Chapter 9

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A week had passed and Kommando293 was thankful for many reasons above the fact that the Bullet of Bullets could finally start. First, and foremost, he had learned Japanese and though most people take a long time to learn it, he decided to spend an entire week, from 12 am to 11 pm, to study Japanese from both Sinon and some sources she had also recommended to use and although he wasn't the most perfect in his Japanese now, he was for sure a lot better than some people.

But now today as the day all of the niceness, or somewhat niceness from what he noticed from her behavior, went away and only the strongest, most skilled player will win the 4th Bullet of Bullets event.

30 players. 10 kilometer map. What a peace of cake.

Still, as Kommando293 walked towards the Administrative building, he wondered if he was going to be able to drag this game out like had done a few times before by simply staying in caves or underwater to escape the Satellite scans that came every 15 minutes.

But as he continued towards the Administrative building, he knew he was going to have to somehow pull this off. He had heard some pretty good players besides himself and Sinon were here finally and wouldn't be the same pushovers that he saw within the prelims.

But as he walked along, he remembered his meeting with some old friends of his...

It had been two days ago, once again at the same place he had met Kikouka and as he sat with the man himself in his best clothes, he watched the three figures walk towards the table. The first was his best friend known online as Reaper294. He was tall, like Kommand293, and had a similar hair style but it was brown while his eyes were a nice blue. He currently had his Sunday best on and as he sat in front of Kommando293, he nodded his head as he picked up a menu.

The second was Midnight996, another good friend of the whole group. He had black hair, brown eyes, and was wearing a rented suite it looked like. He sat down across from Kikouka as he then clasped his hands before him which Kommando293 did more than Midnight996 did.

And then there was the girl, who's online name was sometimes Mantis Sphinx. She had blonde hair that went a little past her shoulders, had Azul blue eyes, and if Kommando293 had to comment on the bobs she had, they were about of average size for a women of 18 years of age. She wore a nice shirt with her blue skirt that went down to her knees and she also wore a small coat over the shirt as she walked to her chair and Kikouka stood to seat her, as any gentleman should, and as the group looked at one another, it was Kommando293 who broke the ice.

"Nice to see you all again." said Kommando293 as he sipped some tea. "How was your flight here?"

"Pretty good... I didn't think it would take so long but whatever.." said Reaper294 as he looked around his menu still.

"Its strange being somewhere not in America... I feel kinda... singled out.." said Midnight996.

"Not to mention hearing so many words that we don't understand... makes me feel left out.." said Mantis Sphinx as she picked up a menu.

"I can help teach you Japanese..." said Kikouka in perfect English which surprised the three newcomers.

"But, today I want to begin.. hopefully a journey to get you back as you were before... the American SAO began..." said Kikouka.

The trio were quiet as Kommando293 said to them, " Its okay... apparently, the same thing happened over here as well.. so we can speak freely of it.."

The trio seemed to go from being stiff to somewhat relaxed but then Reaper said, "But... does he truly know anything?"

"It was my job as the SAO incident task force... to try and help where we could... obviously, all we could was hospitalize those trapped in the game... we didn't do much in trying to break the games hold.." said Kikouka.

The trio was silent before Mantis said, "So... why are we here now?"

"I would like you all to join me in VR again." Kommando said, " There's a game.. somehow linked to the SAO that happened here... I can fill you in if you need me to.. but I would like you all to join me here in Japan.. and try to maybe help those who went through what we went through."

"But have they?" asked Midnight996. "How could they have gone through the same things we went through?"

"Well... what did you go through?" asked Kikouka.

Midnight996 was about to launch into a whole monologue but then stopped as he asked, "Well.. how far did the players get through the game?"

"From what some of my primary sources have told me... a single player took out the game creator on the 74th level... thus ending the game.."

"We went through all 100 levels... and lost everything anyway..."

Kommando293 passed some street vendors in the large meeting square before the Administrative building and as he watched the wares being bought and sold, he couldn't help but soon drift out of the memory as he soon entered the building and as he did so, he swiftly walked to the elevator as he then entered it and as he pressed a button on the nearby panel, a few other players soon entered as they followed him up and then they appeared in the waiting room as they all spread out and Kommando quickly walked around as he looked around.

There was several players who were acting as info brokers as they were helping place bids on the 30 players that would be entering the huge arena. As Kommando293 walked amongst he dozens of players, having his weapons still in his inventory so that no one knew what he would bring, he then noticed some players were pointing at him but he ignored them as he went to a nearby table and as he sat down at it, he then got a drink as he usually did before looking at the list of players.

He scrolled through them as though he didn't know any of them just quite yet since he had only been here now for a week but as he listened around him, he was a bit more thankful that he had take the Japanese from Sinon.

"... and I hear that Riskinri is bringing a new machinegun to the fight. I hear its a Rare British Bren...."

"I hear that DoragonRonin and Kossak have made a pact to team up in the game... smart of them..."

"Have you heard? That newbie RotCaoCao is going in only with dual knives and a single grenade! He's so stupid for thinking that loadout will win him the game!"

He listened some more as then he heard something that was both good but also troubling at the exact same time.

"Did you hear? DevGravity the marksman machinegunner is challenging Kommando293 to a duel... I wonder if the American knows at all..."

Well I certainly do now... but what sort of machinegunner would want to face a guy that has superior range on him? thought Kommando as he sipped his drink.

But then he noticed another player looking at him as he turned to look behind him and as he looked the player up and down, he recognized the player and narrowed his eyes from behind his mask. His username was Yamikaze and he was one of the few elite players still around after the Death Gun incident from what Sinon had told him in his language lessons. He wore a large, almost a trench coat, over his body as he wore red goggles over his eyes and he had a rooster tail on his head that distinguished from his black hair.

And as Kommando293 watched him and sipped his drink, his masks main filter in the front removed so he could drink without removing his mask, he then noticed some other players that looked like they were eyeing him as well as he looked around more closely.

First was a player named Dyne. He looked like an American Cowboy with his coat and hat but as Kommando293 looked him over, he didn't seem like too much of threat for the moment. But past Dyne, he saw a player that didn't seem to want to show his face either.

Koskirock he had been known and this was his second Bullet of Bullets as he wore what looked like a complete jumpsuit of digi-camo Winter-style as his face was hidden behind a full-head helmet that had a faceplate that was a pure grey. Kommando293 looked him over some more and when he saw he wore no noticeable armor, he knew something was up and he didn't like it at all.

"You anxious for something?"

Kommando293 jumped as although he may have his Noise Amplifiers still on him, he had been so focused on those around him that he hadn't even realized Sinon had snuck up on him.

"What's wrong? Shouldn't those things be working?" asked Sinon as she sat down across from him.

"They are.." Kommando293 felt a little weird talking Japanese but he ignored it. "Also... some of our friends around us are eyeing us.."

"Also, what sort of map are we playing on?" he asked as he looked at her.

" Ragnarok... its the only one we have..." said Sinon as she crossed her legs and also her arms.

"Well, when I was leaving, I heard the American Servers were going to get a new map for GGO... but we also still have only Ragnarok for the map." said Kommando293 as then he continued to drink.

As Sinon looked at him, she asked him, "You know I'm going to try and kill you.."

"Yeah, get in line..." said Kommando293 before he said, "Hey... is your other friend coming? The one named Kirito?"

"He's busy with another game... he only came over here for... well.. work stuff.." said Sinon.

Kommando293 nodded as he said, "Still... I hear some player is gunning to duel me this time... not a first but its a machinegunner... which makes me wonder..."

"Which one?" asked Sinon.


Sinon shrugged as she had never heard of it when she then noticed that Yamikaze was watching them and she asked Kommando293 as she locked eyes with the man, "You saw Yamikaze?"

"Red-goggles? Yeah..." said Kommando293 as he didn't even turn around to look. "I've heard his SMG makes him almost infamous.."

"He's fast too... kinda like you are but he's taken out whole squadrons on his own by having them surrounded him, point-blank, and dodge every bullet they shoot while killing them..."

Kommando293 nodded as then an info broker came by and asked, "Anyone wants some news on the new guy, RotCaoCao?"

"Nah.." both Sinon and Kommando293 said and as the player frowned and walked away, Kommando293 then heard a snippet: "Have you heard? Someone found something that might beat Kommando293's bow and rifle loadout.."

Has someone? Gotta find out then... if I can.. thought Kommando293 when he looked at Sinon.

She was staring at him, her scarf over her mouth and as she did stare at him, almost glaring at him, he looked at her and asked, "You gotta a bone to pick with me, better tell me now or don't speak at all."

"What's your objective in this game?" she asked.

Kommando293 finished his drink and then closed his masks filter as he looked at her.

"To eliminate the tango's and win the match..."

Kirito walked towards the Dicey Café as everyone else was likely already there for the 4th Bullet of Bullets event that Sinon was in. He wore his Alf Lord armor and had although he did have somethings still left to do, it wasn't at bad as it could be.

He came to the door of the café and as he entered the small café and closed the door behind him, Klein and Agil looked up from the bar as Klein said, "Hey, our glorious lord has come just in time to see the match."

"Hush, Klein!" said Asuna as Yui was on her shoulder again and as Silica, Lisbeth, and Leafa all were sitting at the nearby couch, the stream from the GGO event was on a screen hovering before them as they were spectating it.

Kirito shook his head as he then said, "Lets just hope its not gonna be like last time.."

"You really think that such a thing would be happening again? Most of the Laughing Coffin members have gone underground since Sterben." said Asuna.

Kirito shrugged as he sat down with the other boys ad as he looked back up at the screen, he watched as a timer began.

"10, 9, 8.."

Sinon and Kommando293 both were in the waiting rooms with their equipment out as both were seemingly doing a standoff with one another.

"..7, 6, 5..."

"Good luck." said Kommando293 to Sinon.

"Don't expect mercy..." said Sinon.

"...4, 3, 2, 1..."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

".. 0! Let the Bullet of Bullets begin!"

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