Chapter 22

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Sinon woke up to the morning dawn slowly flowing through a crack in her curtains and as she slowly sat up, she suddenly felt her head give a painful series of pulses go through her head and she held it as she gave a soft moan before she slowly crawled towards the edge of the large bed to look beyond the curtains that surrounded her.

Once there, she saw nothing had changed much it seemed and so she slowly rolled herself out of her bed before managing to land on her feet. She stood up but wobbled a bit unsteadily as the Sleep spell affected her a little bit last more before finally wearing off.

She looked around and as she saw her armor and weapons nearby on the armor stand, she looked down at herself and saw she wore a nightgown of sorts. It was made of a light grey cloth and it felt to her body like silk and as she slowly went to take it off, suddenly she heard a knock at the door and she looked over as she heard Medusae's voice come through and ask, "Lady Sinon, are you awake?"

"Yes I am." said Sinon as she put her clothes back down as she then said, "You may enter."

Medusae slowly opened the door and as she peeked inside to see Sinon standing their in her nightgown, the faces of Thaxae and Sanginium also appeared alongside of Medusae's before all three handmaidens slowly made their way into the room.

As Sinon watched them, she noticed all of them were kinda edging themselves around the room and as she gave them a curious look, finally Medusae spoke as she then said, "You tried to runaway, didn't you?"

Sinon opened her mouth to lie, saying she went out on an evening stroll, when Sanginium said, "And before you even try and lie, most of us here will see through that charade."

Sinon closed her mouth as then she slowly hung her head and as the three handmaidens ventured near her, she finally sat down on the bed again as she then asked them, "Ever... have you ever wanted to leave this place? Go back to where you came from?"

Sanginium smiled behind Sinon as she then said to Sinon, "None of us wish to go back to where we belong..."

Sinon looked back as then she asked, "Why? Why would this place be better than your home?"

Thaxae stepped forward as her small succubus wings came out and as she looked at Sinon, she then said, "Before I was a handmaiden, I was the slave to a demon lord..."

"Unlike how most end up in the world of Hel, I was not fortunate enough to be made a sex slave or a concubine to the demon lord who soon took me as his. I was a simple slave, barely worth anything to the demon lord... and then the Prince of Darkness came and killed the demon lord..."

"And then you could probably figure the rest then." said Thaxae.

Sinon looked at Thaxae and as she thought about the small bio she was just told when Sanginium then said, "As a vampire.. I was the unfortunate daughter to a soon deceased family when a demon army came in and wiped them out along with our servants. I journeyed throughout this wasteland for many days and months before finally meeting the Prince in his early days. I have been his oldest and most trusted servant since then."

And as Sinon mulled Medusae as she asked her, "What about you?"

"I am the newest member of the group, so to speak... I was once a demon who simply roamed the caverns beneath us.. but then the Prince found me, took me in, and now I am one of his few prized helpers around the castle." said Medusae as her snake hair hissed and slithered around.

Sinon mulled this over as then Sanginium asked her, "What would make you more comfortable here in Hel?"

Sinon looked over at the trio as Thaxae then said to her, " We figured it would likely make you much happier to stay here than if we simply let you try and escape again..."

Sinon looked at the trio before she then automatically said to them, "I wish one of my friends were here."

Kommando293 watched as his army began their march from the portal as it seemed like once again the players and guilds were trying their hardest to stop him. And for a pleasant surprise, as he watched the small player armies and guilds slowly advance against and the clash with his own army, they were actually putting up a valiant enough fight to be slowing his army from the pillaging and gathering that he needed to obtain some materials that Hel could not produce and spawn.

But, as he began to summon his Bone Dragons and Bone Giants from the portal, he knew that their resistance would soon be crushed. He watched as one Bone Dragon off his 3 available land amongst a group of Guild players as suddenly it breathed out a breath of lightning and as Kommando293 looked at the stats of his dragons, he was quite surprised that one of his dragons was a Lightning-type while the other two were Fire-type.

But it didn't faze him as he then watched the Guild players breaking before going into a complete rout and as the dragon went off along with the horde of grey-black skeletons and Bone Giants, suddenly he heard a quest being added and he quickly opened up his quest list as he saw the new one flashing and he opened it up as he looked through it.

"Quest Added: A Companion. Find and bring a Alf player to be a companion to the Princess."

"She... wants one of her friends?" muttered Kommando293.

He suddenly wondered why Chryseheight was making this a quest, since Chryseheight was the one who was somewhat controlling some of the NPC's, but Kommando293 could only shrug and hope he was going to not be doing a lot of stupid quests.

Because stupid quests mean usually lots of wasted time.

Kommando293 then suddenly hears a horn nearby and as he turned with his Reaver bodyguard lead by Theodosius doing the same, he saw something that actually surprised him.

Kirito had only hoped to maybe find the enemy unaware when he appeared with his new and slightly experienced army. His fortress wasn't exactly located directly in the path of the enemy army, due to a few hills and a small mountain not to mention also a few forests. The roundabout way meant that any scouts or units near the paths would spot him and send word way before he arrived where he meant to be.

But as Kirito heard his horn blown and watched as a small portion enemy army and what looked like the Prince of Darkness himself looked over from where the portal was and as he watched his army slowly forming up, it seemed like he actually managed to take the Prince of Darkness completely off guard this one time.

And as Kirito took his swords out, he knew he wouldn't have long to take advantage of this surprise as he then shouted, "Everyone!! Move up!!"

Klein marched up with his swordsmen as somewhere on his left was Silica's swordsmen but on his right was Agils Guardians as the three of them were slowly moving up. Meanwhile, somewhere on the right was both Asuna's Swordsmen and Lisbeths swordsmen as they were moving on the flank there along a road.

Which left Kirito to command both his Guardian bodyguard unit as well as a Archer unit that he was simply commanding without being in direct control of them.

Kommando293 saw the Spriggan army and knew the leader since the leader was the only other dual-wielder he had seen in this game and as he watched Kirito's army slowly march towards his spot, he knew that he was totally taken by surprise and caught off guard.

And he had only a few units near him to protect him: His Reaver Bodyguard, two Skeleton Swordsmen, and 1 Skeleton Archer. And only his Reaver was Elite Experienced in their veterancy.

"Swordsmen! Form up a wall! Archers! Behind them!! Reavers and Theodosius on me!" shouted Kommando293. Currently his other commanders, all of them in fact, were back in Hel defending the portal and also his fortress.

Kirito watched as the Darkness forces were slowly forming a small formation before the portal and as he watched them, he then said to Lisbeth and Asuna, "Flank them around! Prepare to hit them on their flank!"

Asuna, with Yui floating above her shoulder, nodded as she took up her wand and as she watched her swordsmen slowly follow her and Lisbeth down the road that was nearby, the gravel being ground to dust beneath the feet of the companies that followed the two.

Kirito looked over to Klein as just behind Klein was the girl wizard, Shisho, as she was simply walking alongside of him with her staff in hand. Since they were currently slightly short on members and could of course always use another magic user, the group had taken on Shisho to use when she could.

Now, as Shisho marched alongside of Klein, she could only hope that she lived up to whatever expectations the group held for her.

Kommando293 watched as a section of Kirito's army slowly began to advance along his left flank, along a perfect road that had been set up and as he watched them, he then ordered his Swordsmen, "Hold your positions and defend those Archers at all costs! Archers as soon as they near range, let them have it!"

He didn't even look back to see their affirmatives as he then said to Theodosius, "Get ready to fight a whole army if necessary."

"I will go through the deepest parts of Hel for you... and I will follow you till the day I crumble to dust." said Theodosius.

He nodded as the Kommando293 took off to his left flank and as Theodosius and the Reavers behind him ran after him, the group armed with large, two-handed DarkSteel claymore as Kommando293 took out his dual longsword from their scabbards, the blades hissing as they rushed out of the scabbards.

Asuna and Lisbeth halted their troops as they saw the Prince making a beeline for them and as Asuna took up her wand and as she pointed it towards the prince, she began to mutter some Alf words into a combination until suddenly several bolts of fire came screaming towards the Prince of Darkness. Meanwhile, Lisbeth told her men to stay as she then went into the nearby woods.

Kommando293 didn't see Lisbeth sneak away as he was more concerned about the half-dozen fire bolts screaming towards his face and as he stopped, he summoned up a wall of Darkness as it became condensed and hard as steel and as the firebolts smeared into the wall, the darkness billowed away as Kommando293 then send several of his own Darkness Bolts towards Asuna.

Meanwhile, Shisho was trying to cast a protective shield around herself and Klein's troops from a hailstorm bone arrows as Kirito and Agil were trying to fend off the two other swordsmen units that were quite determined to break through their lines and split the two from one another. Blood spewed from Kirito's Swordsmen and Guardians as even the not so experienced Skeleton Swordsmen were getting some leeway against him.

Kirito looked back to his archers as they were prepared to fire from behind his swordsmen and as he looked to them, he then pointed in front of him and shouted, "Archers! Open fire!!"

The Spriggan Archers all nodded as they pulled their loaded bows back and then began to loose the arrows but as they did so, he also heard the sound of magic blasts being exchanged as then he finally saw Shisho's barrier appear as then Klein shouted, "March forward!!"

Asuna was running out of mana, fast but as she summoned up another shield to protect herself from another blast of Darkness the Prince sent her, she couldn't see where Lisbeth had gone and could only hope she hadn't done something stupid as the formation of the princes Reavers was drawing nearer and nearer to her units position. As the blasts rocked her and the earth beneath her feet, the earth cracking and splitting as it quaked underneath the concussive blasts, she then watched as the Prince's Reavers suddenly stopped as the Prince managed to catch up with them.

At first, she had no clue what he was doing, or his units for that matter, but that soon was understood when the prince of Darkness suddenly threw a ball of darkness amongst her swordsmen and she looked back with her wand as suddenly both the Prince and his Reavers teleported into her units midst as blood sprayed and limbs flew. She watched as she dropped her wand to equip her rapier as the Prince butchered and slew her men while his Reavers reaped a bloody toll as it wasn't long before both her and Lisbeth men broke ranks and as she watched them, she gripped her Rapier tighter as she then heard the Prince tell his general, "Deal with the rest... I got the Alf."

With the Reavers outflanking her friends and their units and with the Prince before her, she had very limited options to choose and even more limited time to choose it from. But just as she went to maybe go help Kirito and the othes, suddenly the earth cracked between her and them and she looked over to a slowly approaching Prince of Darkness as he held his dual longswords and as she got into her usual stance with her Estoc up, she watched as the Prince gave a sudden pause before assuming the same dual-wielding position and pose that Kirito did.

And seeing this guy in that pose was starting to unnerve her.

But she steeled herself as suddenly the prince launched himself at her, his blue blade singing through the air as it headed straight for her. She held up her estoc at an angle just slightly above her head and across her body as she watched the figure suddenly, in mid-flight, use one foot to anchor himself as he pushed off with the other as he brought his blue blade around in a swinging arc.

She suddenly jumped back out of the way of the slashing arc as she then pushed forward on her other foot as her estoc glowed with a Sword Skill, the thin blade glowing a bright blue with some red spirals going around it. The Prince saw the attack coming and he managed to stop himself from his arc as he suddenly brought both of his blades into an X-shape as he went to block the attack.

In a splash of magic and energy, her estoc met both of the two blades as she was repulsed from the prince as he pushed her away. His two blades swung around him in arcs that hammered into her blade as she attempted to block them and as she went in to hammer him with a stab with her estoc blade, suddenly his black longsword came rushing towards her as he attempted to bat it away.

And then she watched as her estoc blade simply shattered as his longsword came smashing through its thin blade and as the shards went scattering all over, her blade simply disappeared into glittering arcs of VR shards as she was suddenly without much of a weapon to use or defend herself with.

And with that said, the Prince simply slashed at her with his black longsword as she screamed just as Kirito watcher her disappear into glittering shards as she died.

Kirito tried to fight back the Reaver that was currently assailing him as his entire army now found itself in a very difficult spot. The Skeleton archers and the remains of their two Skeleton swordsmen were already showing that they were going to fight to the death as usual but now with the more experienced and far more well armed Reavers here, the Alf army was finding itself being slowly encircled and then annihilated.

And as Kirito watched the prince slowly begin to jog towards the battle he was fighting and as Yui circled above and as Kirito took out another skeleton as he dodged an attack by the Reaver, suddenly something shattered the earth behind him and he heard shouting and screams just as he whipped around to see a huge Reaver, likely the commander, as he towered over Kirito with a two-handed Siege Hammer and a tower shield on his left arm.

Kirito was about to attack when the Skeleton Reaver commander suddenly kicked him away and as Kirito was hurled away, Agil tried to stop the Reaver but he was suddenly rushed by three other Reavers just before he could stop Theodosius.

Kirito managed to get up as he looked over to see the Prince now slowly joining the fight and as he looked over towards Shisho and Klein, he shouted over to them, "Klein, Shisho! Get out of here with whomever you can!!"

Klein nodded and just as he grabbed Shisho to run, suddenly a huge wall of earth smashed them away back into the fight and as Kirito dodged a swing from the Reaver commander, he then watched as Shisho tried to shield herself and Klein from a beam of Darkness that came towards them but the shield seemed to fail from the immense power and both of them suddenly were obliterated before Kirito could do much else.

And as Kirito looked back to the Reaver Commander before him, suddenly he watched Agil appear with his huge axe and swing at the towering skeleton as he shouted, "Run! I'll try and buy you as much-"

But the Reaver suddenly pushed Agil off his feet and as Agil tried to get up and defend himself, the Reaver then raised his siege hammer and brought it down on Agil as the very ground cracked and erupted just as Agil disappeared into glittering VR shards.

Leaving Kirito by himself for all intentions and purposes.

And with the last of his army soon dispatched, he watched as the Prince slowly walk towards him as the Prince was wielding his two swords still and as Kirito managed to pick himself up, he brought up his two swords as he then blocked one of the Princes longswords on his own. And as he heard his sword break and shatter, his heath took a huge hit as he staggered but he then swung with his remaining sword.

The Prince couldn't dodge it but as Kirito's sword his the Prince's battle armor, it too broke and shattered as Kirito was left without any weapon.

"Hmm... not a very good blade was it?" asked the Prince as he then raised his sword and cleaved Kirito in two.

Kommando293 watched the VR shards slowly float away, he looked back to the remaining troops as he then aid to them all, "Recall all armies. We return to the Keep."

"As you wish, my lord." said Theodosius as the groups went back to the portal.

But just as Kommando293 was moving away from the sight of the battle, suddenly a lightning bolt hit the ground by his feet and gave him a nasty shock as he looked over to see Lisbeth charging him with her hammer and shield.

Kommando293 put up his swords and as he watched her charge him, he then sent a concentrated blast of Darkness to smash into her siege hammer with. Almost not to his surprise, his Darkness bolt hit the siege hammer and shattered it and as Lisbeth halted in her tracks in horror, staring at the Prince of Darkness.

Kommando293 looked at her shattered weapon before he then lifted his hands and made a shooing motion. "Go... leave with you life..."

And with that, he left her as she was to go through the portal. But as he stepped through and thought about her, he wondered if perhaps she could help him with one other task.

Helping him make weapons and armor he could actually fight against.

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