Chapter 7

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As soon as Kommando293 popped back up, he gave a sigh as he then walked over and wasn't surprised to see Sinon there at the table. But just as he sat down next to her, she said to him, "Really trying your hardest to not die, eh? That last match makes me wonder."

"Yeah, yeah... I forgot RPG-7's could fall under munitions... that sniper was such a pain though..." said Kommando293 as he sat down. "Although I'm glad I made it almost to the finals..."

"You still have one match to go, though.." said Sinon.

"Yeah, yeah... I know.." said Kommando293. "Boy it can be annoying sometimes... but at least I'm doing something unlike the Clash Of Clan players."

"Clash of Clan?" asked Sinon. She was still using the English-Japanese translator to understand him.

"Its a stupid "strategy game" that has no strategy and is just you sending hordes of soldiers at a castle.. anyway... I can imagine its becoming annoying for you to use that translator."

She looked at it before she said, " Oh... well, its not like you know much Japaneses yet..."

"Could you teach me?"

She looked at him in absolute surprise as then she asked him, "What?"

"Do you think you can teach me Japanese?" asked Kommando293.

She looked at him as she thought about it before he said, "You don't have to... I mean, its only if you want to..."

She looked at him as she then said, "Well... I... I could maybe teach you Japanese... it would take some time..."

"As long as I can be understood, its fine..." said Kommando293 as he then rolled his neck and said, "... the sooner I know the language... the better off I'm likely to be..."

She could understand that and as she watched him lay back down, she then asked him, "Just out of curiosity.. how is Japan for you?"

"Not too bad... I've used some of my little money I had from America to get some food but otherwise I've been here... typical me..." said Kommando293 as he gave a short laugh.

"Well, you're not the only one...." said Sinon as she smiled. Having a friend again, especially one she can relate to, was a good feeling to have.

Kommando293 sighed as then he said, "Welp... here's to our next games...." as then he held up an imaginary glass and she smiled as she said, "Keep your promise..."

And then both were gone.

Sinon ran for her life as her opponent had almost appeared right on top of her as it also seemed they had some pretty high AGI along with VIT and as she ran behind a car, she sighed as it had to be the one place that sniper really didn't work on.

"City Suburbs" was full of cover one can easily move around and not be seen but it also helped players with high AGI and low VIT because it gave them ample cover to use against their opponents. This put her long-range based sniper style at a heavy disadvantage since she was unable to truly see her opponent unless she set up on a car or somehow made her way onto one of the rooftops but as she slid behind a car and pulled her MP7 out, she looked over as suddenly the enemy players Scorpion SMG fired another stream at her and as she ducked, she was all too thankful that this players SMG was a crappy one.

She ducked as her opponent sprayed another barrage of lead at her and as she popped up with her MP7, she fired a few bursts as her opponent nimbly dodged each and every shot.

She almost gave a curse as she ran and as she reloaded her clip, she then looked back as she fired again and as her foe rolled underneath her shots, he popped back up just as he fired himself and as she dodged left herself, the shots ripped right by her and as she almost dropped her own sub-machinegun but as she managed to pull out her Glock 18C, she aimed both of them at her opponent and as her opponent seemed to tense up, she fired her MP7 and watched her opponent simply move around the Prediction Lines but just as he thought he had her, her Glock fired and as her shots riddled his chest and collarbone, her foe was thrown off balance and off his feet before landing on the ground.

She stopped running form him as she ran at him and as she came right up to him, he was trying to swiftly get back up when she unloaded her glock and MP7 into him and he coughed and shouted as then he completely disintegrated into VR shards.

Talk about one messy match... wow, that guy was good I'll give him that. Sinon thought as she awaited to be teleported back.

As soon as she was teleported, she immediately looked around for Kommando293 but saw that once again he wasn't around. And then she looked back up towards the screens as she looked around, she finally found Kommando293 on the screen.

And immediately wondered what Kommando293 was doing.

He was currently invisible from his cloak as he was, at the moment, apparently dancing around his opponent.

Literally, he was doing cringey dance moves around his opponent and apparently his opponent, a machine-gunner which surprised her, was totally oblivious to him and as she watched him, someone asked out loud, "Is he actually taking this game seriously?"

"Just wait." said Sinon. "I bet he's going to do something stupid and make it seem like his plan all along.."

"How would you know?" asked the other guy.

"I have that sinking feeling."

And almost just like she said, she watched as Kommando stopped in his tracks and as he stood back from the machine-gunner, he suddenly took up some sand from beneath him and threw it and as the sand blew into him, it showed his outline right in front of his opponent, who looked stunned at him with his Maxim machinegun and as Kommando uncloaked from his invisibility, he crouched down before his opponent as he suddenly took out a pistol and as Kommando293 looked down at the large revolver, he said to his opponent, "A revolver with a Maxim? Not exactly the best loadout I've seen but I guess it does its job..."

"Too bad my Deft Hands perk is leveled to 100%."

And then before his enemy could move, he brought the Magnum .44 revolver and fired as the shot nearly caused it to leave his hands but his shot was dead-on and it took out the center of the man's head and as the man laid on the ground before disappearing, Kommando tossed the weapon away before he nodded at his victory and then he was transported back.

As soon as he popped up, Sinon was in his face.

"What the hell was that?!" she asked him.

"What? I got mess around at some point! Otherwise, I never get it out of my system or begin to bug people and friends around me...  like you..."

"And how can you annoy me?" asked Sinon.

He suddenly was before her and as he held a finger up, she looked at it warily before she began to look back at him.

"What are you going to do with that?" asked Sinon as she tried to take a step back but realized that she couldn't make her body do as she wanted it.

"Oh... let me demonstrate..." said Kommando.

"First, the Poke..." Suddenly he poked her exposed sides and she jerked and gave a small squeak as then she glared at him and gave a small growl.

"Then, the Prod.." He suddenly poked her neck and she flinched as she jerked away and se managed a small whimper.

"And finally.. the Tug." Suddenly his finger became a hook and as he stepped towards her and before she could stopped him, he hooked her mouth.

"EEYY!! Gert off of meei!" Said Sinon as he held her cheek prisoner.

"See?" He retracted his finger and as she glowered at him, he then said to her, "You know what Deft Hands are for?"

"Its an ability where you can take your enemies weapons off of them when they don't know it.."

"It also has a second ability.."

She suddenly looked around her and as he looked at her, he suddenly gave a laugh as she looked at him with a annoyed look as she asked him, "What's so funny?!"

Before he answered her, suddenly both of them were transported away and as she appeared in the Ready-up stage just before the final arena and as she looked at the timer above and before he counting down, she saw they were on the "Freeway" arena and felt a little bit of nostalgia from it. And then she also felt within her the frustration and resentment from what this guy had done to her and just how good he was and as she checked her rifle, she knew she would be all but too happy to plant a bullet in him.

And she planned on doing just that.

As soon as the arena spawned up, she knew exactly what she would do and how she was going to do it. She ran to the nearby bus, just as she almost always did, as she got up to the second-story, and as she laid down at the front window and set up her Hecate 2 on its stands and as she looked straight down the freeway, she knew he had to come straight towards her if he wanted to kill her.

But she then she realized he was likely cloaked underneath his Optical cloak and as she watched the freeway, she then saw movement behind a car on the other end. As she zoomed in, her Prediction Circle appearing in her eyesight, she then watched as Kommando293 appeared and as he stood there for only a moment, she fired at him as her shot went zipping at him, the windshield before her completely shattering.

Suddenly a Photon sword came blazing to life as she watched as he destroyed her bullet out of the air, just like Kirito could do, and as she watched the glass from the windshield went flying all over and as she gave a small frustrated groan, she reloaded as she resighted but now Kommando293 was running towards her with his Photon Sword in both hands but only one was ignited and as she sighted up again, she slowly watched him continue to running at her in a straight line, she merely sighted up again as she fired again and as Kommando293 saw the line coming for him, he swung his Photon blade upward and obliterated the bullet but he did not slow down as he continued to run towards the bus.

Sinon drew back from her rifle as she grimaced and as she drew her MP7 up, she then managed to reload her rifle again as she got into a crouch with her MP7, she fired some bursts at Kommando293. Kommando293 ducked a few of them as his blade took out the majority of the rest and as one sliced his left cheek, he continued to run towards her as he was just barely on the verge of smiling.

Sinon was not liking this as she knew she had to think and move fast before she got trapped on the bus and as she glanced around the large bus, she saw nothing she could use and then she heard him come onto the bus and as she dropped her MP7, she grabbed her rifle and turned it around just as he appeared and she didn't even aim as she gritted her teeth and said, "Take this!" and fired it.

The distance was too close between the two and she knew she had him.

And then his second sword blazed to life as he used it to shield himself and as he held it backwards, with the blade pointed to the ground, he then charged her just as she tried to get her pistol out and she was about to fire when she only saw his leering mask in her face just as his blade took her out.

"I won." he said simply.

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