Chapter 1

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Sinon watched the Wastelands through the scope of her Hectate 2 as she was positioned on a high bluff that overlooked a small, burned out section of the city. Her scarf was wrapped around her and she wore her normal GGO clothing with an attached energy shield on her belt next to her spare .50 cal ammo.

The sands was whipping her cyan colored hair around as her face was hardened and as she slowly moved her rifle to the left, she saw nothing out in the open of the Wasteland as the sun was slowly setting once again. She had been laying there for about two full game hours now and as she looked around, she was disappointed that she hadn't seen even a single player out here randomly walking around or fighting someone else.

She sighed and as she slowly got into a crouch, she looked around before she went to her teleport crystal.

"Teleport to City."

And then in a blinding flash of light, she was in the City, as some players commonly called it. It was massive, having multiple levels that created a Elite Level, the Common Level, and the Underworld that was way down below and filled with some of the more sleezy and more nefarious players in the GGO servers.

As she looked around the portal pad she was on, she then began to walk from the pad as her sniper rifle was already returned to her inventory along with the rest of her weapons and gear. She slowly walked along the sidewalk as she was walking to her usual game bar that she used to meet her squad and also see what news have been going on in the GGO world.

She walked past talking players and whispering groups and as she looked at the game bar, she slowly walked in as she looked around. It was a interior full of lights and LED strips of various colors, but mostly purple, as several screens had been spread out across the large bar and as she slowly walked to a table and sat down, she was about to get herself a drink when suddenly she heard someone say, "Look.. its the Stalker again..."

She stopped as she turned to see three players in various gear looking at a TV and she looked at the screen as she saw movement flashing along with the flashes of gunfire.

"I hear he's called the Bow Hunter.. and the Waste Stalker..." said another player as he pointed to something flashing on the screen. "I mean, besides the rifle and sword, that's one of his main weapons and it powerful for a bow!"

"I wonder how there is even a bow in a game... of course, this is on the American server so he may have either glitched it or somehow made one." said the third player.

"I dunno.. He has his own forums over there and I managed to catch him once." said the first player.

Sinon, who never really cared about these sort of things, was surprised when a player she knew from her squad walked over and said, "Hey, Sinon. Still looking for something to happen out there?"

"What's with those three?" she asked, although she didn't really care.

"The Stalker? Legendary American GGO player? Can't blame them for being awestruck." said the man as he sat across from her.

"Legendary? With a glitched weapon?" asked Sinon.

"Actually, it's not."

This brought the attention of the trio, who looked at the player and the second asked, "What do you mean?"

"I met him once in the American GGO server. He told me that he and one of the devs had actually come up with it. Its called a "Gauss Longbow", which gives him the name of Void Bow.. and the Predator..." said the player before he looked to Sinon. "You might find him a challenge for once."

"I doubt it... a bow can't beat my rifle." she said as she bought her drink and took a sip.

"Its got some impressive range... Apparently, its range goes about 2,000 meters before dropping off..." said the player. "And that's not even counting his other weapons.."

"Hmph, maybe you should marry him if you like him!" Sinon managed a small smirk at the comment before she put her drink down and wrapped her scarf around her face and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"I dunno... he said he's coming over here for work so.. you may want to think about finding him at one point.." said the player as he got up and said, "Well, see you all later."

He left he bar and as the trio of players looked at him, the third said, "Man... he's so lucky.. I think The Stalker is like that one SAO player... Kirito.."

She looked at him as she said, "Why?"

"Have you seen Stalker and his photon swords? I think the words some use for him is Jedi!" the player chuckled as then he began to walk away as well.

Sinon sighed as the group moved away and as she slowly drank the rest of her drink, she got up and went to leave the bar to go to her VR apartment in game that she used to logout in.

Within a few minutes, she had reached the quaint, normal and rather common apartment. It had a locker for her gear, a bed she used to logout in, a small mirror so she could look at her appearance and as she went to the locker and looked into it, she saw nothing amiss as she saw she would need some more ammo for her rifle.

She sighed and then her a loud, metallic bing! from behind her and she looked behind her as she walked over to where the rooms only computer was. It was how she could communicate with her buddies and squad without having to meet up with them and as she walked over, she saw that one of the squadmates had sent her a message. She opened it and quickly read it.


We're heading out tomorrow around 2pm to raid a small party of monster hunters. Meet you at the usual place.

She sighed as she closed the message and then gave a small smile.

She thought back to the comment about Kirito and as she thought about him, she gave a small blush before she shook her head and laid down on the bed.

"Link End."  she said as she slowly logged out.

She awoke with her new Amusphere on her head and as she glanced around, she then heard something going outside and as she slowly sat up, she was curious enough to want to see what was going on. She slowly took off her Amusphere and as she swung herself off her bed, she looked around as she then put on a sweatshirt and some black shorts as she then slowly walked towards where her door was as she went to take a peak out from it.

She was certainly surprised to see a moving truck outside and as she watched a few men helping unpack, she watched them entering the apartment next to her and she was cautious enough to keep her head inside as she knew she might not be getting sleep tonight but she shrugged when she thought she saw something in a boys hand.

The boy was tall, his skin tone being a pale white that spoke of being a shutin, much like herself, but his red hair was startling as it was short enough to look good but long enough to see the beautiful red hair he had. He had on a black shirt with English scrawled on it and wore camouflage shorts and as he watched the movers, he was keeping a neutral look on his face.

And then there was what looked like a helmet in his arms and as she looked at it, it looked like a Nervegear.

But then she closed the door quietly as she walked over to where her laptop was. She used it occasionally to look up things and to communicate with her friends and as she opened it and powered it up, she thought about the Stalker player. If he was such a legendary player, why was he moving over here? She remembered her squadmate saying something about a job but what sort of job here would bring a American player over?

Regardless, as she thought about him, she decided to look him up on the GGO forums as she hoped to maybe discover something about him that, if she did meet him randomly on the GGO forums, she could use to her advantage.

She then took a quick look at the time from a nearby clock: 3:00pm.

She looked back to her computer and as she began to look him up, she found a startling amount of forums and she looked around the titles as she glanced at some of the converstaions that had been translated into japanese:

".... and then he appeared out of nowhere and before I could even move, he had sliced me with his dual-bladed photon swords!..."

"... I heard he uses a upgraded version of an Anti-Tank rifle..."

"I swear he always drags things out too long! Why can't he just let a firefight stop? He dragged a dozen of my buddies all across the wasteland but never attacked head-on unless he was trying to force us to pursue him!"

"... and then his bow nailed my buddy through the concrete barrier! Man, I wonder what sort of bow it is, like is it Uncommon? Rare? Legendary?"

She looked through them all and then sighed. It seemed like he had a lot of fanboys and maybe a few fangirls on the GGO servers and as she laid back in her chair, she then got a message from Lisbeth.

Sinon, quick question!

Do you have time to spare to get on! We're gonna clear another level of Aincrad out and would like you to join the group as usual. Wanna come?

She smiled a she typed her response.

Be right there, Liz. Just let me get something to eat and then I'll be on.

She smiled and then she went to get something to eat into her stomach.

Kikuoka Seijiro watched the boy come in a nice set of clothing as he stood and then extended a hand to the boy. He was meeting him the same place he had met Kirito before and he smiled as he found it interesting that these two boys had somethings in common.

"Greetings... what can I call you?" he asked the boy in English.

The boy took his hands slowly as he pumped it once before saying, "Kommando293 is fine... a lot of people call me that... anyway, I understand you asked me here for a reason..."

"Ah yes, thank you for coming to Japan for this job. I assure you, it will benefit us both." said Kikuoka as they sat down in their chairs.

"We require a new.. perspective on security on the ALO servers since a few incidents have happened. I heard that you are a renown Admin on the GGO servers in America and I hope you don't mind coming to here."

"No, it's alright... besides... if I can get help here considering.. my past, a small move to a new country is a small price to pay... although, I hope you really did transfer my GGO account... its one of the few ways I'll be winding down with..." said Kommando293 as he then looked at Kikuoka.

"Say... even though I already took this job... why are we discussing it again?"

"Don't you remember what we promised? We promised one more thing." said the man.

"Oh, the event? I dunno if you're ready for this." said Kommando293 as he pulled out a small workbook.

Kikuoka took the book from Kommando293 and as he went through it, he was certainly impressed about how in-depth this was.

"Believe it or not, since ALO has a lot of Norse mythology, I tried to stick with that in the making of this... so, I'm fairly certain it won't be a problem with having this happen, right?" asked Kommando293 nervously.

Kikuoka flipped through the pages as he smiled and then he said, "We can discuss further once you have begun your time in ALO.. when will that be, by the way?"

"I say maybe four days? I don't have a lot of stuff so unpacking should be a snap. And I must thank you for allowing me, once again, to come here." The boy stood as he shook the man's hands.

Kikuoka smiled as he then said, "Well.. it's not everyday we meet a hero... and I will make sure the ALO Game Masters are prepared for this... rather interesting game here.."

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