Chapter 36

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Sinon sat in her room as she was trying her hardest to not still blush every time she thought about the Prince but then it came and flushed her face with a bright red in her cheeks as she soon buried her face back into the pillows with a frustrated groan.

This NPC made her feel like it wasn't just any normal NPC but maybe it was programmed to court her but as she looked up from the pillows, she almost wished it was a real player. Because she never really felt that sort of love from anyone really, or at least consensual love, but as she flipped over and looked up into the ceiling, she simply sighed as she muttered, "Stupid, idiot Prince..."

Meanwhile, Lisbeth was sending another collection of BloodIron weapons through a nearby portal leading to the Alfenhein realm as though she could simply got to the main portal, the Prince assured her that the portal would deliver the weapons to whomever needed it.

But she was bothered by the Princes behavior, which was a first time ever she really felt bothered by an NPC's behavior for anything. There was something just off with his behavior that made him seem far more... real than he should have been. As she thought about him, it did suddenly seem like for an NPC he was something different since he had nothing set about him.

His moods, his fighting, his movement around place, it was far too random or far too... played.

Lisbeth stopped as she placed some twin daggers into the thing and as she looked back towards the nearby doors, she wondered something about that last part. He did seemed more player than NPC, perhaps an admin of the server, but as she thought back to one of the first time they saw him, she suddenly realized something.

Whom else could an NPC have a Dual-wielding stance like that, so perfect and so flawless enough to be fast, without being a player?

But she likely was going to need some sort of proof her likely paranoid brain was actually right and thus as she finished dropping all of the weapons off through the portal, she then heard a loud groan coming from the throne room and she looked back to then slowly begin walking over to where the door was and she then slowly pushed it open as quietly as she possibly could considering.

Kommando293 was pacing back and forth as he had a menu up before him, now visible as most of the time he kept them invisible simply to keep the immersion going he was 100% a NPC boss but since he figured he was all alone, he decided to drop the invisible stuff and make it visible for once.

That being said, he was groaning because the Tower of Peace was not being completed fast enough as his unhappiness was rising still. And in order to get it finished, he needed about a hundred gems which cost real money to get and he hated having to buy gems.

Along with having buy anything else in games that was exclusive.

Still, as he was pacing and hoping he could fast speed it for free here soon enough, he then got a message and he opened it up as the live feed showed Reaper294 there as his good friend said, "Kommando, I got a proposition for you."

Kommando?! Lisbeth slipped back past the door into her workshop as even if it was still opened she decided to leave it.

She then knew the moment she heard that name that this was not only a player but now it made some sense that he knew dual-wielding so good. She didn't know if he had transferred over here with his GGO stats or was given or whatever ha case was but she did know that with a player in control of a boss, maybe all of the bosses they were facing in fact, that the elves were in for a real fight.

She went back to continue eavesdropping as she managed to catch some more talk between both of them.

"... besides, even if I commit my main forces that I use for my defenses, which is all of my good stuff, we'd still be in for a tough fight with Elite units... but what I can do, since Sinon was oh so nice enough to give some money from the dragons hoarde, I can make some more units to send out and maybe I'll join you... but she may try and come." Said Kommando.

"Well just do what you do last time and maybe fight like you mean it." Answered Reaper. His plan was to gather their forces into one big army and try and wait for the next raid by the laces to come by and wreck it asunder utterly.

"Dude, you got nothing to say." Said Kommando with a shake of his head. "Still, we should play this carefully and close to the heart."

And then the communication went away as Reaper nodded and when Kommando looked up, he went to his throne and picked up one of his longsword blades as he sighed.

"Neither if you are Elucidator or Dark Repulser... but you've done good so far.."

"Elucidator and Dark Repulser?" Asked Lisbeth out loud and the moment she did, Kommando snapped his head on her so fast she almost shrieked.

But then he seemed to stare at her before he sighed and put down the sword as he sighed and then asked her, "How long have you been listening?"

"Enough?.... So you're Kommando293?" Asked Lisbeth.

Kommando nodded and as he showed her his username and everything else, she watched as all of his health bars appeared as he then sighed and said, "Do you know the Dual Longsword's Elucidator and Dark Repulser?"

"Yes... but they're Sword Art Online weapons.. when did America receive it?" Asked Lisbeth.

"In order to tell you, answer me this: are you also a survivor to that game?" Asked Kommando.

Lisbeth nodded as then Kommando ushered her over. Kommando sat down on the steps to his throne and as he leaned back while she sat next to him, he then said to her,"Before we talk... make sure Sinon doesn't know this."

"Too be fair that's least of your worries involving her but.. okay..." Said Lisbeth.

Kommando glanced at her and then sighed as he said, "Sword Art Online was given with the older Nervegear and as you can imagine, many of us flocked to it... and like you all, we got stuck but apparently you all had the original game maker to deal with.. we had an admin.. and then let's just say that all chaos and everything bad that humans could do was brought out those long years.."

"Do you still have the Nervegear?" Asked Lisbeth.

"Contrary to most, me and my friends still trying to get the money for the Amuspheres so right now I have the Nervegear on... just how it is." Said Kommando.

Lisbeth looked at him like he was crazy but then she asked, "How far in game did you get?"

"We beat the game in a few years after being stuck but... we lost a lot of people.."

Midnight996 was trying to fix himself something virtual to eat from his kitchen and as he looked around, he hen heard someone say behind him, "Midnight are you trying to eat?"

"Can't help it. I eat when I'm nervous." Said Midnight as he looked at Reaper who stood behind him.

"Well if you're going to eat let me join you!" Said Reaper as then Kommando pokes his head in as it had been roughly about 2 hours since he spoke with Lisbeth. He had told her everything about what had happened, like with Chryshieght, and Lisbeth had been sworn to not tell anyone or even Sinon of whom he really was.

But as Kommando walked in, he felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest only to have another added and as he watched his friends scrounge around Midnights food inventory, he then walked to a nearby chest as he opened it up and simply picked up a glass to fill it with Ghastly Milk.

"Say, Kommando..... your awfully reserved over there." Suddenly said Midnight. "Something happen?"

"Well my Blacksmith Lisbeth found out that we are players not NPC's... she won't tell anyone but... I feel like it may complicate many things now..." Said Kommando as he drank his milk that gave off its own fog.

"Oh man? How'd she take it?" Asked Reaper.

"Well enough... hen she found out we're SAO survivors and turns out she's also one.. she knows what we've been through in a way." Said Kommando.

They all got quiet at this but as Kommando finished one glass and poured another, he then said, "And even better, the group I took her from are all SAO players.. lead by a Lord Kirito if you all need to know."

"Wow, him? He's such a low level Dual Weilder it's hard to tell." Said Midnight.

"You faced him too?" Asked Reaper.

"Yeah! But then again the only reason why I didn't kill him was because, well, the battle didn't swing in my favor so.. you'd understand why right?"

"Yeah, Yeah.. never do that again nearly got wiped out for a second time.." Said Reaper. "But this time we'll be ready for them."

They all nodded and as Kommando checked on his castle, he then noticed that Sinon hadn't left her room in a long while.

"Something wrong?" Asked Reaper.

"I gotta TP to my glorified stone house for a moment... Sinon hasn't moved from her room and I'm just gonna check up on her." Said Kommando as then light shone around him before he was back at the castle.

He teleported in the throne room and as he went up, he managed not to make too much noise as hen he would come to where Sinons room was and as he knocked lightly he asked, "Sinon? Are you alright?"

He heard no answer and after a couple of minutes he then slowly entered the room as he was surprised when he found Sinon fast asleep on her bed. She had no covers on but all of her head was still on thankfully and as he walked over very cat-like, he then came to her and tried to lightly shake her awake.

But that didn't stir her and as he glanced around, he then decided that she shouldn't be disturbed so he went to the door and closed it behind him but not after taking his cloak that he wore with his normal Necromancer gear and draped it over her.

She curled up around it as he smiled and as he took her bow and weapons and moved them away to make sure she didn't hurt herself on them and then as he soon closed the doors, he then gave a small whistle as then Earthshaking Theodosius came over with his group as Kommando instructed him, "No one is to disturb her, am I clear?"

"It shall be done, my Lord." Said the huge skeleton as he placed himself right in front of the door as the rest of his unit spread out all around.

Kommando nodded and as he slowly made his way back downstairs, he would begin getting his army into some form of shape, likely all Veterans rather than Elites, to fight back the enemy coming for him and his friends.

But as he began to walk down the stairs, he gave a pause as he thought about what Lisbeth had said to him, about the fact he had other things to worry about Sinon.

Did she realize Sinon hated him? Likely. But if that wasn't what it was then what was it?

Either way, he had a battle to plan out and forces to make and equip.

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