02. The Condition

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Nitiksha nodded, "But Pitashree, there are a lot of Kshtriyas in the entire Aryavart, and many shall be sending their proposals. To select one and reject them all- It would create an atmosphere of uncertainty."

Swarnsheel listened to her, knowing she would have a solution to offer as well, "Then what do you suggest?"

"That I have a condition, only the men who can fulfil this condition can send their proposal."

"And what is the condition?"

"Pitashree, any suitor who deems himself worthy of my hand, must possess the brilliance to defeat me in matters of ancient texts and scriptures. Knowledge shall be the gateway to my heart."

Swarnsheel agreed.

The palace courtyard buzzed with anticipation as the esteemed guests and influential figures of the kingdom were gathered, waiting for the announcement. They were hoping to be the first people to ask for Nitiksha's hand in marriage.

The star of the evening, Nitiksha, walked alongside her father, King Swarnsheel in the palace courtyard.

Swarnsheel's deep voice resonated through the air, capturing the attention of all those present. "Gentlemen of the court," he began, his words carrying an air of authority, "I present to you my daughter, Nitiksha, a beacon of knowledge and wisdom. Today, I offer a chance to any man who aspires to win her hand in marriage, to prove his intellect and surpass her in the battle of knowledge."

Whispers of intrigue and curiosity rippled through the crowd, as they turned their gaze towards Nitiksha, awaiting her response. With a serene smile, she stepped forward, her voice resonating with confidence. "Any suitor who deems himself worthy of my hand, must possess the brilliance to defeat me in matters of ancient texts and scriptures. Knowledge shall be the gateway to my heart."

Her words hung in the air, momentarily stirring the crowd. Some exchanged sceptical glances, while others nodded in acknowledgment. It was then that Shatrusastra, a minister known for his sharp tongue, interjected with a mocking tone. "Ah, Nitiksha, my dear, knowledge is a fun game for feeble Brahmins, not for us valiant Kshatriyas. Shouldn't you set a condition more befitting a warrior's strength?"

Nitiksha remained composed, her voice steady and calm. "Minister Shatrusastra, do not underestimate the power of wits. The strength of the mind transcends physical might. Brahmins are not weak, for it is their wisdom that holds the world together. Need I remind you that it was a Brahmin, Bhagwan Parshuram himself, who wiped this earth of Kshatriyas not once, but several times over?"

A hushed silence settled over the courtyard as Nitiksha's words hung in the air, leaving a profound impact on the assembly. Shatrusastra, his arrogance deflated, found himself unable to retort. His eyes, filled with a mixture of shame and anger, met Nitiksha's unwavering gaze.

In that moment, Swarnsheel, filled with pride for his daughter's intellect and strength, cast a glance of admiration her way. As the crowd dispersed, the challenge set, Nitiksha couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through her veins. She was prepared to face any contender who dared to step forward, armed with the knowledge she had cultivated over years of dedicated study and intellectual pursuit.

As the sun set, Nitiksha retreated to the comfort of her chamber, still thinking about today's event. Her chain of thoughts were broken by her worried brother who ushered in the room followed by her mother, Pritha.

With a concerned face, Saarthak voiced out the thoughts that plagued him, "Niti, what if no one can match your unparalleled intellect? What if you remain unmarried for the rest of your life?" his voice was tinged with anxiety.

Nitiksha turned to her brother, her eyes filled with understanding. "Jyesth, worry not for me. I would rather want to remain unmarried than bind myself to a marriage that is not suitable for me. Any marriage built on unequal footing would only breed discontent and sorrow. It is better to be alone than trapped in a life that stifles my spirit."

Pritha, always the voice of reason, stepped forward, her calming presence filling the room. "Nitiksha, you are an extraordinarily wise woman, there is something brilliant about you that sets you apart from others. Since the day you have gone to gurukul, your teachers have sent messages of your wisdom and intellect. The entire Aryavart speaks about your vast knowledge even before you completed your education.

And for someone like you, whose mind is vast expanse, it is only fitting that your life partner be someone who can match you in every way.

A true marriage is a union of minds, souls, and hearts, where two individuals find solace and growth in their shared understanding."

Nitiksha nodded in agreement, her gaze shifting between Saarthak and Pritha. Pritha continued, "I have seen too many lives marred by ill-suited unions, where the fire of one's spirit is doused by the weight of unmet expectations. I refuse to let that be your fate."

Saarthak nodded, his thoughts wavering, "Niti, perhaps sometimes intelligence might not be the key to a happy marriage. It is about the right person, not the right brain."

His words hung in the air, as a profound silence settled within the chamber.

"Nitiksha's vision is clear, Saarthak," Pritha said, her voice brimming with warmth. "She understands the importance of finding a partner who cherishes her intellect, appreciates her wisdom, and celebrates her achievements. It is a testament to her strength that she refuses to settle for anything less. In due time, the right suitor, one who can match her brilliance, will come forth."

As the weight of their conversation lifted, Nitiksha felt a renewed sense of resolve. She was determined to hold fast to her condition, for she knew that her happiness and fulfilment lay in the embrace of an intellectual equal.

After the long day, Nitiksha retired to her bed and fell asleep almost instantly. As she slept, she dreamt something, something she would probably forget in the morning.

In her dreams, a man appeared. He had kind eyes, a gentle smile, and a positive energy around him. It felt as though she knew him somehow. The man's eyes were warm and full of wisdom, making Nitiksha feel a deep connection with him. His smile was comforting, casting a light that dispelled any worries. And his presence brought forth a sense of hope and longing within her. In this dream, there was a silent promise, hinting at the possibility of their paths crossing someday.

As the night passed and morning arrived, the dream began to fade like mist in the sunlight. As dawn approached, Nitiksha awakened, her mind clearing the fog of sleep. Unfortunately, the details of her dream slipped away like grains of sand through her fingertips. Yet, an undeniable feeling remained, a sense of something missing from her being.

Nitiksha couldn't quite put her finger on it, but an unexplainable longing tugged at her heartstrings. It was as if a part of her had been swept away with the fading dream, leaving a void she couldn't ignore.

Throughout the day, Nitiksha carried on with her usual routine, engaging in her studies and responsibilities. But beneath the surface, a subtle restlessness lingered. She couldn't shake the notion that there was more to the dream, that it held a significance she couldn't comprehend.

It frustrated her that the details eluded her grasp. Nitiksha longed to hold onto the memory of the man's face, to unravel the mystery behind the connection they shared. Yet, try as she might, the dream slipped further away, leaving only an indescribable emptiness.


Author's Note:

Dear readers,

How are you finding your journey through "Akshvi Ishva" so far?
I'm genuinely interested in knowing your thoughts on this Chapter and the overall story.

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Thank you for joining me on this literary journey. Happy reading!

Kruti 🥰💖

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