Chapter 18

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Sinon slowly felt the soft bed sheets around her and at first thought she was back at her home after taking her nervegear off. She almost gave a sigh of relaxation as she moved around the bed but as she felt her body clad in her armor and with what felt like her bow and quiver next to her, she instantly knew where she was instead of her apartment.

She immediately sat up and looked all around her.

Her bed was at least two Kings size beds put together with lavish bed sheets and fluffy pillows. It had its over screen of silk to shut her off from any peeping toms around her bed and as she picked up her bow and quiver of arrows, she put them on her back as she slowly, ever slowly, crawled to the silk and parted them to look beyond.

Before her was a set of double doors of DarkSteel with the images of a heart for handles to pull on. A lavish dresser with mirror was placed towards the right as it sat silently with a small, plush stool for someone to sit on. On the left, there was what looked like an armor stand next to a large door that was made of glass that lead onto a balcony from the looks of it.

Suddenly, she heard the main, double-doors opened and she looked up as her tears perked up and she watched a girl, around her age, slowly appear and then close the doors behind her as she wore a elegant, red dress and red hair cascaded down her back as she had noticeably yellow eyes as she looked at Sinon.

"Princess, I see you are awake." she said as she gave a small bow.

She looked unarmed to Sinon as she slowly slid out from the bed and as she looked around the room some more, she saw outside and her stomach fell out at what she saw.

She was on what would be the fifth and highest point of the castle from what she could see as her portion was on the face of the keep itself. Below her was a huge courtyard with trees of bones and blood color as she couldn't see anything else down there for the moment. Past the inner wall with its towers, she looked down into a courtyard like the one in Kirito's castle but it was larger and her heartbeat seemed to stop as she could see the large army of dark-grey skeletons training down below with several commanders leading them as there as also several barracks that had been set up. Skeleton Archers were patrolling around as just beyond the castle there was both a huge arena and a large village.

"Are you alright, M'lady? You seem panicked." Sinon jumped at the girls voice as she watched two, vampire wings stretch out from the girls back.

"Stay back!" Sinons bow came up with a strung arrow as the arrow glowed with power.

The girl stopped as she shook her head as then suddenly she held her hand up and Sinons bow was wrenched from her hands and she watched as the bow and all of her arrows floated over to the girl in a glow of red as the girl sighed as she said, " Looks like the Prince has forgotten to disarm you..."

"Who are you?" asked Sinon as she backed herself in a corner.

"My lady, I am one of your Handmaidens, Sanginium... perhaps it is best of you to get into something more.. suitable to your new position from that armor of yours.." said Sanginium as she began to walk over towards a closet Sinon hadn't seen.

Sanginium opened the door and as Sinon managed to lean over and see what was inside, several dresses and clothes were hung up on frames as several boots, high-heels, and shoes were on the floor within it and as Sanginium looked around the closet for the right clothes, she then found one as Saginium then took out a white and green dress as she held it up to Sinon for her to see.

To Sinon, it looked like a very princess dress but it also looked like something that a warrior princess would wear. The skirt was short but long enough to cover her knees while the main body was a corset-like part of green. The sleeves were only long enough to cover her elbows and then stopped there. From there, the dress part ended as there was two vambraces for her forearms, a small breastplate, and what looked like a armored hood of iron cards for her to wear.

"What... why?"

"Well, of course the other lords and ladies have been expecting to see you... after all, as the Princess of Hel, you have to be in good relations with them." said Sanginium as she began to walk towards her.

"What? Where am I?" asked Sinon as she backed up a bit.

"You're within our home in Hel, my bride."

The voice made her instantly freeze and also it was almost filled with darkness to the point she had no need to even think about who it was. She slowly looked over to the door that the Prince at the moment was standing in very casually. Unlike when she had seen him in the battlefield when he had full armor, he wore at the moment only minimal armor and had a cloak of darkness over him as she saw his swords but both were in their sheathes.

He wore a mask of a skeletons face over his real one but she could see his green eyes all the same as well as his red hair poking out slightly from his hood.

She was not shaking, which only slightly surprised her but as she looked straight at the Prince of Darkness, she suddenly felt something attached to her belt on as it pressed up against her lower back.

"Oh, have you noticed yet?" asked the Prince of Darkness. "You now have a new blade to use."

"My lord, she is not going-" began Sanginium when suddenly Sinon dashed past her as the small DarkSteel blade came flashing out and as Sinon rushed the prince, she was letting herself yell as she stabbed at him.

"And alley-" Sinon felt him fly past her thrust as she felt his hands put themselves on her stomach and then she felt him lift her up.


She suddenly was lifted off her feet and sent flying over him as she lost the grip on her short sword and as she slammed into the cold floor, she heard him walk towards her as he picked up her blade.

"You would think.. that I would be capable to deal with you if you were armed... and that you would know that too." said the Prince as he then sat down cross-legged before her.

"What... what do you want?" asked Sinon as she groaned and slowly got off the floor as she faced him.

"To be my bride... its actually not so bad..." said the Prince as he gave a smile to her before then he stood up.

"And what... will I do... as your bride?" asked Sinon.

"Well... let me see... its not like you have much choice as is... but you will keep me company for the first thing... and then you will help me with managing my castle... after that... perhaps even lead some of my smaller armies in battle..." said the Prince.

"And if I refuse?" asked Sinon.

"There is an a army between you and the portal... and a lot of open ground with only a few cities in between... without a mount... you will not make it anywhere.." said the Prince.

"You underestimate us alfs!" She sprouted her wings as she was about to fly when she saw no sparkles coming from her wings and she looked at them in shock as he then said, "Hel doesn't allow for flight... not like it would matter much anyway..."

She gritted her teeth as then she sighed and said, "Fine... I... accept..."

"Splendid! I will wait for you downstairs then." said the Prince as he walked away.

As he closed the door, Sinon looked at Sanginium, who was staring at the doors with a small smile before she sighed and said, "Sanginium, was it?"

"Yes, my lady?" asked Sanginium as she still held the dress.

Sinon shuddered before she said, "Please... let me have the dress..."

"Beg your pardon but to put it on the right way, I will need to assist you, I'm afraid.." said Sanginium.

"Fine... just... whatever..." said Sinon as she felt a small tear go from her eyes and hit the ground.

"You must not cry..." said Sanginium as she approached Sinon. "Others will see that weakness... and exploit it..."

"Why me?" asked Sinon as she looked at Sanginium. "Why not you?"

Sanginium only smiled as she put the dress on the bed and as she went behind Sinon, she slowly began to take off Sinons clothes and armor as she said, "In truth... he is a former creature of Light... much like you are... and I am a creature of Darkness.... I do not think the Light and Darkness will ever truly mix together..."

Sinon felt the last of her clothes fall away and as Sanginium put them on the armor rack, she then took the dress and began to put it on Sinon.

"Besides... perhaps your light... may cheer him up for once..." said Sanginium as she began on the corset.

When Sinon felt Sanginium leave her, she went to the nearby full mirror that sat nearby to the closet and gazed upon herself in it. The dress wasn't at all like her but as she looked at it and slowly moved her body around, she didn't completely hate it and so she sighed as she then felt a blade sheathing on her lower back and she turned to see Sanginium holding her hand out as she said, "Follow me, m'lady... our lord awaits in the throne room."

Sinon followed the handmaiden just outside the door when suddenly they were met by a towering wall of DarkSteel. She looked up at the towering, dark-grey skeleton within the armor as it looked down at her and then it went to one knee as it said, "Princess Sinon... you truly are a beauty to behold."

And then the general stood up as a group of 50 Reavers surrounded her and as they began to escort the trio away from the room, Sinon looked at them all as she then asked the towering skeleton, "Who are you?"

"I am Earthshaker, "Theodosius" as some call me... I am Lord Darknesses best general... and commander to his bodyguard... you are now under my care, if you may wish to ask, flower." said the towering giant as he looked back to her with green eyes.

"Flower?" asked Sinon.

"Yes. Are you not a beautiful flower in bloom? Has not one man ever commented on your looks as they are?" asked the giant.

She thought about that and realized that few had and as she looked back, she then decided to stay quiet until they reached the throne room.

Kommando293 was going over his report of progress when he heard marching feet and he looked up as Medusae and Thaxae looked up from maintaining their weapons and armor and as Kommando293 watched his elite guard of Reavers, lead by Theodosius himself, as they begin to fan out throughout the great hall, he watched as Sinon was slowly followed by a respectful Sanginium as when he head first saw her she had look awesome but now he realized that he would need to find some more... suitable clothes and armor that fit her.

"Ah, Princess..." he said in his best Bad-Guy voice he could muster at seeing her again. "I see you look nice within that armor."

"What will I do first?" she asked.

"For now, a walk around the keep... it is best to relax while you have just arrived here... Come, I will lead you all around myself... Theodosius, I handle the patrols and guards to you and the others... Thaxae, Sanginium, and Medusae will be accompanying you, my Bride." said Kommando293 as he got up from his throne.

"Alright then, my lord." said Sinon as the whole group made its way from the castle keep.

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