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"Do you think they'll be alright?", Rudi asked as he and Alejandro drove down the river in a border patrol boat.

It was the dead of night, no stars brightened the sky, no clouds could be seen.

With his usual dark expression, Alejandro pointed a flashlight along the shore of the river. He seemed to be lots in thoughts, either because this was a missions he had never done before or because mentally he was still with you and the kids.

All of a sudden, his head flinched slightly, eyes moved down to the communication device that was strapped around his neck. He moved a few switches.

A female voice filled Rudi's head. She sounded strong but not hostile, a little stubborn perhaps but not annoyingly so. Whoever this was, she must have been a woman of character.

Military, most likely.

"Copy, where's FBI on this?", Alejandro asked, surprisingly in English, probably a response to a question she had asked earlier.

LFBI's an hour out.", the female voice answered. LRight now you're all we got.l

"Stand by.", Alejandro leaned towards his partner to exchange a few words in Spanish with him. "Rodolfo- migrants are a diversion. Target's on the move."

Agreeing, Rudi nodded while his eyes wandered through the dark in an attempt to locate whatever Alejandro was looking for.

Suddenly, a small boat caught Rodolfo's attention. It wasn't uncommon for migrants to use this method of travelling. If they managed to get out of Mexico with a boat, other would be able to get into the country via the same way.

He gestured with his flashlight towards it.

"They probably crossed the river in a boat.", he let his light wander across the shore where two people hid between the high grass. "Let's find it."

Alejandro's eyes remained stuck on these people for a moment. He knew like any other that for most, which were mainly the poor, that escape was the best plan. Especially when they had kids.

But he didn't understand how all these people fled the country to the States. If they'd be as strong in numbers when it came to a revolution there would be no stone left unturned in Mexico.

That's why he refused to leave himself. His pride, but also the fact that he knew you'd never leave your home despite the fact that you were in possession of a passport. Even if it would have been better for the children.

"Good call.", Alejandro turned back to the coms. "We're on it, Watcher."

"Alejandro, do not let Hassan cross the border!", the woman insisted.

"Solid copy. Out."

With a deep breath, Rudi turned to his colonel once more.

"If he gets over, we have no jurisdiction in the US.", he reminded with a slight frown.

Rodolfo wasn't like Alejandro. Even though the two knew each other since the dawn of time, Rudi had always been the one to stay back and play things safe. He was thoughtful in many ways.

He had things to loose and wanted to protect them. That's why he knew he wasn't able to afford risks. If it weren't for the love to his country and his own ego, perhaps he would have been with his old friend that night but instead would sit at home and read his daughters some bedtime stories.

Alejandro, on the other hand, always put his duties first. He was made for danger, looked it in the eye and didn't flinch when it started to scream at him.

For the longest time he had been the definition of a lone wolf, always fighting, protecting his men and fulfilling his duties but never wasting a single thought on his own well-being.

All of these things had changed wining the last two years. Yet, he still seemed to struggle a little with the fact that he couldn't afford to be his harsh, cold blooded self no more.

Back then he would have taken death if it meant to succeed. But now he wasn't able to do that anymore.

You would have killed him.

"Let's make sure that doesn't happen.", Alejandro replied with a smirk.

With a nod, Rudi drove the boat underneath a bridge.

Above their heads, bright headlights cut through the dark of the night. The silhouettes of people could be seen. Migrants who wanted to cross.

With a quick glance over his shoulder, Alejandro checked if there was anything suspicious up there. Loud engine noise mixed with the deafening sound of splashing water in his ears.

Rodolfo guided the boat closer to the shore that was considered Mexican territory.

Their flashlights felt over the outlines of trees and stones.

A boat appeared.

"Look, Colonel...", Rudi gave his friend a signal. "There, north side..."

Agreeing, Alejandro nodded.

"That's their boat.", he confirmed. "Stop here."

Slowly, Rudi turned off the engine and let their own boat slide all the way to the shore until sand made them stop.

As silent as humanly possible, Alejandro slipped out of the boat and pulled it up on land for the last few steps.

As soon as they were set, voices started to cut through the silence of the night.


"Hey, listen.", Alejandro squatted down next to a bush to get a better idea of what was going on before he moved. Cartel's moving Hassan fast.

With a grim hum and his eyebrows knitted together, Rudi followed his Colonel up a small path.

"We can still catch them before they cross.", he said and checked his pistol.

"Roger that.", moving quickly, Alejandro made his way up to the open space. "The wall is up ahead. Be ready."

With his machine gun drawn, he took the lead and let Rodolfo secure the way back.

Rudi hummed. It sounded grim, almost pressed.

"Las Almas cartel working with Iran... this is new ground.", he mumbled in Spanish. "And if Hassan crosses?"

Alejandro didn't miss the worry that was audible in his friends words. And if he was totally honest with himself, he would have been a fan of that either.

But at least that would have meant that the immediate danger was out of Mexico. Away from you and the kids.

But he wouldn't tell.

"Tactics change.", he replied with his usual, stern military attitude. "Vámonos."

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