Chapter 6

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When Sinon spawned back from her first match, she wasn't even smiling when she had won such an easy match against her opponent. He had been another all AGI-type run-and-gunner that didn't know how to use cover that well.

Basically, she thought to herself, another noob trying to hit the big leagues at being a pro player.

But as she looked up from where she was, she then watched just as Kommando293's match concluded and as she sighed and went to the table the two had been at, Kommando soon spawned as said, "Boy that was a good shot... blew his midsection in half for sure..."

He walked over to Sinon and as he sat down he suddenly laid down on the long seat as he looked up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head as he asked her, " So... what sort of opponent did you have?"

"Why?' she asked him. What was he trying to find out? If she was good? Her weakness's?

"Curious... my guy was a simple, balanced player, possibly had been leaning towards an AGI build..." said Kommando.

"You know.. for a pro player, you seem pretty laid back.." said Sinon.

"Well... I'm like that around my friends... its just natural to let your guard down when around those you know..." said Kommando. "So... what did you face up?"

Sinon looked at him before she sighed and said, "AGI-build Run-gun..."

"Ah... I was hoping to see one of those in the late rounds..." said Kommando when he then sat up.

"Sinon.. do.. do you know of any friends... who stopped playing VR after... sometime?" he then suddenly asked her.

She thought about her few friends and then shook her head. "No... I don't...."

He merely staid quiet and it made her wonder why he asked when she watched the screen show the next matches and as light shown around Kommando293, he said to her, "See you on the other side, I guess."

She nodded and then he was gone as she went to watching the screens. A sudden thought came to her as she realized that the only other person besides Kirito that she had been friends with in GGO was Shinkawa Kyouji, also known as Speigel in-game. She shuddered as she was thankful to be rid of him, especially after what he had tried to do to her in her apartment and especially since he had been with Laughing Coffin, a red-player Murder Guild from Kirito's SAO days.

She went back to watching the screen, as it came upon the map, "Rice Fields" and as she watched the match slowly begin, she wondered if she could trust Kommando more than her previous friend.

Kommando293 spawned in the middle of a rice paddy, he quickly got low as he began to slowly slosh his way through the water-submerged plants as then he stopped and brought up his rifle. He knew that regardless of being cloaked that the water would reveal his position regardless. But as he looked around the rather open fields of rice paddies he then got even lower as he half-swam half crawled through the water and as he kept his rifle up as he tried to see his opponent.

But as he looked around, he noticed that the fields were near a small village of huts and as he looked towards them, the place reminded him of none other than Vietnam.

And then he saw movement and as he stopped, he put every bit of his focus into his senses and as he froze in the cold water, he then heard the sloshing of feet as his opponent was just ahead of him near the village and as he opened his eyes, he saw that the berm that kept the water in the rice paddy was blocking his vision and as he slipped his rifle over his shoulder, he took up his bow and stood as he drew back a arrow at the same time and as he watched his opponent suddenly see him and bring up his assault rifle, Kommando293 released his arrow and as the gauss accelerators gave of a sudden loud btew! as it accelerated the arrow to Mach 7, he watched as his opponent was torn in half by the shot and as Kommando293 watched his victory appear, he put down his bow as he rolled his shoulders before sighing as he had hoped that would have been a longer match but he figured having some powerful weapons of new variety would often times take players off guard.

But he knew that by the next match such luck will run out and as he was transported back to the initial room he had been in, Sinon watched him walk over as she said, "So... how come you can't see the firing line?"

"Two reasons. One its super small. Bows are pretty accurate and don't usually go all over like a bullet does. Second off, its a completely silent weapon aside from the accelerators... even you know suppressed or silenced weapon are that way." said Kommando as he sat down next to her.

She was about to argue but then stayed quiet as she nodded. She used a bow in ALO so she should know herself but as she watched him sit down, she knew that his luck with somewhat inexperienced players was going to 0.

As Kommando293 sat down, he then looked up and as he looked at her, he said to her, "You... notice something about some of the players here?"

"What?" she asked.

"Lots of melee weapons... Lightsabers... bayonets... gunswords... its insane.." said Kommando293.

"Yeah... I guess my co-winner is to be thanked for that.. he used a Five-seven and a Photon Sword." said Sinon.

"Oh, a CQC fighter? He must've been fast.." said Kommando293.

"He could take out my bullets from only a few meters away..."

He looked at her as then he thought about it. He, himself, could do the same but often times he just dodged such shots but as he thought about it, he also hadn't tried to block physical bullets at such a short range. The last time he did so was in America, in the 48th Bullet of Bullets and it got him into second place but his next attempt had failed and had won only Second place.

But as he shook his head at the memory, he wondered if he should risk it and as he looked at her, she was slightly staring at him and he asked her, "What are you looking at?"

She looked away as she said, "Lets hope your luck holds out maybe a little more so I can shoot you still..."

"Hopefully... although the next guy will likely be better." said Kommando293.

And just like clockwork, he was gone again for his next arena and as Sinon watched light appear around her, she  sighed but knew that as soon as she wins the prelims that she can put all of her effort into preparing for the bullet of Bullets and also what was happening in ALO.

Rumors in ALO was that the developers and Game masters were preparing a huge event and as she was finally transported to the loadout area, her mind was cleared as she was only ready to shoot a player with her Hecate 2.

Her arena was "Old Temple Ruins" and as she looked around the ruins, she was next to some pillars that were along either side of a stone, brick road and as she looked around, she immediately began to make her way towards the tallest building on the map and as she felt the breeze blow against her face and body, her scarf was being whipped around.

She whipped around the smoothed corner of a marble building as she switched from her sniper rifle to her glock and as she held it up, she kept it up in both hands as she looked for a good place to set up, she then heard something and froze.

It sounded like a gun being switched onto a firing mode from safety and as she slowly looked around the somewhat open space before her, she then saw nothing but she put up her pistol as she got onto her stomach and as she set up her rifle, she slowly flipped the scopes covers off as she began to look around. She also reached up to her Noise Amplifiers and turned them up and as she listened to everything around her, she listened carefully to anything not made by the natural environment.

And as she heard the sound of creeping footsteps, she then saw the player appear with his Type-64 Japanese assault rifle and as he slowly looked around, she had cleverly and inadvertedly put herself amongst some brush and as she flicked her rifles safety off and very slowly and quietly chamber a round, she watched him stop and look around and as she sighted on his head, she slowly watched her aim circle get smaller as it went onto his head and just as he looked over towards her direction she fired.

He exploded back into VR shards as his body disappeared and as she stood up and gave a small smile, she then awaited to be transported back.

Kommando293 spawned in the middle of the "Urban Sprawl" map with tons of high skyscrapers and towers and as he was on top of a large building, he wished he had his assault rifle this time but knew that he could only have two primary weapons thanks to his skill known as Overkill.

But as he looked around, it wasn't long before bullets began to go up towards him and as he backed off before going to the edge and looking down, he saw his opponent down below firing a semi-automatic sniper rifle at him, a PSG-1.

And as he looked down, he wasn't exactly in the best spot to wall-run with his claws but he either did that and risked falling or risk getting picked off when he got level with this guy.

And so, he jumped and slid along the side of the building as his claws immediately latched into the skyscrapers windows and more as then he jumped to a more solid part off the structure as he slid down it, it was a very controlled slide as then he took his free hand and as he took out his one of his Photon "Lightsaber" swords and as it blazed to life in his hand and as a round came screaming at him, he slashed it out of the air as he continued his controlled descent down as sparks were flying from the claw on his right hand and his boots as they gripped the steep angle with everything they had in them.

And then suddenly he watched as the player took out a RPG-7 and as he aimed at Kommando293, Kommando had only a few seconds and moments to use to do something. He couldn't stop an RPG with his sword, he'll just blow up but as Kommando looked around, he saw near to the building he was on another building and as he looked at it, the distance wasn't too far away for him to jump and still live from.

And so he took it and as he ran towards the other building, the player fired his rocket-propelled grenade and as it went sailing through the air on a very noticeable arc, it went towards Kommando's building and just as Kommando293 reached the edge of his building, he launched himself off as he flew through the air and as he still had his blade out and on and as he flew through the air, he suddenly felt bullets snapping and hissing by his very body as he knew that the enemy as trying to nail him while he was in the air.

But this made him smile the most and as he reached out towards the building in front of him and as he felt more bullets go by his body, suddenly his claws grabbed the concrete and as he slid down it, he blocked some of the shots and destroyed the bullets as he slid down on more sparks and as he the began to run diagonally across from where he had landed, he watched as then the player tried to shift his aim over and as he continued to run, he was slowly reaching the bottom but then he saw he was nearing what looked like a area to land from and as he began to slide down towards it, suddenly he jumped and as he landed in the trashbin, it wasn't his most comfortable landing but as he scrambled out, he bolted behind a car as high-caliber rounds hit the cars other side and as Kommanndo293 suddenly jumped over, he put away his swords as he ran with only his fists covered in the climbing claws and as the enemy player began to back up to try and reload and gain distance, suddenly Kommando293 tossed over a stick grenade and the man rolled away as the explosions sent him tumbling and as he got up, Kommando293 was upon him and as he grabbed the man, he began to basically go Mike Tyson with his climbing claws on before managing to do a clumsy roundhouse kick and taking out his opponent.

As the man exploded into VR shards, Kommando293 was breathing out somewhat heavily but he was more than happy.

He was grinning like a loon.

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