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An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstances. The thread may stretch or tangled but will never break


I slowly opened door to see if she slept as today was first night she was at my house, she was resting on arm chair
Life is so in complete without you, or I must say or ask is there life without you ?? saying so she put her hand on tummy, lovingly talking at their unborn child, after suresh death, her only hope to live was this baby, yes my best friend suresh died, n Pragya was his wife n my childhood friend, I still remember, that day when, Pragya came alone at my clinic, she wanted to surprise suresh with her pregnancy news,n I confirm that she was 6 weeks pregnant, but I cheated her, when even after 6years she didn't conceive, so I suggest them to under go some tests, I found that sperm count of suresh were not enough, n he didn't wanted to tell Pragya this, he knew how much she was longing for baby, n if he told her then she would never be ready to adopt child, or do IVF, so suresh requested me to help him out, I had no option then donating my sperms, Pragya was told she was having fibrosis n because of that she was not able to conceive n now it needs to operated n then everything was running smooth, until that day I called suresh n told him Pragya is pregnant , at that time I didn't knew she wanted to surprise him, I still regret that I told him, he in over excitement drive car roughly to reach home early n met with accident n Pragya still regret that she didn't even told him that soon he was going be father.
As days passed, I somehow convinced her, to stay with us ( me n my younger sister Aaliyah) as her only family was suresh, she herself was orphan n suresh parents died long back, his sister Rachana, was married last month in London, she did try to convince Pragya to come n settle there with them, but she refused saying that she wants to live here, it was almost week after Rachana left, I was very angry with her, Pragya was not taking care of herself n baby, most of time she spend in thinking about suresh n rest talking to baby. In all this she would missed meals, she was not gaining weight, getting weak day by day, when I talk to Aaliyah about her, she quickly suggest that we should bring her here with us, I literally had to emotional blackmail her to convince her to come n stay, I told her if she just for once thought me as her best friend, she has to come with me at my house, n she agreed but on one condition that she will do cooking, she loves cooking n singing, when we were in collage, she had won many singing competition , I many time asked her to make singing as her profession but she kept on saying that she sings when she is feels like n it's her hobby, she always wanted to be, writer by profession but all she wrote was about her life in her diary, she had this habit of writing diary every single day, suresh had shared with me that how he hated her this habit, when they were at their honeymoon she would write first n then gave time to him, it was like her soul, I wonder if she still writes,
My life was changed after she came here, she made sure I had my breakfast, lunch n dinner at proper time, I had stop drinking at home, I didn't wanted to drink in front of Pragya, she didn't like it, I just wanted her to be happy, that is why I brought here, she deserved to be happy, to be loved


Today is my first day at abhi house, I was not able to sleep so was resting on arm chair
Life is so in complete without you, or I must say ask is there life without you, I put my hand on my tummy, n said to my unborn child, that how only he is my last hope in my life, saying so I just remembered that day when I alone went at abhi clinic for test, yes abhi is my childhood friend, I have known him from our kindergarten days, he used to come with his father n sister on every Sunday to our orphanage, uncle Mohan used to believe that one gets happiness if one shares happiness, from that day, we became best of friends, I was bright student, so uncle was one who gave me strength to stand on my feet, n me n abhi went in same school n collage, uncle was one who got me married to suresh, he thought suresh was perfect for me, I could not denied him, after all uncle was like my dad, at first I didn't like suresh much,he was that double battery type but abhi convinced me that he is good person, well it took me almost year to know him, but still there was some gap, he didn't understand me like abhi did, they both were best friends, they met in London when abhi went for higher studies, n in those 2years they became best of buddies.
That day, abhi told me I was 6weeks pregnant, I was on cloud 9, I just hugged him n told not to tell suresh as it's going to be surprise for him, after all we had waited for this news for almost 6 years, but after abhi told we should get some test done, it was found that I was having fibrosis, n because of that I'm not able to conceive, so I got operated for that, n later conceived but my happiness short lived, suresh died in car accident n I was not able to tell him that his dream was going to come true
After few days Rachana asked me to shift with her to London, but how can I, she just got married last month, n I don't wanted to have burden on her,
As days passed, i was skulking more n more to suresh or would talk to my baby, I called him, angle, but abhi was every angry with me, I could clearly see that on his face, I was not taking care of myself or angle, I was not gaining weight, abhi was very worried, he told me to come n stay with them ( him n Aaliyah) Aaliyah was like little naughty sister for me, one day she came n request me to stay with them, I refuse her also but what she said, made me go at that very second, she told, "abhi is getting worst day by day, first he only used to miss breakfast, n then he started coming late at night n missed dinner, but now from past few days or should I say from day he saw you like this sulking, he distended away from everyone n he started drinking at home also, he is not able to take all this, there is something bothering him, if you come, at least he will listen to you, you know after mom n dad passed away you n abhi is only family I have, pls I begged you come with us" n I agreed but told her that don't tell abhi, that I'm coming n she agreed, next day abhi came at my house n shouted at me n said if I ever considered him as best friend I should come with him n I said ok, after he left, I was packing my things, I saw some reports in between cloths hidden in my cupboard, which says suresh sperm count is low n can never father child, then there were some other reports of IVF, I was confused at first , but then I thought to call abhi n ask him, as all reports were of his clinic but Again I thought if reports are of his clinic n he is not telling me, then maybe suresh never wanted me to know about all this n abhi supported him in this hiding secret,so I wanted respect that n didn't ask abhi, n I search online, n came to conclusion that maybe someone donated sperm, n this pregnancy happened, n if I'm not wrong that fibrosis operation was just lie, so they can Fertilise egg, oh god, they could have told me directly
Next day I went to abhi place to stay, n put condition that I will cook, I knew he loves my cooking, I used to write everything in my dairy daily but when I got those reports I burnt my dairy, n decided will never write dairy again, I didn't wanted it to remind me that angle was not suresh baby, but my love for angle grew as he grew inside me

If I get enough likes n comments,n show you'll interest, Then I will start with chapter 1 in next post
N will post on very Monday, you'll response makes motivating me,
Happy reading

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