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In the grand courtroom, Ajashakti sat stoically on his ornate throne, surrounded by his Asuras. The Rakshasa ministers, with fury in their eyes, filled the chamber with their loud voices, expressing their outrage and discontent.

"You have crossed a line, Asur-raj ! The blood of our king stains your hands !" One Rakshasa minister bellowed, his eyes blazing with fury.

Another minister stepped forward, his voice dripping with venom. "You have sealed the fate of our alliance with your bloodshed. We will not stand idly by while you defile our sovereignty."

Despite the chaos swirling around him, Ajashakti remained composed, his eyes unwavering as he listened to their accusations. His regal demeanor only seemed to stoke the flames of the Rakshasas' anger, fueling their threats and promises of retribution.

"You have overstepped, Ajashakti ! Maharaj Ketunemi's blood will not go unavenged !"

"You will pay for your insolence. You will taste the true power now !"

Ajashakti's gaze remained unwavering as he calmly commanded his daitya soldiers, "Seize them."

The soldiers moved swiftly, surrounding the agitated Rakshasa ministers, their weapons drawn. Fear gripped the room as Ajashakti uttered the chilling order, "Cut off their heads."

Ajashakti commands, sending the Rakshasas into a frenzy as the Daityas raise their weapons. But just as the blades are about to strike, Ajashakti's voice cuts through the tension. "Stop. Let them all go," he declares with authority.

The soldiers, unwaveringly obedient, comply without hesitation. Confusion clouds the faces of the Rakshasas as the soldiers release their grip.

"Does your power tastes like this ?" Ajashakti asked.

The room falls silent, the tension thick with unspoken defiance and begrudging respect. The Rakshasas' faces contort with contempt, unable to retaliate against the Asur-raj's calculated display of authority and mercy.

"You have no power here, none before me." Ajashakti's voice rang out in the courtroom, "Leave now, while I still allow you to."

Vakrang watches with a mix of disbelief and apprehension. His gaze shifts between Ajashakti and the Rakshasas, realizing that the fragile alliance between their factions is now at risk of crumbling.

"Fine ! From now, no alliance exists between our race and yours !" The Rakshasas, their faces twisted with outrage, declared.

With one last defiant glare, they stormed out of the room, leaving behind a palpable sense of animosity. The once strong alliance now lay shattered, and the repercussions of Ketunemi's death reverberate through the courtroom.

Among the turmoil, Pralayant watched in disbelief as he observed Ajashakti's uncharacteristic actions. The emperor had always been known for his calmness, never before displaying such a rash decision-making.

Pralayant approached Ajashakti, his expression a mix of concern and disappointment. "My lord, this was not right. Killing Ketunemi was a rash decision."

Ajashakti's eyes blazed with fury as he snapped back, "Do you have sympathy towards that treacherous Ketunemi, Pralayant ?"

"Our alliance with the Rakshasas was necessary for our strength. Now, we stand divided." Pralayant replied.

Ajashakti's voice thundered through the room, "He sought my wife !"

"Will you burn all the Asuras for a mere human woman like her !?" Vakrang's voice boomed through the courtroom.

Rising from his throne, Ajashakti's eyes blazed with defiance as he declared, "If it would please her, then I would."

Vakrang's eyes widened, as he stared at Ajshakti with shock and disbelief. The tension in the room was palpable as everyone held their breath.

Pralayant, with a sense of urgency, approached, "This is not the way, my lord. We should find a way to make amends."

But Ajashakti's resolve remained unshaken as he turned to face Pralayant, his words cutting like a sword, "Why do you care so much about the alliance with Rakshasas ?"

His tone was so accusatory that Pralayant found himself at loss of words for a moment. He hesitates, "You wanted this alliance."

"Well then, I have changed my mind. No one should dare question me now." Ajashakti said.

He then stormed out of the courtroom, leaving behind a trail of disbelief and fear, daityas and danavas exchanged worried glances. Vakrang glared at Ajashakti as he left, his fists clenched with fury. Pralayant watches, torn between loyalty to their cause and concern about what just happened.


"The Rakshasas have broken the alliance, now hell with the conquest !" Vakrang blazed in anger as he recounted the entire court session to Diti and Danu.

With each word, the anger in his voice grew, fueled by his deep-seated animosity towards his younger brother. Diti and Danu exchanged a knowing glance, understanding the root cause of Ajashakti's transformation.

He continued, his words laced with bitterness. "Ajashakti's obsession with that human woman has clouded his judgment. He has no regard for anyone now !"

As Vakrang's words sank in, Diti and Danu realized the gravity of the situation. Anugamini's actions had caused chaos among the powerful races.  They understood that her influence over Ajashakti was strong, but the speed with which she orchestrated Ketunemi's demise and caused the alliance to crumble caught them off guard.

"Now give me permission, I have urgent matters to attend to. I cannot stay here any longer," Vakrang said as he stood up. He stormed out of the room, his eyes burning with anger.

Once he was out of sight, Danu turned to Diti, her expression filled with concern. "She moves swiftly with her schemes, first Ketunemi, who knows who will be next ? Perhaps Vakrang or...." Danu couldn't utter further, fear edging her voice.

"Pralayant." A voice spoke from the shadows.

The sisters were startled turned around to see Anugamini sitting on the couch, a smile playing on her lips. They were taken aback and felt a sense of unease at her unexpected presence in their room.

Anugamini smilingly said, "It's Pralayant."

Danu's heart ached with a mixture of fear and despair. The thought of Pralayant, her son, falling victim to Anugamini's wrath was a pain too unbearable to bear. She stood there, her eyes filled with tears, unable to utter a word.

Diti, her anger fueled by a mixture of fear and defiance, yelled, "You have driven your husband mad ! Don't you have any shame ?!"

"It was you who drove him mad," Anugamini replied, her voice carrying a note of eerie calmness. "I merely gave a direction to his madness."

Her words were a stark reminder of Diti's own role in the unfolding events, a chilling realization that sent a shiver down her spine. Diti stood there, her mind racing, trying to process Anugamini's words. The truth, a bitter pill to swallow, was slowly sinking in.

"The consequences of your actions are about to unfold, a terrifying reality that you are powerless to change." Anugamini said and stepped forward, her gaze fixed on the sisters.

She placed a gentle hand on Danu's head, her touch was a momentary comfort in the midst of despair.

"I am not here to torment you," Anugamini said, her voice carrying a note of sincerity. "I am here to offer you one last act of mercy."

Danu looked up, her eyes filled with a mixture of hope and fear. The words she had heard, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness, filled her with a sense of relief. Diti too looked at her, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and anticipation.

"Leave," Anugamini said, her voice carrying a note of urgency. "You will not be able to bear what is to come."

Her words, a chilling warning, echoed through the room. Diti and Danu exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes filled with a mixture of resignation and acceptance. The weight of their decision, the gravity of the situation, had finally sunk in.

They turned to Anugamini, their eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination. Their silence, a tacit acknowledgment of their surrender, was a heavy burden to bear. The future, once uncertain, was now filled with a sense of peace. But the price of this peace was a heavy one.


So considerate 😌

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