Chapter 3

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Sinon was at the bar again but as she thought back to what she saw today, she was just in awe and shock. Although she hadn't seen him that much since then, she felt like him and Kirito were somehow.. the same, like this Kommando293 had the same skills that Kirito had.

But she shook her head as she reminded her that this was a Pro game. More likely he's been playing for most, if not all of his life and if he's an American, then he's bound to be the best.

I guess that title Legendary isn't for nothing... She thought when suddenly she heard shouting and she looked over as she suddenly froze at the sight before her.

Kommando293 was about to be swarmed by several players around him had he suddenly he not suddenly held up his hands and as she looked at him, she was so shocked he was here. Surely there not any other bar he could go to instead of here?

Regardless, as he slowly walked down into the center of the bar and as he looked around, he sat down at the bar itself as he was being barraged by questions from everywhere and everyone at once. And all she could do was watch him from her seat.

"What's your strategy?"

"How do you have a bow?"

"I hear you used some interesting grenades today against the Yellow Vanguard Squadron. What type were they?"

"Dude I totally heard you Ninja-defused them and got away alive! How did you do it?"

Kommando293 held a hand up as Sinon felt weird and then put her white scarf around her face, like a mask, as she then watched him type into chat.

"Anyone know English here?"

Everyone looked at one another as then someone came forward and said, "I know English... I assume you don't know any Japanese?"

Kommando293 as he said in American English, "No... I just arrived, you see... don't know the language yet..."

"Ah... then let me translate for everyone here." said the player and Kommando293 sighed in relief as he then said, "Alright.. let me hear them."

The player then looked to the others around him as he said in Japanese, "Alright.. now we have a way to get past the language barrier, lets have the questions, one at a time."

First one up was Sinon's old buddy, Dyne.

"Kommando293, you said you're from the American servers and are a Legendary player, one of the best of the best... why are you here?"

Kommando293 smiled as the question was translated as he got himself a virtual drink before saying, "Well... I had some work given to me from here... I took the job since even if I can earn money from here, it helps to be able to do other things.."

Another player came forward as he then asked, "Kommando293... I heard you used some... new grenades recently... what were they?"

Kommando293 slowly put down his mask and Sinon was kind of taken aback by his face. It was pale, like any shutins, but his eyes were this piercing green like her avatars. His hair was this blood red and was short to keep it from falling over his eyes. He almost looked exactly like the boy that had moved in near her.

And he was smiling a warm, friendly smile.

"Those grenades? Let me see if I can find some sort of video on them.." he said as he then looked up at the screen and began to look for a recording of his most recent firefight and then he found one as they all watched what Sinon had seen. It didn't say it had been her to see it but as Kommando293 looked at it, she thought she saw a look of worry go over his face before he shrugged.

"I was just using some old Gas grenades from a shop. Nothing too special." said Kommando293.

Then why did you wipe out a huge squadron with them? she thought.

"Anyway, what's next?" asked Kommando293. He was actually enjoying this from what Sinon could see and as she got up, she slowly walked over as she began to mingle with the out edges of the crowds.

"Hey, Kommando... how did you get a bow?"

Kommando293 smiled as he was enjoying this. He had been honestly very scared about how people may look at him, since he was a American, but as he looked at them all, he guessed the gamers could cut him some slack.

He slowly looked at his inventory and as he brought up his "Gauss Longbow" and showed it to them all as a projection, he said to them, "My Gauss Longbow. One of a kind.. its a Ultimate Legendary Item that can be only made with some fricking.. hard-to-get materials... took me ages to get them and when the devs saw I had them, they didn't believe me..."

"So it wasn't meant to be really in the game?" asked a player.

"Well, the devs in America were debating it since they knew me... It was meant to be an Energy Weapon but I kinda convince them that such a bow can't be a Energy Weapon even if its used a Gauss.

"Anyway, long story short, it took some convincing, pleading, and grinding for fricking a whole month straight to get this.."

Everyone whistled at the tale as then one player asked, "Are you going to be joining a squadron soon?"

Kommando293 shook his head as he then said, "Sorry... last time I was in one, we didn't do that well.."

Everyone nodded when then Sinon asked, "You going to be in the next Bullet of Bullets?"

Everyone looked at her as then Kommando293 heard the translation before looking at her. Her eyes were like her hair, almost cyan in color, and her clothes were white, green, and black. She had on her belt an Energy shield and she also had what looked like Noise Amplifiers on her ears, which looked like really interesting headphones. Her white scarf went low, almost to her hips even with it being around her neck.

He thought about the Bullet of Bullets and smiled as he remembered how he had become renown before this bow he had now obtained. He had, at first, stayed away from the Bullet of Bullets as he had been trying to keep his build a nice balance for him but one that still allowed his aggressive nature to come into play. But when had done his first Bullet of Bullets, he hadn't even made it to the semifinals but he had been quick to refine his build from a run-gun type to what he was now: a stealthy "Ranger" class, meaning he had agility to help his sneaking but strength to hit hard when needed.

And as he looked a the girl before him, he then thought about the players he had faced and then answered her, "Maybe.. but I'm worried about you all.."

Everyone gave one another confused looks.

"Why?" asked Dyne.

"Well... if the last squadron I faced is anything to go off of... well, I'm afraid that any enjoyment from battles may go... to waste..."

At this, everyone seemed to get a little rowdy but he all calmed them down as he then said, "Listen... I'll think about it... how long before it happens?"

"I think we got about a week before the Bullet of Bullets begins.." said a player.

"Plenty of time... until then... back to the usual grinding..." said Kommand293.

"Do you smile in combat?"

Everyone looked back at Sinon again as she looked at him with genuine curiousness and as he looked back at her, he then sighed.

"Not this time... the squadron I face may have had 50 players, which would be challenge for anyone... but they were so not prepared for what I had... it made my smile go away...

"It was just a slaughter house... barely worth my time..."

Kommando293 drank his drink before he then said, "But hopefully my next fight will be a little more interesting..."

He then got up and as he began to leave, Sinon was curious about him because he didn't seem arrogant. More like he was just actually worried about something and as she watched him go, she then looked at everyone else before she decided to see for herself what he was worth.

Which meant finding him in the Wild Fields and Wastelands and getting into a firefight with him.

And so she got up and left to get out there and hopefully find him.

The Wild Fields were stretched out before Sinon as she slowly crept along and as she listened around her, the Noise Amplifiers were working wonders for her. She could hear farther than she could before and it made her aware of everything around her, even behind her, and as she continued to crawl forward, she wasn't exactly expecting to run into him in such a huge open space.

That being said, she found it almost funny that she heard a firefight happening nearby and when she slowly crawled over to the nearby cliff edge, she set her Ultima Ratio Hecate 2 up on its stands as she looked out from the edge, she saw six players facing off against-

"Kommando293... you get yourself ointo fights easily, I see..." she said as she set up and loaded a clip of .50 rounds into her rifle as she slid a round into the chamber with the bolt-action.

"AAAUUGGHH!!!" shouted a player as Kommando293's AT-rifle, a Panzerbuchse 39, blew their entire midsection out from player.

Kommando293 did a combat roll as he tucked his large rifle into his gut and as he came up and racked the slide back, he felt a few live rounds go over his helmet as he didn't even get into a crouch as he fired in a sitting position.

The next player was blow away from behind the thick rock and as Kommando293 slung the rifle over his shoulder, he then watched as the other four players seem to back up. He gave a small smile as he then took out his Photon "Lightsaber" Swords as he then cloaked and as the players all kept looking around them, one flipped down a heat-vision goggle as he said in Japanese, "He can't escape me..."

"But you can't escape death, my friend." said Kommando293 in English as he appeared from behind the player and sliced the man in a X-shape.

The last three players all suddenly got close together as they began to move as one said, "How the heck does his Optical weapons still kill us so quickly?"

"Who knows... but lets just get out of here!" said another when suddenly an arrow made his head explode and the last two players watched as Kommando293 suddenly bolted through their field of view as they fired a stream of lead at him but he was too fast for their reactions as he slid under their shots before cloaking behind a large rock.

"And now... for the best part..." said Kommando293 as he gave a smile, watching as they backed up suddenly into a depression into the sand and when both looked down, they saw a German hand grenade standing on its head, stick in the air without the pin.

The explosion dazzled Sinon's eyes as she was still a ways off but she was close enough to see it in detail without using her scope and as she watched Kommando293 type "GG" in the area again, she shook her head as then he sat down and took his mask off. She slowly went to her scope and as she trained it onto his face, she watched as he went from a neutral face to a smile as he sat down amongst the dunes and as she looked at him, she could only think of one thing.

I still have to become stronger here... to be stronger in the real world....

Kommando293 sat in the dunes as he kept his Noise Amplifiers up and attuned to the highest sensitivity they could be as he listened to all around them and as he smiled at the slowly disappearing remains of his opponents, they had proven quite challenging.

He thought back to his first days as a player in the American GGO and how he had accidently ran into a Squadron war of over 300 players in total and how he had somehow gotten through that with his used revolver and limited armor and not even got hit.

He almost laughed. He had crawled, scrambled, and generally used every bit of cover in the area to get through the pitched battle and somehow had manage to steal some kills during the midst of it.

He opened up his inventory and as he looked around, he saw his HP was 230/300 and that he had used up at least five of his 10-round, 15mm magazines and he sighed as he knew he would have to get some more. His Panzerbuchse 39 used, originally, used 13.2mm rounds that did a decent amount of damage to players but he had managed to upgrade the barrel to a proper 15mm, which was as high as the custom barrel can go without breaking the gun.

But just as he put away his inventory, he saw something flash and as he looked towards it, it had looked like a muzzle flash but as he looked closer, he saw what was coming towards him and knew what was coming just by looking at the air trail it was creating and he suddenly flipped out his Photon sword as he swung as fast as he could and the sniper bullet that he could only see from its trail was instantly vaporized.

Sinon was in shock after seeing that because she had seen Kirito do something similar but she didn't even think he had this skill locked down. A snipers first shot in GGO had no prediction line, making it a must-have in any ambush. But if he just destroyed it with his Photon sword, he either saw her shoot, or was using some sort of hacks.

And she doubted he was a hacker and as he ran for cover, she watched as he soon take cover behind a large rock as she sighed and looked around to begin to reposition herself. But just as she got up, suddenly, a high-caliber 15m shell came screaming by her face and she instinctively ducked and began to run away from the area.

"Oh its on now, my friend..." muttered Kommando293 as he reloaded his 10-round clip and as he looked around, he then began to head towards where his new query went as he decided to cloak and see how he should position himself.

Sinon slid behind some rocks as she was quick to set up and as she looked around, she didn't see Kommando293 as she was now worried he had cloaked. If he had, she had nothing to counter it and as she then took her sniper and put it on her back, she took out her Glock 18C and her MP7 as she checked their ammo before looking around.

Kommando293 looked around as he slid behind a rock and as he looked around, he then put his goggles inside of his Vector mask into heat-vision and as he looked around, he saw the sniper taking cover about 800 meters out.

He was going to have to play this carefully, lest he get cocky or underestimate this sniper and so he began to slowly jog towards the player as he went left to right, zigzagging his way through the desert Wild Field as he kept low to the ground while making sure his rifle didn't get him killed.

Sinon was about to put away her sidearms to go back to her main weapon when suddenly the wind began to pick up and as sand began to fly towards her, she took some goggles she had just for this occasion and put them on when she then saw something running towards her on her left and she turned as she took out her sniper and made sure a round was in it.

At first, she thought her eyes were playing tricks with her mind but as she looked closer, she saw the figure of a player standing out as sand pelted them and she slowly set up her rifle as she knew it had to be Kommando293. She set up and a she got her heartbeat to settle down, she slowly aimed it at the rapidly closing distance of 500 meters but as the wind picked up, her circle kept getting bigger as she gritted her teeth from behind her scarf as she then decided to take the shot anyway.

Kommando293 didn't see the flash in all of the sand but when Sinon's shot nearly took out his booted-foot, he rolled into cover as he muttered, "How did they see me?"

He then notice the sand blowing past him and as he held up a hand, he realized the sand was making a noticeable silhouette of his body and he sighed as he then said, "Time to finally face them without cloaking, eh? Fine."

Kommando293 decloaked and as he brushed the hood off of him, he took his rifle and shimmied around the rock he was behind as he kept on his belly and as he came to around the edge, he began to scope around to find the sniper again ad then, with his heat-vision, saw them perched up on a nearby hill and Kommando293 made his beating heart slowly, ever slowly, go back to normal as he stayed calm and just as the wind died down, he had his shot and he squeezed the trigger as he sent a 15mm round sailing towards Sinon.

Sinon saw the prediction line and ducked in just enough time to watch the rock she was behind have a new, large hole looking through it and as she went back to fire, he was already on the move and she almost cursed since running targets were always the hardest to hit.

But then, suddenly he stopped as he ducked behind another rock and as she focused, she then watched as an arrow, coming at her like a lightning bolt, suddenly blew past her face and she wondered how she hadn't see the prediction line as she ducked and finally took out her MP7 for combat.

Kommando293 notched another arrow as his posture had been almost flawless but he figured that his opponent was expecting shots and so Kommando293 continued to run forward with his bow and arrow as he then switched from heat-vision back to normal and he smiled as he gave a small giggle.

This was turning out to be an exceptionally good match.

Sinon popped up and as Kommando293 saw her, her MP7 burst fired at him and he threw himself behind cover as the bullets zipped by and as he stood back up, his back muscled slowly pulled the bow back with his arms as he aimed for her and she saw him just as the gauss longbow fired again and she felt it hit her shoulder and she spun around like a top as she clutched the arrow but she returned fire with her good hand as Kommando293 ducked from the shots and went to his Photon swords as he began to run towards her, hoping to close the remaining distance with her before she got another shot off.

He managed to get to the base of the hill as he began to swiftly climb it and as he watched her pop up, he suddenly cloaked right in front of her just as she fired another burst from her MP7 and the bullets zipped around him as he kept going up.

Sinon gave a frustrated groan as he had cloaked and as she looked around, she began to back up when suddenly he decloaked in front of her and before she could stop him, he grabbed her MP7 and tossed it away as she then threw a punch and he dodged it as one hand put a sword on his left hip just as it lashed out and almost smashed her away.

She grabbed him and as he grabbed her back, she suddenly kneed him as hard as she could once, twice, three times into his tender ground area and Kommando293 almost buckled underneath the attacks as it still hurt as bad as it did in the real world. But he held on and as he dropped his other photon sword, he hammered her gut and watched as she let go of him and then he lashed out with a kick as he sent her flying back but just as he went to retrieve his sword, she popped up with it as she activated it and he took up his own as the two stood, facing one another as they held up the purple, humming blades.

Kommando293 looked at the girl and as he realized she was from the bar, he said to her, "Say... you seem decent with that lightsaber... I assume you do fantasy games?"

"Oh... just one.." answered Sinon.

"Well... better than nothing, I guess.." said Kommando239 when he suddenly lunged at her.

She swung at him as her blades went over his head and as he swung back, she blocked at the two blades met with a loud bazp! sound and as they pushed against one another, Kommando293 was actually worried since her knee had him down to 200/300 hp and as he looked at her, she was probably only down 25 hp from his shot.

And then suddenly she shoved him back and as she tossed him his photon sword, she pulled out her Glock 18C just as he brought up his already ignited blade and she fired as he blocked some but a few shots still hit him and as she smiled, he spun around at her just as she ducked and began to pull out her rifle.

Kommando293 heard her pulling it off her shoulder and as he was about to face her, he had only precious milliseconds to move. Did he continue and try to duck or did he throw himself away and try to dodge.

Sinon brought up the rifle and as she didn't even bother to aim it, she fired just as Kommand2o93 threw himself away and she watched in awe as her shot just barely graze him as his blade swung around at her.

She ducked the blade and as she racked the slide back for another round, she realized that he was too close to her and she didn't have enough time as all she suddenly saw were two purple blades of energized photon coming at her.

Kommando293 swung and as he killed Sinon, he watched as she slowly died and turned into glittering VR shards as he slumped in the sand. He looked at his health and saw it was 80/300 and as he grinned at her, he then managed to type in one last thing.

"GG, sniper... GG.."

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