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That's right, yo girl's finished a new chapter! The end was rushed, so... sorrynotsorry~ Anyways, here ya go! You guy's comments are honestly the best thing that's ever happened to me, it makes my day, so feel free to say improvements, or whatever. I love reading stuff bc i have no life or whatever.

 Done ranting, you may read now.



Okay ill go away.


"Why did you think that was a good idea!" Shu yelled.

"Because I want to be youtube famous~"

"Great, and now we're all gonna die," Suoh spat, sprinting at an impressive pace through the empty streets. Empty, except for the masses of fangirls behind them. "Great job, telling them all where we were, Phi."

"I didn't know those vultures would react this way," he protested. The dead sprint through the town didn't seem to even bother him. He shook the hair out of his face and gave Shu a flirty smile. Ass. "At least I have twenty-million subs!"

As the one who posted Shu's singing, he'd gotten millions of subs overnight. The next day, there were comments all over the video demanding to know where the place was, where Shu lived, and a lot more of the same. Also a lot of hate.

Shu had rolled his eyes at the first part and was ready to stab whoever hated on him. It wasn't his fault he was forced to sing in English!

But apparently, Phi had forgotten to turn off the location.

So Shu woke up to fangirls banging on the door, and still had scratches on his arm to prove it.

They were terrifying.

"Yeah!" Hartes wasn't keeping up as easily as everyone else. Especially Shu, who was running backwards at a sprint. "And now we'll be dead famous, genius!"

Suoh threw a smirk over his shoulder, gold eye flashing. From his position at the front, Shu couldn't tell if it was from amusement or annoyance. "Nice one. Save the next roast for me."

Amusement, then.

The mob got closer and closer and Shu swore. He whipped back around and started running even faster. From the loud slapping of shoes on pavement, the others were smart enough to follow. But not as fast.

The buildings were flashing by now, with the speed Shu was going at. He glanced around quickly, unintentionally slowing his pace to let the others catch up. "Found anywhere to hide?"

"Underwater?" Hartes suggested.

"ABSOLUTELY NOT," the Chimera, Phoenix, and Salamander snarled at the same time. Hartes growled, falling back a few paces in apology.

"Fire beyblades. So touchy!" he huffed, sprinting forward.


"Too accessible." Shu frowned. Suoh was right.

"Shu," Phi said suddenly. "They won't slow down... but... I have an idea."

"Well? What is it?"

He leaned forward, lips brushing the Chimera blader's earlobe before murmuring, "I don't know. You got the balls to try?"

Shu slapped his face away. "Fine. What is it?"


He did not like this plan.

Shu stood alone on a stretch of beach, shoes and socks off, hair untied and waving in the soft wind. The sun was just rising, thanks to that early escape from the apartments. What kind of person woke up at six-thirty to raid someone's house?

Right... the Area 51 raids...

Phi's earrings felt foreign on his ears. The pale blue shards kept slicing into his skin, and it was distracting. Especially if he was going to pull this off.

(Place your bets on what he's gonna do... now. Winner gets bragging rights!)

Phi was very specific about this detail: he had to look as handsome as possible. And also face the ocean, away from the enemy, that asshole. Facing away from someone unpredictable was a bad idea: that was FPS 101.

The ground started shaking.

Crap, he was nearly out of time. Shu prayed to any spirit that could hear him that Phi knew what the hell he was doing.

He very slowly turned around, letting the sun catch in his eyes and setting them off. A bit of his aura intertwined with his hair and glanced off his bare arms. Phi had made him take off his jacket and undershirt, leaving him with just his pink shirt and tie. "Perfect," that bastard had said, teasingly glancing at his frame.

He wasn't super-muscled, but he wasn't a stick... was he?

Never mind that, just focus!

Shu tilted his eyes up to see the mob of-shockingly- all females, crowded at the railings. It was a six foot drop, guarded by a stretch of sharp rocks to get down. Attempting to get down any way but the narrow staircase would hurt. At best, only two could get to him at a time, and the last ditch resort was to swim for it.

Shit, why was he always forced to do this?

A hush fell over them as they stared at him. He inhaled slightly, letting all his other emotions disappear.


Shu tipped his head innocently, letting his bottom lip pout. "Why were you running after me?"

The fangirls took the bait instantly. He was actually a little insulted they didn't hesitate. The trap was so basic that any girl with a brain could figure it out.

Apparently, infatuation erased any brain matter. Good to know.

"Because we want you to sing for us!"

"We want you to hug us!"

"We want you to come home with us!"

He frowned slightly, eyes widening with innocent confusion. His aura flickered mildly through his eyes, giving them a brighter sheen. "Come... home with you?"

The few girls who said that gasped. Their noses started pouring blood, and they fainted.

Why did the girls nosebleed? Girls made no sense to him. Too breakable.

A rustle from the bushes made his eyes flash to the side. Phi. The bastard nodded at him, a clear message. Keep going.

"I... do not understand why. Could you explain it to me?" He made his eyes wide and pleading, curved in his shoulders so his already loose shirt slipped down a few inches. "Would you like me to cook for you?"

"Yeah! Cook me a nice dinner up in my-"

Shu almost gagged at that. God, some of these people had no filter. A pale hand was shoved over her mouth by a multicolored-eyed girl, and he thanked Spryzen for that. Taking a closer look, it was the girl from the airport. Which explained why everyone gave her at least a foot of space.

"Aww, you don't know why we want you?" She winked. "Because you're a hot guy, not too bad looking, and can sing like a badass. Also, you're mysterious and we all wanna know what you're like on the inside~"

Forget it, this bitch just wanted to piss him off. He could tell from the gleam in her eyes.

"If it would please you, I could come with you..." An extra wisp of power glossed over his body: the slipping-off shirt revealing lush skin, the earrings that cut into his soft earlobes, the softly fluttering hair, the bright, sweet eyes.

"Holy crap! You look like a model, Shu!"

He kept his face from turning red, wrapping his hands around his bare arms. "It's cold... is this really going to work?"

"Don't worry~" Phi set the Chimera's shirt aside and narrowed his eyes, trying to figure out what else was needed. Shu did not want to know what he actually looked like.

"Turn around."

Shu obediently turned his back to Phi, hoping he wasn't about to stab him. Two cold shards brushed against his ear, then with a sharp pinch, they stayed. He reached his hand up to brush the cold, smooth material hung by a fine gold chain.

Phi's earrings. Rumor said one was forged out of a rare stone that came from meteors. The other was supposedly crafted of every forge disk he'd destroyed.

"Good enough," the long-haired albino sighed. "You know what to do."

"Remind me to stab you later."

Oh, Phi knew exactly what he was doing when he dressed Shu up.

"You can come with me!"

The girl was pushed back. "No, me!"



"Me, you bitch!"

"Who ya' callin' a bitch?"


The multicolored-eyed girl gave him an amused grin as the others began to fight. Maybe the words earlier hadn't been to annoy him, but to start this. With a thrilled expression, she dove headfirst into the catfight.

Well, that was easier than expected.

Shu ran to the bushes, where Hartes was on the ground, covering his mouth to disguise how much he was dying of laughter. Suoh was banging his fist against the dirt, and Phi...

That bastard had been recording the whole thing!

"Phi..." He reached for the piece of Spryzen, then stopped. "You know what, I expected that."

Shu'd left Storm Spryzen at home. He hoped he'd hidden the beyblades well enough.

He smiled innocently. "Oh, it's not going up. Not yet~"


"A little blackmail never hurt anyone!"
"I'd have to say the opposite!"

"All that aside," Phi said, grin fading, "Where did you learn that? I know I told you to act like me, but that was actually convincing. With only a little time to work on that performance, that was almost as good as me. I might even say that I'm impressed."

Shu's narrowed eyes widened in mock surprise. "It must be my birthday! The great, terrifying Lord of Destruction found it in his shriveled heart to give me a compliment!"

Phi huffed, whipping his head around and letting his hair hide his face. Not before Shu caught a hint of... something in his eyes. "W-well, don't expect it again!"

"Oh my goodness, did I make the glorious Phoenix stutter?"

The black-eyed bitch scrambled for words. He could hear the panic in his voice as he hissed, "I'm sorry, do you want this video to go viral?"

"Whatever gets your pride back," Shu said, moving in front of him so he could see Phi's... embarrassed- face. He added in a more suggestive tone, "Sweetheart."

"I will post this god-damn video!"

God, he'd never seen Phi this messed up before. That flawless mask of his was being torn apart, and his face was bright red.

With fury, Shu told himself. It had to be fury.

Because if it wasn't fury...

"Hey! Where'd senpai go?"

"Find him!"

Shu glanced at everyone else. Phi's head snapped up, flushed color gone. Replaced by cold logic, calculating where to go.

With that brilliant mind of his, the mind that'd chosen this strategic spot, he had only one word.



At least only half the mob chased them this time. The other half were beat up, likely courtesy of the multicolored-eyes girl. She charged at the head of the fangirls, clearly just there to see what happened. So she wasn't actually threat, thank goodness.

"What's your brilliant plan now?" Suoh snarled, breath coming out in ragged gasps. He wasn't doing so well. As the youngest out of all of them, it was honestly impressive he'd made it this far.

"Actually, I have one." Shu hesitated as the others whipped around to look at him. "There's a fair every spring, about a mile and a half from here. There's a house of mirrors, and if we're good, we can hide there."

The gold-eyed blader growled impatiently. "And why wasn't this your first idea?"

"You try thinking after ten minutes of sleep!"

A pause. "That's fai-Ouch!"

He tripped and Shu felt something hit the back of his legs, toppling him as well. They both shot to their feet, Suoh struggling to breathe. "They're not... after me," he gasped. "Keep going, stupid!"

Shu tossed an anxious look over his shoulder. Phi and Hartes were already far ahead, and the fangirls were closing in. He huffed.

Only one thing to do.

"Hey, what are you doing? LET GO!"

Shu threw him across his shoulders and took off at a sprint. Without someone in front of him, the wind tore at him. He shivered. Once they got out of this, if Phi didn't give him the rest of his clothes, he was going to be gutted and dumped in the ocean.

A few minutes later, Suoh started thrashing around on his shoulders. "Please let me go or I'll have to kill you."

Shu dumped him on the ground without missing a step. He staggered a few paces, trying to get his limbs to work again, then ran after him. "Please stop leaving me behind," he told him. "It's getting a little annoying."

He gave an impatient look. "Unlike you, they want to tear me apart, so..."

"I see your point." He increased his pace, tossing his hair to the right. Those gold eyes of his narrowed, and the mark on his cheek glowed. "Race ya there!"


The Mirror House was right where it had always been, and luckily, it was empty.

They slowed to a walk, as the fangirl mob had been dissolved around the fairgrounds. Several of them had run off, trying to earn a toy. Others were going for food, but at least a hundred were still searching for them.

"How did you even know this was here?" Phi asked, glancing around.

"I used to come here with... Valt." Shu kept it short, not mentioning that this was where he'd asked him out. Valt would probably never come back here, now. He'd ruined the fair for him too.

Then again, Valt would probably come back just for the food.

Phi didn't ask, instead gesturing at Hartes to pay for tickets.

"I always have to pay!"

He gave him a pointed stare. The Hades blader stared back.

Shu and Suoh casually edged away from them.

After a few minutes, Hartes huffed and turned away, pulling forty dollars out of his pocket. "Fine. A hundred tickets. Now."

"What happened to please?" the old woman at the register snapped, pulling a roll of tickets out. "Here. Enjoy."

A few fangirls wandered past, and Suoh shifted so he stood behind him.

"Thank you," Shu said honestly.

"It's no problem." The gold-eyed blader looked him over. "You need to get your hoodie back from Phi. All of our hair is obvious, but at least they don't want to screw the rest of us."

Shu shuddered at that. "Understood. Phi, I swear, if you don't give me back my god-damned hoodie,I'll dump your cut-up body into some old guy's soup and put Phoenix in a dusty grave!"

"Coming, sweetie~"

"Well, fuck you too!"

Hartes handed them the tickets. "Phi now owes me a total of ten and a half million yen."

"Have fun paying yourself back!"


Phi tossed Shu his hoodie, and he gratefully put it on and pulled it up the hood. He almost groaned at the delicious warmth. He hadn't even realized how frozen his body was, not until a sharp sting hit him in the face. The Chimera clenched his teeth, hissing against the pain.

"Shu, you good?"

Stupid bastard for noticing.

"I'm fine." He turned to the Mirror House's entrance, shaking it off. It did feel good to be cold, but he had a feeling that if his body got any colder, he was going to throw up. Shu had no idea how that even worked. "Let's check this out before anyone notices-"






They shoved the appropriate six tickets each at the panicked guy working the gates, who yelped at the storm of fangirls charging at them. He looked like he was about to faint, and definitely about to get run over. Taking pity on him, Shu grabbed his arm. He was still frozen in shock, so he just dragged him into the tent.

"T-thank you," the guy stuttered.

Suoh smiled gently at him. "Would you mind taking us through the maze? The fangirls should get stuck in the maze, but we should hurry."

"O-of course..." The guy pointed. "This way, and- PHI?"

He started panicking. "Y-you're the guy that broke so many beys, and-"

Shu tried to look reassuring as he guided them along the flashing mirrors. "Well...I believe Red Eye broke more..."

"At least you had some remorse afterwards! This guy's terrifying!"


All five of them shut up. The guy pointed the ways out, then started running for hell.

And that was how the Albino Squad just barely survived the Great Fangirl Escape.


Request from mana_aoi

Credit for the book, again, mostly from justadiosaur
Love ya! 



Shu gaped at the bey being sold to him for a date. "Screw this. Why am I here?"


He clicked send.

Robin out!

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