Chapter 26

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The army was actually quite a considerable size and also, to Kommando's surprise, also quite organized considering it was made from not 4 but a dozen different Bone Princes. The colors of the necromanced hordes of zombies, demons, and skeletons were all varying on their armor, with some with yellow and others with purple and even some with blue.

Still, as Kommando293 and Reaper294 stood on the walls with their weapons drawn, they knew this mob was not likely going to go down like the others and was going to actually put up a fight for once.

But as Kommando293 and Reaper294, joined by two of Reaper's commanders and all of Kommando's commanders, watched the Bone Prince army slowly march towards Kommando's castle, suddenly they heard the sound of footsteps behind them and all of them turned to see Sinon, Lisbeth, Sanginium, Thaxae, and Medusae as Sinon and Lisbeth looked out from the walls to the army as Lisbeth asked, "Does this happen often?"

"No... last one we had was some time ago... " said Theodosius as he kept his tower shield up and his gigantic siege hammer.

"So... what shall we be doing this time?" asked Sinon as she looked at the Prince of Darkness.

"As much as I don't want to drag you into my problems..." said the Prince of Darkness as he turned to Sinon.

"I'm going to need a lot of help for this fight I'm pretty sure..."

Everyone looked at the Prince like he had just said a miracle and as Sinon looked at the enemy army, it did seem like it would need many to tackle it. It was far more organized into separate hordes that the normal gigantic horde she had seen last time.

"So... then... what shall we do?" asked Sinon.

Kommando293 looked to Sinon and as he did, he then suddenly realized something that made him feel stupid.

Her hair was not cyan in color but was rather a light blue of sorts. Or blue in general. Why had he not realized that sooner and why was he bothered with the color of her hair-

He shook his head as he focused back onto the problem as he then said, "Well.. as much as I want to keep you in the back here... I'm going to need both you and Lisbeth to help me in holding the center along with the Prince of Blood, Raiden, and Theodosius. Everyone else will be on the flanks. Any questions?"

"Yeah... what's the strategy for this one?" asked Reaper.

"Hold the line... until we know what strategy these competent Bone Princes have, we can simply hold the line... perhaps they'll allow us to envelop them completely..." said Kommando as he then said to his handmaidens, "And finally... as much as I wish you three to be on the field, I must ask Thaxae, Medusa, and Sanginium to protect the castle and the keep at the gates."

"Your command will be respected." said Sanginium as the handmaidens bowed.

"Good. Now lets get my army ready."

And with that, Kommando293 brought up both hands and lifted them into the sky as darkness shot from it and into the ground before the castle. As he did this, Reaper294 also did the same as blood came gushing out of his palms like long limbs and did the same before the castle walls as the ground began to shake.

As it did, Sinon suddenly noticed the Generals running towards the front of the castle as units that were simply meant for a garrison appeared from everywhere along the walls and as she was doing the math, there was at least 36 units of various types scattered across the walls.

And then she heard the earth begin to rumble and as she looked out from the walls with Lisbeth, her throat became stuck with her heart as she watched as the hordes of undead began to appear before the walls. They were not super built, that much seemed obvious, having only chainmail, a helmet, swords, and a shield, but they were a lot and as they all huddled in large mobs of their own, the Commanders stood at the front of the gates as they all grouped up as some sort of their own group. And as Sinon counted the number of mobs both Reaper and Darkness had combined, it had nearly over 75.

And the other guys only had around 50 at best.

"Alright..." said the Prince of Darkness suddenly and as she and Lisbeth looked over, suddenly a horse of pure Darkness and a Hellhound appeared next to both Princes and as both of them got on, suddenly both jumped off the wall as they made their way to the front gates to defend the castle, leaving Lisbeth and Sinon to follow them.

And so, since they had been asked, both Sinon and Lisbeth followed the Princes as they tried their best to run in their current getup towards the gates.

As Reaper and Kommando both reached the gates with their weapons out, Reaper with his Sword and Shield of Blood and Kommando with his two longswords, watched as the enemy army slowly began moving up as Reaper asked, "So... how have you really been treating her... she says you ignore her..."

"I'm not intentionally trying to... but you know how some of us are..." said Kommando to his friend as his mount whinnied beneath him.

"Well... go have a date with her or something... take the friend along, I don't care just... get to know her, you know.." said Reaper.

"Oh shut up... just because I have not had a girlfriend yet doesn't mean I need to take the one I have held captive as one." said Kommando.

"Seriously, just go for it... what's the worst that can happen? You'll respawn if you get stabbed." said Reaper.

"Not the point..." said Kommando with a sigh. "Knowing my luck, she'll find out its me and definitely never wish to talk to me."

Reaper shook his head. "You worry too much.."

And with that said, they both went back to watching the large NPC Necromanced army slowly begin to march towards them. There was a lot of them, that was for sure, but because they were all colored differently, it was kinda hard to tell how many exactly there were but it looked around 50 in total with mostly leather and sword units.

Not too bad for an NPC army though.

Just then, Lisbeth and Sinon appeared next to them and as Sinon strung an arrow while Lisbeth hefted her Darksteel Seige Hammer, Lisbeth then asked him, "So... who are these guys again?"

"Bone Princes... lesser Necromancers compared to me... but nonetheless powerful enough to do major damage... Perhaps you remember some in the initial invasion you and your friends did.. they were the ones that you could reach with your bows.." said the Prince of Blood from his steed.

Both girls remembered those units well with how disorganized they were compared to everyone else.

Suddenly, the whole enemy army lurched with sudden motion and as Reaper and Kommando snapped their eyes back to the problem at hand, they watched as the enemy army suddenly begin to charge straight towards the castle as Reaper then said, "Well... looks like they got tired for waiting for us..."

"Then that means they made the first mistake..." said Kommando as he then brought up one of his swords as a ball of pure darkness as Reaper brought his own sword up as the same began to happen but with blood.

Before Lisbeth and Sinon could say a word, both princes suddenly fired off their spells as a barrage of darkness bolts and blood bolts hammered into the ranks of the enemy. The bright magical explosions lit up the dead sky as bodies, parts, weapons, and more went flying from the powerful spells and as both the Prince of Blood and Darkness dropped their swords, suddenly both of them shouted, "Charge!!"

And with a roar and even some tortured screams, the Princes mass Skeleton army charged forth as to do their bidding and as Sinon and Lisbeth kept their weapons ready, Lisbeth then asked them, "Aren't we suppose to..."

"Just wait... they'll come running.." said the Prince of Blood as he tried to keep his Helhound mount steady beneath him.

The four of them then went back to watch as suddenly the whole field before them explode into magic as well as war cry's as the two necromancer armies suddenly met in the middle and as Sinon watched, she suddenly saw the dozen shapes approaching their spots on horseback it seemed. All of them had different colors and almost all of them wore the same simple necromancer armor and only had swords for weapons.

It seemed like these Bone Princes were looking for a fight against some bigger prey.

As Theodosius, Rek Raiden, Silver Eyes, Skull Crusher, Dark Phantom, New Blood, and Dark Crescent all immediately fell into combat stances with their weapons out, both the Helhound snarled and the Darkness horse howled at the approaching enemies and as the Princes grinned for the coming combat, Sinon then said to Lisbeth, "Stay close... if they catch us... it think they'll rape us.."

"Sounds pleasant enough.." muttered Lisbeth as suddenly the Bone princes dismounted mid-charge of their horses as suddenly all of them brought their swords up and shot several magic missiles straight at them.

11 out of the 12 went straight for both the Princes and the Prince of Darkness's commanders but as Kommando was about to bring up an Aegis Shielding spell, he watched as the last one went straight for Sinon and Lisbeth, his heart rate spiked as he immediately threw his Aegis shielding over them both rather than himself.

The bolt of magic hammered in front of Sinon and Lisbeth as a barrier of almost gold appeared before them as both of them had been watching the thing come towards them and as Sinnon looked over, she watched as three of the same spells came spiraling towards the Prince of Darkness as he was protecting them.

"Look out!" she shouted as she tried to point at the danger.

But before those could land hits, suddenly another Aegis spell appeared and stopped them and as she looked over and past, the prince of Blood was using two of them to protect himself and the Prince of Darkness.

The Prince of Darkness smiled as he faced the Bone Princes once again and as he watched them run towards them, he suddenly watched as a Dark Steel arrow suddenly flew out and pierced one of the Princes masks and as they fell, he smiled as he then realized that it was one of Sinon's arrows from the blue fletching's rather than one of his commanders.

And as Kommando spun his dual swords around, he watched as suddenly Reaper charged with his shield first as he slammed one  down onto the ground just as his red sword suddenly ripped up a rent in the middle of one's stomach as the blood went absolutely everywhere.

Sinon went to string up another arrow from her quiver as one of the Bone Princes came running towards her and as he almost reached her, suddenly his head was caved in as Lisbeth smashed it with her Darksteel Siege Hammer and as the Bone Princes hit the ground, she suddenly finished it off with another hammer hit as Sinon saw another coming and so she fired her bow past Lisbeth as her arrow crunched through the princes armor as he staggered but did not fall.

But then suddenly Raiden appeared as he slashed down the Bone Prince as Sinon and Lisbeth felt the earth suddenly heave, they quickly snapped their heads around as they watched four of the Bone Princes go flying as Theodosius used his Earthshaking ability to both annihilate and send them flying from him using his Siege Hammer.

But just as the last Bone Prince fell to the Prince of Darkness blade, the combat having been swift and decisive, suddenly the sounds of battle around them halted completely and as Sinon looked back to where the main battle had been, she saw the forces of the Prince of Blood and Darkness standing tall over the crumbled remains of the enemy necromancers army and as Sinon looked around, she then watched as even that necromanced army slowly fade away and as the Prince of Darkness smiled, she then heard him sigh as he then said "Man... now the food is likely cold... gonna have to use a flame spell to get it all warm.."

"Why don't I do that?" asked the Blood Prince.

"Because the last time you tried, nearly turned me into a living torch." said the Prince of Darkness bluntly and as Sinon listened to them banter on, she gave a small smile because is reminded her of her other friends a lot.

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