Chapter 11

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Kommando293 woke up to another day as he couldn't believe what he had did the night before. He was far more chivalrous than to force a woman to kill him, as strange as it may have seemed kissing her through the hole in her cheek. It made him feel even worse when he had used the  kiss to cover up pulling the pin on her grenade and his own and as he thought about how he could possibly ask for her forgiveness, he then shook his head.

She was a pro-player and they had played a pro-match. She likely understood what had happened and would not blame him.

But as he sat up from his bed and looked around his apartment, he knew he had only a few minutes before he began his first day in ALO in the new area simply known as Hel. He got off his bed and walked over to the nearby fridge and as he looked around his humble abode, he took in everything that had been recently done.

Besides his bed here, there was a counter in the nearby room with a simple microwave, stove, and dishwasher with a few cabinets he had built and placed next to the counter to make some space for food.

He also had a table near the small living room as he had only two chairs there for the moment. He had a few posters and even two model guns that were airsoft that he had around before for Airsoft but now were just merely for show.

He went to his small fridge and as he took some cold ramen he had the night before and heated it back up in the microwave, he wondered how his friends had been doing. The agreement, since all of them were in the same faction, was to keep their castles as updated in tech and resource gathering so that when the first of the normal ALO player went through the portal that they could bring the full weight of their war machine down upon them.

And as Kommando293 quickly finished his ramen off, he then walked over to the bed again as he picked up his NerveGear as he looked over the very worn thing before he put it back on.

"Once more into the breach... of Aincrad..." he muttered as he then lay on his back in the bed.

"Link Start!"

Sinon was watching as the archers shot a the nearby targets as she was just a little bit angry still about what had happened in the Bullet of Bullets. Klein watched her seemingly brood in her spot on some hay bales as he was also watching the Alf swordsmen sparring with one another as he was surprised that they were really good in the AI, watching as some of them blocked and then counter-attacked or di a flurry of blows that didn't seem sluggish.

Lisbeth was somewhere within the forge making some new armor and weapons with what was available as to equip their soldiers with and although he didn't like how one armor piece could make a whole unit have it, the simplicity did at least make sense considering to gather enough materials sometimes for more of the armor would be a little too time consuming.

But as he watched Sinon just mope around, he then sighed and walked over his general armor, that looked like a Alf version of his SAO armor as he then asked her, "Alright... you still mad about what happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it." she muttered.

Agil watched in his new Guardian Captain armor as his two-handed axe was on his back and as he watched Klein walk away from Sinon, he said to Kirito next to him, "We need something to cheer her up.. otherwise, if we go to war like Chryseheight said may happen... she won't be much of a help to us.."

Kirito nodded as he had Asuna next to him as Yui floated in between them and as he looked at Asuna for a brief moment, he couldn't help but think she looked good in her new armor as she looked very similar to her old SAO clothes with the armors white and red color scheme.

She looked at him and gave a smile before she said, " You're right... we need something to get Sinon back in her mind."

"Yeah... seeing her like this isn't normal... its almost like she's got a broken heart from Kommando293..." said Kirito.

Silica then appeared as she landed from her wings and as she held out a scroll, her slight messenger look with her new armor made her look like the cutest thing ever next to Yui herself.

"Kirito.. I just got a message from Eugene!" she said as Kirito took the scroll.

Kirito opened it and as he read through it all, Yui landed on his shoulder as she read it too and Kirito sighed as he said, "Boy... Eugene must be getting anxious to start a war... he just sent a threat to me.."

"Sounds about right... We have 2 Archer units ready to be equipped with what Lisbeth has made while we have 3 Swordsmen units ready and Leafa's single light cavalry... Not to mention the garrison of 1 Guardians..." said Agil.

"You think we should even do war here in Alfheim?" asked Kirito.

"It its what the game was made for... we may have no choice.." Several of the cities and towns had already begun to build up palisades and stone walls in preparations for the many wars that were likely to come now.

Kirito nodded and as he began to walk down the path towards the center of his castle, his bodyguard of Guardians followed at a respectful length from him. He walked past peaceful NPC's going around with their day-to-day lives and as he walked by some of the smaller, militia garrison as they patrolled the castle and its inner walls and as he walked near towards the nearby marketplace, he watched as "+25 coins" appeared next to a gold coin as it was generating him his needed income while the two nearby farms outside along with the mine and lumber mill were generating him his food, timber, and stone income that he needed to keep his kingdom going.

As he looked around the barracks outer edges, watching as the guards kept to their posts, he then saw Leafa on horseback as she was riding around with her company and as Kirito watched her, she was doing very well on horseback surprisingly considering what armor she wore that was a lot more heavier than what she was used to.

But as Kirito came to the gates and began to walk up to the gate house and as soon as he came to the walls, he looked out from them as he sighed.

"Whatever comes our way... I merely hope we are ready for it..."

The surface of Hel was made of ash, pumice, bones, dust, and dark rocks. Its trees were all dead, at least the ones that were suppose to be normal. Other trees were the color of blood, sometimes weeping it out if someone hit its bark and broke through its bark of dark blood. And even some more of the trees were made of pure bone, some even had random bone parts sticking out as limbs. Stones rose up from the ground like monoliths in some cases while some even had strange markings carved into them. The air was also heavy and oppressive, like the darkness had infested itself into the very air itself.

But for Komando293, also known as the boss Prince of Darkness, it was his new VR home. He wore, at the moment, his Necromancer Battle Armor as it was the heaviest armor he could summon up. His back had two sheathes with a black sword and a blue sword, both longswords, as they poked out from above his armor. He held in his right hand at the moment a Two-Handed Mithril Blade that shone in what little light was around the area as the blade was completely black and on his left side was his main Warrior NPC General, Rek Raiden. Rek was a skeleton general, like all of his generals, with a more upgraded scale-mail armor that protected him from a lot more than the simple chain the swordsmen normally had. He wore a helmet with a horse plume crest, had a circular shield and also had a broadsword.

And as Rek, with his red eyes and grey bones, looked at Kommando293, he said to him, "Sir... the Prince of Plague is advancing towards us..."

Before the two of them was an army that Kommando293 had summoned up. His main core of it was 6 units of Skeleton warriors, all who wore simple helmets, chainmail and tunics, and all had short square shields with their swords. They all, like Rek, were grey for their entire bone body and their eyes that looked like glowing orbs were red.

Behind this line was 4 units of Skeleton Archers were lined up with bows at the ready as they all wore almost bullet-like helmets. They also had the chainmail and tunics that the warriors had as they all used long bows of Bonewood and their backs had quivers stuffed with arrows of dead wood that were fletched with feathers from the Gryphons that roamed Hel.

And then on both flanks of this army was 4 units of Skeletal Horse Cavalry. The Skeleton warriors on the skeleton horses all had small shields with their normal warrior armor as they all held lances and had swords on their sides.

And all of them under a single banner: A black banner with the white skull on it and white swords crossed underneath them. The Banner of Darkness.

Going against him was Midnight996, also known as the Prince of Plague. His armor scalemail armor with feathers attached to the shoulder pauldrons while his armor had also included a chainmail hood. His face was behind a Plague Doctors mask, the long beak-like protrusion sticking out from his hood as he was holding his own Two-handed Mithril blade that was pure, sickly green and upon his hips was two green, poisoned blades in their sheathes.

His army was exactly the same and as Midnight996 watched his army of slightly-green skeletons with sickly-yellow eyes advance against Kommando's army and as he watched them advance, he gave a small chuckle as then he said to himself, "I can't believe we're being allowed to create warzones just to create more cosmetic looks for this place... can't wait for the sieges too.. having some ruined castles will do this place some good..."

"Of course... we already know how this battle is going to end..." said Midnight996 before he said to his own general, "Fight this battle out. I must see to other things."

And then he summoned up his mount, which was a Undead horse. It was a zombie-fied horse with green and pale skin that was slowly sloughing off of its body like hot wax. Its eyes were glazed over and as he mounted it, he then snapped the reigns of it and he galloped and as Kommando watched his friend, he nodded to Rek as he said, "Hold the line. I must go as well, I'm afraid."

"I will do as you ask, my lord." said Raiden as he bowed.

Kommando293 got onto his mount, a Darkness horse that was made of pure, ghostly darkness and as he galloped away, he went straight for his castle that was in the north of the map that was only a little aways from the goddess Hel's own castle. As he galloped along, he watched as the lesser Necromancers, the Bone Princes as they were all called, fight in small bands everywhere around him near the road he was on.

Hel was a world of eternal war and battle, every town, city, and castle, was full of small battles between the Outcast Alf species here, Salamanders, Spriggans, Leprechauns, and more as they fought for whatever was left here.

It reminded Kommando293 a lot of the past that he had in VR as he continued to gallop towards his castle.

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