Q&A and announcement

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Okay first I'm gonna do the Q&A and then I'll tell you some news.

Au51in you know I'm a Jaya shipper bro. But I like Coliel almost as much....

Isawtisourshipname I'm working on it. I haven't posted in a while and I'm sorry to say that I won't be posting today. I'm sorry I'm just having a lot on my plate rn and I won't be able to write. This has also something to do with the announcement btw.

Isawtisourshipname what do you mean?

airplanefood618 Okay that ones really specific XD. Okay umm...I just googled what a manticore is and here's what I found.

Like Jesus Christ I would run, but if he has food I think imma take it and then run...(probably not to imma be running from it
screaming lol)

CakeLover246 sorry, but no broskie.

Uh, Newtmas! Duh! Sorry Min Min. But if I DO end up in the Maze, I'm gonna be shipping Thominho cuz I'll be liking Newt, he hehehehhehe

So these were the questions and now for the announcement.

So, as some of you may know, I go to Bulgarian school every Saturday. On Tuesday, my mom received an email, telling us about a competition. A writing competition. She told me about it and I've been thinking about it ever since.

So, I told some of my friends and they told me to try out. And I'm going to try out. I'm writing it, but it's in Bulgarian, so if you want, I can just translate it and upload it in Wattpad.

I don't know if I'm going to win. If I say myself, I don't think I'm going to, but it doesn't hurt to try. And if I don't win, idk if I'm gonna show my parents or my other friends what I wrote, aside from my best friend, of course. So, if you still want, even tho I may not win, I'll translate it and upload it, and then tell you the news. I feel like I had to tell you, because it's something important for me, so yeah...

Thanks for hearing me out. I gotta go to BG school now, so see ya!!!

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