Chapter 10

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The prairie of Ragnarok were nice and flat, with some small, rolling hills to break line of sight amongst it. Sinon looked around from her prone position as she had Hecate out and she looked around with her rifle scope as she was ever vigilant for any movement she could see.

The grass swayed in the breeze as it create a constant sense of being in a pure green sea and as she looked around, she then took her rifle and began to crawl in prone through the tall grass as it was probably up to her hips in height.

She slowly crawled along as she was headed towards the actual Hill side of the map that was connected to the Forest side of the map via the Metal Bridge. This was her most preferred spot considering that most players, at some point, went to flank some of the camper players that were always around Hills or forest.

And so, as she slowly crawled through the tall grass, trying to keep an ear out still with her Noise Amplifiers she still had on, as she also made sure to keep herself ready to run if someone snuck up on her. She came to the base of one of the small, rolling hills and she began to slowly crawl up it and as she looked around her through the waving grass, she wasn't seeing anything around her at the moment.

Well, at least nothing that stuck out like a sore thumb.

But she knew she was likely going to soon run into one of the players around here and one player she hoped to run into was Kommando293. She came to the crest of the hill and as she stopped and looked out around her surroundings, she then saw muzzle flashes in the distance and flipped the covers to her scope off as she zoomed in with it.

Two players were going at it amongst the rolling grassy waves as one had a RPK as he was trying to keep his range and the other was using a Vector SMG as they were dashing at the other player. Sinon focused on them as she saw they were both almost perfectly lined up and as she slowly got herself into position, she slowly lined up the shot and as she watched them continue to fight one another, she slowed her breathing as she then slowly began to depress her trigger.

Her gun jumped against her shoulder as her shot went arcing through the air and as the machine gunner saw the bullet coming, he knew he couldn't escape it but as he watched his opponent get before him as he was lining up and as he saw what was coming, he could merely accept his fate as the bullet not only killed his opponent with a headshot it also came blasting out as it went through the machine gunners own head and as both men went down, Sinon worked her rifles bolt-action and as she looked around, she then decided to get up and begin to directly move to the Hills as soon as possible.

About 10 minutes into the Bullet of Bullets and Kirito kinda wished he was back in GGO right now again. The group had already seen her take out two players in one shot and as he watched from the bar as she began to run through the grassy lowlands, he heard Klein say, "Man what an angle we managed to nab..."

"Let me change that then." said Lisbeth as she then lowered the video angle so its a more appropriate over-the-shoulder 3rd person perspective.

Sinon reached the Hills as she could heard gunfire in the near distance and as she ran towards one of the larger hills, she looked around for a good place to overlook both the area and the Metal Bridge as she was bound to see at least two players and as she saw one promising hill, she began to quickly scale it as she heard gunfire drawing nearer to her, she knew she had precious seconds to set up.

But just as she reached the top of the hills suddenly  basted her feet as a player bowled over and as she went tumbling down, she looked up as she couldn't help but stare.

"Woah! Holy cow!" shouted Klein as everyone was in awe, especially Asuna and Kirito.

Kommando293 was undoubtedly in on heck of a tight spot. DevGravity was using a rare .50 browning for a machinegun but he was fast, almost as fast as Kommadno293 and his reaction speed was also noticeably really good. And so, as Kommando293 ducked beneath a huge burst of .50 bullets, he slid across the rocks as he brought his Panzerbusche and fired it.

DevGravity felt the heavy caliber round easily blast his left knee off and as he fell down, he kept his heavy machinegun up as he continued to fire at Kommando293.

Kommando293 felt the bullets smack his lower, right area's and as he rolled along the ground and sprang back up to bolt towards some nearby rocks, he watched as his opponent kept in a prone position as he continued to fire at Kommando293. Bullets whizzed, snapped, and hissed around him as he ducked behind the rock and as the large caliber bullets began to chew away at the large boulder, Kommando293 only had a precious few seconds before he had to bolt again and as he managed to grab a steilhandgranate from its little holster on his back, he pulled the pun out and then bolted as he threw it right at DevGravity.

DevGravity saw it coming and tried to move but then Kommando293 took a shot with his bow and his arrow pinned down DevGravity and as Sinon saw what was coming to happen, she knew DevGravity had no chance and as soon as the explosion happened, she saw the VR shards go all over as a "Dead" appeared above the blackened crater that had and as she watched Kommando293 collapse onto the ground, she was in slight shock.

"Holy cow... he's good.." said Silica as the dust faded from view.

"Yeah... and fast on his feet..." said Leafa as she the looked over to see Kirito and Asuna looking very focused on the player Kommando293.

Kommando293 felt slightly overweighed with his gear on as he let out some heavy breaths, he knew Sinon was literally only a few feet from him and clearly armed to the teeth and as he slowly looked over at her from the ground, he asked her, "You... you're gonna just sit there or what?"

She just looked at him funny and he sighed as he managed to sit up as he said, "I bet you weren't expecting me to run you over like that... but are you going to shoot me or what?"

She sighed as she got up and as she walked over to him, Kirito shook his head as he said, "She's going to kill him.. just watch..."

Kommando293 watched as she walk over with her rifle in two hands and as she came to Kommando293, she then put her rifle down as she held her hand out and Kommando293 looked at it in confusion.

"Come on." she said.

Kommando293 then shook his head and as he took the offered hand, Agil cocked his head to the side as he asked, "Why did she spare him?"

"So... what now?" asked Kommando293 as he dusted himself off and looked at her.

"Well..." said Sinon when suddenly Kommando293 lunged at her.

She was too close to stop him and as he pushed her down, the whole group in the café went absolutely nuts when suddenly Kommando293 pulled his rifle out and fired a shot.

The player tried to duck but it nailed him in his chest and as he was torn completely in half and as Kommando293 racked the slide back, he let out the breath he had been holding when Sinon said, "Ahemm.... excuse me.."

Kommando293 looked down as he saw he was on top of her and gave a small blush and as he got up and sat back a little, she pushed herself away and they both sat across from one another as they were quiet.

"Em... wanna do it to me?" asked Kommando293.

A slap was his answer and Lisbeth snickered as she said, "What a poor, desperate little boy." and as he sighed and fixed his mask, he hen explained, "In my defense... weirder things have happened to me..."

"You shameless boy.." muttered Sinon as she stood up and as he did too, she then looked around as then the satellite scan came over and as she took her little scanner out, she put it on the ground as she watched a map appear before her.

So far, out of the 30 players in the beginning, only 19 remained already. She watched as a few players chased one another around, one being Dyne chasing down Kosirock from the looks of it. She saw that no others players were near him and that they were elsewhere and as she watched this all happen, she then heard Kommando293 walking away and as she looked back to him, she asked him, "Where are you going?"

"I'm headed away from you... I want our little duel to be... towards the end to say the least..." said Kommando293 as he waved her goodbye.

She watched him and as she did, she almost want to team up with him since he kinda was making her feel a bit lonely, even as she had been somewhat just sexually harassed by him. Actually, he had saved her in reality so that was out.

And so, she asked him just as the satellite went away, "Hey... wanna team up so we know we'll make it to the end for our duel?"

Kommando293 looked back at her and as he watched her stand up and pick her rifle up, he thought about it.

It wasn't a bad idea, no way, it was probably a better idea than they simply split off. It also meant that if they used their Noise Amplifiers, which both had, to their advantage, no one could truly sneak up on them from anywhere. And as he looked her gear up and down, she seemed mobile enough for a sniper and as he thought about it some more, he then sighed as he nodded.

"Sure... I could use another pair of eyes... and hopefully not end up using you as another shooting mat..." said Kommando293 as he waved her over.

Meanwhile, a heatedly discussion was going on inside of the café as everyone was trying to decide what on earth Sinon was doing at the moment.

"She's obviously waiting for the chance to get back at what he did for her!" said Lisbeth as she puffed her cheeks out and crossed her arms.

"No, I think's she's going to use him to slingshot herself to the finals..." said Kirito. "No real reason to keep him around.."

"Nah, you got it all wrong..." said Klein as everyone then looked to him.

"Sinon isn't using him... she needs him for a reason... and she's making sure that they can fulfill that reason..." said Klein as he took a sip of his drink.

"How do you know that?" asked Lisbeth as she questioned him and his answer.

Klein sighed as he said, "If... If's there one thing I know, I can tell what people may be thinking.... sometimes..."

Kommando293 stopped them just as they reached the Metal Bridge and as he looked around with his binoculars, he was somewhat put on edge. Even though the satellite scan, albeit brief, had showed where everyone was, he knew that player swimming in water or using the Optical Camouflage cloak were invisible to the scans.

As Sinon set herself right up next to him and took a look around the area, she then looked back at him as she asked him, "Is... is something wrong?"

"I got that feeling in my stomach that someone is here... but I dunno wether to ignore it or trust it, yet..." muttered Kommando, just loud enough for her to hear with her own ears.

"Should we turn on our Noise Amplifiers?" she asked.

Recently, Kommando293 had told her on the way over what had happened.

"If we keep our Amplifiers on, it drains the limited batteries that are given during the Bullet of Bullets... in other words, when I had mine off, it was almost no surprise when DevGravity snuck up on me..." Kommando had said.

"So unlike before... these must be used sparsely?" she asked.

"Yeah." he had told her and as she turned her Amplifiers on, she began to listen all around them as she could hear a lot: the sound of the wind through the rocks, the sound of the river way below as it went through the bridge, and just off in the distance, the sound of gunfire being traded.

"I don't hear anything." she said as she looked at him.

Kommando293 listened very closely around them and as he heard nothing except what she had heard herself, he sighed as he was about to move when he stopped himself as he detected something else: the faint splash of something coming from the river.

"Hold on... I think someone just came from the river..." said Kommando293 as he then took out his bow and got into a crouched position as he strung up the bow.

Sinon turned her Amplifiers off as she watched him do the same and as she looked through her scope to look at and around the bridge, she was about to turn her Amplifiers back on when suddenly she watched as Riskinri appear as he shook himself of water. He wore what looks like standard combat rig, with Bren ammo magazines filling his pouches to the brim. He had no visible grenades on him from what she could see but he did have a combat knife on his right boot and on his hip was a large .44 magnum.

"That's the player Riskinri..." said Sinon to Kommando.

"You think you got him?" asked Kommando as he kept his bow on his knee but still had the arrow notched.

"Why don't you get him?" asked Sinon.

Kommando shook his head as he then suddenly brought the bow up and as he pulled the draw length back, she heard the accelerators connected to the handle begin to slowly hum and whine as they prepped to fire the arrow.

"One shot..." he suddenly muttered as his entire body posture suddenly was very still.

"One Kill!"

His fingers released the draw string and as the accelerators let out a sharp pitch, the arrow blitzed through the air as she could barely keep track of it and as she looked back to Riskinri, she watched as he simply look up from getting his Bren machinegun out and taking the shot right through his midsection as he was completely torn in half by the shot as his body parts flew back towards the river.

As Kommando put the bow on his back and took his rifle out, he looked at Sinon as he said to her, "Shall we get moving while we still can?"

She nodded and as they both stood up and began to make their way towards the bridge.

The forest was oddly quiet for the two as they walked along a well made path in a semi-crouched, semi-standing position and as Sinon slowly walked behind Kommando, she kept her eyes to the sides to watch their flanks when suddenly Kommando stopped her.

She looked before them and saw nothing but as Kommando293 slowly went prone, she followed suit and decided to not question it for now.

Kommando293 looked at her and as he gave her the sign to stay, he then began to slowly crawl towards what he saw. He didn't see tripwires and mines all that often, mostly because you needed to be able to keep moving in order to survive these matches, but as he came to the tripwire, he looked between the wire as he looked for the explosive or whatever got triggered if he had tripped this.

And then he saw it, a small grenade with the string on its pin and as he looked around, he then crawled to it before he then took an arrow from his quiver as he used its tip to cut the wire very carefully before he took the spherical, almost thermal-detonator-like grenade and then put it within his pack as he stood up and said, "Alright.. lets keep going..."

"Who would use a tripwire here?" asked Sinon as they continued to walk along the path.

"Simple.. its a path. Someone's bound to be coming through here at some point." said Kommando293 as he looked around before he said, "Which means... its time to go through the forest itself..."

And then, he began to walk through the brush around them and as Sinon followed him, the sound of snapping twigs and branches being rattled with their movements became a noticeable din that quite a few could hear if they listened.

"Shouldn't we be trying to be stealthy?" asked Sinon.

Kommando293 looked at her and as he thought about it, he then looked up to the trees as he looked back at her and asked, "How much do you weigh?"

"Excuse me?" asked Sinon as she gave a him a look.

Meanwhile, all of the girls were sighing as the boys were wincing and Leafa couldn't help herself when she said, "And you had to ask that..."

"I have an idea... but I need a rough estimate with you gear on if this is to work." said Kommando293.

She sighed and as she looked around, she said, "Just pick me up..."

"I'm not picking you up." he said as then bent over.

"Climb onboard."

"You're... gonna give me a piggy-back ride?" she asked him.

"Just trust me." he said to her.

She looked around one last time and as she slung her rifle's strap across her chest, she then slowly clambered onto his back. As he hoisted her up, he suddenly jumped onto a tree and as her hands cinched into his shoulder as her legs wrapped more tightly around his waist, she watched as he began to run along the tree's around them with his climbing claws and as she watched them go high into the treeloft, she could only pray they didn't fall and die.

It only took them about half and hour to reach the edge of the forest as they appeared to be on a large hill that went down to the Rural Area and as Kommando293 landed on the ground, Sinon slowly detached herself from him, she watched as he put his hands on his knees and seem to heave a breath out as he said, "Well... didn't expect much but... that was a first..."

"What was?" she asked him.

"That anyones been on my back while I was running through the trees... man, I swear we almost fell two-three times." he said as he managed to recover his second wind and stand upright.

She shook her head and as she looked around, she then got low and Kommando293 did the same as they watched the two player slowly walk along the road that was just on the edge of the Rural Area.

One of them was DoragonRonin, wearing a more futuristic version of what looked like samurai armor. He had in his hand a long rifle with a squarish barrel and as Kommando293, he finally recognized it for what it was.

"Ronin... is using the Railgun... the gun version of my bow.." muttered Kommando293 quietly as he slowly trained his AT-rifle on the man.

Behind DoragonRonin, Kossak slowly walked in Spetsnaz uniform and a simple chestplate and as he walked along, Sinon watched as he was armed with what looked like a FN Fal assault rifle and as the two allied players walked along the road, Sinon watched them through her scope as she asked, "How shall we play this?"

"The Railgun must go now... if he gets even a single shot off, its likely to kill us instantly..." said Kommando. "Its also as accurate and so he won't miss if he shoots at us."

Sinon looked to Kossak. "What about him?"

"How far are we?" asked Kommando293.

"About 900 meters out." said Sinon.

"The Fal's only got 600 max range... he'll have to get closer to get to us.." said Kommando293.

"What about your own gun?" asked Sinon.

"It can just barely reach out there.. standard 13.2 rounds go about 300 yards out... but when you upgrade the barrel to 15mm.. it can just barely reach that distance courteously to the hill we lay on."

"Otherwise you would switch to your bow, wouldn't you?" said Sinon with a small smile.

As the two slowly got themselves prepared for the shot, Kommando293 then said, "You get Kossak... I'll nail DoragonRonin.."

Sinon nodded.

Meanwhile, in the café, the group watched anxiously as the two players prepared to shoot and as Asuna held her hands in her lap, she hoped that the two of them did this so that Sinon could win this event.

"On my mark..." said Kommando293 as then the two of them watched their prediction lines and as Kommando293 kept his line out of the sight of Doragon as Sinon put her circle on Kossak and as the two of them kept their aim steady, nothing seemed disturbed.


Two shots sounded out as two rounds went slicing through the air and as the group in the café watched the two shots go through the air and as Kossak looked up from walking, Sinon's round went through his head just as Kommando293's hit Ronin in his lower midsection and completely ripped him in two pieces.

"Nicely done..." said Sinon as she smiled and as she felt her face smile, it felt good and she savored this moment because it was her first time ever to smile in combat.

It felt really good.

"Alright... time to head to the City Ruins I think." said Kommando293.

"Sure... might as well.." said Sinon as they both got up and began to slowly make their way towards the city.

Kirito sighed as he at this point had moved from the bar and had sat down next to Asuna and as Yui sat down on his shoulder, he looked over Kommando293 as he had this weird feeling. Kommando293 was a known veteran player of GGO but he gave this weird feeling to Kirito, like he somehow knew him from somewhere else.

"Anyone else get the familiar sense of.. Deja Vu?" asked Agil suddenly.

Everyone looked to him as Kirito said, "He does... but I don't know how."

"Hey look!" suddenly said Silica. "They're coming to the City!"

Everyone quickly looked back to the screen as they watched as Kommando293 stop the pair just at the edges of the Old City.

The City Ruins sprawled for several kilometers in a large circle as it was the center of Ragnarok and also the main place where some of the nastiest fighting went down in. As Kommando293 looked around the bridge they were on, he then motioned to Sinon to go towards the edge of the bridge and as they did so, Sinon kept her rifle semi-up in her hands as she was prepared to take a shot if needed.

They slowly entered the city downtown areas as the buildings were all quiet for the moment and as Sinon looked around, suddenly there as a loud burp of rifle fire and Kommando293 gave a short yelp as he was pushed down by Sinon and as he managed to twist himself to land on his back, he suddenly found himself being used as a sniping mat as she aimed her rifle and then took a shot a moment later as the recoil sent a shudder through both of them and as the remains of the player fell over somewhere behind the car, both Kommando and Sinon were motionless for a while.

"Woah, hey there Sinon..." said Lisbeth with a small giggle. "Take it slow."

Sinon let out her breath when she heard Kommando ask, "No... take your time while you're at it."

She looked down at him with a glare and a small blush as she locked eyes with his goggles and as she tried to look past the lighted goggles and look into his eyes, she asked him, "Yeah... so you cant, what? Look at my boobs some more?"

He suddenly held up to fingers at her eyes as he said, "I'm staring at your eyes right now... if I wanted to look at your boobs, I'll do it another time when we aren't trying to kill one another... besides, their somewhere down here." and then he took the fingers and motioned around her chest area but his goggles never left looking back at her.

She puffed her cheeks out as she slowly rolled off and then got off him and as he sat up and rolled his head on his neck, he then said, "I guess we're even then, either way."

"Yeah... be thankful.." she muttered.

Kommando293 got up and as he took out his device for the Satellite scan, he watched the Old Ruins appear before them as he began to highlight the players around them. He saw RotCaoCao in a building on the other side of the city as it appeared Dyne was engaging him from a building near to CaoCao's. He saw that Yamikaze, or Red Goggles as he called him, was slowly making his way around the city perimeter and as he highlighted about 6 other players within the city, he saw that there was a mere 11 players still left in the game.

And at the moment it was only 55 minutes into the game still.

"Its been a bit of a quick match.." muttered Kommando.

"Yeah... it has..." said Sinon.

And then they were back on the move again as the began to hug some of the alleyways that went through the city as they began to move towards a more optimal fighting position within the city.

As they went around the back alleyways and kept as low as they could amongst the broken and burnt out the remains, Sinon was looking around them for any movement or any prediction lines from enemies.

"Where do you think we should head?" asked Kommando.

"To the arena, in the center of the city." said Sinon.

"Right. Lets move." He suddenly took his bow out and as he strung an arrow, he kept himself low still as Sinon followed him just as she switched to her MP7.

They quickly ran across from one side of a four-way street to the other as they closed in on the arena and as Sinon suddenly saw what looked like a prediction line, she suddenly took Kommando and yanked him back as a burst from what looked like a MG36 and as they took cover into a alleyway just as some more shots from the M134 ripped at the alleyways corner, Kommando sighed as he said, "You want to go down the right side and flank while I keep his attention?"

Sinon nodded and as she began to jog further down the alleyway, Kommando sighed as he said, "Alright... time to finally get nasty.."

He suddenly then bolted from the alleyway as he took out a canister grenade and a normal stielhandgranate stick grenade and as he ran and looked towards the fire that suddenly was heard trialing him, he got his first look at his opponent.

The man was a towering giant with a large backpack for the M134's ammo as his eyes were covered in a yellow-black eye cover. His main uniform color was yellow and black and as Kommando293 managed to duck into another alleyway, he looked down at the canister as he sighed and said, "Only if this gets bad enough... I hope Sinon can get him.."

Sinon ran around the corner as she came to the alleyways end and as she continued towards where the sound of the minigun was firing, she tried to keep to either the cover the derelict cars brought or whatever else was around. She dashed from cover to cover, keeping as low as she could as she tried listen for any other trouble around her and as she slid beneath an arch made by some overturned cars, she watched another long burst rake Kommando's position and as she slowly put her SMG into its spot on her back and took her rifle out, she set her rifle up and just as she had set up, suddenly a shot from a rifle came snapping by her and she dropped to the ground as she looked from beneath the car she was hid behind, she watched as the second opponent was none other than Dyne as he fired his Type 64 at her from about medium-range.

"Good to see you're still alive for once!" said Sinon as she bit back a curse before she fired at shot at him.

Kommando heard over the sound of the M134 the sound of an assault rifle and as he saw tracers go past the intersection going sideways from him, he knew Sinon had found unexpected opposition. And as another barrage of fire chewed away at his cover, he knew he only had one choice left.

"PHOSPEROUS OUT!" He shouted as he took the pin off the normal canister-like frag grenade and as he popped out just as the player, named Behemoth, saw this, suddenly Kommando293 hurled it at Behemoth in his perch in the second story of a building as he then ducked back into the alleyway as a barrage of lead tore apart the alleyway entrance once again and as Behemoth saw the grenade come flying towards him, he didn't recognize the grenade as it landed before him and as he nudged it, it suddenly exploded into white phosperous and as the explosion took a chunk of his heath out, suddenly he felt the burning and he began to roar and scream when suddenly a arrow took his head out and as Kommando293 ran towards the corner, he had only shot Behemoth to spare him of feeling like he was burning alive.

White Phosperous, or "Willi Pete" as some called it, was two things in the military. First off, White Phosperous was put inside of the normal smoke grenades that everyone used and although this form of it did not do terrible damage, it still gave of the telltale smoke. The second form was the deadlier form that caused deep, terrible scars and also deep burns that either killed people outright or, when they ingested it or inhaled the fumes, caused  some terrible health problems.

It didn't matter wether you were in VR or RL.... WP hurt and caused suffering anyway.

Kommando293 ran behind a car and as he slid behind its cover it offered and took his bow out and as he strung an arrow, a .50 caliber round went flying over his head as some 7.62 ammo returned its answer and as Kommando293 sighed, he then shouted, "Sinon! DO NOT FRICKING SHOOT ME WHEN I POP UP!"

"Easier said than done!" Shouted Sinon as she fired again.

As another salvo of assault rifle ammo came over his head, Kommando293 then popped up and as he pulled back his bows draw at the same time, he sighted on Dyne just as the man was standing up to reload and as Kommando's sight slowly put itself on Dyne's head, Kommando293 felt nothing.

And then his fingers let go.

Dyne was blasted off his feet as the shot hit just below his chin, right into his neck, and as his head went flying away from his body, Kommando293 quickly put his bow away as he looked back to see Sinon slowly get up from her spot.

"What'd you throw up into Behemoth? I saw smoke but heard screams.." said Sinon as they both met up.

"Umm... White Phospherous... look it up at another time." said Kommando as then he said, "We gotta move... I don't think there are many of us left.."

She nodded and both took off down the street as they continued to try and make their way to the arena.

Kirito took a look at the nearby timer and saw the match was around 1 hour, 3 minutes, and 29 seconds into it and as he looked back to the screen, he saw that there was only 4 players left. The group were all still very anxious about this match and as he watched Sinon and Kommando293 slowly near the arena, he knew the finally showdown was going to end here and now.

The arena loomed over the pair as they slowly walked along the side of the road as Kommando293 had switched to his dual Photon Swords and as he kept low, he looked around as he then put his left Photon Sword away and took out a Bundle Grenade as he said to Sinon, "I don't think... we're alone here at the moment..."

She nodded and as she took out her MP7 and then also her Glock 18C, she looked around as Kommando293 stopped her and then turned his Noise Amplifiers on. He listened carefully as he crouched down and as he slowly tilted his head around, he was hearing almost nothing at the moment.

But then he heard it from up ahead, about 50 yards away: the faint scrape of metal-on-metal.

He took the pin out from his grenade as he turned his Noise Amplifiers off and as he rose up, he hurled the grenade as he said to Sinon, "Get ready to shoot quail."

She didn't understand the reference but she put her guns up and as the grenades tumbled in the air lazily, they watched as it landed from where the noise was originating from and as the two of them watched a familiar player known simply as Blue Commando popped up with his blue, British Commando-style clothing on and as he ran with his UMP 45 and as Sinon saw him, she fired her Glock and her MP7 and as both guns fired rounds right into the back of the player and as the Blue Commando himself was absolutely taken out completely, the grenade went off harmlessly enough.

"One more to go.." said Kommando293 as he took out his left Photon Sword again.

And that's when Yamikaze came sprinting in as he bulldozed over Kommando and as Sinon fired her pistol at him, he simply swayed around her bullets as he fired back at her and she just barely managed to throw herself behind cover just as Kommando tackled Yamikaze back.

"Oh its a brawl!" shouted Klein as everyone suddenly was on edge of their seats as the two players went into a good, ol fashion fist brawl in hand-to-hand.

Kommando punched Yamikaze as Yamikaze fought to throw him off and as Yamikaze tried to swing his combat knife at Kommando, Kommando backed of just enough to be kicked away. Kommando scrambled towards a loose brick as Sinon couldn't get a good bead on Yamikaze as the man sprinted towards Kommando293 and as Kommando293 grabbed the brick, he flipped around and kicked Red Goggles in his face to throw him off balance before he jumped on Yamikaze and as he took the brick and smashed Yamikaze in the face twice with it for a moment it wasn't a brick.

It was a rock... and Yamikaze was a Red player...

But in his moment of bother weakness and remembrance, Yamikaze punched him off as Kommando293 stumbled back and as Kommando293 held his fists up as he dropped the brick and as Yamikaze did the same thing, Kommando293 then took out both of his Photon Swords and ignited them as he held them before him.

"Kirito-" began Asuna when Kirito said, "I know.. I used the same stance myself.."

Yamikaze gritted his teeth as he kept his knife out and as he lipped it around, he was looking for a opening when Kommando293 sprinted at him so fast, he could barely keep up with him and as Kommando293 suddenly had him in a hold, Kommando shouted to Sinon, "NOW!"

Yamikaze looked back and saw Sinon with her sniper rifle and as she fired it, he couldn't escape his death.

His head disappeared and as Kommando293 sighed and let the corpse fall, he looked back to Sinon with a hole in her cheek as she sighed and said, "That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be...."

"I'm just thankful you were quick on your feet and rifle." said Kommando before he said, "Still we're the last two.."

"So.. how shall we do this?" asked Sinon as she put her sniper away and took her glock and smg out.

He held up a finger and as he walked over, he said to her, "Let me fix something right now, right here."

She watched him walk over and as he took his mask off part way, she saw he was grinning like a loon as he then reached her and she looked up at her as he then brought her close, like Kirito did.

And then before she could stop him, she felt his tongue slip into her mouth through the hole and she gave a slightly muffled cry as he broke away and as she felt her cheek, she was absolutely furious as he then said, "Well... looks like neither of us one."

"What do you mean by that?" asked Sinon.

"Smile and wave.... we may be seeing eachother soon." said Kommando293 as then both of them blew up in huge balls of fire.

"The Winners of the 4th Bullet of Bullets! Sinon and Kommando293!!!"

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