12 ~ Ranvijay Kissed Aishwarya

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Aishwarya POV


I would surely pray to Devi Maa to help me in getting rid of that sickness as soon as possible.

Suddenly, the palanquin lifters pulled up the palanquin and started heading towards our destination.

"I hope you are feeling at home in the Palace, Aishwarya,"

Jiji asked and I smiled.

"Ji, Jiji,"

Though, I was still trying to adjust or should I say the Kingdom was still trying to adjust a royal bride like me.

"Do not worry, it will only get better. Devarsa is the best man,"

She said and I inhaled a little.

"Jiji, you are so beautiful,"

I could not stop myself from saying it as I had always felt this whenever I looked at her. The beautiful complexion, beautiful skin and face.

She smiled and said.

"What you perceive is the outer beauty, Aishwarya. Inside, we still have a lot to discover about each other and I bet you will come out to be a million times more beautiful than me,"

She said and a tint of blush and nervousness appeared on my face.

I just smiled and she said.

"By the way, I know you still are a new bride but I think there are a few things you should know about these three brothers,"

My brows furrowed a little and I asked.

"What is it Jiji?"

She inhaled slightly deeply and blinked.

"These three brothers are inseparable. They are the strength of each other. Ranaji and I had a complicated love and arranged marriage. He is strong, powerful and mature but sometimes gets very angry. When we used to talk to each other before marriage, he often used to mention his brothers. They lost their parents at a young age. Rudra was just seven or eight, Ranvijay was around four and Agastya was just born. Rudra has some memories of them, Ranvijay might have only a few but Agastya never knew his parents. For him, his parents are Rudra and Ranvijay,"

"Jiji, you call him by his name,"

I asked immediately with surprise.

She smiled and laughed a little and nodded.

"Yes, I do, but only we know about it,"

She said.

"Oh, that is beautiful,"

I said.

She smiled.

"And, that is why Devarsa is always so funny around them,"

I asked.

She nodded.

"He feels frightened a bit only with Rudra but he does not scare even a bit by Ranvijay and I bet, Ranvijay must get scared of Agastya sometimes,"

She laughed and I giggled.

"They love each other so much,"

I exclaimed.

"They do. That is why I never tried to come between them. Whatever they decide for themselves, never jump into that. They had gone through a lot and they built this on their own,"

She said and I thinned my brows.

"What do you mean? Jiji,"

I asked and she inhaled a deep breath.

"Aishwarya, these three brothers have been grown in the small cottage with the help of their Guruji and Aunt. Rudra use to work for the former King who was the Uncle of them. He was a cruel King. Rudra was the legal successor of the Kingdom but he kept denying to make him the King. Certain circumstances made him wage a war against him and he won the Kingdom. Now, Ranvijay is the first Advisor at the court of Suryagarh and Agastya handles finances. But, they still have a long way to go and we have to be their strength. You and I came from Kingdoms. We are Princesses but they are the Prince's who never knew what it means to be one. They struggled a lot, worked hard for themselves, and slept on floors and sometimes just under the blanket of stars, they had never tasted the royal food before, they are survivors and they are the best men. All three are so lovable. I am sure Ranvijay has not troubled you anyway. They never orders, they are so thankful and I might fall short of words if I keep telling about them,"

She said and I feel a wave of pain in my heart. So, he was not the Prince before. Like, never got treated as one. That was why he slept outside last night.

"Oh, I did not know about that, Jiji,"

I said with the fabric of pain on my face and she smiled.

"Maybe, someday, Devarsa will talk about his past. We never know what is going through his mind. He is so calm and agreeable but has a very sharp tongue. He speaks less but whatever he speaks it is always to the point and he does not care if the other person is feeling good or bad about it. Rudra told me once that Ranvijay does not angry often but whenever he gets, making up to him is the most impossible task in the world,"

She exclaimed and I lowered my gaze as I felt a slight shiver with the information she was giving me. So, that was why he pulled my braid because he did not want me to leave and I just wanted to run away. I have to be more careful around him to not make him angry.

"I will always try not to make him angry anyhow,"

I said and she smiled.

"Do not worry, anger brings only spice,"

She said and I nodded.

She was right anger makes things worst.

"By the way do you like him?"

She asked after a pause of silence and my cheeks warmed up with the question. I managed to nod lightly and she smiled.

"I knew it. He is so good. You know what, all the ladies in the Kingdom stare at him so much and he feels so uncomfortable many times,"

She said and my smile just vanished.


That means the way I stare at him also makes him uncomfortable. I should not do that and I had to take care of it from now.

"But, do not worry. I can bet that he had never seen any girl like that before,"

She said and I even felt more bad.

But, I could not help. He was so beautiful and handsome. His eyes pull me closer and his face mesmerizes me always.

The talks kept continuing about the past and family until we reached our destination. And, I learnt a lot about him. Like, he had always been an introverted and lonely type of man. He respects Ranaji a lot and loves Agastya the most.

He was a good person.

It had turned dark, the sky was shining bright with the stars but there was no moon that I could see through the crack of curtains on the palanquin.

The lifters put the palanquin down and Jiji said.

"I think we have arrived,"

I nodded lightly and followed her to step outside the palanquin.

I put my step outside and looked around. The sight made me gasp all of a sudden. It was beautiful. We were close to the river and the way a reflection of the stars was falling on the still water, it was glowing everything.

"We will set up the tents here and in the early morning tomorrow, we will start the trek to the temple,"

Ranaji said in his loud voice and I lowered my gaze. 

The attendees and helpers already started fixing the tents for the whole convoy and suddenly Jiji said.

"You stay here, Aishwarya. I will go and help them,"

I shook my head and said.

"I want to help too jiji,"

She smiled and shook her head.

"No, Aishwarya, you are the newly wedded bride of Suryagarh. Until I am here, you do not have to worry about anything,"

She said and I blinked obeying her.

I stood there and saw her going away. My eyes looked around to find Hukum anywhere and there I saw him very far talking to a group of attendees. His hand aims in a few directions as if telling them something about the set up and preparations. 

The palanquin pullers took the palanquin away from here and just standing here I was gazing at everyone. Ranaji was busy talking to someone and it was seeming like a political discussion. His brows were thinned and his face was looking all serious. I moved my gaze and looked at Devarsa who was helping the attendees to fix the tents quickly. The attendees were nailing down the big nails to tie the tents with the help of the huge hammer. There were hundreds of attendees and small groups were made of around ten people to pay attention to each tent. And, there were about fifteen tents that I could see needed to be set up at a short distance of each other.

The other attendees were fixing the fire torches to the stands to keep this particular area all lit up. The chaos was happening as the night was getting darker.

The wind here was thinner and more chilly. And, looking at the other direction I could see the faded, dark black shadows of huge mountains. It was already giving me chills. I had never seen the mountains before. And, the river must be flowing down those large conquerors.

It was amazing.

There were noises all around and I turned to look back at them.

I looked at Jiji who walked from the group of ladies who were setting up the stoves and wood to prepare for the dinner and setting up the tools to Ranaji. I saw her asking something and I walked a little closer to the ladies who were setting up the kitchen for the dinner.

I just wanted to help a little. Standing there without anything was making me feel restless.

But, as I walked closer to them I get able to hear what they were talking about while working.

And, I regretted it immediately.

"She does not deserve him at all,"

One of them said while putting the wood into the stove.

I inhaled a deep breath and lowered my gaze while turning around.

So, they were talking about me. Like always, why even without doing anything I become the centre of attraction always?

"Yes, have you looked at her? She does not even look like a princess. No charm, no health, she seems like a common malnutritioned girl,"

I heard another one and tears started to fill in my eyes.

I was a Princess, my father was a King and I eat. 

"Shut up, she must be listening,"

I heard another faded voice and then another whisper.

"I am not lying. Look at the Prince. I bet that because of her ugly appearance his father decided to marry her like this. So, that prince does not get the chance to see her. I am sure he must be feeling a huge regret about his decision of not seeing her before,"

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I could feel my heart beating loudly as if about to explode.

I tried to control myself but.


The voice of Hukum caught my attention and I immediately wiped the tears off my cheek and looked up to see him walking closer to me.

My heart was beating loudly.

He slowed down his steps and looked at the ladies for a moment.

I tried to look normal and he smiled.

For a moment, I looked at the attendees from the corner of my eyes and then brought back my gaze to him watching him standing in front of me.

"Are you okay?"

He asked in a slow voice and my eyes just fluttered trying to look anywhere except him. I did not want him to see my wet eyes. My gaze absentmindedly noticed Devarsa standing just a little far from us and Ranaji and Jiji looking at us.

Suddenly, he touched my cheek and a strong shiver ran down my spine with his cold fingers and I immediately inhaled a deep breath and my gaze lifted up to look at him in a fraction of the moment.

I could feel like running from here, somewhere, anywhere but far from him. I tried to step back but he walked closer.

His warm touch froze me and I did not know how he managed to make me stare blankly at him once again.

He would not like me staring at him. I tried to remind myself but my eyes were not working in the sync of my brain.

He took a step closer and I felt timid all of a sudden seeing him this much closer.

My heart beats raced and I felt week in my knees. People were watching us. What was he doing? Why was he touching my cheek? No, I did not want him to touch my cheek again in front of everyone. I feel so senseless when he touch me, I lose everything when he comes closer, he should not... Come... Closer.

But, he did.

His eyes tried to look deep into mine and I was staring back at him in a hope to figure out the intentions.

I expected his same line 'You are beautiful' once again but surprisingly he just silently kept looking at me and my heart beats started to slow down gradually as he made me collect my attention from around and just look at him. The noises around of hammers, river running, giggles, conversations, faded sound of insects, the cold breeze and the smell of mud and trees slowing down slowly slowly fading away.

My eyes watching him inhaling and exhaling calmly. His thumb gently feathered my cheek and I lowered my gaze at his lips when he said slowly in his deep, soft voice after coming the closest to me.

"Do you how to cast a spell?"

My eyebrows thinned seeing him moving his lips so perfectly and I did not understand even the slightest bit of what he said. 


A soft voice escaped through my lips and I looked up into his eyes that had blocked everything for me except him. my heart beats were racing insanely fast. My breathing was turning shaky and I could feel my chest doing and down feeling out of breath and all hot.

"Because I feel like possessed,"

He muttered and a strong shiver ran down my spine and before I could understand anything I felt his lips leaning in closer and touching mine. I lost my balance and my feet took a really small step back which he covered very quickly by walking forward and gently placing his toes on mine to make me still.

My eyes blinked nervously not understanding anything. People were looking at us and my body felt like collapsing at any moment. My knees felt weak all of sudden as I was not able to stand properly.

Waves of strong shivers ran down my spine when he pressed his lips even more. My eyes fluttered insanely and I fisted on my lehenga. I felt like passing out all of a sudden as my lashes felt so heavy to stay open. My cheeks warmed up with the touch and my stomach twisted insanely.

My head tilted backwards and I felt his hand gently lowering down slightly to my neck and pulled my face even closer to his. Our chests touched each other and I felt his lips so soft and warm. I felt him parting his lips and gently pressing them together the way that he sucked on my lips for once and I felt like losing all my balance. 

He pulled back for a moment and I struggle for breath with my open mouth. My eyes looked into his turning all teary. I was shaking and he muttered in a very slow voice.


And, pressed his lips again on mine. This time it felt stronger and I gave up onto him. My brain oozed to process anything and all my attention just diverted to his lips that were sucking my lips with a lot of energy.

Once, twice and three and I felt wetness in my core, not just wetness but a kind of hotness that made me feel all flushed.


I breathed against his lips and I could feel my lips were trembling insanely. My lips had turned wet because of him and he slowly pulled back.

A tear rolled down my cheek and I felt falling immediately. But, he said something that made me feel a thousands of sensations in my stomach.


He said in the slow voice and intense voice whole looking into my eyes.

And, suddenly I heard a loud exciting scream of Devarsa.


Another Update!!!

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Love you all ♥️♥️♥️

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