Chapter 9: Kill the Family Reunion

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POV: Y/n

"You guys be careful." I said as I threw on my cloak over my skull collection and my bag with my shirt and jacket in it over my cloak, "I'm going to find my brother." "Bring him back if it is possible." Najeda said "Send someone after me if I'm not back within three days." I said as I left the base. Father, give me guidance to find Mudai. I thought, clearing my mind. "Go east my son." I heard my father say. Thank you father. I thought as I ran east. "What am I going to say to him?" I asked myself as I kept running east, "It's not like I can just say, 'Hey, I haven't seen you since the Gravekeepers were destroyed.' That will just attract attention." I continued to run east until I reached a small town. "Let's see if he's in here." I said entering the town.

"Excuse me," I said entering the local tavern, "I'm looking for a man." "You got a name?" The man asked. "Mudai," I answered, seeing him look confused, "he has lavender hair and green eyes, ring any bells?" The owner grew a puzzled expression. "No it doesn't, I'm sorry." The owner said. I then left outside without a lead. I went to a church and leaned against the outside wall, trying to think of wear to go, something kept telling me I was in the right place. "SOMEONE KILL THE BEAST!" I heard as I saw a girl with dark red hair running towards me. As she got closer, I saw that she had dog ears in top of her head. "SHE'S CORNERED GET HER!" a member of the townsfolk said as the little girl fell. "Stand down." I said jumping in front of the girl. "Unless you want to die." "If you aren't with us," the man said, "then you're one of them!" The man then ran at me drawing a small dagger.

I simply took the blade and disarmed him, sending the blade to the ground near the little girl. "Are you not aware that there are people with the ability to take the attributes of animals?" I said holding the man's wrist, "Does that make them any less human than you or I?" "Alright you guys, settle down." Came a voice behind me. "This isn't over." The man said running off with the crowd. "That man's always causing problems." "Who are you?" I asked, "Andy." He answered shaking my hand, "Now, unfortunately, I'm going to take you to the jail, this is just so I can get some more information, seeing as the other witnesses have already left." It was at this time I saw that the little girl had left, "Alright Andy, I won't fight back." I responded as Andy took me to the jail.

"Here's your cell, I'm sorry about the poor accommodations," Andy said as he locked my in the cell, "it's all the Empire gave us. Lin, can you make sure our guest here is comfortable." as he said that a little pink haired girl came out and nodded her head. A few moments later the little girl came to me with a glass of water. "Thank you miss," I said taking the water, "my name is Y/n, what's your name." She simply smiled, "Can you not speak?" I asked, she shook her head while keeping up the smile. "Come closer, I can fix that." I said inching my way closer to the bars, she then walked next to the bars. I took my hands and tapped the back of her neck, "Don't be scared." I said as I tapped her neck, "The cry of the heart will give you the power to speak." It was at this moment I noticed she wore a small skull necklace, "That skull, are you by chance related to the Gravekeepers?" I asked seeing her reel back in shock.

I chuckled at this and lifted the left side of my cloak, unveiling the skulls that were hidden beneath, "Don't worry young one," I said lowering my cloak, "I am one of the survivors." The girl then looked for a moment and spoke, "My name is Lin." She said, "I see you're a miracle worker." Andy said as he walked back in the room, "You're free to go, stay safe out there." "Thank you Andy." I said as my cell was opened.

After a brisk walk out of the jail, I heard Lin call out to me. "Mister Y/n!" she said, running up to me, "Follow me, there's someone I want you to meet." "Okay Miss Lin." I said as she lead me out of town. We walked for about half an hour before we made it to a small shack in the woods. "Dad! I'm home!" Lin said as the girl from earlier emerged from the house followed by a bunch of other children and one man, still encased in shadow. "Lin? Who did you bring home this time?" The man asked stepping out of the shadows. "A Gravekeeper!" Lin said as I removed my cloak, "Hello Mudai," I said as he stepped back, "I guess we both survived the attack on our home." "Yes,"Mudai answered as I was invited inside his home, "I was out hunting when your home was attacked, so I was spared." "That makes sense," I answered sitting down removing the hood of my cloak, "I was out hunting when we were attacked." "How did you know I was alive Y/n?" Mudai asked as I sat down, "I had a vision from father and the others telling me you were alive." "Why did you come find me?" Mudai asked placing his fingers together. "I came to talk to you about fighting the Empire that destroyed our home and people." "What group?" Mudai asked, "Night Raid." I answered quietly, "Let me think it over while we sleep." he answered, "But first, please stay for a while." "I plan to my brother."

A few moments later, the girl from this morning spoke to me, "Thank you for helping me uncle Y/n." she said hiding her face, "It's nothing little one." I said kneeling before her, "What is your name?" "Liliruca." She answered with a smile. After that Mudai came out with the food and set it on the table, and I noticed there was very little water. "Mudai, I hate to seem rude, but why is there little water?" I asked, "Our well has run dry." Mudai answered. "They say you there's water under a big stone at the bottom of the well, but no one could bust it." "I'm sorry to hear that brother." I said sliding my water away, seeing Liliruca look down. "Well, I know this is likely early for you brother, but we are about to turn in." Mudai said. "Of course brother." I said helping him take away the dishes.

"Brother, why don't you move into the nearby village?" I asked as the children were sleeping, "I believe they would be willing to share their water." "That may be the case," Mudai started, "but the nearest village is one of bigots, the village where you found Lin, although a few people respect us, most fear and hate us. But me, I can't give up, not when they need me the most." "What happened to their mother?" I asked. "The mother of Lili and Lin died when Lin was born," Mudai answered tearfully, "the others, I adopted, that's why only the two girls show the traits of the Gravekeepers." "Is Lili the young Liliruca?" I asked getting a nod in response, "Well my brother," Mudai said placing his hand on my shoulder, "I'm off to sleep, you can make yourself comfortable on our couch." "I'll let my nieces and nephews use the couch, I'll take the floor." I said laying down on the floor and using my cloak as a blanket.

A few hours later I have Mudai shaking me, "Y/n, Y/n," Mudai said, "What's wrong?" I said sitting up. "Li- it's Lili." Mudai said in a panic, "I think she left to try and steal water from the neighboring village for all of us. If she gets caught, the the bigots won't let her live, I know they have a strong fighter protecting the well." "What!?" I said jumping up and throwing on my jacket. "Y/n, I hate to ask you but-" Mudai said before I interrupted, "Where is this well?" I interrupted. "About 3 km to the east," Mudai said as I left the house and started running, "You'll easily find it."

I ran as fast as I could, almost transforming to go faster. But I was still too late. I saw Liliruca get shot with a crossbow. I could hear the man who shot her as I walked near, trying to keep my rage from taking over. "This is what you get for stealing water, especially if you're a dirty beast." I then saw him reload and aim the crossbow at Liliruca, I grabbed it with my right hand before speaking. "Who gave you the right to treat others like dirt?" I said, "Got a problem bastard!?" "Yeah, you. OOOOH DHAAA!" I shouted as I embedded my right hand in his skull with a chop, causing his skull to split.

I then ran to Lili and held her dying body in my arms. "Li- Lili, wh- why did you do this?" I asked. "Ha, haa, uncle." Lili said weakly, "Gi, give this to father, y-, you and father didn't even take one sip. Father gives everyone water, even his own share. But in two day there won't be any water left, and we'll die before water comes out of that well." "You have so little left..." I said sadly, "Un, uncle," Lili said looking up to me, "you can save everybody, can't you?" Hearing this struck me to my heart. "I know you ca-" Lil said when she died in my arms. "Li-, LILIIIIIII!" I cried as tears made their way down my face.

I then carried her lifeless body back to their home, when I got there a downpour started. "Lili!" Mudai said as I approached in the storm. "This is from her." I said pulling out a container of water. "Wh-, why?!" Mudai said dropping the water and holding Lili, "Why did she need to die?! Such a sweet child. Why? She's only seven years old." Mudai then fell to the ground crying. I walked over to the well and jumped in. I felt around for a weak point. For nothing but a drop of water, I thought, rage building inside me, we take an innocent life! What horrible times! "HAAA!" I yelled, pushing on the weak point with my fist, "LILIRUCAAA!"

I could see the energy form around my hand as I pushed even harder. Soon afterward I saw a crack form and water started leaking through. "I'm not done yet!" I shouted activating my powers. When I did so, the water flowed cleanly out of the freshly shattered stone. "Finally the water is coming out." I said jumping out of the well and deactivating my powers. "Father!" Lin said getting Mudai's attention as I walked towards him. "My God," Mudai said in shock, "Y/n, I knew you strong, but not that strong. What happened to you brother?" "Listen to me brother," I said placing my hand on his shoulder, "I am going to find these bigots and kill them, do you know anything to help me?" "No, sorry." Mudai answered, "would you mind helping us tomorrow to get some of this water inside?" "Yes brother." I answered.

POV: Akame:

I was heading to see the boss for the mission she was giving me, hoping that she wasn't sending me to find Y/n, since he left the day before. "Akame." Najeda said as I entered the conference room, "I know this type of mission isn't what you are very familiar with, but it needs to be done since Y/n is on his own for the time being." "Who is the target?" I asked. "The target is a member of the Jackals, a group of bandits, that although not part of the Empire, have been known to raid supply caches belonging to the Revolutionary Army. specifically you are to find and execute Fox, a higher up of the Jackals, we will eventually kill Jackal himself, however we are unaware of where he is." "Yes man," I said, "Any leads to find Fox?" "He is a few kilometers to the east of where we are currently." Najeda said as I ran out to find my target.

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