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Wrapped in silence, you stood on the porch, arms crossed in front of your chest while all the kids impatiently watched as a car pulled up into the driveway.

"My taxi's here.", Alejandro joked and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.

Still a little sour, you pulled a face but let out a huff.

"Your other love is here.", you replied with a sarcastic smirk and gave him a push to get him moving.

"You know you'd never come second for me.", he chuckled and grabbed two of his bags. "Tú lo eres todo para mí."

With a shake of your head you took the third to follow him while the kids waited near the house. You had taught them that as long as they didn't see who the driver was they weren't supposed to leave the safety that the walls of their home provided.

One of the kids had broken this rule years ago. And now there was tree growing on this farm for her.

As you carried the bag, a soft clicking filled your ears, like something hard rubbing against something. At first you thought that he had packed some armour of stuff that he kept locked away from the kids.

But as you set down the bags behind the car so that they could be put in the trunk, you noticed some familiar shapes.

Your stomach pulled together at the sight.

"I kept them locked away from the kids.", Alejandro whispered into your ear as he stopped behind you. "I promise they never were a danger to them."

Swallowing hard, you dismissed the fact that he had stored guns in your home and sighed.

"It's fine." , you whispered and helped him open the trunk. "I just hate... to see some guns again."

"I should have told you.", he shoved the first bag into the car. "Forgive me."

"It was your right. This is your house too."

"It's our house, mi amore. And I won't undermine your boundaries."

With a soft chuckle you grabbed his hands.

"Listen to yourself, halcón. So obedient and apologetic. Do you bend so easily under your units' moods as well?"

He let out a snort.

"No.", he pulled you into a hug. "Just for you."

"Ay, el colonel is telling the truth.", a man appeared behind the car, a broad grin on his shaved, angular face. "Wish he'd be softer to us. I wouldn't mind getting princess treatment."

With a more or less annoyed grin, Alejandro shook his head only to grab his friend by the shoulders in a harsh manner.

"You know I won't let you rest, amigo.", he laughed. "The resting ones get rusty."

A bit sour, the man shrugged and looked at you.

"Looks like you remain untouched, presidente.", he joked.

Amused, you shook your head.

"Daring words, Rodolfo.", you opened your arms to accept his hug. "How have you been?"

He huffed.

"Just, sabes que, the usual."



Alejandro cleared his throat. Quickly, he threw a glance around the car over to the porch to check if the kids were still out of hearing distance.

Excited, they waved and jumped.

He waved back before returning to the conversation.

"It's not just the narcos, hermano.", Alejandro's face darkened in a way that only ever could be seen when he was dead serious about something. "This is a way bigger mission."

A sigh escaped you.

"You could have kept that to yourself, you know?", you said in a sarcastic manner. "At least as long as I'm around. Now I worry..."

"And that's why I love you, tesoro.", he glared at Rudi to silently order him to never speak of his softness in front of people that weren't the three of you. "But don't worry. We have powerful friends now."

One of your eyebrows rose. Sceptically, you eyed your husbands face before you checked Rodolfo.

"Don't look at me.", he crossed his arms with a shake of his head. "El Colonel would never come to me before he confides in you."

Your gaze wandered to Alejandro.

He nodded.

"Alright.", you took a deep breath. "Let me in on it then, colonel. What friends are we talking about?"

For a moment your husband kept his silence. If there was one thing that he was good at it was thinking all of his actions and words through. He never did or said anything lightly. And everything held weight.

The fact that he needed to think about it first told you that it was something serious, something that was a bit more than storming narco infested buildings and putting criminals into prison.

It had to be a big job. Which also meant there was big danger.

You weren't quite sure how much you liked it. But you would be the last person on this earth that would tell Alejandro Vargas, a soldier in body, blood and soul, that he should stop doing what he was best at.

It just added to your anxiety. Yet again, you knew what you were getting yourself into as you had met him for the very first time.

Marrying him had been a choice. And choices came with consequences.

You were willing to be accountable. Still, it made you struggle for a while every time he went to war.

"(Y/N).", all of a sudden his rough hand gently caressed your cheek.

Goosebumps crawled all over your body. He only ever did this when he had something important to tell. Or when he felt guilty.

In that moment it was probably a bit of both.

"Don't make me wait too long, lobo.", you tried to smile but it was more of an unsure one. "You know I hate to wait for things."

A gentle huff made him show his teeth.

"Well, you waited all your life for me, sol de mi vida.", he said and kissed your forehead, then pressed his against it to look you deep in the eyes.

Playfully, you rolled your eyes.

"Dios mios, you're such a sweet talker!", you groaned yet a total fool for his charm. "Stop beating around the bush. I won't divorce you if I don't like the answer."

"Promise?", he asked with his eyebrows raised and a grin.

"Promise.", you chuckled.

"It's the Americans. They asked for help."

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