Chapter 19

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The palace ground around the main keep was only slightly creepy to Sinon which surprised her considering what was around her at the moment. There was first off the gravel road she was on that seemed to have besides the odd stone brick and the also not as odd piece of bone or skull. Then, all around her were the various trees she had seen of blood, bone, and dead wood along with what looked like flowers of blood and bone. The only things beautiful at the moment were the many crystal formations that sprouted up.

Walking alongside her was none other than the Prince of Darkness as he was simply walking alongside her and had not said a single word to her since they had begun the walk and which she was kinda thankful for. Behind her, the handmaidens of the Vampire Sanginium, the Medusa Medusae, and the Succubus Thaxae as all walked behind her at a respectful distance as they also had not spoken a word.

Around them, several units of Reavers and Archers were patrolling as it seemed only the Skeleton General Theodosius was visible and she assumed the others to be currently indisposed.

But since she really couldn't do anything for the moment, all she simply did was continue with the small walk around and tried to relax. And as she walked, she almost began to hope someone would speak just so they could hear something else other than silence.

Meanwhile, Kommando293 was trying to find something to talk about that was good and appropriate but he couldn't seem to be finding anything and as he glanced to Sinon, he almost wished she would speak so she could break this silence.

It turns out that neither of them would break the silence as suddenly Midnight996, aka the Prince of Plague, appeared from nearby in his Plague Doctor-like necromancer armor as he saw the two of them before he then said, "Ah... Prince of Darkness... I see you're message was not wrong."

He gave a short bow to Sinon as then Kommando293 gave a slight sigh of relief as he then said, "You know, you could give me a heads up next time... Then I wouldn't have to worry about you destroying half my army."

"Oh, come on!" said Midnight996. "I didn't destroy all of them last time!"

Sinon watched both of the Princes talk a little bit more and she slowly tuned them out when suddenly the Prince of Plague asked her, "My lady, I have not had the pleasure of knowing who you are. May I have your name?"

Sinon wanted to ignore him but she decided to give the AI an answer in cased it truly did depend on her speaking to it and so she simply told it, "I am called Sinon."

"A lovely name for a lovely girl." said the Prince of Plague as suddenly he extended a hand out.

She slowly took her hand and extended it and he took it as he suddenly removed his mask partially to lift her hand up and gave a small kiss to it before he let go and put his mask back on fully.

"Plague... better not be trying to woo my girl form me...  you know how that'll end..." said the Prince of Darkness as he appeared next to Sinon.

"Oh I know... but just to let you know now, be careful of Lust... she is not one to simply be... tossed away by lowly threats..." said Plauge as he then backed off.

As Sinon stood, suddenly she watched as a messenger skeleton appeared as he then said, "My lord! A army of Bone Princes has risen up and is advancing against the castle! They already took down the arena!!"

"Tch!!" She heard him give that sound out as he then said, "And just as I was about to relax... how many do you have with you?"

"Only my bodyguard of Reavers..." said the Prince of Plague.

"Dang it.." said the Prince of Darkness.

He suddenly then looked to the handmaidens behind Sinon as he said to them, "Take my bride and put her on one of the battlements!"

He then shouted out to Theodosius on the walls, "General Earthshaker! Get everyone outside the gates to face the enemy! Leave only the newer units inside to defend!!"

"Yes my lord!" shouted Earthshaker.

And as Sinon was slowly ushered towards the walls by the handmaidens along with the Prince of Plague as several units of Skeleton archers began to mount themselves along the walls and begin to man the many catapults, trebuchets, and ballistae mounted along the walls on both the outer wall and the inner wall. As she emerged on top of the inner wall, she watched as the Prince of Darkness began to march with his large army which she could see had at least 5 Veteran or Elite Reavers along with 4 units of Skeleton Horsemen units that were all veteran and then at least 8 units of Skeleton swordsmen that were a mixture of Veteran and Elite units.

And then she watched as the Prince of Darkness suddenly summon up his battle armor she had seen before as then he took out his two swords as she saw both, much like Kirito, were longswords and he held them much like Kirito did as then he marched out of the front gates just as his army began to spread out.

"Oh boy.. looks at that army.." said the Prince of Plague as he pointed past her towards the large blob slowly creeping towards the castle.

Sinon looked across and her heart lodged suddenly within her throat and that was before Medusae gave her a telescope.

Almost the entire front row was comprised of men in similar looking armor and clothing as the Prince of Darkness had been in a few minutes ago. They all had several different weapons, a mixture of swords, axes, and various clubs as behind them was a horde of various things.

Skeletons, lesser demons, zombies, and undead were all marching in a loose mob as they all had cracked and damaged weapons as what little armor and shields they had seemed to have seen way better days.

And it was a huge horde of enemies to say the least, it almost looked twice as big as the Princes army and as she watched it all, she suddenly heard Plague say, "Better hope he wins... because you may soon find yourself a trophy to some... Bone Princes..."

"What do you mean?" asked Sinon in a small worried tone.

"You know what happens when other Necromancers take women from another necromancer?" asked the Plague.

She suddenly heard a shout and looked right back to see the horde had suddenly stopped as the Princes of Darkness army had now formed up into perfect ranks with the swordsmen and Reavers intermixed while the horsemen were on the flanks. Banners from the Princes units were fluttering in what was a form of a breeze and as the Prince of Darkness advanced slightly ahead of his army, his armor shining dully in what light was armor, as he had his two blades out.

"What happens?" asked Sinon.

"Well.. to be honest... they take the women and make them their own... forcefully or consent, it doesn't matter." said Plague.

And then Kommando293 stopped as he called out, "Alright, who's bright idea was it to challenge me here on my turf?"

"You know exactly who!" Shouted a larger Necromancer as the man stepped forward from the army.

Kommando293 already knew this trouble-maker NPC, along with his more cowardly brother that loved to pick away at his resource camps. His name was simply Scab and he was a Bone Prince who wielded a large Siege Hammer as his main weapon of choice.

And as Scab stepped forward, Kommando293 sighed as he then said, "Finally growing a pair for once? Took you long enough."

"We'll see who's high and mighty after I crush you, Darkness!!" Shouted Scab as he took out his siege hammer and pointed it at Kommando293. "And then I'll take that Lighty Bride of yours as well!"

Sinon could only give a shudder as then Kommando293 shouted out, "Then why don't you all come at me! Come and take what I have from me if you can!"

Almost like a flood gate had been released nearby, suddenly the entire mob of the Bone Princes army of units came charging straight at Kommando293 and as Kommando293 watched the horde of enemies charge towards him as he then said, "Darkness Bolts!"

Several bolts of pure darkness began to form around him and he then sent them flying straight at the army coming straight towards them. All 7 bolts of pure darkness energy when flying straight at the army as they impacted along the front lengths of it as droves of the enemies were instantly annihilated by the powerful magic.

But it seemed like most of the Bone Princes were still alive as most of the huge mob army came charging still as Scab was still alive as well, still leading the charge from the front as he hefted his large siege hammer still.

But then suddenly the sound of catapults and trebuchets being fired was heard and as Sinon looked all around her, huge boulders and flaming shots went rocketing towards the hostile army as she watched the enemy army continue onward.

Huge explosions of fire and dirt sky rocketed into the sky as huge clumps of the enemy army were slaughtered out and as Kommando293 watched his men slowly begin to form cohesive ranks, he then shouted, "Alright Bone Princes! Show me your feeble power!"

And as one, about 2 dozen Bone Princes including Scab charged him alone while their army continued past them to attack Kommando's main force as he heard his Skeleton Horsemen already galloping into action with their spears, swords, and lances as he heard them smash into the enemy ranks and begin to continue to slowly plough through.

Sinon watched as the battle slowly, ever so slowly began in earnest as all she could do was watch and hope for the best.

And then, the screams began.

Kommando293 first hacked the Bone Prince down with a horizontal slash as he slid across on one knee and then he brought up his next attack to stab his other sword through the ribcage of another.

Blood spilled from both mortal wounds as both necromancers fell screaming and as he ripped his blades away from the dying enemies, he used both blades to block the next attack from an axe that was suppose to cleave his head wide open. He then kicked away his assailant as he blocked another attack and sliced down a necromancer trying to stab him with a knife, suddenly he summoned up his darkness and slammed it down into the earth as he sent a group of them flying away.

He heard his skeleton infantry crash against the mob of lesser summoned beings and as he heard them slowly pushing the enemy back, he deflected another sword just before he rammed it into his attacker and then kicking them away.

Scab tried to smash him with his hammer but Kommando saw it coming and dashed under the swing as he swiped the feet out from the larger man before dashing and slicing down three more Bone Princes in a few consecutive moves.

It was very apparent that this battle was over before it had even began to him as he killed a few more necromancers and then he turned to see Scab trying to run away using a teleport spell.

"Not today, Scab." said Kommando293 and he threw his black sword as it struck the larger man in his back.

Scab screamed as he fell over and as Kommando293 ran over, he brought up his sword just to then bring it crashing down upon the neck of Scab, severing his head from his body in one motion as he then swiftly ripped his sword out of the corpses body.

The Necromancers around him, realizing that they would not win, were just about to run away when suddenly his Horsemen came charging through their ranks and he watched them be trampled down just as he sheathed his weapons and said, "Time to clean up... and make some... rather needed apologies to Sinon..."

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