Chapter 25

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The dining room was huge, gigantic even, as Sinon was still standing in the doorway with the Prince of Blood and Thaxae. The ceiling almost seemed to stretch on forever above her, maybe a good 3 stories up there in how high it went up. The entire center was empty at the moment, didn't even look like a dining room or anything, but as they began to walk along, suddenly the Blood Prince said, "So his dining room is the ball room? Fancy."

"Well, he figured to use it for something other than nonexistent balls... let me see.." said Thaxae as suddenly she began to use magic.

A long table came floating almost from nowhere as silverware, plates, and glasses along with napkins came floating down to the middle of the huge room as suddenly a few stuffed game in the form of a few Blood demons and a few Ghast Stag but as Thaxae set everything up, she then said to both her and the Blood prince, "Please, take a seat. I'll get any drinks you like."

As the Sinon went to her seat, she suddenly watched as the Blood Prince pull it out for her to sit in and as she slowly sat down, he pushed her in before he sat down nearby himself as he then said to her, "So... how did you and Lisbeth meet in the Alf world?"

As Sinon watched him sit himself down across and down the table, with Thaxae looking at him for order of a drink, and as he finally sat down, he then told her, "May I please have a Ghastly Fog?"

"Of course. And what of you, Lady Sinon?" asked Thaxae as she looked to Sinon

"Um... get me a water please if possible." said Sinon.

"Of course, My lady." said Thaxae as she then walked away to get their drinks.

As she walked away, Reaper293 looked over to the player girl Sinon as he then asked her, still trying to roleplay as his boss, "So... where did you meet Lisbeth in the Alf world?"

Sinon thought about the best thing for a story and then decided to say, "I met her like some do... because a friend you know."

"Lemme guess, its a guy who showed you to her?" asked Reaper294.

"How did you know?" asked Sinon in some surprise.

"Well.. I don't know if you remember... but myself and the others were once Alf's as well." said Reaper. "And how I knew? Well... lets just say I've done the same with my friend the Darkness prince."

Sinon thought about the Prince of Darkness and as she thought about how he acted, he didn't seem like a good who really wanted to be around most people beyond maybe a close few. The word introvert came to mind almost immediately but as she was thinking, suddenly the Prince of Blood chuckled as he said, "Yeah, I know... he still acts like a shut-in even here in Hel... kinda why I like you being here with him."

"Why is that?" asked Sinon.

"You bring the good out from him... I mean, to let you have a hint.. he was sometimes more open to people back then..." said the Prince of Blood as he then looked over to something.

Sinon looked over as she was surprised at how fast Thaxae had brought their drinks over and as she watched the Prince of Blood be given the Ghastly Fog. It was a tall glass of an almost milky substance as actual fog was spilling out over and as he eagerly brought it to his lips, he suddenly froze as Sinon was given her tall glass of water as she asked him with a slightly appalled look.


"What is that stuff?" asked Sinon.

"Oh? Ghastly Fog?" said the Prince of Blood. "Umm... believe it or not but its milk."

She looked at Thaxae as Thaxae stopped form going to the kitchen just as she sighed and said, "Believe it or not, the milk from the Ghast Cow herds is a common drink that one and the other Prince's and Princess drink. And yes, the milk does give off the fog by itself without any help."

"Why milk?" asked Sinon as she sipped her water. It was cold, which was nice, and also didn't seemed poisoned or anything.

"Because the alcohol around here is like drinking sludge. Absolutely awful to the inth degree and I think the last glass I had nearly killed me with poison." said the Prince of Blood as he began to sip his milk.

As Sinon watched Thaxae move on, she could hear fire and cooking happening in the kitchen and as she looked over towards the door, a slightly ominous light was emanating from the cracks as it flared in and out like either shadows were going by or the flame was rapidly fluctuating in intensity.

"So... speaking of the Prince of Darkness... how has he been treating you?" asked Reaper asked behind his roleplay mask.

"We... haven't talked much since the one battle... or since I... tried to..." Runaway. She didn't want to say it because she feared a repercussion from the powerful Blood Prince.

But to her surprise, the Blood Prince sighed as he said, "Well.. that hasn't changed much. Forgive him, but he had not only the most on his plate with now taking care of you and your blacksmithing friend but he has been trying to keep potential uprisings from happening... he has one of the larger states of he four of us and frankly also draws the most trouble to himself."

"Still, I going to get on him for ignoring you." He suddenly got up from his seat and as he began to walk away, suddenly Lisbeth walked in with Medusae as she said to Sinon, "I can't believe the stock of materials he has!"

"Well.. probably did that just for you." said Sinon as she continued to sip her water.

"What's that stuff?" asked Lisbeth as she pointed to Reaper's drink.

"Ghastly Fog its called... apparently its milk." said Sinon as Lisbeth was seated next to her by Medusae.

"What would you like to drink then, Lady Lisssbeth?" asked Medusae.

"What sort of juice is around?" asked Lisbeth.

"Blood Berries, from the Prince of Darkness, seems to taste something akin to... strawberries?" said Medusae with some confusion.

"Blood Berries?" asked Lisbeth.

"Yes. No they don't actually taste like blood, obviously, but they do squeeze a juice out that looks like blood." said Medusae. "Is that what you wish for?"

"Um... sure, why not." said Lisbeth.

As Medusae walked away, Sinon looked to Lisbeth as she asked her, "Alright so what have you made so far?"

"Huh? Well... nothing actually... I've just been taking stock of what is there.... not a lot of what we have back in the Alf world but there is some of it here." said Lisbeth.

"You think they are getting those somehow from the Alf worlds?"

"Their raids might as well become legendary... still, I wonder why he brought me here." said Lisbeth as she watched Sinon sip some more water.

"Well.. I'm here to be his bride... but why he would need a blacksmith, I have no idea.." said Sinon as she then watched Medusae appear again with a tall glass of blood-red juice.

As Medusae gave Lisbeth the juice and then stood nearby, Lisbeth looked all around them at the trophies and stuffed creatures as she then asked aloud, "Did what's his name kill all of these?"

"The Prince of Darkness? Yes, he killed all of these himself or with some help.. he is a skilled hunter." said Medusae.

"What did he use?"

"He used his dual blades.... why?" asked Medusae.

"What are those made of?" asked Lisbeth.

"That... well, I can tell you but I won't."

Everyone looked over as the Prince of Darkness as he had over his normal Necromancer some sort of apron as he seemed a little singed but he was okay and as Sanginium and Thaxae went to where Medusae was standing off side of the table, the Blood prince appeared as he sat down with some singeing of his body too.

As everyone sat down, suddenly the Prince of Darkness motioned to his handmaidens as he said to them, "You three, please sit.. there is enough for all of us."

Slowly but surely the handmaidens walked to the table and sat down and as Medusae was the last to sit down, suddenly the dark room became more lit as Kommando293 extended into the ceiling of the room a ball of light and as it shone down like a normal house light, he suddenly began to form darkness onto the table as he said, "Now lets see if I can get it all here in one go..."

Kommando293 began to summon up a little bit of his limited "Goldy" power and as the darkness began to condense, he transported the food from the kitchen onto the table in one go. As he dismissed the darkness with a wave, he smiled as he sighed and said, "And dinner is served."

Although he had planned on making simply hash with maybe some other things, he had decided to get a little more extravagant just this once since the food storage was almost full and alongside the Dragon Hash there was a whole, roasted Black Dragon Wyrmling, Blood Drake Stew, Death Rice, and a few other sides dishes that he couldn't remember what they were off the top of his head but it didn't matter.

As he slowly began to walk over, everyone bean to take a little of everything as Lisbeth looked at him and asked him, "So you can cook besides hunt and completely annihilate Alf's?"

"Among many other things, yes... however, let us hope that with you here the latter doesn't happen as often." said the Prince of Darkness.

"Why?" asked Sinon.

"Well... because your friend Lisbeth, I believe that is your name, will be making weapons for your friends back home."

No one said a word but immediately Medusae asked, "Is that wise, my Lord?"

"Why? Didn't we beat one of you all already?" asked Lisbeth.

"He stretched himself too far and you just so happened to encircle his forces and force his teleport. It was not out of skill. Besides, its kinda anti-climatic when I easily break just about all of your weapons and even armor." said the Prince of Darkness.

"Sounds like you in bed." said the Prince of Blood from nearby as he took a sip of his drink.

Lisbeth snickered as Sinon managed to keep a straight face but the Prince of Darkness sighed as he said, "In front of my bride and her maiden? Wow, Blood, how low can you go?"

"Oh you know..." said Blood with a grin but then he heard Lisbeth say, "But why me?"

"Why you? Because, well, I was hoping you were a blacksmith when we first met.... then when you appeared here, I was definitely hoping you were one... I hope you don't mind, although you are making exquisite weapons to be shipped to your pals back in Alfenheim so I don't think you have a problem." said the Prince of Darkness.

Lisbeth was truly surprised to hear that. The Prince of Darkness allowing her to make and send weapons back to her friends, maybe even armor although I think that's more an implied than an actual thing, but as she ate, suddenly the Prince of Darkness then said, "But... I will as you to repair my armor and weapons when needed."

"I was wondering if you were going to be honest with yourself. But looks like you came through." said the Prince of Blood with a smile and a clap.

But just as Kommando293 smiled at Reaper294's comment, suddenly there was a knock behind them as they all turned to see General Raiden as he had a full company of Skeleton Swordsmen behind him as he then said to them all, "Sorry to break the news to you..."

"But right now a Bone Prince army has formed and is advancing towards the fortress."

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