Chapter 24

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Sinon slowly yawned as she stretched in her bed and as she looked around her, the silk on her body felt smooth as ever but she also felt how smooth the nightgown she was wearing was as well and as she slowly sat up and took the covers off of her, she looked around as then she heard Medusae say from nearby, " You have awakened, Lady Sinon. Shall I help you get dressed for the day?"

Sinon found it to be weird for Medusae to call her that, not mentioning all the other girls calling her that, but one thing she was thankful for was how helpful they were when the need arose. An example was how at one point she had wanted to take stroll around the castle and since she had no idea where everything was or even where she was, she had called out for some help and almost instantly the trio of handmaidens escorted her around.

But as Medusae slowly looked through the closet of Sinons room, Sinons slowly climbed out of bed as Medusae was heard muttering to herself ever-so slightly as she flicked through the outfits inside the closet. Sinon was about to strip herself when suddenly Thaxae appeared in the doorway as she said, "Um... Medusae?"

"Yeah, Thax?" asked Medusae as she went through the clothes.

"Umm.. do we have anything for the new arrival?" asked Thaxae as she tried to spot Medusae from where she was.

Sinon gave a strange look at Thaxae as Medusae poked her head out and then asked Thaxae, "New arrival? When did we have a new guest to the castle?"

"The other day... one of the Alfs from Alfenheim apparently teleported with the Prince of Plague... she's downstairs in the armory... and she needs some decent clothing compared to her somewhat tattered armor and clothing.." said Thaxae.

"May I... see her as well?" asked Sinon. She was genuinely curious about who this other Alf was but she mostly just wanted to escape this place. And if she could have another helper in her escape, that would be awesome and welcome.

Thaxae looked at her as the succubus looked Sinon up and down before she then said, "Well.. considering she may be your new... playmate... it won't be that much of a bad thing to introduce you to her."

Sinon then watched as Medusae suddenly appeared by her shoulder and as she felt her nightgown slowly falling off her body but just as she felt it, she then suddenly felt something akin to silk and as she looked back, Medusae was putting on her body what looked like a silk dress. The silk was colored a dark grey but as Medusae tied a black, silk ribbon around her waist, it almost felt like a kimono to Sinon but then Medusae said, "Sorry... but your normal stuff is being cleaned by Sanginium... and the cloaked dress I wanted to give you... well.."

"Its okay.." said Sinon as she walked away before she said, "Lets just get her redressed and be on from there."

"As you wish, Lady Sinon." The two Handmaidens said and as they all slowly walked out of the room, Sinon could only hope that this other person was as willing to escape as she was.

Lisbeth woke with a moan from her lips and as she slowly moved around on what felt like a surprisingly comfy bed, she felt no armor on her body or her weapons but she did feel her clothes having been slightly torn and tattered.

She slowly sat up and as she held her head, it pulsed one more before it finally left and as she looked around, she wondered if she was in heaven.

It was the hugest blacksmithy she had ever seen, almost 3 times the size of her own. Its furnace was almost the size of her cot and there was not 1 but at least 3 here around her making the room almost as hot as one of the furnaces. All around her in great barrels and vats were ores of both she knew and most she had no idea of as also stacked amongst them were piles of various woods to use as well.

Finally, she had one huge anvil that had a hammer on it that was dark in its color and as she slowly walked over to it, it slowly popped up an identifying panel.

"Dark Steel Siege Hammer."

She then noticed a note next to it and as she picked it up, it read:

"Sorry for springing this on you but you're staying here until the war ends. I need you to make me weapons and keep my new bride company."

"Love." she said out loud now. "the Prince of Darkness."

She immediately began to look around her as she muttered to herself, "Okay, Liz, looks like we got another creep on our hands to deal with."

She then heard a heavy door open and as she looked back over, she watched as two pairs of eyes attached to heads look at her from a peak in the large doorway, the double doors being made of wood and iron. One pair of eyes was connected to what looked like a vampires face as the vampiric fangs poked out over her lips a slight bit, her hair pulled up into a neat bun. Besides her, it looked like a succubus wearing a somewhat modest dress was staring at her with her hair down to her shoulders and as Lizbeth looked at them, she then picked up the hammer as she held it with one hand before she then said, "Alright! Bring it on!"


Liz paused as the doors opened and as Sinon stepped through, Liz smiled with some tears in her eyes as she said, "Sinon! You're okay!!!"

As both friends embraced as the Siege Hammer dropped onto the ground, Sanginium, Thaxae, and then Medusae slowly appeared by the door as Thaxae was holding Sinons's previous Ranger dress in her two hands. Sinon and Liz embraced for a short bit before Liz pulled away as she then said, "Is this where you've been this whole time?"

"Well... its not been too bad but..." Sinon thought about her stay as she then said in a low tone, "But its quite difficult to get out without any help..."

Lisbeth frowned before she heard the handmaidens say, "My lady Sinon... is she already one of your friends?"

Sinon smiled as she looked back to the handmaidens before she said, "Meet Lisbeth, my friend and an excellent blacksmith."

Thaxae smiled as Medusae then said, "Well then, Lady Lisbeth, if you could please... stand still while I strip you of your tattered garbs."

"Eh....?" asked Lisbeth when suddenly Sanginium flew over on her bat-like wings before she landed next to Lisbeth as she suddenly ripped off the clothes without another word.

"EEAAAAH!!" Screamed Lisbeth shrilly as her clothes and what not came off and as Sanginium put the tattered clothes on the cot as Medusae then began to put the Ranger dress onto Lisbeth until Lisbeth could get some proper clothes.

As Sinon gave some slight giggles as then Thaxae perked up in her dress as she then said, "It seems that the Prince has returned from....a hunt... and he has the Prince of Blood with him as well.."

"Uh... isn't he the-" began Lisbeth but Sinon then said, "I'll distract him from seeing you in your... current state."

"Thanks." muttered Lisbeth as the dress went down over her face and as Sinon and Thaxae slowly left the room, Sanginium and Medusae stayed behind to help Lisbeth into her clothes as they soon closed the door.

The hall to the throne, which was where the blacksmith was located, was long and somewhat dark but as Sinon and Thaxae slowly walked towards the end of the castle, toward the double, Dark-Steel doors, suddenly the doors opened wide and both Sinon and Thaxae froze as the Prince of Blood and Darkness slowly walked inside, the cart behind them being trotted along by skeleton horses and horses of darkness as it had a large dragon on it. The dragon had white scales but black eyes and all across its entire body were bloody gashes.

As Kommando293 and Reaper294, both walking in with their normal Necromancer armor and having their weapons on their backs, slowly walked in as suddenly Reaper looked up and stopped as his shield and sword banged in their positions on his back as he then said, "Well... Lady Sinon... maiden Thaxae... what a surprise to see you here..."

"Prince of Blood, was it?" asked Sinon as she gave a small bow before she then said, "I see you... were successful in your hunt?"

"Ah... this Ghast Dragon was certainly was a tough opponent... put up an interesting fight even with my two swords and Blood's shield." said Kommando293 as he then did a headcount before he asked, "Alright... where are Sangi... and Medusae?"

"Um... busy?" said Sinon.

"With what-"  began Kommando293 when he watched Lisbeth, in a Ranger dress and with Sanginium and Medusae behind her, appeared from the blacksmith as she immediately saw both princes along with their kill and as she stared, Reaper leaned over and said, "Is... she your new blacksmith?"

"Yeah... looks like she's up... dressed... and met with Sinon i'm assuming."

 Both boys then gave bows as then Kommando293 said to Lisbeth, "Welcome, my new friend... I assume you have met my bride?"

"She was my friend before you took her, thank you." said Lisbeth.

Reaper and Kommando both exchanged a collective "Uh Oh" look as they both then straightened out just as Medusae asked from behind Lisbeth, "Is that another kill to harvest?"

"Yes... I do hope its to you all liking." said Kommando as he then stepped from the kill as Reaper did as well.

At first, both Sinon and Lisbeth were quite curious as to why the two princes had moved to the side when suddenly the dragons body began to glow with power and as the two looked towards the handmaidens, both of them watched as the Ghast Dragon was slowly being dissected and then separated from its many parts as Thaxae, Medusae, and Sanginium were using their magic to break the beast down into useable items.

"Do you wish to keep the hide and scales this time?" asked Thaxae as she moved them nearer to the blacksmith.

"Hmm.. depends..." Kommando293 thought about it as he was about to ask the new blacksmith girl when Lisbeth suddenly asked, "Um... what type of material level are they?"

Reaper leaned over with a knowing grin as he muttered to Kommando, "Wow... just like the others we know, huh?"

Thaxae looked to Lisbeth as she then said, "Its Level  5 material... why? Are you unknown to it?"

"Level 5? That's level's above what I get in Alfenheim!" said Lisbeth. "I mean what is better than that anyway?"

"Our DarkSteel are Level 6. And the armor we wear is also enchanted." said Reaper as he made himself known.

As the scales, hide, and even bones were carted off to the blacksmith, the useable meat was then sent past the throne to the kitchen as everything else was instantly incinerated as Kommando293 then said to the handmaidens, "Good going, girls... in record time too I think."

"What now? Im pooped from that battle." said Reaper as he stretched.

"Well.. are you hungry, my bride?" asked Kommando293 to the girl nearby.

"A... little." Sinon admitted slowly but only because she was afraid of what he may say next.

"Then why don't we have breakfast. Sanginium, please assist me. Thaxae, escort the Blooder and my bride to the dining room. And finally, Medusae, if the blacksmith doesn't come out of the smithy within maybe 30 minutes, please kindly escort her over to the dining room." Kommando293 said as he sent the simple orders out.

"So... if you don't mind me asking, how is Lisbeth here again?" asked Sinon to the Prince.

"She somehow held onto Plague when he Mass Teleported and arrived here... so I hope she is a good friend to somehow manage to find." said Kommando293 as he then said, "Now come along, my dear... its time for some good, old fashion Dragon Hash."

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