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Hey guys..

To be continued.

Alok: what?? Wife? U got married? When?
Arav: when u were in Mumbai.
Alok: what? What are u talking Arav? Sanskar u got married and u didn't told me.

" Swara, u here? " A lady come there.

Swara sees her and recognised her. She was close friend of ap. She came in their reception and also met her few times in mm.

" Namastey shushma aunty" sanskar said greeting her.
Swara: namastey aunty.
Swara look at sanskar and nods. Now, she understood why he said she is his wife.
Shushma: god bless u both.
Sanskar: aunty, u here? What a pleasant surprise..( he said with fake smile)

Alok: yeah, she is nisha's bua ji but how do u know her?
Sanskar: she is badimaa friend.
Shushma: yes, so u r Alok friend. Well it's nice to see u both.
Sanskar: same here aunty.
Then only someone call her so she excused herself and go from there.

Alok: what's happening here? Can u please tell me sanskar?
Arav: what will he say, she is nisha's bua. U only told na.
Alok: I m not talking about aunty. I m talking about his marriage...

"Hey sanskar! Finally u r here! " A girl said excitedly coming there.

Sanskar smiled looking at her.
Sanskar: hey Nisha, congratulations ,u both are getting married .
Nisha: thank you so much.. and ( sees swara)
Alok: she is his wife ,swara..
Nisha: oh wow! U got married.. Alok told me ,u have a girlfriend but I didn't knew about marriage.
Alok: even I didn't know anything ( look at sanskar)
Nisha: anyway, hi swara..
Swara:( smiled) hi
Nisha: well, see u r sanskar's wife and sanskar is Alok friend so indirectly u r my friend. I don't like indirect things so let's be friends directly..
Swara look at her confusingly listening her but then smiled.
Swara: ok, friends.
Nisha hugged her smilingly.
Trio men look at them.
Nisha: nice selection sanskar, I m impressed. I thought rich guy prefer make up collection Only..

Arav burst into laugh listening it.
Arav:( murmured) we named kavita after watching her, she named her without even meeting her.

Sanskar glared at him.

Sanskar: well exceptions are there Nisha.. just like u and Alok.
Nisha:( chuckled) yeah right, anyway function will start in an hour, so get ready. Swara, u come with me.
Swara look at her confused and sees sanskar.

Sanskar: but where r u taking her?

Nisha: don't worry sanskar, I m not kidnapping ur wife. I m just taking my friend for sometime. ( Laughs)
Alok will tell someone to take u and ur luggage to ur room.. ( look at him) please Alok.
Alok: yeah sure.. u go. ( Smiled)

Nisha: get ready soon..
She says it and dragged swara along with her. Swara looked at sanskar then go with her.

After they go from there. Alok called a worker to take sanskar and swara's luggage to particular room.

Alok: and u both come with me right now!!
He drag sanskar and Arav to a room. Alok shut the door and look at them for explanation.

Alok: will u please explain why didn't u care to tell me that u were getting married? I was in Mumbai.. not on mars. And we didn't lost contact also. We were talking on phone but u never mentioned it.
Sanskar: because I m not married.
Alok: WHAT!!
Sanskar: it's just fake marriage drama.
Alok: what are u talking? Arav what the hell he is saying?

Sanskar look at Arav then Alok and take a sigh.
Sanskar: I will explain.

Then sanskar told him everything.

Alok: seriously sanskar, u r faking ur marriage that too for Kavita. Because she is not ready for marriage yet.  I highly doubt that girl even want to marry u. For her ,career and modelling everything is priority but u. I m not saying to take that kundali thing so seriously but just think once, she can continue her career after marriage also. U r not stopping her. U r just taking big risk because of Kavita.  What about Ur family? What will happen when they will know the truth, may be they will forgive u one day but sanskar, lie for them who deserves it. U know Arav, me and laksh we all don't like Kavita but just for u we didn't say anything but don't fool urself sanskar. Just think once, u did this for Kavita, but will she ever do anything for u?

Sanskar: Alok.. it's not that.
Alok: see sanskar, I don't need any kind of explanation. U told me everything. But I faced because of my lie. I thought I will lose Nisha but she forgave me. Think about ur family sanskar. And I just don't understand how can that girl swara agreed to do this? She may be also the type of girl who run behind money, for whom money is important....

Arav looked at them with serious expression.
Sanskar: if u don't know about something or someone then better don't talk about her!!. She is not like that.
Arav: sanskar calm down. He don't know that's why...
Sanskar sighed  closing his eyes to control his anger.
Alok: ( confuse) what about her?
Arav: swara's father is in comma.
Sanskar: she needed money but not for herself. It's for her father. Don't try to compare swara with those cheap girls for whom money is everything.

Then he told him about about swara and her father condition and why did swara agreed.
After listening it ,Alok feels bad and guilty.
Alok: I m really sorry sanskar. I shouldn't have said like that about swara.
Sanskar nods understanding and he was appolozising too.
Sanskar: it's ok.
Arav: but I don't understand one thing, u were also there in that club na, then how didn't u recognise her? I mean atleast her face?
Alok: don't know..
Arav: yeah,I remember u were disturbed with ur and Nisha problem..
Alok: yeah.. anyway sanskar, I m happy that U r helping Swara. I hope her father get well soon.
Sanskar: yeah.
Then Alok got call. It was his mom, telling him to get ready for the function.
Alok: yeah ok mom.
He cut the call.

Alok:( to sanskar and Arav) ok now, let's gets ready before function start... But where is laksh sanskar?

Sanskar: yeah ,I talked to him. He will be reaching by to tonight.
Alok: ok, let's go now.
They nods and were going when Alok asked.
Alok: sanskar, can I ask u something?
Sanskar: yeah..
Alok: u got so angry when I said wrong about swara but when I said about kavita, u didn't got angry? Why? U get affected by swara, but don't get affected by kavita?

Arav looked at sanskar hearing this. He was confused hearing it.

Sanskar:( trying to come up with a answer) it's nothing like that Alok. Kavita is my girlfriend ,why won't I will be affected by her.

Alok: really? And what about swara?
Sanskar: swara is my......... ( He took a pause then say) my.. my friend.

Alok didn't said anything . He looked at Arav who nods unbelievably and smiled. Alok also smiled.
Alok: ok, but do u know sanskar, i would have reacted the same way for Nisha like u reacted for swara.
Sanskar: yeah, I m protective about her. But that's not a big deal. She is my responsibility till all this drama end.
Alok: decide it urself sanskar, ur friend,ur responsibility? Or something else?
Sanskar look at him.
Arav: anyway, I think we should go and get ready now before aunty comes to call u Alok.
Alok: yeah..
They go from there. While sanskar thinks about Alok word for a minute then go from there.

Nisha introduced swara to her mom and family members. They liked swara, they way she greeted and talked to them politely. Nisha really liked her a lot. Swara also liked Nisha. She was really nice girl. Then nisha's mom told her to get ready.

Nisha: yes mom, just going.. come swara, u also get ready. I know u both must be tired due to journey but this function is small one. mom was saying some small ritual to be done . Then u  both can go and take rest.

Swara: it's nothing like that Nisha. It's ur marriage ritual and I m ur friend na.. I will enough time to rest later.. but for now ,ritual is important and I m going to attend whole function.

Nisha:( smiled) it's ok and u r really nice swara. Sanskar is really lucky to have u as his wife.

Swara faked smile hearing it.
Swara: u get ready now. U r bride and must look good.
Nisha: and u r bride's friend.. u should also look good so go and get ready .
Swara nods.

Swara went to her room which was given to them. She open her bag and took out a beautiful blue colour saree to wear for tonight and go to Washroom to change. After sometime she comes out only to find sanskar was ready in his info Western outfit. For a moment she was lost in him until he noticed her . She diverted her gaze but sanskar kept looking at her. She was really looking so beautiful. Swara goes near dressing table to get ready.

Sanskar remember Alok words.
" A friend,a responsibility or something else.."

Then only he got a call. It was laksh. He talked to him. Laksh told that he reached. Sanskar cut the call

Swara: sanskar ,shall we go?
Sanskar: hmm yeah.. let's go.
He started to move but swara hold his hand. Sanskar look at her.
Swara: wait..
Sanskar get confused. Swara comes near him and stand in front of him. She gets close. He was looking at her. She put her hand on his shoulder. He look at her eyes then her hands that was on his shoulder. He felt something different in his heart like it got calmed. Then she adjusted his collar.

Swara:( smiled) now, u r looking perfect.
Sanskar: and u r looking beautiful..
Swara look at his eyes as he was already looking at her.
Swara :thank you.. um.. I .. think we should go now.
Sanskar nods. He hold her hand and walked out of room. She look at him and unknowingly her lips curved up into smile.

To be continued....
That's all for today's episode..
Will see u TOMORROW with NEXT EPISODE.. 😉😉

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