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I beg you, listen to this song while reading. And turn it up.

Roadtrips were fun. At least when it was with three boys who were absolute goofs. We were all in one of Miles' cars, heading towards Sydney for the weekend for this concert.

Okay, so a little background info; Miles had invited us all to a DJ Khaled concert, all expenses paid, hotel included. We had all said yes(duh), so now me, Alex, Miles and Jagger were taking the three-hour-drive from Canberra to Sydney, planning on staying there for the weekend. We had all gotten permission from our parents (although I doubted that Alex had actually told his mom the true story of where we were going), there was only one slight problem for me – something which I was still positive I was going to kill Alex for.

"A little warm for scarfs outside today, don't you think, Soph?" Alex mused and grinned smugly when I kept fanning myself from the heat. "What month is it again?"

I glared as murderously as I could at him in my current state of over-heating. I had been bloody forced to wear a scarf in March because a certain dick had given me hickeys all up and down my neck and chest. FYI, March in Australia was hot. It was late summer and it was currently 33 degrees Celsius (91,4 F) outside; I was melting.

"I'll kill you," I mouthed to him, knowing he could read lips. Damn genius.

"C'est la vie, mademoiselle," He replied, giving me a wink as he suddenly unclicked himself from his seatbelt.

I blinked up at him perplexed when he begun standing up. "What are you doing?"

"Jagger, the sunroof," He grinned to Jagger who was sitting up front next to Miles who was driving.

Giving him a grin back, he rolled back the sunroof as Alex stood up, throwing his hands up into the air as we cruised down the highway with the music blasting.

"Oh my God," I grinned, palming my face as Alexander whopped along to the music.

"C'EST LA VIE!" He shouted, making both Miles and Jagger laugh. "Soph, get off your sexy ass and join me!"

Rolling my eyes, not being able to withstand the temptation, I unclicked my seatbelt and stood up as well, nervously grabbing on to Jagger's seat in front of me. "Oh God... what am I doing..."

"You're living," Alex chuckled over the wind. "Let go of the seat, Soph!"

Carefully I did, holding my hands up like him, letting the wind roam through my hair, probably making it impossible for me to comb out later. But I didn't care. This was awesome.


Miles and Jagger whopped and turned the music up even louder as me and Alex began dancing while standing up. This was perfection. Life couldn't possibly get any better than this; Being here with your best friends, cruising down Sydney's expressway towards the sunset with the music pumping through your ears and veins.

I looked at Alex whose hair was whipping in the wind as well. He was jiving to the music, a big grin on his face with his head turned skywards. He was in paradise as well.

We danced on and the music only grew louder, just like my spirit. But when the beat begun dropping, Alex suddenly pulled me to him. I looked up at him in surprise and he smiled down at me, smugness written all over his face. Before I knew what he was doing, he pressed his lips to mine, right on pointe with the beat dropping.

Shocked, I couldn't help but grab onto him when it felt like I was losing my balance, while he hungrily kissed me raw, a smirk growing on his lips.

"OH SNAP, HE DID IT!" Miles screamed, Jagger howling. "THE FUCK, THE MAN DID IT!"

So much for keeping it secret, I thought and just went with it. Because this was life and Alexander was in it.

I kissed him back, the sly bastard, while he was dragging me down onto the back seat again, having me straddle him. I grabbed onto his hair and kissed him deeper, feeling how his tongue crept past my lips and started exploring. His hands were somewhere around my ass, squeezing it deliciously while I felt his bulge pressing against my core.

"Alright rabbits, control yourselves!" Miles chuckled and took an exit off the highway. "We'll be at the hotel in 15 minutes, you can sex it up there. Just don't be late for the concert."

Alex grinned and pulled back from my mouth a little, nibbling at my bottom lip. "Can't make that promise."

"Yes, we can," I replied, looking sternly into his eyes. "We're waiting, remember?"

"So what; Are you guys dating or what?" Jagger asked, looking over his shoulder while I climbed off Alex's lap and into my own seat.

"No, we're just—"

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend," Alex spoke up, giving his friends a smirk. "Finally."

"Congrats man, don't fuck it up," Miles contributed. "If you break our Sophie-girl's heart, we'll break all your bones. And I'm acing biology, so that means I can break every bone in your body while naming them. Take that, asshole."

"Just drive, dickhead," Alex chuckled, sending me a look out the corner of his eye. "Get us to that hotel before I jump my girl in the backseat of your 700.000 dollar vehicle."


"What happened to keeping it secret?"

"It went out the window when you did," Alex told, plopping down on the kingsized bed in my hotel room, the kingsized bed we wouldn't be sharing. I had made sure that Miles got us separate suits so that temptation wouldn't occur. Again. It seemed like every time there was a bed around us, Alex took it as encouragement to try and get me in it.

"You were the one who made me do it," I argued while unzipping my luggage. I desperately needed a bath from sweating so much in the car. The teen-wolfing out of the car had helped a little, but as expected, my hair now looked like a bird's nest. "Besides, you were the one who kissed me. How's that my fault?"

"You didn't see yourself," He replied, sitting up on the bed. He grabbed my hips and yanked me backwards, making me stumble into his lap with my hands full of clothes and bathing supplies.

"Alex! What the he—"

"You looked so sexy and carefree," He murmured against my neck, wrapping his arms around my waist. "The sun was hitting your hair, making it look all golden and shit, and I just couldn't stop myself. So gorgeous."

His lips started pressing gentle kisses along the vein in my neck, all the way up to my earlobe, while his hand gently cupped my breast and weighed it. An involuntary moan slipped past my lips and I felt my panties moisten, just like my body heated up.

"Alex... don't..."

"They would've found out anyway, you know. When we'd gotten to the beach, they would've seen all of these." He pressed more kisses down my neck and shoulder, before moving up to my jawline and pressing some more kisses there.

"I should kill you for that," I whispered, tilting my head slightly to the side to give him more access.

"You already are. I can't wait to be inside you, Soph. Goddamn, I can't wait."

I bit my lip when he squeezed my breast again, feeling my hardening nipple through my shirt. "Alex... we shouldn't..."

He sighed a little against my neck, his breath scorching me. "Fine, I won't. Go take a shower before I change my mind."

To my surprise, he let me go, and I stood up, still clutching my clothes and bathing supplies. "I'll see you in like an hour then? I'm going to get ready for the concert, too."

He smirked and stood up as well. "In that case, I'm going to need a little something to get me through the next 60 minutes without you."

I rolled my eyes at him when he exaggeratedly puckered up. "Urgh, you sleezebag. Go to your room, you can handle one hour without me!"

He chuckled and then gave me a quick peck on my cheek. "True. The question is... can you handle one hour with me?"

He went to the door with a smug grin on his face and then walked out, leaving the sentence hanging in the air.

I of course understood the real meaning behind those words, which was why I spent almost half an hour in the shower trying to clear my head of the dirty images that followed.

This was going to be a long weekend.


The concert was amazing. DJ Khaled killed it like always and had everyone's hands in the air when he played All I Do Is Win. The drop was amazing and at one point Jagger got so drunk, he begun talking like Yoda. Alex and Miles had to carry him home, even though they were under strong inebriation as well. They stumbled and fell a couple of times when they thought the best way to carry him would be on Alex's shoulder in a reverse fireman's grip; Alex carrying his weight on his shoulder with his feet slung across his back, while Miles very unhelpfully just held on to his feet, not really doing anything.

"Bermuda, Bahamas, cooome on pretty mama! Key Largo, Montana uuuh and Alabama!"

"Those are so not the lyrics!" I laughed and looked at Miles who kinda reminded me of the last baby elephant in the elephant flock, holding onto his mama's tale, the way he just held onto Jagger's foot who, by the way, was totally out cold by now. Alex was panting and waddling on his feet to walk straight and my heels were killing me so I was walking barefoot; We were a pathetic bunch.

"I was free-styling!" He shouted back, "Aaaaaustralians, oh, let uuuuus rejoice, for we are young and freeeee!"

"Shut the fuck up, Miles," Alex groaned when we finally reached the hotel. "Or I'm going to toil you into our golden soil."

"Owned, national anthem style!" I laughed hysterically.

"Advaaaance Australia Faaaaaaaa-air!" He ended in a voice that could only be considered supersonic.

"I'm going to miss being able to hear," I mumbled, going inside the hotel along side with the rest of them. I summoned the lobby elevator while Miles hummed along to a tune nobody knew.

Finally we all got inside the elevator and to our rooms, Miles and Jagger sharing one. Alex threw Jagger onto his bed and then insisted on walking me back to mine.

"Alex, no!" I chuckled when he kept following me. "We're drunk and we're waiting! Stop following me!"

"I was told to follow my—"

"Do not finish that sentence, it's the most overused pick-up line of all time," I chided, turning to unlock my suite. "Go back to your room, knock back on your bed and—"

The minute the lock accepted my card and I opened the door, Alexander was on me, cupping my face in his hands. He crashed his lips onto mine, and just like that, we were stumbling into my suite, blindly walking up to my bed in the dark. I squealed when he suddenly picked me up and carried me.

"Alex, what the hell are you doing?!"

"I can't fucking do this anymore, Soph," He plonked me down on my bed and leaned in over me. "I'm going to eat your pussy out because I'm going crazy. I need you so badly, I'm literally out of words, so I'm just going to shut up and show you."

"Alex, you can't—"

He pressed his lips to mine again and plunged his tongue into my mouth, making me gasp and clutch onto his shoulders. Wetness flooded in between my legs as he pushed me up further on the bed, simultaneously with yanking on the little red thang I was wearing tonight. Once my head was resting neatly on the pillows, his lips begun working down my neck, down to my cleavage.

"Alex," I breathed, combing my fingers through his hair as I felt him unzip my dress. "Alex, I am not losing my virginity in a hotel! That is the most cliche thing ever."

"I'm not going to fuck you, I'm just going to eat you out," He replied, pulling down my dress. It wasn't as tight as baby-pink one I wore the first time we did this, so thankfully it went a little smoother off my body this time. "I can't stay away from you, Soph. You have no idea how badly I want you. How much I need you."

Oh, I had an idea. If it was anything as close to how badly I wanted him, I had a pretty clear image in my head. Right now, for example, I was having a hard time remembering just why I was making us wait.

But I needed to stay strong. I needed to make sure he was serious about a real relationship and I couldn't be if I kept feeding him a taste. I needed to see that he could be in a relationship that wasn't all about sex, and this wasn't helping that cause.

"Alex, stop," I firmly said, taking a deep breath when he begun pulling on my bra strap. "We are not doing this. No sexy-time, no pussy, no dicking. We're waiting."

He growled frustrated and after a moment of just gnashing his teeth, he plonked down next to me on the kingsize bed. "You're going to kill me, Soph."

"Well, if that happens, at least I'll know you stuck me out to the end," I replied as he rubbed his face, probably trying to rid himself of the giant tent in his pants. "If you want, though, we can cuddle. That's an important part of a relationship."

"Cuddle?" He said exasperatedly. "I literally was four seconds away from tasting your pussy and you tell me to stop and cuddle with you instead. You do see how that doesn't really sound so appealing in my head right now."

"If you ever want to get inside said pussy, it's very appealing," I said and climbed under the sheets. "If baby can't do the cuddle-time, he ain't getting no booty-climb. You can either walk back to your room with a massive boner or stay here and cuddle with me until we fall asleep. Take it or leave, Stone."

I heard him grumble in the dark for a moment, before he finally stood up and started undressing. He stripped down to his boxers and slipped down under the covers, up to me. "Cuddling... More like; 'let's see how much accidental booty-grinding it will take to make him hard'. Well the joke's on you, cause I already am."

"I know," I smiled as he wrapped his arm around my body and pulled me closer.

He sighed deeply and then pressed a kiss to the spot right below my ear. "I'm so fucking whipped for you, Sophie."

• • •

And I am so tired. Didn't get any sleep last night. Work, work, work.

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