We are more than friends but less than a couple

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Pragya didn't listen to them, n went to her room, aaliya went to her room , while abhi went to Pragya room
A: Pragya can I come in
P: Abhi pls don't ask this everyday, you don't have to ask ok
A:( holds her wrist) why it's ok for you for everything, why you have to compromise
P: what's wrong with you, why you have to ask to come in this room, first you never asked then why now??
A: because now, everything is changed, you got married to suresh
P:it's been 6yrs, n I'm widow now, n
A:(cuts in) yes but you are Suresh's widow, (holds her hand tightly) why Pragya if you didn't love him then why you married him
P: why is that imp now, how it does matters to you,
A: it matters
P: really that's why you didn't attain marriage, I waited till last moment, that you will stop marriage, but you didn't turn up, what was I suppose to think
A: I actually had met with accident n was in hospital for that whole 2days
P: what???why  Nobody told me that, not even uncle
A: because I said so, I didn't wanted you to live in past
P: why abhi, if you knew me so well then why didn't you agreed to uncle when he asked for our marriage
A: I was jurk at that time, I saw you n suresh together n thought there is something going on between you to,
P: (cuts in) how could you think that, if there was something I would have defiantly told you, you idiot, you spoil 3lifes just for your misunderstanding, I hate you
A:(pulls her closer) but you never told me that you love me, then how can you tell that you hate me (kisses her on lips)
Wow Bhai, finally you did it, shouted aaliya on top of her voice, both abhi n Pragya came to her room, it was early in morning, aaliya was dreaming,
Abhi: what happened, why you are shouting
Aaliya:( just realise it was a dream) sorry Bhai, maybe I was dreaming
Pragya( laughs) so what did your Bhai finally did???
Abhi: oh yes, what I did that made you so happy n you started shouting like mad
Aaliya:( nervously) Pragya was in labour pain, n you finally deliver Angel so I was shouting Bhai you did it ( try's to look away, as she was not sure if they will believe this story)
Pragya: pagal, there is still so much time, for Angel to come in this world, n look at you already dreaming about her, but tell me whom she look like
Aaliya: Bhai
Pragya n abhi both at same time what????
Aaliya: arre I was calling Bhai, Bhai still how many months???
Abhi:4-5months, n pls can we go to sleep yesterday was long night
N all went to sleep again
But kept on blushing on thought him delivering angle, suddenly it hit him that what if Angel grew up looking like him, then defiantly Pragya will know that he is one who donated, n he get worried what should he do now, should he tell her???n finally he made up his mind n planned to tell her as soon as possible, abhi didn't went went to clinic today, he was out whole day thinking how to tell her n how will she react???
Same day at evening, abhi came home by 7 pm, n saw Pragya was chatting with bulbul, he hide behind pillar n listen to their conversation

Bulbul: Bhabi, it's time you should move on, if not for yourself do it for baby,
P: I have named her, Angel
B: wow, nice name, but Bhabi, think over it, angle needs both mother n father,
P: no, bulbul how can I, suresh
B:(cuts in) Bhai will be happy to see you happy, if you don't mind, why don't you n abhi, both get married, you both know each other so well n
P:( cuts in) we are just friends
B: oh really, but from what all you said, (Pragya told her what all had happened since she came here but not her special moments with abhi like exercise, eye lock , her urge to kiss him)   I think it's time you starts thinking beyond that, you know what I mean, right??
P: but abhi doesn't think like that, you know, uncle first asked abhi if he loves me n want to marry me, but he denied n said we are just friends, then how can I think beyond that, when I know it will be one sided love, n about Angel , I know she will miss to have father, but she will have father figure in abhi, he will love her
B: I hope then that idiot starts loving her mother also
P:( blushing) stop it bulbul, stop teasing me ok
Abhi was amazed at Pragya pov, n thinks it's right time,
A: hello ladies, Am I disturbing you
B: yes you are, I was about to brain wash Pragya n you came in
A: brain wash, about what???
B: I was telling her to move on in life
P: bulbul, stop it, I said what I had to say, now end of discussion
A: but Pragya she is right,
P: so you want me to go from here (with teary eyes) ok fine, I will leave today itself, but don't you ever ask me that again ( was about to standup)
A:(holds her wrist) not so soon, my girl, I was telling to move on in life, I was not telling you to marry someone right away, but at least you should start thinking about it
P:( I think he wants to marry Tanu, that's why he is asking me to move on) I know why you are telling me all this, but you are not going to be that lucky,( completely forgets about bulbul also seating next to her) Dr Abhi, I won't let you marry Tanu
(Bulbul n abhi were shock to hear that, while Pragya just realise what she said, n tries to cover up)
I mean you can, marry her but after I deliver ok
A: who said I'm going to marry Tanu, I was talking about your marriage
B:(completes sentence ) with abhi, right abhi
(Pragya n abhi together) no, bulbul
B: I thought so, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings
P: it's ok, now you both do chatting n I go n cook dinner
A: no, Pragya, let's go out
B: sorry, but I already have date with my hubby, you guys carry on, I'm leaving
Abhi dropped her till car n came back quickly
A: Pragya, what you want to eat??
P: I'm cooking at home, masala khichdi, you go n freshen up
A: but
P: pls abhi, I don't feel like going out
A: ok,
After some time, they finished with dinner n both were walking in garden, there was complete silence, abhi was first to broke silence
Abhi: soo what are you making for breakfast tomorrow
P: aalu paratha if I wakeup early, pancake if I wakeup late, n cornflakes for you n cheese n Jam sandwich if i feel lazy to cook
A: oh ok, n for lunch??
P:  rajma, chawal n this is not going to change ok
A:ok, n dinner??
P: are you hungry, why you keep on asking such silly question, are you ok
A: ( nervously, come on abhi you can do it) actually what I mean is, you alway know what you are going to do next, you know everything
P:no abhi, there are things that I don't know n you know it but never mind n  come on abhi, it's just about deciding menu, there is no big deal in it, anybody will plan in advance
A: what is that I know n you don't know, come on you must be kidding
P: you know my question n answer too, so pls tell me, pls abhi
A: first tell me, what will you do, after knowing it
P: I don't know may be thank him, but pls tell me first
A: ok, n if I tell you, you know that person then
P:( her pulse rises) Who???,
A: ( gets tense) I did it, it's me
P: ( standing speechless, just looks at him, while he continues)
A: I decided to tell you today,as  I thought if Angel inherited my looks then you would defiantly know it,(shakes her by shoulder) Pragya, are you angry with me, tell something??
P: what should I say, you have gone out of way to help me n just  by thanking you for this, I don't want to insult our friendship, you n Angel means world to me, what I'm feeling right now I can't explain in words,
A:( same here) that means you are happy to know that I'm the one, n you are not mad at me
P: of course not, how can I ever be mad at you, n what makes you think that??
A: knowing that you are my bestie, I listen to suresh, this whole thing was not my idea, but suresh insisted n told me not to tell you, so I thought  you will be mad for keeping secrete from you
P: keeping secrets is dangerous, don't you ever try keeping it from me again,( didn't realised what she is talking n went with flow) you know once I tried keeping secret from you n ended up marrying suresh

Hope you'll like it, do comment
Happy reading

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