyway, u go and tell him that we all will attend his reception definitely as we couldn't attend his wedding due to my health issues.
Sanskar : he knows it bade papa. Don't worry.
Sujatha: swara is also going with u na sanskar?
Sanskar: mom, woh..
Ap: sanskar, u r going then take swara also with u na? Anyway, we r not able to attend Alok wedding due to pari pregnancy and Dp ji health. So atleast swara should go with u.

Sujata: yes ,I was also going to say this.
Swara: but mom.. I ?
Sanskar: she is coming with me mom.
Swara look at him asking him through eyes.
Sanskar assured her through eyes.

Swara: sanskar, why did u said that I m coming with u? And I don't even know Alok. He is ur friend. I was saying no, so that it won't create any new problem for u.
Sanskar: I know swara, but it's impossible to win over mom. She will find anyway to send u so, I said yes. And don't worry, it won't be any problem for me.. and in another way, it's good for u also. U will get little change from everything.
Swara: but sanskar, I don't even know anyone. How will I?
Sanskar: u know me na? That's enough. U will get little break from this fake marriage ,even though it's for two days only.
Swara: hmm ok.
Sanskar: ok, so be ready and do ur packing. I have to attend a meeting so i will come at noon and get my packing done.
Swara: ok..
Sanskar nods and go out.

1:30 p.m.

Swara was doing her packing when sujatha came inside.
Sujata: swara, have u done ur packing? Or should I help?
Swara:no mom, I m almost done, it's not much. Just for two days.
Sujata: I know, anyway take this saree, wear it on marriage.
Swara: mom, I have already.
Sujata: yeah, I know that but keep it. U will wear this.
Swara: ok mom..
Sujata: where is sanskar? He didn't come yet from office?
Swara: I don't mom, he said he will come by 1..
Sujata: it's already 1:30 p.m.. call him and ask where is he?
Swara nods..
" Chachi ji" they heard pari voice.
Sujata: swara ,I will just come.
Saying this she goes out.

Swara nods and took her phone to call then only she got his call.

Swara took his call.
Swara: sanskar?where are u?
Sanskar: swara.. swara.. , pls do my packing also. I m still stuck in this stupid meeting , u come directly to airport. We have flight in an hour.
Swara: sanskar but..
Sanskar: swara, pls pls pls.. handle everything.. I m really sorry and thank you so much. U r best.
Saying this he cut the call. Swara shakes her head unbelievably. He is really unbelievable sometimes. She smiled and went to do his packing also.

An hour later:

Swara was sitting in waiting area.. security check was announced but there was no sign of sanskar. She called him again but got no reply.

Swara: ( to herself) where are u sanskar?
Sanskar:( panting heavily) right beside u!
He was sitting beside her and breathing heavily like he has run some marathon.
Swara: are u okay sanskar? What happened?
Sanskar : yeah, I m fine. I m really sorry. I got late.
swara: it's ok, but u get relax first. What was need to run? Here, take water.
Sanskar grab the water bottle and drink whole water in one time.
Then sanskar relaxed.
Sanskar: u don't know swara, if I missed this flight then Alok might have killed me.
Swara: he should do that because u forget his wedding.
Sanskar chuckled.
Sanskar: Let's go now.. here is ur ticket.
Swara took it.

After Sometime:

They were sitting in flight beside each other . Swara was sitting at window side.

Swara: sanskar, u r really unbelievable sometimes. How can u just cal me and tell me handle everything?
Sanskar: because I know u will.
Swara: really? But what if there would have been any problem?

Sanskar: till u r with me, there won't be any problem for me because I know u will handle everything.
Swara: and if some day, I got myself in any problem then?
Sanskar: u won't.. because I will be there with u.
Sanskar said holding her hand and looking at her. Swara look at him ,then sees their hand. Sanskar realized and and took off his hand looking away but then only he feels her holding his hand tightly. He looked turned to look at her then only, swara clutch his arm with other hand and hide her face in his chest. Her another hand was still holding his palm on armrest of seat. She looked scared.
He put his hand on her head gently with care.
Sanskar: swara? What happened?
Swara: I m scared..
Sanskar realized that flight is taking off and it's her first time.
Sanskar: it's ur first flight na, that's why. Don't worry, everything will be fine.
Swara: I know but I m feeling scared.
He wrapped his arm around her and hugged her.
Sanskar:( sincerely) I m here with u.

He felt her getting relaxed.
Sanskar look at her after sometime and found her sleep. He smiled to see her. He don't know, for how much time he keep looking at her admiringly and then he also fell asleep.

After few hours, they reached udaipur. They were coming out of airport.
Swara: sanskar, I m really sorry. I slept. U must be feeling so uncomfortable.
Sanskar: don't drag ur mind too much swara. I m not at all uncomfortable. No need to be sorry. Ok, come now.
( Monologue) uncomfortable? Really? I highly doubt on myself that I was even 1 percent uncomfortable. Infact, I was feeling much better and so nice when she slept putting her head on my chest, hugging me, but why?oh god, again a why?? Will I ever get answers of all these why and what?

They come out and took cab.

After few minutes ,they reached venue that was a palace type hotel. They went inside. Swara's saree stuck in her heals. She stopped to remove it.

Alok : here u come finally?
Alok said and hugged sanskar.
Sanskar: how can I miss ur wedding?
Alok: yeah, I know.. the same which u forgot.
Sanskar: sorry about that yr.. Arav didn't told me when he came.
Arav: oh shut up, I told u last week only..
" Sanskar.." swara called him.

Sanskar look behind.
Sanskar: come swara..
Alok look at her confusingly while Arav look at sanskar teasingly.
Arav:( whispered to sanskar) didn't expected that u will bring her with u but nice to see that u can't live without her even for a day.
Sanskar:( glared at him) shut up Arav!

Alok: sanskar, who is she? I never saw her?
Sanskar: yeah Alok, meet swara. she is my.... WIFE.
Swara look at him shocked as he told that she won't need to act as his wife here.

Alok: what?? Wife? U got married? When?
Arav: when u were in Mumbai.
Alok: what? What are u talking Arav? Sanskar u got married and u didn't told me.

Screen splits on sanskar, swara, Arav and Alok faces .

To be continued...

That's all for today's part. Will be back soon with next episode. Till then take care.. bye everyone.

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