It all comes down to the last person u think of at night, thats where ur ❤️ is

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Both abhi n Pragya standing in their respective balcony

Pragya looking at moon n thinking about about her past
Abhi called Pragya n ask her if she likes to come with him, as he wanted to for shopping for next week for their birthday but Pragya lied to abhi n told she has to go collage today as she has some imp project to summit n went with suresh, as Abhigya birthday was here next week n she wanted to plan surprise party for him, only boys would be coming, there was going to be stripes dance by Russian dancers ( it was there 25 birthday)
So she called suresh at cafe n ask him if he will help her with inviting his friends n when he said he will do it, she thank him
Same day after sometime she went to abhi's place, to thank uncle for letting use your Pune bungalow for abhi's surprise party
When she entered uncle's room,
" how I wish I could make you stay with us forever, but sometimes all your wish are not fulfilled" said uncle in sad tone, not meeting eyes with Pragya
Pragya: what happen uncle, why are you saying, I didn't get you???
U: nothing, I think, it's time you should get settled in life, how about suresh, I think he will understand you, n he is good
P:( shocked, n understood what uncle meant by his wish will not fulfilled, so abhi said no, may be he thinks about me as only friend n nothing else, how can I say no to uncle, he has done so many things for me, I should not let him down, abhi already hurt uncle feelings, how can me too, do same thing)
U: Pragya, why you are not answering
P:( just nodded in yes n ran from room)
U: pagal, so that's why abhi said no, maybe he knew Pragya likes or maybe love suresh ( abhi hears their conversation )
Same day in evening, Abhigya were sitting on swing in the garden
A: so you finally decided,
P: about what??
A: come on, I know you n dad were talking about
P: ( looks straight into his eyes) are you happy with all this,
A:( cuts in) suresh is good person, he will be great husband
P: great my foot, he is chasmis, n geek n boring,
A: so am I, what's problem in that
P: your is different thing, I like you n ( takes off his glasses) this glasses, but he is, God I can't express in words
A: so should I tell dad about this
P:( quickly places her hand on his mouth) no, not a word, ( changes her statement) I was just joking (puts back his glasses)
A:( is hurt n thinks he was right, she likes suresh)ok n leaves
Pragya cried that whole night, thinking she misunderstood abhi, that he loves her n decided she will never do such mistake again, she will never think of abhi in future, n they will be only friends nothing else.
Flashback ends
A tear falls from corner of her eye," why abhi, why that day you said no, to uncle, didn't you ever had feelings for me, didn't you ever consider me more then just friend, you were always there for me, but was that just for sake of our friendship or something else, oh god what I'm thinking, no Pragya no, you can't think all this now, you are married n now widow, how can you forget suresh, it's only been 2 months,n you are going to be mother soon, it's wrong, it's wrong even to think all this " n she comes inside puts her hand on her tummy n sits on armchair, n talks to Angel," sorry Angel, I was little upset today, I didn't talk to you, when you come in my arms I'm going to love you so much, pls be my support system" n she sleeps on chair only

Here abhi in his balcony looking at moonlight thinking about past
" I was thinking, how it would be, if Pragya stays with us forever," said dad with excitement
A: means??
D: I know, you love her, n I don't have problem with that, infact I myself was thinking to get you both married
A:( how can I say yes dad, specially after what I saw today, Pragya lied to me for first time to be with suresh, I saw them together sitting in cafe, is she likes him or loves him, I'm not sure but definitely she does't love me, if I say yes, n you will ask her, she will say yes out of obligation n I don't want that)
D: mr abhi, come out of you fantasy island n tell me I'm right na
A: no dad, she is only my best friend, but there is nothing else between us
D: there is, I have seen in your eyes n her eyes, n eyes not lie
A: sometimes it does, I don't know should I tell you this or not, I'm not sure but I think she likes suresh
D:( gets sad) ok, I will talk to her, n leaves
Next week, just 2days before Abhigya birthday, uncle announced Pragya n suresh engagement, n marriage after a month, Pragya cancelled party at Pune n celebrate it with abhi, n his family as maybe last party they celebrate together
Abhi clearly noticed that Pragya was  uncomfortable with her relation with suresh on their birthday,
Flashback ends
" why Pragya, why you didn't you say no to dad, if you want to be with me, then why you accepted that proposal, was I right, you liked suresh, if yes, then why I never saw happiness in your eyes, they always had something else to say, it looked as if it was just compromise, is it you just agreed to marry him out of obligation, is it, no abhi no, what are you thinking, n how can you, just for your satisfaction you are imagining baseless things, if she was not comfortable in relation she would have definitely shared with you, suresh would have not ask for help(sperm donation n ivf pregnancy) just for sake of Pragya happiness, suresh truly loved her n she also loves him still"
N he walks out from his room to check on Pragya ( this was his daily routine, he will check on Pragya n then go to sleep) he slightly pushes her bedroom door without making any sound, n finds she is sleeping on armchair n it seemed she had cried before going to sleep, as dried tears marks were easily visible, he wakes up Pragya
A: Pragya, Pragya ( pats her on cheeks) Pragya
P:( in very sleepy tone) abhi you, what happen, is everything ok
A: shut up, I should ask you that, why were you crying, it's not good for you or Angel, your BP gets low, when you cry
P: ( her eyes were almost closed) pls abhi, it's almost 3am, n you are lecturing me, not fair
A: I have to lecture you for everything otherwise you won't listen, I really hope Angel should behave like you n then you will know, why I'm lecturing you always
P:( still very sleepy n eyes still closed) can we sleep now, pls, will continue this topic in morning, pls sleep now,( n unknowingly she pulls him to bed) don't utter a word sleep now 
A:( completely shocked n uncomfortable, tried to move her hand but her grip was tight, he finally gave up n slept)
Next day morning, both were sleeping cuddling each other, abhi  was first to wakeup, n he saw her smiling in sleep, he softly kissed her on forehead n slightly takes his hand off from her tummy n leaves
Aaliya shouted from dinning area," is anyone bother to have breakfast with me, IM WAITING"
A: stop shouting, Pragya is sleeping, let her rest n don't make noise, ok
(looks at Breakfast n makes faces)
Aaliya: still sleeping, great she needs to sleep like this till late more often
A: ( thinks about last night)no, I mean yes
Pragya: what no n yes is about??
Aaliya; I was telling Bhai, you should sleep till late more often
P: really ( takes samosa from her hand) so you can have all this junk food  
A: yes, I was just about to say that, it's not healthy,
P: stop lecturing, I think it's your new found hobby,
Aaliya: Bhai is also lecturing you also
P: ya yesterday night, also he was lecturing
A:( cuts in, n was shock that she know n perfectly ok with that) stop it, you both are irritating me n leaves  
N aaliya n Pragya laugh

3 more weeks passed, she is 18 weeks pregnant, n her tantrums were way too much to handle, she over reacted for small small things, one such night
Pragya was sleeping as usual on armchair, around 12am, abhi cames n was very hungry so he straight goes to kitchen, but there was nothing, then he takes popcorn packet n opens microwave n sees bowl n masala khichdi in it,so he warm up n eats all, just then Pragya comes n started shouting on abhi, " why did you eat it, it was for me,don't you know its my bowl, n  I wanted to eat" then started crying like small kid
A: what is wrong with you, I was hungry so I ate it
P: ( still crying )But you said you are not going to have dinner, I was also hungry, so I wanted to eat it, how could you do this, n that to, to a pregnant lady, it's not fair, ( puts hand on her tummy) my angel is also hungry
A: ( cups her face)wait I will make you something, how about popcorn n for god sake stop crying pls
P: ( angry) no, I don't like popcorn
A: soo how about Maggi
P: no, I don't feel like have hot food
A: ok then how about ice cream
P:( grins)I love you for this suggestion, wait I will just change
A: change??
P: all thanks to you, we don't have ice cream in house, we have to go out to ice cream Palour
A: at this time, no, you wait here, n I will get it for you, chocolate chips, right??
P: no, I'm also coming, I hate melted ice cream,
A: ( God her tantrums) ok, you win, let's go

Hope you'll like it, pls do comment
Happy reading

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