Chapter 10: Kill the Bigots

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POV: Y/n

I was helping Mudai move water inside his home when I heard screams coming from the well. We ran out to see what happened, seeing a small group of bandits looting the well. "Those Hyenas," Mudai said holding a scythe, "they already caught on to the smell of water! It's bad enough they want us dead because of our abilities." "Allow me to remove them brother." I said walking up to the bandits. "This is great!" one bandit said while pouring water over his head, "With a well like this we don't need to travel anymore." "Hey!" I said causing the bandits to look back at me, "After you finish drinking, leave! And forget there was ever any water here!" "Whuzzat you bastard?!" one bandit said getting in my face, "You think we're just going to leave a well like this?! Listen, from now on, this is our well and if you got a problem with that we'll kill you!" I raised my left hand up near his face, holding out my index finger and pressing my middle finger to my thumb, the bandit looked confused I then flicked my middle finger, breaking the bandit's nose. "GUWAA!" the bandit cried, "Mah noze, mah noze!" "You don't seem to get it." I said cracking my knuckles.

The other two bandit then walked towards me trying to fight, one of them drew a large dagger, and the bandit with the broken nose pulled out a set of nunckucks. "DIE!" he said swinging at me. I stepped to the left before spinning around and hitting him across the face with the back of my left fist. I then punched the other two. "Hokuto Kyomushidan. [Finger of Nothingness]" The bandits were then confused. "I erased your memories of the last few days." I said walking away, "Someone take the punks out of here. Throw them in the desert for all I care." "This is looking bad father." Lin said as we sat around a fire. "It'd be alright if they we just some passing thieves," I said before Mudai interrupted me. "I understand this very well. Don't worry about us." Mudai said, "I still have my powers that I can use if necessary." "I don't think I've ever seen your powers." I said laughing. "Well, that must wait for tomorrow." Mudai responded with a laugh, "It is getting late." "Okay brother, good night." I said laying on the floor.

About halfway through the night, I got up, gathered what little belongings I had and started to leave. "I've been gone far too long, and I will only cause more trouble." A few moments later I sensed someone behind me. "I know you're back there." I said turning around seeing my niece. "I don't want you to leave." Lin said with tears in her eyes, "I know I don't think I can do much, but please don't go." "Lin," I said kneeling before her, "I know you don't want me to leave, but I have to, this is because the people I work with are expecting me to come home, and if I don't there's a chance even worse people will come and hurt you guys." "Then let me travel with you!" Lin cried. "No Lin," I said, "I don't want you coming with me because it's too dangerous for a young person like you. In my line of work, the people I love could die at any point." I then heard a loud roar. "Lin, we need to do back!" I said running towards my brother's home.

POV: Mudai

After Y/n had left my family, I heard a stampede of horses traveling in our direction, I headed outside to see what was the issue. When I got outside, I saw the Hyenas on their horses, their leader was shouting something. Time to defend my family! I thought activating my powers, turning into a bear-like human and emitting a bear's roar. "This will be fast." I said running up to the leader and slashing at his horse knocking him off. "GET HIM DAD!" one of the kids shouted, "STAY INSIDE KIDS!" I shouted before turning towards the bandit leader. "Leave now or I will kill you." "You may kill me," the leader, Jackal, said opening his jacket, revealing dynamite strapped to his chest, "but I, I, will have the last laugh. So try to kill me, and you and your family will as well. So, Beast, what're ya gonna do?"

"Kids, get inside." I said running up to fight Jackal. "Your funeral, beast!" Jackal said having a blade protrude from the top of his forearm. I ran up to punch him, but I ended up having his blade end up in my chest from a sucker punch. "FATHER!" my children cried running up to me. "I actually had to fight back." "I can keep ~cough~ going." I said getting up, coughing up blood. "Just give me a few moments. ~cough~ I'll have your head." "You're nothing to me beast." Jackal said punching my chest as I heard my ribs crack, and my powers were deactivated "As of today, all of the beasts will die, and we shall take this as our home! No more drinking rain water! Foooox!" "Yes!" one of the bandits said walking up as I started blacking out. "This is your chance to prove yourself as my army's commander." Jackal said as I blacked out.

POV: Y/n

Lin and I ran back to their house I saw a man standing on a pillar holding up a noose and Mudai. "NO DON'T DO IT!" one of the children said running up to the man as he threw down Mudai. "Then start with that one!" said another bandit sitting on the porch. I walked behind the house, hearing the boy cry for his life. I saw a rope and decided I to create a noose. "I'll give you a taste of your medicine." I muttered tying the noose. I then walked behind him and threw up the noose around the bandit's neck before lifting up. "No, it's you!" the bandit on the porch smoking a cigar said standing up. "Bastards." I said in a menacing tone. "Hey! Hey!" The bandit in the noose said desperately, "It was just a joke, I wasn't being serious." I then saw Mudai's body, lying on the ground, still, not even breathing. This caused me to lose all care in the man whose life I held in my hand. "Co- come on." He said scratching at the noose, "Please let me go, everything's alright, I'm not a bad guy, don't you see!?" "The last words of scum don't interest me." I said shocking the bandit, "You're going to die." "B-, but that's wait!" the bandit begged as I kicked him into the air before he suffocated from being too far from the ground.

"Fuu, fufu." the bandit on the porch said as who I'd assume is his right hand man walked up with two of the children, "I have no intentions of fighting you. We'll use these brats to ensure our escape!" "Wait a minute Lord Jackal." A man said stepping out of the shadows, "Why should we run away from this runt? I dunno what kinda kung fu he's using, but I'll crush this guy myself." The man the walked up to my and entered a boxing pose. "Hey, mind if I kill the other guy first?" I said looking at this Jackal person. "Hey, I'll have you know," The man said swinging at me as I dodged, "I used to be a boxer for the Empire." "Doesn't seem that way." I said as he threw another punch. This time I hit the pressure points along his wrist, "Hokuto Dan Kotsu Kin [Attack both bone and muscle]" I said as his arm started deforming and half of his face started sagging. "If I had my sword, I would execute you on the spot." I then turned to the other bandits, "You guys are next." "Foooox!" Jackal cried as my attention was brought to the bandit who held the kids. "DON'T MOVE!" he shouted, "One more step and I'll blow these shrimps up!" It was at this point I noticed the bandit known as Fox had two sticks of dynamite.

"FUHAHA!" Fox laughed, "You can't move a single inch! Unlike you, Lord Jackal is clever." "Fufu." Jackal laughed turning towards his men, "Saddle up boys, we're leaving. I'll tell you one more time Hokuto, I have no intention of fighting you, don't follow us." Jackal then lit the fuses on the sticks of dynamite with his cigar and then his possy rode off on their horses. The two kids panicked and ran in different directions. I caught the one closest to me and managed to pull out the fuse on the stick of dynamite, I looked for the other kid and saw him running around screaming. "NOOOO!!" I cried reaching out to try and help, when Mudai grabbed him, threw the dynamite and shielded the boy from the preceding explosion. "MUDAI!" I shouted running towards him. I managed to get on the ground and hold my brother after getting him off his adopted son. "Brother, are you alright?" I asked holding him. "No, my brother," Mudia said weakly, "I want you to take care of yourself, ~cough~ and find a suitable home for your nieces and nephews since being an assassin isn't ~cough~ suited for a child." "Yes brother." I responded with tears forming in my eyes. "G- good." Mudai said before he died in my arms with a smile on his face. "BROTHER!" I cried as the children started to cry as well. After a few moments I gained the strength to bury my brother. "We shall bury him next to your sister and mother." I said walking over to the graves near the house. After I buried my brother with his skulls, I walked off with the kids. "Those bastards, I'll follow them to Hell if I have to!"

The next morning I walked into the jail where Lin would help. "Andy, I have a favor to ask." I said greeting the sheriff. "What is it lad?" Andy asked, "I wish for you to look after these children, the were my brothers before he fell to some bandits." I said as the kids looked at him. "Seeing as Lin is with them, I'll treat them as my own," Andy sid rubbing Lin's head. "Y/n, may I talk to you in private?" "Yes." I said as we walked into his office. "What is your view on the war Y/n?" Andy asked walking to his desk and reaching into a drawer, "I believe the Empire is failing." "Is that how a Imperial sheriff should speak?" I asked with sarcasm in my voice. "Imperial, no," Andy said pulling out a small flag, "Revolutionary, yes. I take it you work with us as well." "Night Raid." I answered, "They expect me back today, but I will hunt them down." "Them is the Hyenas, right?" Andy asked as I nodded, "I told a hooded mercenary the same info I'll tell you, check out some of the ruins." "Thank you." I said turning towards the door. "I'll tell Ms. Najeda that you're tracking down some targets," Andy said sitting at his desk, "I hope she still remembers me from all those years ago." "Just make sure the kids are well fed." I said leaving the office.

POV: Writer

Finally done. I got no clue why this took so long, I do know that I scrapped an idea in this chapter to go with my original idea for this characters introduction to this arc, which I am going to call the Family arc, because, well, family was met this arc. I also have an idea for an arc that will begin after this one ends in, a few chapters. But for this next arc, I want some assistance. Al y'all have to do is give me a pairing, however, it cannot be a xReader, I have plans for that, or an xAkame, because [spoilers, even though it ain't out yet,] she dies in the final battle, I won't say how due to spoilers I ain't saying' more than that. It also must be between a male and female, not because I am anti-gay, I really don't care about someone's sexuality unless they're flirtin' with me, but in the next arc, I need a pairing that can produce offspring, I don't care who it is, as long as they exist in the Akame Ga Kill universe or the Hokuto Shinken [Fist of the North Star] universe, you can even cross over the two universes if ya feel like it. I'll ask again at the end of the arc, and I'll pick which ever one catches my eye. I'll give y'all a clue as to the main point, if ya guess it right, I'll tag ya. [Man I love doin' stuff like this] yer clue is Hurt. Well, God bless y'all, and good luck in life and with this contest.

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