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Finale~ it was a rush job, sorry. I was sick for awhile, threw up a few times, but I'm good now. I finished today, hope you like it!





The bastard lazily twirled around in the grass, wearing a skirt and- was that his shirt? Of course it was. That would make this much sweeter.

"Phi, you're about to pay for being an absolute shithead. I'm challenging you right now, and I'm going to win 4-0." Shu grinned, not giving him a minute to think. He watched, amused, as Phi stopped spinning and blinked dizzily. His eyes flashed open and flooded with black.

Intimidation would be Phi's first tactic, so the albino spoke first. "And you'd better not even think about refusing, cause that's just sad." He laughed. Phi hated that laugh. "I mean, even Valt almost beat you. You're only lucky Hartes didn't hear about that~"

Phi would always want to be viewed as strong. He'd never want to be called weak, and every word had been geared towards that.

Shu grinned, watching Phi's face change from relaxed to expressionless. Good. He had the whore's attention now. He just had to balance between really pissing him off and just annoying him.

Because Phi's emotions steadied when he was royally pissed, like when he was drunk. That was to be avoided at all costs.

"Sure, Shu. I guess I have time today to kick your ass."

Bitch. He was going to pay for that. Shu kept his emotions in check, knowing Phi would shoot for triggering another heat flash. That would make an immediate loss.

"Thank Me there's a stadium here," Phi sighed, walking over. The park only had a few people, and once they saw the two albinos together, they cleared out pretty fast. Smart people. They probably knew how much shit was about to go down.

Shu knelt at the stadium, Turbo Spryzen gleaming in his hand.

Weaknesses: Lag between offense and defense, speed bursts were irregular, and as long as he got a burst during the first battle, he could absolutely wreck Phi's emotional state.

Strengths: Flawless launches, was fairly good at triggering Shu's heat flashes, and was a fairly well-balanced blader.

Right, he'd have to be hella fast, and Spryzen was gonna have to tank a couple hits.

"Ready to lose?"

"God, you're annoying," Shu huffed. "Just call it."




"Let it... rip!"

Phoenix, as usual hit center as soon as it landed, keeping its spin speed. Spryzen hit the outer rim and screamed inwards. It kept colliding with Phoenix, Turbo Blades out and attacking. Neither was losing any health, but Shu had a feeling his speed advantage wouldn't last for long. His bey was likely to stop spinning first, but he just had to wait it out.

The next attack brought out an explosion of light, throwing them both backwards. Shu flipped around in the air- not wanting to break his back on the wall again- and rolled. He raced back to the stadium.

Phi was there a moment later. His breath hissed through his teeth as he noted the damage to the stadium.

Shu had made a huge crater, nearly cleaving the stadium in two. The power needed to do that was incredible, as they were specially created to not get blown up by beyblades. The black-eyed blader hestated, then focused back on his blade.

Phi smirked, drawing his attention. "What, can't keep up?"

He was silent.

"Fine. I'll move things alone~"

Phoenix's armor shot off, and Spryzen rebounded, barely dodging. It careened against the wall while the other fire blade went for the Revive Crush. The blade was moving slower as it went uphill.

Spryzen hit the wall again, taking a click of damage, and shot for Phoenix.

Without the armor, it wouldn't stand a chance.




Phoenix retreated, circling around the outer rim before going for the armor again. Phi's eyes were trained on said armor. Shu smirked as Spryzen moved away from it, allowing him to get so close to the Revive Crush before hitting it again.


The three pieces hit the ground with a barely audible chime, making Phi flinch. He gaped at his bey, then up to Shu.

Shu pushed the side of his hair up in victory, exposing that scar.

It was all just a play, really. Everything had gone as expected, and that little victory with the scar was just one more factor.

Phi hated that scar. The last time he'd shown it in a match, he'd left, returning with a shredded voodoo doll. It was weird. Shu figured it was probably because he'd beaten someone. The Lui tag on the side was likely just the brand.

As expected, those crystal eyes flashed. "Don't do that. You haven't won yet."

"Can't make me~" he sang.

Phi huffed. "Nice job getting the first burst. Too bad those are the only points you'll get!" The black in his eyes receded, and he grinned. "I've prepared something special for you~"

Shu tensed as Phi knelt, preparing his launch. He never used this stance for some reason, as ungraceful as it looked. It looked like a neutral stance, but from how often Phi'd been gone recently, he decided to take it seriously.

He knelt in his own stance, noticing how his left hand tensed. Phi was going to switch to offense, so he started with defense.




"Let it... rip!"

Phi slightly altered his stance again, Phoenix flying along the outer rim. Shu exhaled slightly, grateful he'd been right. The fire beyblade circled the inner rim instead of taking over the center, and he allowed himself to smirk.

Phoenix spiraled in for an attack, and Shu kept a straight face, pretending that Phi wasn't walking into a trap.

"Counter break!"

The fire beyblade slammed into Spryzen, definitely powerful enough to shatter any other beyblade on impact that went against it. Including Spryzen.

The thing was, his body wasn't attacking.

The Chimera Beyblade was thrown back, hitting the wall and recovering badly. Phoenix flew after it, Phi's eyes turning black.

Shu clenched his teeth. "Come on, come on..."

Sparks flew from the driver, and the albino's beyblade shot off around the outer ring. It slammed into Phoenix and another explosion happened.

Assassin-types are fast. You could kill with the first hit, but it won't matter if you can't hit me. Yeah, so Shu had made sure to thank him for that. Especially for all the shit with Valt. He was going to win this without using full power, just by using momentum. He'd learned that stuff in middle school, and as Phi didn't even go to school then, it was a basically unknown concept.

Both of them were thrown backwards. This time, he wasn't fast enough and his head cracked against the pole. Shu's crimson eyes blurred and black consumed his vision before letting up.

He stumbled to his feet, fighting to put one foot in front of the other. Godammit, why the fuck am I still dizzy?

They two beys were still fighting, and Shu clenched his teeth against the heat in his arm and back. Nonono not now.. Not now...

Pain raced up his chest and through his body. Fire licked the edge of his vision, turning the black to molten gold.



His eyes flashed open.

Spryzen was still spinning. "Holy shi- ouch..." He fell on his ass, head sparking. Everything hurt. Deciding that he was allowed to black out now, he let his guard down, and black swept in.


"Get up, Kurenai."

The pain faded. An ice-cold hand wrapped around his own and tugged him to his feet.


He cracked his eyelids, bright sun flooding his vision. "Shit," he mumbled.

"Are you dying?"

"Don't think so." He steadied his voice.

"Good. Remember what happened?"


The crystal-eyed albino grinned.

Phi's eyes, still black-flooded, held his still battle-wild gaze as he moved closer. Close enough for their noses to touch. Shu tensed and bared his teeth, ready to defend against any-

A pair of soft lips pressed against his own, smooth and gentle. He froze, waited for the explosion, the agony, but it was gone.

She breathed a laugh against Phi, letting the taller male's tongue dip into his mouth, letting the flashes of color blaze through his vision.

The heat flashes were gone. The pain was gone. He laughed again, pure delight as Phi kissed him deeper. Shu playfully bit the Phoenix's lip and curled his fingers against the back of his neck.



Just as fast, the peaceful- peaceful!- feeling curled back, replaced by an ice-cold finger lifting his chin. Phi's crystal eyes bored into his own.

"Congratulations, Shu. You've officially beaten the Phoenix."




Right, so now you have two choices. 

I'll post the chapters next, but either choose 

Tell Valt


Don't Tell Valt


The endings are drastcally different, so choose wisely boizzzz 

so Im crap and imma go now uwuwwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu


Robin out

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