Chapter 21

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The underground cavern was quite large, way larger than what she had expected considering what was within it.

A large, long garden was spread out throughout the large cavern and it was filled completely with all sorts of flowers, flauna, crystals, and small structures as the path amongst them seemed to be of normal stone. She could see roses of blood color, lillies that seemed ghostly in nature, crystals of all sorts of sizes, shapes, and colors, slightly ghostly bone strucutres that almost seemed to emit a ghostly mist, and then black stone structures that had runes carved into them.

Sinon was mesmerized as she slowly went from holding an arrow with her bow to putting the arrow up and as she looked around her surroundings, she slowly walked amongst some glowing braziers as she then wondered where the Prince was in this huge place.

But she decided she was not in a rush and as she slowly walked around, she put her weapons away as she slowly began to walk around this large garden. She felt the gravel beneath her crunch as she walked along and as she looked at everything around her, she tried not to touch anything with her hands as she was in awe that this existed at all in Hel.

And then suddenly she heard someone say, "Why hello, my bride.. I see you have become entranced by my Garden."

She jumped from the sudden voice and as she looked around her, she finally saw him sitting on a nearby bench, watching her in his normal Necromancer armor. He had his black and blue blades on his back and he was simply sitting on the bench it seemed and as she slowly looked at him, he then stood up and said to her, "You look nice in that armor... I figured it suited you better than the other."

She looked at him as she then asked him, "You.. summoned me?"

"I have an apology to give you." said the Prince as he stood up suddenly.

As she looked at his face, she then saw that he no longer had a mask on of skull like but now that it was simply a metal plate with a slit over his eyes. It didn't help her see his face but as she looked at him he simply stood before her with his hands put together, almost steepled, as he then said to her, "I must ask you to forgive me for the other day... the Bone princes are not usually so easily riled up into such an open uprising... no matter how large or small..."

Sinon stood there for a little bit more before she then said, "That's it?"

"If you're expecting an apology for me taking you... I could have just left you on the battlefield and let you be pin cushioned." said the Prince as he shrugged.

Sinon gave him a "Are you serious look?" before she then took her hands and made a frustrated motion as she then she watched him look towards the deeper interior of the cave as he then said, "Come, handmaidens... It is time to leave the Gardens... we have much to attend in the kingdom."

Sinon almost felt her anger get the better for her but she managed to shove it deep down into her as she then watched Thaxae, Sanginium, and Medusae appear and as the Prince of Darkness began to walk towards the exit, Sinon could only slowly follow him from the cavern as she tried not to get herself in anymore of a sticky situation as she was.

Shisho watched as Klein help train some more Spriggan swordsmen as she was currently his charge, basically she was to be escorted around by him until something happened and she was asked to leave. As she watched him teach the swordsmen to parry one another, Klein was finding it once again difficult to focus on his tasks at hand with a beautiful girl near him. Normally, right around when he meets a hot, gorgeous girl, he simply begins to act like every desperate guy out there and tries to get them interested in him.

But this girl was making him act... like a gentleman, like a noble samurai would hopefully act like. And although he wasn't too bothered by his new behavior, it did certainly surprise him a tad bit as he managed to look over at her and manages to see she was currently watching his every move.

He then looked away and as he watched the swordsmen continue to practice with one another, he then sighed as he knew there wasn't much else he could teach the AI since most of them knew a lot about fighting as it was.

Lisbeth finally finished the Steel Greatsword she was making and as she put it up alongside several other weapons to be used, she walked over to a nearby bench as she then sat down and as she looked at all of the handiwork she had done, she wondered when she was going to see Sinon again.

As a friend of hers, having Sinon missing left a part of her aching and as she looked at her new siege hammer, now having thoroughly replaced her old flanged mace, she wondered when they would ever see Sinon again.

Meanwhile, Kirito was going through his list of quests and general things to do when Yui and Asuna appeared and as he looked at them, Asuna asked Kirito, "When exactly will we be returning to Hel?"

"Well.. from what everyone else has been saying, it may be a while before then... most of the Lords and ladies not destroyed by the constant attacks from the enemies are trying to build up something to try and do so... guilds too..." said Kirito before he shook his head. "But even then its going to be a while before then."

Asuna nodded as he then said, "Hey, at least we're able to fend off most of the Hel attacks that come our way these days... before we were just managing to scrap by."

Asuna walked to Kirito and as she looked back towards the doors, she then asked him, "What should we do about Shisho?"

"Shisho? Why?" asked Kirito.

"I'm not saying she's bad... but do you think we need her around?" asked Asuna.

"A day without Klein going nuts over all other women is a good day in my book. I think she'll do fine with us anyway." said Kirito. "Besides... another mage can't hurt the group."

The night cycle for Hel was sure a lot spookier than its day time to Sinon. Apparently, the Bone trees had also Wraith properties and as the night, which pretty much made everything just about pitch-black, came up, the trees began to emit a ghastly fog as well as the gems of Blood began to glow with reds.

But Sinon had to try and escape. If she got away, she might actually be rewarded well enough and as she slowly opened her rooms door, she looked around as then she took an arrow, spoke a few elvish words, and shot the rope arrow at the nearest edge as she then slowly began to scale down it.

As she slid down ever so slowly, her hands covered by gloves, she thought she heard talking below her and she stopped as she looked down.

The sigh that came from Kommando's lips was one of, to his surprise, boredom where he had expected it to be one of tiredness. He had completed a lot today, even with trying to make sure he kept Sinon out of trouble, and as he walked to his throne, he didn't see the rope nearby as he sat down and pondered what to do now.

Sleep wasn't going to happen, he knew that all too well but to begin training now in the darkness probably wasn't smart either since he didn't usually want to keep people awake-

He stopped himself. He was the only player here besides Sinon and Sinon was likely logged off at the moment. He could train at night, without distractions or problems. And so, with that decided upon, he then walked towards the back entrance of his castle and as Sinon saw him walk that way, she continued to slide down until she touched the ground and as the rope disappeared, she looked around before she began to creep towards the entrance of the castle.

Outside, it was very creepy on the ground with the mist and fog but she had to persevere and as she began to slowly make her way towards the walls, she was all too aware of the guards patrolling as she could see their red eyes through the mist and fog.

Kommando293 slowly removed his gear until he had only his cloak on and as he took out his two swords that he now kept on him full-time, he then resumed his normal position which, it turns out, was exactly like the one player Kirito's. It was funny how Sinon had once told him about him in GGO and that in a short time span he would actually meet him. Its also pretty obvious that Kirito was a SAO player of one form or another. But wether or not that he was very experienced was a topic for another time.

Right now, he had to practice his dual-wielding. Otherwise he was going to get rusty.

Sinon slowly slid down the wall of the last wall and as she landed on the ground, she considered it a true miracle that she had made it past the many guards.

The first wall was heavily defended, bar none it was the tougher of the two. There had been practically full companies put on each section she swear, maybe that was the case, but she had managed to find a gap and rope down into the army training area. There, she found herself sneaking by several more units, which were all for the most part mostly occupied with training.

And then this last wall had only a few guards to worry about.

But now that she was out of the castle, the real task at hand was getting out of Hel not only somehow but also without trying to draw any attention or using her wings.

And so she continued into the nighttime as she could only hope she made it out.

Kommando293 sliced off another holographic projections head as he ripped apart a few others around him in a tornado-style series of slices, he suddenly stopped as he looked up his castle to its highest tower, the fifth one, as he looked at the windows if Sinons room as he then sighed. Eventually, he was going to tell her who he was, he really wanted to not  only to see how she reacted but also since he felt very bad about this.

And besides, he felt like having her company at the moment, especially since he was eventually gonna head for bed here in a little bit.

Sinon slowly crept through some of the dark alleyways of the town as she was wondering I she could find herself a horse perhaps when she suddenly heard a dark chuckle from near her and she looked around herself as then she saw at least a dozen Bone Princes appear from the shadows as one said, "Looky, looky... a Light She-Alf... come to play??"

Kommando293 used his dashing to quickly scale the tower and as he came to Sinons room, he suddenly found it slightly open and as he opened it all the way, it didn't take him long to realize she was gone.

And even a shorter time to realize she was escaping when the explosion outside of his castle walls happened and as Kommando293 ran to her nearby balcony, he leaned over the edge and watched as several horses with Sinon and many Bone Princes chasing her into the open plains and as Kommando293 saw it, he knew that he had little time to waste.

And so, summoning his mount a below, he jumped off the balcony as his Shadow Horse, having the ability to fly as a shadow, caught him and as he galloped it towards the ensuing chase, he shouted out to every now awoken Horsemen unit, "RIDE!! RIDE OUT!! PROTECT MY BRIDE!!!"

About 12 Skeleton Horsemen units answered his call and as all of them rode out with him guiding them, Kommando293 landed his mount on the ground as he urged his mount faster.

Sinon fired another arrow at the pursuing mob but her horse archery was awful and as the arrow whizzed away, she could only hold onto her horses reigns as the whooping and hollering of her pursuers could still be heard over the furious galloping of horses.

Suddenly, she felt her horse fly out from under her and she looked down to see her horse with a spear in its side as she hit the ground hard and skidded a few feet and as she scrabbled up, she looked for her bow but saw it was pinned under her horse as the Bone Princes now came for her on foot. As the first Bone Prince came at her with his hands wide open, he suddenly watched her Darksteel dagger flash out and slit his throat and as she kept trying to run backwards, more and more Bone Princes were encircling her and she began to try and fend them off, nailing two more with her dagger and then tripping a few more up.

But then they were upon her and as she felt grubby hands grab her body, she watched as one tried to rip off her armor and clothes. She managed to lash a kick out but more gabbed and as the apparent leader walked up to her, all she could do was scream as he gave a maniacal laugh.


She watched the Princes head fly off from Kommando293's blade and as he jumped off his mount, he ran straight into the mob swinging his swords as the Skeleton Horsemen engaged the Bone Princes still on horseback. Kommando293 first ripped the two holding her down off as he cut them apart and as one prince tried to stab him, he grabbed the man and then ran him through while he then sliced another in half.

Sinon watched as she fell to the ground to her knees as the Prince of Darkness fought the Bone Princes with his two swords and as two of them were swiftly cut down by one strike, she suddenly felt very grateful that he had saved her.

Kommando293 crushed the head of another prince as he tried to not curse and as he ducked another's blade going to his head, he then kicked out against them before disemboweling them. As the now-corpse fell, Kommando293 watched his units clean house and as he looked to Sinon, she looked at him just as he waved his hands and put her to sleep.

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