And soon you will see how things turn out for the better

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P: keeping secrets is dangerous, don't you ever try keeping it from me again,( didn't realised what she is talking n went with flow) you know once I tried keeping secret from you n ended up marrying suresh
( just then there was lighting, n with voice of that Pragya got scared n hugged abhi, he too hug her back, for moment they lost in each other, he was first to break hug)
A: let's go in, maybe it will rain
P: ya, let's go ( they went, Pragya in her room trying to sleep on arm chair as usual, lost in thoughts) how can I be so foolish to babble like that in front of him,?? he will definitely ask me farther in detail, how will I ever explain??,
Here abhi was thinking,"why she said she ended up marrying suresh out of some confusion, then why she married suresh, if she didn't love him, i want to know today itself"
Without wasting time he goes to her room n sees her sleeping on chair n gets irritated n shouts
Abhi: what's wrong with you,!! how many times should I tell you that no sleeping on chair
P: ( making puppy face) but I find it comfortable here only, bed is very uncomfortable
A: I will show you how to sleep comfortably on bed, get up right now!!
P:(little annoyed, but agrees n sits on bed) fine, you go I will sleep
A: as if you will say n I will believe you,( puts pillow behind her back, lifts her legs to rest on other pillow, seeing her swollen legs he gets worried) my god, why didn't you tell me your feet are swollen, let me give you massage, you will feel better
P:(tries to cover her legs with blanket) it's ok, I'm fine, really it's not paining at all
A: pls don't lie to me ok, I know (starts massaging, thinks it's right time to ask her) so where were we??
P: ( here he goes, I'm dead meat) means??
A: you said something about keeping secret from me
P:( I can't escape now, I should tell him) oh that, you know it was our 25 birthday n I wanted to surprise you by throwing stripties party with all your friends at your Lonavala bungalow n uncle n suresh helped with arrangements, n don't know why uncle thought that there is something between me n suresh, n rest you know (finishes in one breath, n waits for abhi's reaction)
A:( "she lied me about meeting suresh because she wanted to surprise me, I'm such an idiot "he felt ashamed, that how easily he misunderstood whole thing,but doesn't show on his face because he was happy at same time, as that  means she loves him n only him n always him) it's ok, but better you don't keep any secrets from me, from now onwards ok (he looks straight into her eyes n goes near to her n spread his arm as if he is going to hug her, but instead he unhook her bra) n one more thing, always remember, while sleeping you should wear lose or even better no bra ( kisses her on forehead) n sleep on left side, it's good for digestion n good night n sleep tight (winks at her n leaves before she could even react)
She was out of words, totally blank didn't know how to react or what to think n went to sleep
Here abhi in his room, was sitting in balcony n lost in thoughts,
Night before Pragya n Suresh's marriage
Abhi had drink for first time n way too much then his capacity n was still sitting at pub, just then he gets call from Pragya
P: ( very tense) where are you?? I'm waiting for you, at your house from last 2hrs, I want to tell you something
A:( not in his senses) what you want to talk now, tell me on phone itself, I can't come
P: I can't talk over phone, you have to come right now, I'm waiting
A: ( lied her) try to understand I can't come, I'm not in town
P: where are you then??
A: Pune
P: ( tears were formed in her eyes n was almost chocked) but tomorrow is my marriage n
A: (cuts in, as word marriage irritate him n shouts) how can you be so self-centred, you are only thinking about yourself, i told you once, I have work here, tell what you want to tell on phone itself
P: ( feels very bad,n hurts,  she just wanted tell him that she loves him, n it doesn't matter if he doesn't love her back, but she can't marry suresh) I think it's not that important, let it be, when are you coming back?
A: ( in anger) never ( cuts call)
(Pragya feels angry n thinks if he doesn't care then she also will move on, n marry suresh, even if she knows every well that she can never love suresh, way she loved abhi, she decided to compromise with life, n will accept suresh as husband)
Abhi feels bad that he talk rudely to her, but what can he do??he was in lot of pain n could not handle this situation, he didn't had courage to face her or her marriage with someone else, so he lied, but he was feeling more guilty for behaving rude to her, so he decided that he will straight drive to Pragya n ask her to marry him, right away n he drives car very fast, n in all this he mets with accident, he was in hospital for 3days after that, but he requested his sister n dad not to inform about this to Pragya ever, maybe somewhere both abhi's dad n sister knew that he loved Pragya so much that he got hurt n that's the reason behind his strange behaviour,n accident.  Abhi after Pragya's marriage had kept distance not the only from Pragya but also from his family, he kept himself busy with his work all that time, whenever suresh ask him to join them he would come but within half an hour or so he would excuse himself by telling he has some work. As time passes, uncle felt very bad for both abhi n Pragya because as days, months n then years passed, he saw,that  their feelings for each other clearly show that they are not happy in their respective life, here Pragya tried her best to be good, caring  n loving wife but still there was something missing, though they were now emotionally n physically in relation but she was always worried about abhi n even abhi had slowly started involving in their life, specially after when suresh asked him if he could donate sperm as his count was low, abhi happily agreed,
Flashback ends
" life has given me second chance n I'm going to make most of it this time, I will love her so much that she will forget whatever happened in last 6 yrs, I will give her happiness she deserves n how can I forget about Angel, I will be best dad ever, I know she will be naughty n beautiful just like her mother"
He was thinking all this whole night, It was around 5am, when he finally went to bed,
After some time, aaliya  was calling both abhi n Pragya for breakfast but only Pragya came, n aaliya told that she will call him n went to his room
"Bhai,  wake up, it's already 9am, you will be late" she shouted in his ears n he very sweetly told her that he will come in 10 mins, she was surprised at this behaviour as she knew that he would get irritated by her voice in morning but he replied nicely, this was totally opposite reaction n thinks that her Bhai must be in really good mood n leaves
At breakfast table Pragya was thinking about last night, " did he actually wink at me, unhook bra, there is something fishy" n suddenly abhi comes from behind n kisses her on cheeks,"good morning my girl" she was shocked n ask " Dr Abhishek prem Mehra I need an explanation for this kind of behaviour, right now?," abhi as if nothing happened," why you are asking such silly questions, when you know the answers, you always know everything" n he smiles, just then aaliya comes from kitchen with breakfast, " did I miss anything, why you both are looking wired today, is anything wrong"
Pragya was trying hard not to blush," nothing is wrong with me, but it seems your Bhai has gone mad, totally mad" n fakes angry look at him," oh no, your madness has reached to last level,  where patient thinks everyone around her is mad" n both abhi n aaliya laughs    

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Happy reading

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