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The grand bathing chamber was a marvel of opulence, its walls adorned with intricate mosaics and its floor paved with slabs of polished marble. A large, circular pool, resembling a miniature lake, occupied the center of the room.

Ajashakti was immersed in this luxurious bath, his body relaxed after a long day of work. A thin loincloth, adorned with intricate patterns, was the only garment covering his lower body. The rest of his body was exposed, his skin glistening with the moisture of the bath.

He leaned back against the cool marble of the bath, his eyes closed in contentment. His long, dark hair, now wet and tangled, framed his face, creating a halo of darkness. The recent events, the death of Ketunemi and the subsequent breakdown of the alliance, consumed his mind.

He tried to focus on the present moment, to find respite in the simple pleasure of a warm bath. But his mind, a battleground of conflicting emotions, refused to be silenced. He needed a distraction, something to take his mind off the troubles that plagued him.

On one side of the bathing chamber, a heavy curtain shielded Ajashakti from the view of his attendants. On the other side, a team of Daitya maids busied themselves with preparing the king for his daily ablutions. Some ground sandalwood into a fine paste, its fragrant aroma filling the air. Others prepared soothing anointments, their concoctions a blend of exotic herbs and fragrant oils.

The maids then stepped forward from behind the curtain. Their hands, carrying trays of fragrant oils, pastes and soft towels, moved with a graceful efficiency. They carefully placed their preparations on the ground.

Ajashakti's gaze swept over the ladies, who were a testament to the opulence of his kingdom, carefully selected for their physical attributes and their ability to serve their king. Yet, his heart yearned for another.

One maid, attuned to her king's every need, sensed a hint of longing in his gaze. "Is there anything else you require, Asur-raj ?" she inquired.

Without hesitation, he responded, "Anugamini. Bring her here." His voice, though firm, carried a note of urgency.

The maids, their movements swift and efficient, obeyed. They quickly went out of the room, to fetch the one he desired. Ajashakti closed his eyes, his mind racing with anticipation.

Some moments later, the door creaked open, revealing Anugamini standing in the doorway. Her eyes, filled with a mixture of curiosity and surprise, met Ajashakti's gaze. As she stepped into the chamber, a blush crept across her cheeks, her modesty momentarily overcome by the sight of him.

Ajashakti, his eyes sparkling with a hint of amusement, watched her approach. Her beauty, enhanced by the steam that enveloped her, was a sight to behold. Her long, flowing hair, her delicate features, her graceful movements – it was a vision that captivated his senses.

As she came near him, the smell of her jasmine-scented filled the air, a sweet, intoxicating aroma that sent a thrill of excitement through Ajashakti. Her presence, a welcome distraction from the troubles that plagued him, brought a sense of peace and contentment.

"You called me ?" She asked shyly.

Ajashakti nodded, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Yes," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of desire and anticipation. "I need your assistance."

Anugamini hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. But she knew she couldn't refuse, the offer was too enticing.

Without a word, she sat beside him, her movements graceful and deliberate. She took the sandalwood paste in her hand, her fingers brushing against Ajashakti's arm as she applied it to his skin. Anugamini's fingers, gentle and sure, moved from Ajashakti's shoulders to his broad chest, tracing intricate patterns.

Her touch was a soothing balm, a balm that soothed his weary body and mind. As she massaged his chest, her fingers lingered on the hardened muscles. Ajashakti, closed his eyes, savoring the sensation, his body relaxing beneath her touch.

Her fingers then moved to his arms, kneading the tense muscles, releasing the knots of tension. He leaned back, his head resting against the cool tiles of the bathing chamber. The world outside, with its complexities and challenges, seemed to fade away.  The worries of the day, the burdens of his kingdom, were forgotten.

The bathing chamber was filled with the sound of running water as Anugamini poured water over Ajashakti. Her hands, gentle and sure, massaged the sandalwood paste away, leaving his skin smooth and fragrant.

As she finished, Ajashakti stepped out of the water, his muscular body glistening with droplets. The only garment on his body was the small loincloth, wrapped around his hips preserving his modesty.

The sight of him, his toned physique on display, sent a thrill of excitement through Anugamini. Her heart pounded with a mixture of desire and admiration, her eyes fixed on his sculpted form.

She grabbed a clean cotton cloth. Her hands, trembling slightly, moved across his body, drying him gently. As she touched his skin, her mind raced with a myriad of thoughts.

Anugamini then held out a clean lower garment, her eyes avoiding his gaze. Ajashakti accepted the garment, his eyes lingering on her for a moment before turning away. As he removed his loincloth, his muscular physique was on full display. Anugamini, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, averted her gaze, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue.

As Ajashakti wrapped the fresh garment around his waist, his eyes, remained fixed on Anugamini, a playful smile playing on his lips. He could see how hard she was trying not to look.

Anugamini's gaze, filled with a mixture of nervousness and anticipation, wandered around the room, her eyes avoiding Ajashakti's body. Suddenly, she felt a surge of movement, her feet leaving the ground. Ajashakti, his arms strong and powerful, had scooped her up, his embrace a warm, comforting cocoon.

Anugamini gasped, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked up at him, her eyes wide with surprise. Ajashakti, his eyes filled with a knowing glint, smiled. His intentions were clear, his desire for her palpable.

He turned away, his footsteps echoing through the bathing area. Anugamini, her heart pounding with anticipation clung to him, her body pressed against his. As he stepped out of the bathing chamber, and entered the bedroom, the door closing behind them, Anugamini's breath quickened.

Ajashakti gently placed Anugamini on the bed, and sat beside. She remained in his arms, her body pressed against his. His fingers, gently brush through her hair, sent a shiver down her spine.

However Anugamini reached out, her hand covering his, stopping his gentle caress. A look of concern crossed her face, a mask to hide the turmoil within.

"Not now," she said, her voice carrying a note of urgency.

Ajashakti's brow furrowed. "Why ?"

"I have something important to discuss with you," Anugamini said, her voice carrying a note of gravity.


I swear the things our girl wants to do to Ajashakti but can't because she has to act like a damsel in distress 🤣🤣🤣

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