Everything happens for reason

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Pragya the was very excited about going out for ice cream n she gets ready
Abhi, was mesmerised by her looks,  as Pragya came down
A: wow you look amazing
P: thanks ( she was wearing simple knee length, light pink linen dress)
A: but don't you think it's little tight
P: (pouting) this was biggest size in this collection
A: ok, come tomorrow for shopping with me, it's time you should buy cloths fit for pregnancy n not this types of cloths ok, you are not that slim any more
P:( gets sad, n about any minute she would cry)  do you really think, I'm that fat, don't I look beautiful??(starts crying)
A: ( cups her face) more then ever, you are looking gorgeous, n this is not fat, it's healthy weight gain, you will loss once after delivery ok, now let's go, we are already late
P: ( cheerfully) ok, let's go
A: that's my girl (kisses her forehead)
As they reach ice cream Palour, Pragya ask abhi to bring only one ice cream
A: but why?? I also want to eat
P: no, you can't have, you ate my dinner already, so it's your punishment ok
A: ( I think, I should not argue with her) ok fine
P: double scoop of tender coconut with chocolate chip sprinkles ok
A: ( she is having my favourite)ok
After sometime abhi came with ice cream," take, have it all" said in angry tone
P: I'm not feeling hungry anymore, you have it
A(excited) really, wow I love this ice cream
P: I know, that's  why i gave it to you
( goes next to him n feeds him one bite n shouts) happy birthday
A: thanks, but it's not my birthday, it's after 5 months
P: I know you idiot, mine is also on same day, but I just wanted to surprise you today
A: ya I'm surprised, but 5 months in advance, who does that
P: me, I don't know, when next time we will be doing this, I mean, you taking me out for ice cream, as by the time our birthday comes I will be house arrest by you, I will be 9 months, so I thought why not today, so I wish you
A: so that means it's your birthday also, let's share this ice cream like we share our birthday
P: it's not good for Angel if I get cold again so it's better, I will take only one spoon ok
A: ok ( he feeds her, really big bite)
As Pragya was enjoying a big spoonful of ice cream, abhi eyes fell on her right breast, which was visibly leaking, he tries to tell her, but she was busy gazing at him, she could only see his  luscious lips  moving, ( she actually started felling for him all over again, but she herself don't know yet or its her hormones) abhi finally gives up n goes near her n gives tissue paper but she wipes her month with that, he takes another tissue n takes her hand in his n keeps it on her right breast, Pragya looks at him in confusion
P: why your hand on my breast, ??
A: it's leaking
P: It's ice cream, it will melt, n I have wipe it n but what are you doing??? Hitting on me
A: ( smiles n whispers in her ears) milk from your right breast  is leaking, let's go
P:( quickly puts tissue back ) oh thanks, but you can have said it straight
A: it's little embarrassing, how can I just say it like that
P: n putting hand on my breast is not embarrassing, half of people were looking at us
A: ( embarrassed) sorry, but it's your fault also, you were too busy in ice cream, you didn't hear what I said, that's why I was telling you that your dress is tight n
P: ( cuts in) stop lecturing, it's ok, let's go now n they leaves
While driving Pragya asks him, I'm still not feeling baby kicks n milk already started coming, I'm really confused
A: in pregnancy a women goes through lots of physical, psychological n hormonal changes, so take it easy, do some exercise so that lumps doesn't form
P: oh god, exercise for this also, how i wish, I was man, just have sex or donate sperm my job is done, after 9 months I'm father, no change
A: why you are over reacting,  men can never feel the feeling you will feel when baby is inside you, his movements, feeling his breath, his heart beats, it's really somethings else, I can't even express in words, n you here want to run from all this
P: baba abhiji, if your pravachan(spiritual talk) is over then let me tell you, I'm proud to be a mother, I have waited for 5yrs for this moment, n all thanks to you
A: me??
P: I know, this is not Suresh's baby, but thanks to help him, n keeping it secret,
A: ( shocked) how??
P: I wanted you to tell me but let it be, I know it's been done through IVF n it's done all under your supervision,  all details were there in file except who donated, can you pls tell,
A: I won't lie now, as you know everything but I cannot disclose his name, as its in contract that hospital will never disclosed any donor's name, I'm sorry Pragya
P: it's ok, I can understand n they reached home,
Aaliya opens door for them,
Aaliya: hi people, so you'll were out for date
P: yes, ice cream date
A:( confused, she agrees it's date in front of aaliya) it's nothing like that
Aaliya: I know, if it was date, then by now Pragya must be my Bhabi
P:( her eyes get moist) oh pls, I don't like such jokes, excuse me n goes straight to her room,
Abhi: ( angry) Aaliya it's not good to be judgemental all the time n go to sleep n he himself goes to Pragya's room to apologise to her on aaliya's behalf
A: I'm sorry Pragya
P: why are you feeling sorry for, it's not your fault
A: I'm sorry on aaliya's behalf
P: it's not her fault also, it's me, my destiny,
A: pls don't say that, I'm here, I will make everything right for you, to make you happy
P: till when, someday you will also have to settle down, I can't stay here forever,
A: you are right, but once Angel is born, once She learn to speak, walk, talk, eat, pee trained, potty trained, be independent, get in studies, collage, marriage, make you grandma after that maybe I will allow you to go
P: ( her eyes filled with tears of happiness n hugs) that means you are asking me to stay even after Angel is born
A: obviously, I can't let you live alone
P: abhi, I can manage, seriously there is no need for all this
A: shut up, there are still 5months for Angel to come, will discuss about this at that  time ok, just go to sleep n not on chair, pls sleep on bed
P: ok, I will try, I don't feel sleepy on bed, armchair is more comfortable, it's very relaxing
A: ok, but stop thinking of leaving me n going, you are staying here with me forever n no farther discussion on this ok, bye good night, n he just rushes out from bedroom without giving time to Pragya to react on his words, abhi in his room, his heart was beating faster then cheetah," abhi you said her, you are not leaving me ever n staying here forever, instead you should have told her I love you n marry me, what if she thinks I indirectly ask her to be with me always, n I will never move on in life, I want to be with her forever" his thoughts were disrupted by aaliya presence
Aaliya: Bhai, I'm sorry, I won't do it again
Abhi : it's ok, but for next 2days no party n going out for dinner n lunches, I'm going Pune for seminar, be with Pragya all time ok
Aaliya: ok Bhai, you can trust me on this, good night
Next day at dinning table, all three were having breakfast
Abhi: wow, it's my fav breakfast today, aalu parathas, who made it
P: Aaliya
Aaliya: ya but all thanks to Pragya, for helping me
Abhi: yes helping you in your lies
P: what?? I never lie
Abhi: I know you made all this breakfast, I can say it from ways it tastes n looks ok
Aaliya: fine, she did it, but I'm sorry for yesterday
Abhi( looking at Pragya's breast) Pragya we are facing same problem
P: which??
A: yesterday's
Aaliya: I said I'm sorry
A: not yours, Pragya o at ice cream Palour
P:( gets up from chair n goes to abhi n drags him to her room) can't you say in simple manner like normal people, for god sake you are a doctor n why it's awkward  for you tell, " milk is leaking or your breast are full "or something else but simple to understand
A: ya I can, but I thought you will feel awkward, so
P: ( understands his pov) so tell me about that exercise, I want to do it, right now
A: it's simple, put your right hand behind your left shoulder n your left hand towards right shoulder then on your right breast n move it clock wise n anti-clockwise n repeat same on other side
P: this is not simple, how many left n rights it's confusing
A: no it's simple, wait I will show you( abhi goes close to her so close that she was feeling his hot  breathe n when he put his hand on her right breast n started showing how to move it clockwise n anti-clockwise, it became very difficult for her to control herself, her lips were longing to meet his lips , but somehow she managed, though he had done this to many times at clinic but it was more difficult for him to control himself, she was so like melting in his arms,  he almost started massaging her both breast, slowly with his both hands, they had eye lock, but both didn't had that courage that they take it to next level, abhi was first to come on reality n quickly took off his hands)
understood, do this every day ok, so no lumps will form, I will tell one of nurse to bring breast pads for you, keep it under your
P: ( back to her senses)ok ok, I get it, ok n will try this exercise ( thank god, he stop, this exercise is so....., but didn't he felt anything, maybe its routine for him, after all he is gynaecologist)
A:( thank god, she took it as part of exercise n god I must avoid this kind of closeness with her, I always get mesmerised by her n trying look away from her) I have to go to Pune, you go to clinic today or tomorrow for anomaly scan n some blood tests ok
P:(can't control her Crimson red cheeks blushing n looking out from the window) when you will be back,
A: in 2days ok, there is seminar in Pune, n I have to attend otherwise I would have postponed or cancelled  it
P: no it's ok, I will manage
A: no, take Aaliya with you, I have already told her to be with you all the time ok
P: ok, abhi one more thing
A: what??
P:( gets emotional thinking about suresh accident) pls drive safely
A: don't worry I will
P: call me once you reach ok
A: ok, now can I go, I'm getting late ok bye
P: bye ( she goes in balcony n sees abhi leaving )
For next 2-3hrs, Pragya was feeling very restless, n ashamed of herself, "how can I feel or think about kissing abhi, I'm married n it will be like I'm betraying suresh, at the same time I will lose my friend also, if he had feelings for me, he would have accepted me, when uncle asked him",
Here abhi was the thinking," abhi this is wrong, it's true that you love her, but she is married n she is your friend's wife, so what if she is widow, so what she is going to be your child's mother, so what if she doesn't love you, but really today it was different feeling from her side, even she was enjoying, no abhi no, don't you gave yourself such excuses, she thought you were just showing exercise" abhi suddenly pulls break, he was almost about to hit truck, n calls Pragya but her phone was not available, so he calls aaliya
A: aaliya, how is Pragya
Aaliya: fine why??is very thing ok
A: no, I was thinking about her n then I almost had an accident
Aaliya: what?? Accident
A: I was just feeling sleepy so
Aaliya: then why you drive, if you were feeling so sleepy
A: take Pragya to clinic n bye I have to go n will call you later n cuts call n Aaliya goes to Pragya n  asked her, is she wants to visit clinic now, but Pragya said, we will go later, just then she calls abhi
P: have you reached
A: yes, I have reached
P: why your voice is shaky, what happened, is very thing ok??
A: every thing is fine
P: are you sure
A: yes
P: liar, I heard your n aaliya conversation, why you planned night out for ice cream, if you knew that you had to drive early in morning, for god sake, why you hide things from me, actually who am I to question you
A:( cuts in) I just didn't wanted to stress you,  it's not good for you, that's why
P: oh really??   If something happens to you, then what will I do, in name of family I n aaliya only have you, why can't you be responsible  n drive
A: I'm sorry, I won't do it again, pls don't be angry with me pls n go for check up ok pls, I won't repeat such thing ok
P: ok, I will go with aaliya in evening
A: no, go right now
P: ok, fine n cuts call, ( looks at aaliya) come on get ready, we are going now at clinic ok
Aaliya: I'm so excited, I have never seen ultrasound n goes to get ready
After sometime they reach clinic
P: goes to nurse n ask for tests to be done n ultrasound ( nurse takes them to DR Tanu, she is new intern, she joined 2days back)
T: hello, so you are Pragya, sir talks lots about you
P: really, hope he talks everything good about me
T: ya, he loves your cooking n at times about your tantrums
P: ( gets little annoyed) ok, so which tests are to be done
T: I have seen your file, you have still not done Rh factor test, it's blood test n ultrasound
P: ok, let's do it fast,
T: I know you are scared of blood test, but don't worry, you won't even feel n it will be done
P: how do you know
T: sir told ( Pragya was happy that abhi thinks so much about her but was jealous that he is sharing all this with Tanu ) come let's go ( aaliya also followed in)
Aaliya: wow, those tiny wiggle are toes, n so tiny hands, but don't you think head is little too big then rest of body(both Tanu n Pragya laughs)
T: it will become normal, to body proportion as baby grows ok
P: is everything ok
T: perfectly fine n now blood test
After sometime, Tanu tells her that she wants father's blood sample also, as if she is Rh negative n her husband is Rh positive than there are chances that baby will be Rh positive, which is not good, n if that happens she need to take an antidote, in her third trimester.
Aaliya was about to say that suresh is no more but Pragya press her hand n stops her
P: ok, anything else, I should worry about
T: no, ( whispers in her ears, that Breasts are full) try some exercise n that will prevent lumps from forming n use breast pads ( Pragya was confused about breast pads but she finds it awkward to ask Tanu)
P: ok thanks, I will come tomorrow for reports
T: no need, you can call n ask, n about sample ward boy will come at your place to collect ( Pragya was surprised that tanu didn't knew that abhi n she lives in same house)
P: no, he will come here only( I think I will have to ask abhi, to ask that person to come n give his sample)
Both Aaliya n Pragya leaves, it was early morning around 6am, abhi came n straight goes to his room,
After some time at breakfast table, aaliya called out loudly for Pragya n said breakfast is ready,
Here Pragya was coming for breakfast n notice that abhi room was little open n she goes in, n was surprised to see him, she then goes to aaliya n ask when did abhi came from Pune
Aaliya: what?? Bhai is here, already
P: why?? You are not happy
Aaliya: I thought, he is coming in evening or late night, so I called my friend for lunch today, if Bhai comes to know that I have invited a boy for lunch in his absence then Bhai will kill me
P: don't be a drama queen, I will make him understand ok,
Aaliya: (hugs) you are the best
Pragya takes breakfast n goes to abhi's room
P:( opens curtains) good morning
A: pls let me sleep, pls
P:( goes near him n shouts in his ears) good morning
A:( gets angry) I said once, let me sleep then why don't you listen
P: I have something imp to ask you
A: blood sample is reached in clinic, now let me sleep
P:( shocked) how you know that I was going to ask about that
A:( turns to other side of bed) pls not now, let me sleep
P:( notice that there is white patch on his arm, which normally puts after any blood test) abhi what is this
A:( his eyes were still close) pls Pragya let me sleep, we can talk after some time pls
P: ok, go to sleep ( closes curtains n leaves)
Pragya in her room thinking," so does that really mean that abhi is had donated n he is father of Angel,oh god thanks, we can never be one but destiny made us one family, Angel is so lucky to have father like him, no no what I'm thinking, I should not let abhi know that I know, it will be so awkward for him, n for me too, is this is why he is so concerned about Angel," her thoughts were distracted by knock on door, it was abhi
A: may I came in
P:(opens door)  pls why are you asking such foolish question?
A: door was closed, so I had to ask, now come on, get ready, we are going for shopping
P: now, it's only 11am, so early
A: ya, after that lunch n after that I have surgery so I will be late, I will come by 10 or so
P: why you doing this, you take rest, we will go around 1pm n do lunch at home only ok( suddenly remembers aaliya friend is going come for lunch) but on second thought, let's go now, you just wait here I will be back in 5 mins
A:( he was sitting on armchair, while Pragya went in washroom to change) Pragya wear something lose
P: ( long tee n leggings) how do I look
A: no, you can't wear this n come, it's too tight, wait I just be back(comes back with some clothes)here try this
P: ( deep neck black tee n blue maternity jean) wow abhi, it's so fabulous,
A: (he is very happy to see her happy like this after long time)  really you do look nice
P:( hugs) thanks a lot, it feels like collage days (she was wearing jeans after ages,  it was not that suresh objected about her wearing western outfits but she herself didn't wear it after marriage, she mostly wore churidars n sometimes may be knee length dresses)both abhi n Pragya were about to leave, Pragya slip n abhi hold her, they share eye lock but later came to sense when door bell rang
(Pragya in her mind pls don't be aaliya's friend)
Aaliya came n open the door, it was Purab her college friend 

Hope you'll will enjoy, pls do comment, it really motivates me to write more
Happy reading

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