Chapter 5

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As Sinon and Kommando293 slowly walked out of the shop, Kommando293 suddenly gave a sigh as he checked out his watches time as he then said, "We got about 20 minutes till they close the prelims for BoB... frak!"

"Oh right!" said Sinon as she began to run when he stopped her and said, "Lets go in my ride... its a bit cramp and loud but it's got speed."

"What's your ride then?" asked Sinon as she looked around.

"This beauty." Kommando293 suddenly jumped over a railing and landed on a really small tanks turret and as she looked at it, he opened the hatch and motioned for her to come down and she looked at him funny.

"You drive a tank?"

"You want to try and beat me again?" he asked her.

She puffed her cheeks out before she hurdled over the railing and as he caught her, he then put her into the turret and closed it. The interior was dark at first and as she looked around, she did feel cramped inside but then Kommando293 appeared a little below her and as he turned on the small tank, it roared to life and she covered her ears as he said to her, "Open the hatch and keep lookout... that way your ears aren't too hurt."

She nodded and as she opened the hatch, Kommando293 began to move the vehicle through its two joysticks that controlled each track and he began to move the tank towards the main interstate as its cold engine began to warm up. Although he only did this when he was going into the Underworld since monsters were sometimes down there and preferred to go on horseback, they didn't have all the time in the world if they were going to get their in good time and as he got onto the ramp, he said to Sinon, "So... how many Bullet of Bullets have you done?"

She heard him gun the engine and as they began to blitz down the Cities interstate that went to the towering Administrative Building, she poked her head back in as she said, "This is the Fourth one... I've Co-won the third one but I've done a few before."

"Only the fourth? We're up to, like 50 in America! Geez!" said Kommando293 as he then began to pass several people on he interstate and as he swerved around some APC's, he then said to her, "Hold on! I'm about to engage the highest speed I can do."

She held onto the turrets seat and as Kommando293 reached down to the speed bar, he then pushed it all the way and the small tank let out a loud roar as it suddenly jumped in speed and as she felt her hair being whipped around, she then watched as they were rapidly approaching the building and as she held on, she slowly gave a smile as this feeling of going fast was the best.

Within a few minutes, he had parked his tank and as they both headed inside of the building, signs for the fourth Bullet of Bullets were all over. As Sinon looked over to where they signed up, she saw that the booths had been upgraded. Before, anyone could see your personal info from behind you but now it looked like each room with a door to enter it and as Kommando239 looked at it, he commented, "You guys fixed the security problems here? Wow... that's actually good.."

"Yeah... it is... see you after your done." said Sinon.

"I thought you didn't want to be around me?" asked Kommando293.

She thought about it before she said, "Well... you're not that bad... you at least didn't hide what you truly were like the last guy.."

"Okay... whatever." said Kommando293 as he then walked into one of the booths.

I mean... it doesn't always hurt to be friends with someone... thought Sinon as she began to walk into one of the booths and as she came to the screen to put her info in, she quickly went through it like clockwork as then she popped back out and as she thought about Kommando293, she wondered if she should be friends with him.

He didn't seem that bad, seemed like a genuinely nice guy considering he seems a bit arrogant but his arrogance seemed to stem from knowledge of the game and as she then heard him appear behind her, he then asked her, "So am I like a friend or something?"

"There a problem with that?" she asked.

"No... I didn't think we were automatically friends or anything... I thought you would want to know me better than that.." he told her.

"That can come after kicking your butt.." said Sinon before she sighed and said, "Besides... it can't be that bad for me to have you as a friend.."

"We'll see about that.." muttered Kommando293.

The elevator going up lead them into the Prelims waiting room as several players were already all over and as Kommando293 looked at them all, toting their weapons and guns already, Sinon said, "Its a shame... isn't it?"

"Yeah... it screams, "I'm big and cool and totally will get killed by my weakness..." around here..." said Kommando293.

"Well.. either way, we should get comfortable since we already have our gear on.." said Sinon as she went to a table.

"Actually I have one more piece of equipment to put on so I'll be right back for just a moment." said Kommando293 as he left her alone and as she looked around, she wondered how this years prelims would go.

She remembered Last year, with Kirito as he had tried to find out Death Gun and how she had been o mad at him for lying to her. She gave a small smile at the memory as she wondered if America had any of the gender-swapping glitches happen over there as well and as she looked around, she then noticed something.

A lot of players seemed to have what looked like either knives or even a few with Photon Swords and she was wondering why that exactly was happening when then she heard a woman say next to her, "Hey gorgeous.."

She looked over and her jaw dropped as she saw the woman. She wore a trench coat over her body and her hair was red and her eyes were green. She was grinning like a hungry demon as she had no visible weapons and as she leaned towards Sinon, her boobs kinda hanged down as a few men pointed at them.

"Eh.. eheh... how can I help you?" asked Sinon as she was a bit embarrassed at the situation she suddenly found herself in.

"That is a good question... but how can I help you?" asked the woman and as she sat next to Sinon as she leaned over. "I can help you with any pleasure you want..."

"Uhm..." No, No, NO, NO! Where are you Kommando293? I need your help!! Sinon thought as she looked around when she then stared at the woman before her.

She wore climbing claws on her hands and as Sinon looked at the woman, she then realized what was going on and her face turned scarlet as she suddenly slapped the woman.

"Kommando293! However you became a woman, change back right now!" said Sinon as the slap was so loud, a few players looked over as Kommando293 grinned in his woman form before he said, "Alright then..."

He left in his girl form and then, when he came back, Sinon had her back to him as best as she could and had her arms crossed as she said, "I'm not forgiving you for that..."

"I wasn't expecting you to... I mean... I would be completely shocked if you weren't mad and were actually into that thing.." said Kommando293 as he sat across from her.

"For your info, I am a lesbian!" said Sinon. A lie but she figured it might be better than having him hit on her like so many others.

"Oh.. so they are here as well?"

She just looked at him in surprise and shock as then he sighed and said, "Which block are you in?"

"J block." said Kommando293. He had hoped she wasn't a lesbian but would rather work his way up the Friendship ladder before asking her out or hitting on her.

"Same... looks like we're gonna see one another's matches if we're lucky enough." said Sinon as she then managed to look at him with a disgusted look.

"Yeah... maybe..." said Kommando293 as then he made sure his climbing claws were secure on his gloves and boots. They allowed him to scale any building and hipfire with any rifle, SMG, or pistol in one hand as he did it but without a lot of accuracy.

And as he looked up, he then heard the Prelims begin and as he looked up, he heard a lot of players firing weapons as he then said, "May the Bullets be ever in our favor."

"What's that from?" asked Sinon.

"I've heard it a lot from other American players.... well... see you on the Warfield." said Kommando293 just as they disappeared into their arenas.

The first arena for Kommando293 was a good map for him to be on, Old City Apartments. It was full of urban buildings he could quickly scale with his claws and set up easily with his Metamaterial Optical Camouflage Cloak. He watched the timer before him go down, he equipped his Primary loadout: AT-Rifle, Gauss Longbow, Photon Swords, Bundle Stick Grenades, Stick Grenades, Gas Grenades.

As he finished, he checked his claws one last time before the timer went to zero and as he spawned in the old city, he looked around as he saw he was on top of a small shop.  The arena were only a kilometer in radius and each person spawned with 500 meters of one another.

Immediately, he got onto his stomach and crawled towards the edge and as he took out his AT-rifle as he looked around with its iron sights, he knew his opponent was somewhere around him. As he activated his cloak from his right forearms Techgauntlet, also called a "Pipboy" to Fallout fanboys who play GGO.

As he panned around with his rifle, he kept looking for movement with his eyes while trying to stay as still as he could and as he looked around, he could use his more silent and more accurate bow but that would make him have to either stand or maybe crouch.

And as Kommando293 thought about it, he decided to save the bow for later and just as he went over a car, he saw movement behind it and he stopped as then he watched his opponent slowly slink out from where he was and as Kommando293 watched the man, he then couldn't help when he said, "I got you in my sights..."

The man seemed to wear black as his main color as he wore a chestplate that seemed pretty basic, while Kommadno293 had one that had some good in both purpose and stylization. He wore a beret at his head gear which was so impractical in Kommando's eyes that he almost stood and shouted at his target for being an idiot.

But he kept his trap shut and as he watched the man creep around to the corner of a building, he then racked a round into his rifles chamber as he watched a circle appear in his view. Although Anti-tank rifles didn't have the luxury of being able to fire one invisible shot like a normal sniper but he had found that if he aimed it high and visually looked at his targets he could give a rough estimate of where he was going to aim.

And then he lowered his weapon and as the man saw the red line, he aimed up with his AK-47 when suddenly Kommando293 fired and as his round punched through the corner, the man was torn in half as Kommando293 smiled. His prediction of his firing line was still as good as ever and as he watched the words, "Congradulations!" appear above him, he gave a small smile.

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