Chapter 37

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When Sinon woke up, the feeling of something swaddling around her and that her weapons were also gone but when she awoke and rubbed her eyes, she was still in her room and her weapons were in a small pile on her nearby dresser. She looked down at what she had been unconsciously curled up with and saw the black robe the Prince of Darkness had usually on him.

But as she slowly sat up and wrapped it around her shoulders, she slowly slid off the bed as she then looked at herself in the mirror. With her usual look but the Dark Steel armor still on and now with this black cloak around her she seemed foreboding and like a Dark Princess herself.

She sighed and as she took of the cloak and began to put her weapons back on. As she finished up, she put the cloak into her arms as she folded it over the arm and as she came to her door, she slowly opened it up to quite a sight indeed.

Earthshaker and his entire Reaver unit were standing around the entire floor as they all looked at her and as she looked at them, Earthshaker then asked, "Ah, you're awake. Do you need something?"

"The Prince... he left his cloak with me.." Said Sinon. "Do you know where he is?"

He held up a finger and as he came to the edge that circled around the throne room, as the floors above stretched above it, he then shouted down, "Prince! Where are you?"

"I'm down here by the kitchen." Came a voice from below.

"He's in the kitchen." Said Theodosius as he looked back to her.

Sinon could only smile before she began to head past him and as the Reaper slowly formed up and began to follow her, they managed not to stumble down the stairs as they soon came to the bottom level of the castle floors.

Sinon looked around and as she went into the ballroom, she then walked through it as then she found the kitchen and walked into it.

Inside, wearing aprons, Sanginium, Medusae, and Thaxae were working on vegetables and side dishes while the Prince was at essentially the ovens as he was working on a nice slab of prime, Wyrmling steak with spices and more as he looked up from slightly bloody hands as he said, "My bride! Good morning, I see you're awake."

"I didn't know you cooked." Said Sinon as she looked around at the spacious kitchen with tables, panties, storage rooms, coolers, ovens, and even what passed as grills.

"Did you forget the meal I made when the Prince of Blood was around?" He asked her.

"I simply figured you were there for fire control." Said Sinon as she began to walk around before giving his cloak back.

"Ah, thanks.. it did seem a bit more breezy in here without it." He still wore his Necromancer stuff but as he soon finished seasoning he meat, he then took it and transferred it onto a nearby oven as he used a wide paddle to shove it in.

He then put the paddle away as then he looked to her and asked, "So, what do you need me for?"

"I just came here to give you you're cloak, didn't expect much else." She said a bit coldly but she watched him shake his head.

"My sweet, at this rate I'll end up going from calling you the Princess of my Heart to the Princess of ice. Haha!" He chuckled at the end as he looked at her, not even remotely mad at her quip.

"You have a heart?" Asked Sinon. She could hear the heavy tread of Theodosius and his unit leaving the area.

Before she could stop him, he took her hand and then pressed it against his chest and as she about to go away, she felt then a heart beneath his chest.

"I have a heart, as do you... won't you let me see into it?"

She looked at those eyes that seemed kind yet, as she looked at them deeper, they also seemed scarred. Still, as he let go of her hand, she retracted it as then she sighed and said, "You're an idiot Prince.."

"Can't be helped somedays." He told her with a shrug.

But then Kommando293 felt her hand come up and stroke his cheek as she then said to him, "But if you want my heart... you gotta prove your worth to me in something."

"And that would be?" Asked the Prince.

"I want to see how you're swords skill pair up with you're archery.." she said. "That'll be a start.

Oh joy... a bow back in my hands.. reminds me of the old days.. thought Kommando293.

The targets were set up and as Sinon watched the Prince finish handing over the last of his armor to the Handmaidens as he had on his back a quiver of arrows while the bow in his hand he checked as he pulled it back a bit a few times.

It had been sometime since in VR he had used a bow of any form or sort but since he had managed to keep some practice going from now and back then via IRL, he kinda still had the muscle memory attached to him.

Still, this was going to be interesting since he didn't know how Alfenhein handled bows but as he brought it up before him, it seemed like it was going to be exactly like GGO. Just without the fact he can shoot his arrow in that game farther than the arrow in this game.

"We doing a point system or something?" He asked her.

"You expecting a reward?" Asked Sinon as she looked at him look back at her.

"I just figured since you have such high standards I want to see where I end up in them." Said Kommando with a slight smile.

"I'll consider if you ever get a bullseye." Said Sinon.

"Challenge accepted." Kommando293 went back and as he brought his bow up and drew it back, the back muscles on him contracting to keep the bow from firing early, he then slowly aimed it at the target as he almost wished he had a Sniper skill for it.

And then he let loose the first arrow and as it sailed through the air, he slammed into the targets bullseye as his guess to aiming just a little bit up from shooting it had been right.

The Handmaidens all clapped their hands as Sinon was shaking her head as she said, "Fine. Do the rest as bullseyes then if you're so good!"

Kommando293 only nodded and as he drew another arrow, he would draw the bowstring back with the notched arrow as he then would fired again as it would hit the bullseye but left of the first arrow. And as he continued to fire the bow, the arrows would all hit the bullseye but not once would he try anything fancy. He simply pulled back the bow, aimed it, and fired it at the target with considerable accuracy that as the last one hit the target, Sinon found herself clapping as though it wasn't anything like archery in combat he had done much better than he had expected her and as he walked to her in essentially black, Sith robes with his mask and cloak still on, he gave the bow to the Handmaidens as he took his armor and began putting it back on.

"Alright fine... I guess you just barely make it to the bare minimum level that I can accept." Said Sinon.

"That's the closest you'll can get me to being genuinely impressed?"

"Yes, yes it is... because you're still pretty low on the standard compared to some." Said Sinon as she crossed her arms.

"And whom would that be? Your Lord Kirito?" Asked Kommando as a guess.

Sinon suddenly got very quiet and as Kommando watched her eyes dart about, he then asked her, "Lemme guess, he's the one who shall sweep you away from me in the end? Take you into a magical sunset to live happily forever after?"

"He already has a girlfriend thank you." Said Sinon bitterly. "And even if he didn't, I doubt he'd be interested in someone like me.."

Kommando293 got quiet as then he walked over to her and as he neared her, he almost put his hands on her to try and comfort her but he paused as then he said, "Im sorry you feel that way... even if I see you differently..."

"Yeah... I know you do..." Said Sinon as she was about to leave when suddenly he grabbed her hand.

She looked back at him and as she did so, she watched him step in and give her a hug. It wasn't laced with any real emotion but as he hugged her, she slowly hugged him back as she sighed and wondered when she was going to get over these feelings of this NPC when she noticed he smelled faintly of something sweet.

Which made her suddenly wonder if he was an NPC as most NPC's don't have anything that smelled from them.

But then he let go as he then asked her, "Well.. I'm sorry if all I can do to ease your suffering is with a hug but I hope it'll do something at least."

Sinon looked at him as the she realized just him comforting her had in some small ways made her feel better and she's walked to him and hugged him close, which surprised him by his reaction, as then she looked at him and said, "Why'd you stop?"

Kommando293 looked at her before he then smiled and said to her, "Alright then... let's take this i aside before you catch a cold."

"Huh?" Asked Sinon when suddenly she felt something splatter her head and she looked up as suddenly rain began to fall down from above. And as she looked at it, suddenly he covered her with his hood and began to take her back into the castle as she watched the rain soak the earth like in Alfenhein which surprised her.

But as they came into the castle, the Handmaidens then split off to do separate chores as that left Sinon and the Prince alone. Together.

Oh how her blush was so evident even he noticed it to her embarrassment as the Prince said, "You burning up with a fever over there or are you just happy to see me?"

"Shut up!!"

Kommando293 laughed a little before he then said, "Well, I need some rest if you don't mind. So I'm going to leave you be for the moment until I wake up."

And then he would leave to go upstairs as it left Sinon with his cloak again that smelled faintly of him.

"Did he always smell so sweetly?" She Muttered to herself.

Kirito watched as Lord Eugene begin marching another army out from the Portal and as he did so, he was joined by several other Lords with their retinues as Kirito was going to go with a smaller force since so many Lords were going. The victory over the Prince of Plague was spreading good morale over everyone and more and more players were doing their best to try and take on the Princes reign here in Helheim.

That being said, as he watched from his mount as the large army began to march forward, he knew this next battle wasn't going to end like the last. The Prince of Plague might be on his back foot but there were still the other three Princes and Princess that can join this fight.

And since he figured the other Princes were going to join in this fight, he had decided to take with his small force mainly veteran units of 3 Swordsmen, 2 Archers, and a Guardian. They also were finally equipped with some BloodIron weapons but it was difficult to get any BloodIron for upgrades as everyone was mining it up.

But as he looked out over the hundreds of AI units before him, he simply hoped they were close to getting Lisbeth and Sinon back.

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