Chapter 4

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Sinon wasn't even mad when she respawned and made her way to the bar she usually went to. She was just in awe that Kommando293 had somehow pulled off a win from nothing and as she sat down and got a drink, she sighed as she then gave a smile.

Was she mad that she had lost? Absolutely, it drove her up the wall and made her want to blow his head apart with her rifle, just like when Kirito had done the same to her in the Bullet of Bullets prelims.

But as she took a sip of her virtual drink, she couldn't really be mad at him for some reason. He had been a skilled player, already, and unlike Kirito, he knew his way around the block, so-to speak. Perhaps him being a veteran player is the only reason she couldn't be fully mad at him.

But as she thought more about it, she then gave a sigh and put her scarf around her face as usual as she then muttered quietly to herself for a compromise on the matter, "He only got lucky... I'll get him next time.."

And so, with the whole thing resolved for now, she sat as she looked around the bar when then she heard something loud and big park itself by the bar and as she heard it turn off, she then looked to the door to see a somewhat tired Kommando293 slowly make his way towards the main bar as he sat down and seemed to slump in his chair.

She almost gave a sigh but as she looked at him, she then decided to introduce herself to him instead of just stay an unknown enemy to him. besides, if they met again on the battlefield, she would find some satisfaction in having him know who will kill him. And so she got up from her table as she picked up her drink and as she began to walk towards him, she overheard him mutter, "Boy... that girl knew how to handle herself.. fudge.. I got so lucky with that shot to miss.."

She popped up behind him and as she tapped his shoulder, he looked over at her as then he said, "Oh! It's you! Why do we keep meeting up like this?"

She shrugged as he took off his mask and as he put it down on the bar, he looked at her with his green eyes as he asked, "So.. are you going to ask me how I managed to dodge your bullet? If so, I'm just going to tell you now that it came down to sheer, dumb luck.."

She shook her head as she watched his words become translated next to her and figured having this up may do her some justice as she said, "No.. I came here to introduce myself to you."

"My name is Sinon... I'm.. I'm one of the best snipers here on the Japanese servers.." Kommando293 heard her voice become translated by a robotic voice and as he looked at his translation, he then looked at her as then he said, "Huh... Sinon? Interesting name..."

"Says the boy with Kommando and 293 for his name.." she pointed out.

"Its so common to see people have numbers or X's in the American servers it gets annoying... but, hey, at least I'm unique out here.."

"Still," said Kommando293 as he looked at her, "you have to be somewhat mad that I beat you in such a straight match."

She sighed as she sat down next to him. "I am... but you won square and fair..."

Kommando293 nodded and as he looked at the screen above him, he then asked her, "That was you who saw me wipe out those 50 players, wasn't it?"

"Eh?!" She looked at him in surprise. "Yes... but how did you know?"

"Umm.. lets see... I was truly guessing it was you, Sinon... but I think I remember after burying myself in the sand, you running along the opposite ridge and setting up.."

She looked at him and then he said, "What?"

"You AT-rifle only uses iron sights.. how could you have seen me from that far away?"

Kommando293 just grinned as he picked up the binoculars from a side pouch and showed it to her, "Oh, with these old things.."

As he put it away, she asked him, "I know I have no right to ask but... you wanna come with me to get some ammo?"

She had suddenly gotten a thought about how to tell he was good and as she watched him think about it, he then nodded as he said, "Sure... I need some anyway and I can always make sure my secondary loadout has ammo."

"Secondary loadout?"

"On the American servers, I had a total of three loadouts.

"My primary is my Gauss Longbow, my Custom panzerbusche 39, my two Photon Swords, two German Bundle grenades, 2 normal frag German hand grenades, and three special grenades that is a secret..."

"You mean the gas grenades?" asked Sinon as she watched him freeze at their mention. "Well... to be fair, I don't think those grenades could kill 50 players by themselves... they don't have that much of a range do they?"

"Okay.. you got me... I had some left over gas mortar shells I rigged up..."

"Anyway... my secondary loadout, I had a Steyr Aug and a Luger pistol, and 2 German bundle grenades with 5 German hand grenades.. its more of my Assault loadout while the one you saw before is my Ranger loadout.."

"And finally," said Kommando293, "My last loadout is my NightStalker loadout, the one I have become a little more infamous for. I have my Gauss longbow, my luger, and my Photon Swords for that..."

She looked at him as she was genuinely surprised that he hat a primary, a secondary, and a tertiary loadout to use and as she looked at him, she gave a weak smile as she said, "I bet we seem like noobs to you."

"After that last shot, no. You're just as good as some of the pro players back home... still.." Kommando2293 sighed as he said, "It is... a bit disappointing people aren't as prepared to what I'm use to... well, most of the people here.."

Sinon nodded as then she finished her drink before she said, "Alright... lets get going before I forget to grab ammo."

Kommando293 nodded and as they both got up, he grabbed his mask and put it on as then both of them left to get some ammo at some shop.

Sinon walked along with Kommando293 next to her as they looked around the weapons and as Sinon walked towards the section for sniper rifles, she watched as Kommando293 walk past her towards the Anti-material rifles and, subsequently, the Anti-tank rifles. She walked up towards where she could get some ammo and as she upped the counter for a solid 50 stack of ammo, she then looked over to Kommando293.

It seemed like he was taking a quick browse and as she confirmed her purchase and watched as a little bot came over to confirm her order, she placed her hand on the confirmation button as then the bot scurried away and she walked over as  she asked him, "What's up? Can't find the ammo?"

"No... but I'm thinking of upgrading my rifle here, soon enough... but I don't know which one to pick.." said Kommando293.

Sinon looked up and as she looked over the selection, there was a lot of rifles available for Anti-tank alone. She saw his Panzerbusche 39, along with the 38 version, she saw the Swiss 20mm anti-tank rifle and then towards the very top she could see the British, Boyes .55 caliber anti-tank rifle.

"Seriously? Doesn't it 1-hit people already?" asked Sinon.

"Yeah... but it can't pen cards or vehicles like Humvees... I need something that can do that.." said Kommando293 before he shrugged and finally went to get some ammo.

"Can't you just shoot through the windows?" asked Sinon.

"Yeah but I use iron sights... I need a way to kill my enemies if they aren't close enough to physically see..." said Kommando293. "And if you're gonna ask if a scope can be put on a AT-rifle, no you can't... people have tried and have ultimately failed.."

Sinon was silent as he finished his purchase and as he looked over from the retreating bot, he then saw a familiar sight.

Untouchable was a gambling game where contestants faced against a simple AI with a revolver and a simple beam pistol as their mission was to touch the AI before they got shot. It was a gambling game because after crossing some of the lines, the bot switched to a speed-reloader to reload his magnum before, at almost point-blank rang, switching to the beam pistol and trying to shoot you that way.

This one seemed, however, to be set on one mode: Easy, where the guy only had the pistols. In the American Untouchable, he had Easy with the pistols, medium with a SMG, Hard with an assault rifle, and Impossible with a machinegun. And though Kommando293 had completed each level once, it had taken a lot of tries and a lot of money to succeed to get to the levels above Medium.

But as he listened to the animated AI speak western phrases, it almost gave him a distaste as he watched another player fail and as he looked at the jackpot, it was well over 500,000. Sinon watched as he crossed his arms before she heard him ask, "Has anyone beat Untouchable before?"

"One... I knew him but he stopped playing.. why?" asked Sinon.

"How hard is this, actually?"

She cocked her head as she said, "Most people can't get past the cheap speed reloader area... why?"

Kommando293 sighed as he said, "In America... this is Easy mode.."

"Easy mode?" asked Sinon as she was shocked when she saw it pop up in her translator box.

"Yeah... medium is with SMG's... Hard with an Assault rifle... impossible is with a Machinegun..." said Kommando293 as he began to walk forward.

"Have you beaten them all?" asked Sinon, curious.

"At least once... I've only beaten impossible once.. but that was only because I got very lucky at the last moment..." said Kommando293 as he made his way to the starting area of untouchable.

"Does this mean you know every pattern?" asked Sinon.

"Yes... and if there's one thing I hate...

"Its when people stereotype us Americans this way!"

He paid the fee and as everyone looked at him and gave a few chuckles, Sinon wondered if all he had said was big talk or was true.

And then the game began and the first thing she saw was he was very, very fast. He shot down the first few meters like a bullet and as the AI fired, he simply moved his body out of the way without missing a beat as he kept coming.

He quickly cross the first line and as the AI shifted to the speed reloader, he fired off all six shots as then suddenly Kommando293 did a combat roll underneath the shots before using his feet to spring himself forward and as the AI fired again, Sinon was in surprise as she watched him continue running forward, unabated.

He's more like Kirito than I thought.... but how?

Suddenly, he was at the end and as the AI tried to shoot at him with his beam pistol, Kommando293 leapt over the blue fire and then landed on the steps as he tapped the AI's shoulder.

"NOOOO!!" The AI said as he fell to his knees and as the money was suddenly released in a huge wave, everyone was stunned as a few whispered to one another. As Kommando293 looked at the 526,000 money before him, he decided to take it since he was likely to be needing it again at some point and then he slowly left the game as Sinon was waiting for him.

"Have you ever heard of a Kirito?" asked Sinon.

"Kirito? Mmm...." said Kommando293 as he thought back. "No... I haven't..."

"He was the other guy who won this game... and you're the only other person on this server who did it almost like he did.." said Sinon.

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