Chapter 2

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Sinon laid down on her stomach as she was looking out from atop a hill in the Wasteland as spread out many meters away and around her was her squad, or at least the squad she was currently rolling with at the moment. Although it wasn't part of a huge squadron, it was a large squad of 20 members, including her, and they all tended to sway towards Physical-type guns than Energy-type guns.

Physical and Energy were terms to describe the type of attacks weapons did. Energy weapons were all guns and the more famous Photon Swords as they all used a energy-type, for example plasma or energize photons, all could be blocked by an energy shield. Physical guns used normal bullets instead of plasma bursts or ever laser as they could pass through energy shields and were only blocked by cover or a really thick shield.

Her Hecate 2 was a Physical gun, using a .50 caliber round to kill her opponents, and she also had on her belt a MP-7, another Physical gun, and a Glock 18C with an extended clip, her last Physical gun.

Using Physical guns were mainly meant to use against players, since all players had energy shields, whereas the Energy-type weapons were perfect to us against monsters that often congregated in dungeons and dungeon entrances.

This meant the Squadron of 50+ players, 45 who all had the energy weapons, were at a disadvantage when it came to firepower. The other 5 had M249's, M240-B's, and RPK's as they were the men to keep everyone else alive.

They, from what her squad leader had told the squad, was going to a Bomb Site and would be trying to enter a high-level area.

Bomb Sites were the only way to access dungeons directly and were often protected by dozens of monsters. However, the Bomb Site had been already cleared out by one of the squadrons squads previously and now all that was left was to plant the bomb.

Her squads objective at the moment was to wait for the squadron to enter before charging in and attacking them while monsters were attacking them.

And so, she was on her stomach, watching as the large squadron slowly made its way over the wasteland as she heard over her radio, "Alright, boys... keep calm and stay out of sight..."

She watched as the huge squadron slowly made its way to the Bomb Site and as one of them began to put down the bomb, he placed it next to a crate full of explosives that every Bombsite had but could only be blown up by that level or higher explosives. Which meant wooden doors could be blown up by grenades and C4 but steel doors could only be blown up by C4 or larger explosives.

This door, located is the side of a cliff face, was a thick admatium so they were using a advanced, lv.60 Plasma charge, which looked like a huge circular disk about a thick as a brick and had on its top a grip and four buttons to make a combination to arm the device. And as she watched through the scope of her rifle as the player put it down on the site, the 49 other players spread out as they were suppose to be covering the bomb from being defused.

Most players, if they really wanted to, could effuse the bomb for some decent XP but they risked either getting killed by players, killed by monsters, and generally ticking off everyone around them so it didn't really ever happen.

The bomb was planted and as she watched the timer appear, about 2 minutes, she watched as the players slowly moved a distance away from the site as they spread out across the rocks that were around the site while a few began to set up sandbag barriers to use as well.

"Alright.. looks like we're golden.." said her leader and she kept her breathing normal.

Suddenly, from next to the bomb site itself, she watched as a player suddenly rise up from the sand as their cloak, which was  what looked like a Metamaterial Optical Camouflage, as they suddenly took the bomb and began to hold the handle and defuse it as they also were spinning around like a complete idiot.

The most worrying part of this? He had on his back a large rifle, a bow and quiver of arrows, and if she zoomed in on his back as he spun around in circles, she saw he had two bundle grenades and 5 normal German hand grenades. And then she saw the Photon swords, both black, on his waist and she knew who it had to be.

It was Kommando293, the Stalker himself.

As she watched him very successfully complete the sequence to defuse the bomb, she couldn't believe what was happening as he was ninjaing his way under the very noses of the enemy squadron and she asked her squad leader, "Anyone else seeing this guy?"

"Fuck! Sinon, shoot him and then reposition-" began her leader when suddenly the defusal was done and as Kommando293 put down the useless bomb, he brushed the sand off of him as Sinon looked over his loadout.

He wore a Vector Gas mask over his face as the lenses were blue but as she looked at them, she saw they were also Multivision-goggles that could go from Night vision to Heat vision alongside of being normal vision. He wore a Stalhelme helmet, which was pretty decent in protection but he also had attached to it the Stalh plate, which added a layer of protection to it that stopped most SMG's and pistols and ever a few rifles. He wore a Kevlar chestplate with neck-protection that covered his neck and he wore that over the traditional Stosstruppen uniform and attached to it was his player symbol, a skull with the stahlhelme and crossed German hand grenades.

He wore the Metamaterial Optical Camouflage cloak over his body and on his right forearm was the pad to activate it. As she went back to looking at his helmet, she saw he had Noise Amplifiers where his ears were as she wondered why he had those on when she watched him suddenly begin to type something out.

"GG." it said in English and she wondered what that meant when she realized he had just given his position away and as she watched the whole squadron turn, he cloaked quickly and she lost sight of him.

Suddenly, an arrow came out of nowhere and pierced two players and as she watched the whole squadron begin to look around, suddenly she watched as two hand grenades were thrown out and as they exploded, she watched as six players were down as two more players went down together to another Guass arrow. The squadron was getting extremely worried from the looks of them and as she watched them, her squad leader said, "Lets get out of here guys... I don't think its worth even taking these guys on..."

She watched as her squad left but she decided to stick around to see what this Kommando293 could do.

The 40 remaining Squadron players were all scattered around as they were trying to see Kommando293 and as she looked around, suddenly she watched as several explosives went off but then, from them, a smoke began to form as it began to thicken as it was the color of green and mustard.

But as she watched, she watched as players stumbled out as she saw them coughing out blood from their mouths as they scratched their eyes and tried to breathe and as she realized what was going on, she watched as she saw muzzle flashes and energy blasts come out of the thick cloud as she didn't even realize that Chemical weapons like Mustard Gas and Chlorine Gas was a thing and she knew that they were Mustard and Chlorine gas because she had read up on them once in a class of hers.

As she watched the remains of the squadron, only 15 now, stumble out from the gas, she watched a few drop and die as then she watched as some arrows take out some more of them and as 6 of them were left, she watched as then Kommando293 slowly appeared from the gas. She realized then that his Vector mask actually worked like a gas mask and that it made it so that his gas didn't kill him as well and as she watched him have his Photon Swords in both hands, she watched as the remaining half-dozen players look at him as none of them had Physical-type weapons and as one fired a Kommando293, he simply activated his Photon Sword and deflected it back as the man took the hit on his energy shield.

Then they all fired at him and as he stood and deflected or blocked each shot, she was amazed by his skill and how frighteningly eerily similar it was to someone else she knew.

But then, he suddenly dashed forward at lightning speed and she barely kept track of him as he suddenly took out two players as he combined his Photon Swords into a double-bladed Photon Sword and as he spun it around, another player dropped to his own shot as his shielding failed. And as the last two began to flee, Stalker suddenly ran at them as he was fast, too fast, and his first sword sliced one in half as the last guy then suddenly threw his hands in the air as he said, "I SURRENDER! DONT KILL ME!!!"

She was in shock. Not many players did that but as Kommando293 slowly walked towards the player, she could only hear them because he shouted and also because she was trying Noise Amplifiers herself since she had thought why not.

Kommando293 stopped as he then typed in "GFF" into the chat in english and as the squadron player looked at him, he asked, "You know no Japanese?"

Kommando293 shook his head.

"Then... if you understand me... how?"

Kommando293 then typed in: "Translator."

The player looked and then nodded as he then asked, "One last thing... how much health do you have left?"

Kommando293 laughed as he typed in his response. "280/300"

He was barely hit. thought Sinon. This guy... is... amazing... and worrying..

And then Kommando293 motioned for the player to get going and as she got up, she then began to go back to the City as she hoped to not run into this Kommando293 again.

A few hours later, Kommando293 was in the Underworld of the City. He walked along the quiet streets as he looked for the Gas deposits and as he kept his photon swords close, he was very lucky with the fight against the squadron. If they had been more properly prepared, like players in America were, they would have destroyed him in seconds, no matter how good his Dual-wielding skills with his Photon Swords were.

But as he looked around, he finally found the Gas deposit as he made sure his mask was on his face and was completely secure before kicking open the rusted door. Inside, there was geysers and unfinished generators all scattered across uneven ground and as Kommando293 looked around he then went to one as he spent the large amount of cash he had to make the pumps and refineries next to them as he soon began to leave.

Gas was, in truth, rarely seen and used on the American servers but it appeared that here on the Japanese that such things were still around. See, American gamers got smart in the beginning and put the Gas deposits on lockdown with big, high-level NPC guards while the players all kept gasmasks and goggles on them in case of such attacks.

But as Kommando293 slowly made his way from this place, he put a marker on it as he then also locked the door and barricaded it before leaving for his apartment in the city. He could have gotten any one of the apartments but as he made his way to the Mid-tier of the city, he looked around before he found his small, Panzer 1 tank and as he got into it, he then powered it up as he hoped the small apartment he got in the Mid-tier was okay at least.

And then to find another firefight to get into.

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