Chapter 12

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Kommando293 finally came to his castle as it sat in the nestling of what could only be described as a long valley. Either side of it was made up of tall mountains that were being mined currently by Kommando for all of his Mithril, Blood gems, BloodIron, Hardened Bone, and other ores for his army to use in battle. Along the sides of the mountains as well were his lumber mills as they were choppind down the Deadwood Trees, Bonewood Tree's, and the BloodWoodtree's that were all nestled in huge forests along the mountains sides as his skeletal laborers hacked at them with simple axes.

Before him was the small village that was giving him the needed money he needed to build his armies and maintain them. It was full of more Alf Outcasts from Alfenheim, of all of the species, and as Kommando293 slowly trotted his horse along the bone road that ran through the entire realm of Hel, he watched as the NPC's around him bowed to him in reverence as he even saw a few Bone Princes trying to keep low. He would deal with them later.

And then there finally was his castle as it sat in the middle of the entire valley the mountains made, stretching from one side to the other and making it impossible for anyone to go around it. It was a strategic chokepoint that Kommando293 was all but happy to capitalize on with his defenses.

The castle had two walls around the keep itself, with the walls all being of DarkStone and towering well above the ground that forced attackers to make siege towers since ladders would be too fragile and flimsy against the walls defenders. Towers, rising like bladed spires adorned with blood-red Blood Gems, rose from the walls as they offered points for ballista's and catapults to be mounted on as well as better protected area's for the archers to shoot from.

The gate was tall and was reinforced with BloodIron bars next to its thick, Bloodwood base and as they slowly groaned open, Kommando293 slowly trotted through as he watched his garrison bow to him from around him, the Skeleton Warriors all bowing as low as they can go.

"Welcome back, my lord." said a voice and Kommando293 looked over to see his biggest Skelton General, EarthShaker or Theodosius as he sometimes called him.

Theodosius was the Skeleton Reaver General, the commander of Kommando293's personal bodyguards of Skeleton Reavers. Revers wore the heaviest armor that had pauldrons the size of a small shield, had plate armor thick enough to sometimes stop ballista bolts, and their helmets were a metal version of their skeleton skull faces while the helmets looked similar to Kommando's own helmet.

And Theodosius was the biggest Skeleton Reaver of them all, standing a good 6'3" above Kommando293's 5'10" build. He was armed with a large siege hammer of BloodSteel that could crush his foes with each swing and when he hit the earth with it, he lived up to the name of EarthShaker.

"How is Silver-Eyes doing with training? What of Dark Phantom with his training?" asked Kommando293 as he got off his horse just as Newblood grabbed the reigns.

Newblood was one of the newer generals he had summoned up. He was armored and equipped almost exactly like Raiden but he had in his hands a katana blade of BlackSteel. Although his katana didn't match the medieval-like fantasy armor he wore, he was far more proficient with it that with a broadsword and as Newblood walked the horse alongside of Theodosius and Kommando293, Kommando293 listened to EarthShaker as he gave his report.

"Silver-eyes Skeleton warrior unit has just reached Level 3 veterancy and have just been equipped with a banner of Strength to aid them in combat. Dark Phantoms Skeleton Archers have gained +50 XP from training and have just equipped themselves with the Bonewood longbows, increasing their range and accuracy." reported Theodosius as they walk past the marketplace and forge.

"Good... Good... how has the recruiting gone with Dark Crescent and Skull Crusher?" asked Kommando293 as they were nearing the second wall of his castle.

"Two Skeletal horsemen companies, four Skeleton Warriors, and three Skeleton Archers have been formed up by the two of them. We now have 10 Skeletons Warriors, 7 Skeleton Archers, and 5 of the Skeletal Horsemen in our armies, not including the Reavers that protect you and the castle." said Theodosius.

Kommando293 had to think for a moment to remember how many were in each unit. Due to the fact that this game, Alfenheim Online, was more of a MMORPG, the number of NPC's in each of the units had to be kept relatively low in order to make sure the sever didn't lag when the big battles happened.

That being said, the Swordsmen, Berserker, and more elite units like the Reavers were kept at 50 NPC's in each unit. 30 Archers the archers were to be kept in each of their units and, not surprising due to how strong they were, 8 horsemen were allowed in each unit because they dealt tons of damage. And finally, all siege engines used were allowed only 2 units.

Which meant that if he was just to go off of his numbers, Kommando had a very large army to use against his foes.

"Good. Continue to have them recruiting." he told EarthShaker as the second walls gates opened up before them.

"As you wish, my lord." said Theodosius as he bowed and as he left to give out the orders, Newblood followed Kommando293 until he saw Kommando's private stables and then went to put the Skeletal horse there as Kommando293 approached three figures on the steps to his keep as they waited patiently for him.

They were his handmaidens, the ones who helped take care of any guests and himself when it was needed. The first was Sanginuim, a elegant Vampire that wore only red for her gown and her red hair went down to her back as she bowed to him as he approached, her yellows eyes seeing his pulse and more as he looked at him. The second was Thaxae, a Succubus demoness of Hel that had taken a small liking to him as she wore a black dress that was modest for most Succubi demonettes. And then there was Medusae, a Medusa demon with serpents for hair and eyes like that of a cobra. She had smaller fangs in her mouth she could inject her opponents with and she wore leather armor that made her stand out as she bowed to Kommando293 just as he came to the keeps doors and watched as they opened.

The Keeps throne room was high and vaulted, the DarkStone columns holding the ceiling and second story that went around the edge of the throne room were all covered in stone skeletons that held weapons, shields, and did battle with creatures of old.

The red carpet went right up to the Throne of Darkness that saw upon a small pulpit, the Darkness floating and shifting around the throne of blackness as it acted like fog continued in a small cylinder.

Flanking the carpet was several suits of armor from Hel, from some adorned with the many gems to some being covered completely in spikes. Most of them were armed with polespears, polearms, and halberds but as Kommando293 came to his throne, his Necromancer Battle Armor soon came off as it came replaced by his normal Necromancer armor, his Darkness Armor.

It was mainly a lot of scalemail armor that covered him with a hood and cloak covered his body. His shoulder pauldrons and chestplate had white, stylized bones on them as his hood could be pull down over his face to show a skull face for the upper half of his face but keep is lower lips and face exposed. And to keep himself armed, he was dual-wielding two blades, one black and the other was blue.

He then sat down into his throne and as Sanginium, Thaxae, and Medusae surrounded him, Sanginium asked him, "My lord... The Princess of Lust has asked to be invited, alongside the Prince of Plague and Prince of Blood."

"Tell them that they may come.. our battles are simply just ways to entertain us, anyway..." he told Sanginium and she bowed as she went to contact the others.

"My Lord... the Gardens have begun to fully bloom..." said Thaxae as she bowed to Kommando as he sat on his throne.

"Please, go tend to the Garden then. If Medusae wishes, she may also join to tend to the Garden." said Kommando to the two and both off the handmaidens went off to do just that.

The Garden was Hel's only beautiful place. He had planted it deep underground in what was supposed to be one of the Crypts but he had excavated it out more and planted several Bloody Roses, Wraith Lillies, small Wraith Bone structures, Black Stone sculptures, various crystals and gems, and much more within the large space. Although he had only recently made it since he got on, it was truly becoming worth it as it was apparently keeping the public order of the village outside of his castle pretty high.

But as Kommando293 brought up his Quest log and began to look at it, he was a little bit disgruntled. Being a Player Boss, you have to roleplay as the boss you are to the most of your ability and act like them throughout the entire event. That being said, the only thing that would likely be the most annoyingest part of it all was the quests he would be taking.

So far, it was all just upgrading this, farming that, creating X many of this, some basic stuff for Strategy games in general. But as Kommando293 looked at one quest, it was bugging him the most because he didn't know if he could make himself do it.

It was called "The Princess for Hel" and it required him to capture another player from ALO, a female only, and keep them half-prisoner, half-guest until the end of the event.

Now, even though he was suppose to be roleplaying, his personal self-interest was clashing with this quest because it just seemed wrong for him to do. Could he ignore it? Sure but as he looked down at the rewards, he wondered if it truly was worth it.

Even though he was currently jumpstarted at lv.125, his armor would only do him so well against his enemies. And the "Necromancer Armor of Nag'Grah" was tempting as its armor was almost twice as good in everything for the armor he was currently using as battle armor.

But would it be worth it? As He looked at it, it looked almost exactly like the one he was using, being adorned with horns, had a interesting helmet, had scalemail as its base, it didn't loo too different from what he used as his Battle Armor.

But as he looked at it, he then sighed when suddenly the large doors groaned open and he looked up to see Midnight996, Reaper294, and Mantis Sphinx all walk into the throne room. Reaper294 had a red version of what Kommando293 wore and his face was a demons face for a mask as this same thing reflected on his own Necromancer Battle armor. Midnights armor also was the same when it came to armor but instead it was a sickly green and he still wore his Plague Doctors mask.

Although the boys had varying looks to Kommando293's normal armor, be it color or whatever, were basically the same, Sphinxes was a more interesting armor. First off, it looked like an armored dress of scalemail as her chest, shoulders, and her back had plate armor. Second, her armor was a slight pinkish-purplish in color as her plate armor was more purplish than the rest of her. Finally, besides a small succubus tail swinging from her butt, she had small succubus horns poking up from her crown as she needed to not wear a mask.

As the four players all stood before Kommando293, Kommando293 got up as he then said, "Alright... lets get the portal working... We have much to do.."

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