Chapter 39

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Sinon walked outside as she looked out from the walls and as she did so, Lisbeth was also nearby as she joined Sinon while they watched the Princes army slowly come back from the battle.

Kommando was in the front as he was really disappointed they weren't able to stop the Alves from taking Midnights last fort before his own capital which left Kommando in a tight spot as he was about to send some forces over to him to simply keep his friend defended. Although he could be mad the enemy had managed to ninja that one real good, he was more impressed than mad and simply reminded himself it was a game and that as a game, things can change very quickly.

But as he slowly marched his army, the dragon and Bone Giant already ahead cause of their long stride, he then noticed two figures watching them and began to trot his horse a bit faster as Theodosius then began to open the gate when he got close. With the ranks of the Undead and what not soon pouring in to be processed via on the drill grounds and in the barracks, Kommando let Thaxae take his horses reigns as he slowly walked over to the next wall where Sinon and Lisbeth were.

"You look upset." Said Lisbeth, simply hoping for a reaction.

"Well the Alves did win again... now I gotta find a way to help out my friend... how are you holding up?" Asked the Prince of Darkness to Lisbeth and Sinon as they looked down.

"It's been nice not being chased down by either rival Necromancers or a dragon." Said Sinon. "So how did you lose this time?"

"Excuse you, I don't lose that often but the answer to that question is they managed to defeat the fort commander just as me and the others were about to destroy your friends..." Said the Necromancer as the next gates opened and he walked through to the other side.

"Still.... I should be congratulating them for making it that far into my friends territory." Said the Prince of Darkness as Sinon and Lisbeth walked down to him. "Most normally are destroyed in his Fields of Pestilence."

"But none of that now... I am back.... which means the fact you're both out on this occasion means you want to do something." Said the Prince as he looked to Sinon and Lisbeth.

"Well... at the moment Lisbeth wants to go in the mountains but we were unable to as Raiden didn't want us to till you got back." Said Sinon as she pointed to someone behind the Prince.

Raiden appeared next to Kommando as he then said, "I was only trying to keep them from trying to juke us. Besides, reports say that there's been some Demon activity up there. Pleasure ones."

"Succubus's? So close? Hmm... well, what is there for you to need, blacksmith? Surely I cannot simply send workers over there and to mine the resources can I?" Asked Kommando to Lisbeth.

"Normally, that'd be fine but I've managed to hear about those demons and that they drop some things that I need to use in my crafting." Succubus dropped occasionally talons, wings, and horns amongst the usual sulfur and a few other things they dropped.

"Hmm.... hey, I have a question... what's your leading like?" Asked Kommando.

Lisbeth and Sinon glanced at one another as this was surprising and not what they had expected but as Sinon looked back to him and said, "Wouldn't you be worried you'd be fighting any units you give to us?"

"Why would you fight me? Doesn't matter if I'm here or elsewhere, I still have more units that you." Said the Prince bluntly. "Plus if you did try and revolt, so to speak, then the towers and siege engines would swiftly deal with you."

He probably isn't wrong on that either. Thought Sinon before she said, "Me and Lisbeth can only control 1 unit each last I checked... I controlled my lords Archers while she had swordsmen."

"Hmm... doesn't seem to bad... how about this: I will go with you to the mountains but I'll only have Theodosius to protect me. You will have your own personal unit to lead, equipped with the best gear and have their own unique looks to fit whom their with. That, and since I'm giving them to you, it'll be up to you to keep them in good condition. So if they all go down, it's you whom have to get them back." Said the Prince.

"But we aren't Necromancers or use those sorta spells." Said Lisbeth.

"I know. Which is why I'm giving you a minimal coin flow to be able to have some of the Summoning circles within the castle do it for ya... just toss the needed amount of coin and the units will come back with their gear and what not." Said the Prince with a nod of his head.

"Now... any questions?" He asked lastly.

Lisbeth and Sinon glanced at one another before Lisbeth then asked, "I think you're being too nice to us to be a bad guy."

"Well, yeah, but if I act like an Overlord or something with all brutality, I lose the only two Alves whose company I actually really enjoy and who often times I can meet without having to wait for a break in their schedule." Said Kommando.

"So in other words you like us?" Asked Sinon with a small smile, trying to tease the Prince. She didn't tease a lot but she figured she'd try to since he teased her as well as Lisbeth.

The effect slammed the Prince hard as she could see his cheeks sorta redden up as he shook his head as he said, "Fine! I'll admit it! I like you! It can't be helped with you, my bride Sinon, but yes I enjoy your company and I want you around me because I might be an introvert but dang it I need friends that won't go to war over me over a simple sandwich."

"You went to war over a sandwich?" Asked Lisbeth.

"Prince of Darkness here made a Peanut Butter and Jam sandwich and the Prince of Plague challenged him for it because he was also hungry... three battle later, the Prince of Darkness won." Said Raiden.

"Hey, he knew if he tried an steal my sandwich that there would be war." Said the Prince defensively.

Sinon suddenly began to laugh, a cute and all natural laugh that made Kommando almost melt on the spot and just writhe on the ground at the cuteness of it but he held himself back as he managed to then say, "Hey, you know what they say about Men's food. You don't touch it unless you want a full blown war!"

"I bet you that's why you're at war with the Alves." Said Lisbeth. "Cause they stole your sandwich."

"I wish. I'd simply roflstomp you all then and take it back." Said the Prince as Sinon then managed to stop laughing before she sighed, saying, "When do we leave for the mountains?"

Kommando looked at her as she recovered from laughing before he smiled as he then said, "Within the hour."

The Skeleton Archer were all dressed in green cloaks the same light green as asinine clothed as they all had DarkSteel armor and bows as they also had a black masks on their faces to make them look like fantasy rangers. Sinon was impressed as they stood before her in perfect formation as heir quivers were filled with arrows and their bows in perfect condition.

Lisbeth was nearby as her swordsmen all wore Red hooded cloaks but they also wore besides the DarkSteel armor blacksmith aprons in white as the skeletons had no mask and instead of swords they had really good DarkSteel, Flanged maces.

Kommando watched them as they did some basic commands to feel out how their troops acted and moved and as Theodosius stood next to him, he asked Theodosius, "You ready to crush some demons?"

"As long as you don't fall for one of them, I think we'll be fine my lord." Said Theodosius with a bow.

Kommando chuckled at the NPC's comment but then looked back to Sinon as he felt himself slowly staring at her a bit longingly but more just checking her out straight up. Every day, he was starting to wish he could feel the curve of her hips between his hands as he held her or be able to run his hand through that short, blue hair as it looked so soft to the touch, or just stare into those blue eye- aw shoot.

He watched her turn to him and give a slight smirk as she waved at him and he was nudged by Theodosius before he waved back and then rubbed his eyes as he then heard the NPC say, "You know if you keep staring at her the drool is gonna be more obvious."

"Oh hush up! I swear, Chryseheight, you have ways of pushing buttons I didn't know exist." He muttered.

Theodosius chuckled as it then said, "Yeah... sorry but it just so happen to be now for me to show up.. I leave now."

And then the NPC have a slight shudder as it then looked to Kommando and asked, "Shall we get going up the mountain, Prince?"

"Yes we shall... get everyone's mounts if you please and then we shall leave for the mountainside."

Theodosius nodded and then he quickly left to do as he was told.

The mountain slopes were steep cliffs that easily forced the 50 and 40 skeletons groups for the Trio's units to move in columns so they didn't fall off. Sinon glanced over the edge on horseback as she felt like if she made one wrong move her own horse would kick her off into the abyss below to crack upon the jagged rocks below.

But since they had been at this for the past 30 minutes of climbing up steep slopes in so they were nearing where the mission was, which was in this flat area between the two peaks of the mountains. It was being rumored that there was both a cult and a summing circle summoning up about a units worth of these Succubus Pleasure demons, or demonettes of you wish, and that if it continued it could mean a full scale attack on the future.

Still, Kommando watched the girls and their custom units managing to go up the incline as his own might've been behind in terms of distance but these Reavers had some of the heavier gear so there was a reason. Still, watching those two go up a bit more smoothly compared to his own made him a bit envious but he figured they could handle themselves if a fight did happen before he got there.

Eventually, the three units did manage to finish the climb and as Sinon and Lisbeth began to dismount from their horses, the Prince got off his horse as well as their units began to array before them in a large squares as per usual. Sinon glanced around at the terrain arrayed around them and as she did so, it was noted that there was this notable amount of blood splattered all around the area as if the local population of goats had just been slaughtered on the spot and turned into paste.

"You know what could even have this much blood?" Asked Lisbeth to the Prince.

"Yeah, a whole herd of Demonic Goats..." muttered the Prince.

"So Goatmen?" Asked Lisbeth.

"No. Demonic Goats.... Goats with a Demonic twist on them."

"You have a lot of weird stuff here."

"And I dealt with it for the past I don't know years so I could tell you about it but it looks like we gotta kill of this cult and what not before it gets any bigger." Said the Prince with a sigh and the small army advanced up with the Skeleton swordsmen and Reavers up front and the Skeleton archers in the back.

The force moved in through the rocks as a few crystal and gems dotted the ground like stoic flowers of crystalline material but as Sinon looked around, she didn't like the feeling she was getting at the moment.

Afterall, the feeling of being watched by what felt like dozens of eyes was not the most pleasant and she wasn't the only one as then the Prince stopped as he said, "Well... their here, I can feel em..."

As they all stood and glanced around, trying to see who was eyeing them up, Sinon then heard them: the chuckles and laughs of nearby women.

"Aw shoot, it's the Demonette Succubus's! Reavers on me! Sinon, Lisbeth! Don't engage the Succubus's so leave em to me! Get rid of those Cultists." The Prince Said as suddenly the Succubus's began to swarm from the rocks straight for the Princes unit.

Which meant that as the battle took place there, Lisbeth would immediately watch two units of Cultists come jumping up from the nearby rocks as they all immediately cam swarming down and as Lisbeth unit steeled themselves, she raised her Siege hammer as she then said, "Go get em!"

The mace-wielding skeletons charged with Lisbeth as the 2 Cultists units of 60 came charging but even as they did so, Sinons archer unit and her self began to fire arrows into their ranks as a full 40 of them suddenly dropped hard to the ground as the arrows punched through armor and shields that were rather flimsy.

The Cultists met the skeletons and immediately were hammered hard by the skeletons maces as the maces smashes skulls and broke bones that left many Cultists dying and broken on the rocky ground. Sinon drew another arrow with her non legendary bow, the DarkIron one, as she immediately fired it with her archers also firing with her and as another wave of Cultists went down hard to their shots, the rest of them suddenly broke and began to flee with Lisbeths units right on their tail ends.

Sinon glanced back to where she was hearing a furious melee going and watched as the events were going quite poorly for the Prince. But mainly just the Prince.

The Succubus's wore little to no clothing and their talons and wings beat at the DarkSteel armor of the Reavers as the Reavers were holding their very well considering the Succubi were faster than them but she was, for once, truly worried for the Prince's well-being.

The Prince was currently underneath a succubus as he tried to hold her talons off with his own, DarkSteel Gauntlets but he was loosing as he Demon was getting closer and closer to him.

"Nice Soul you got there, Alf." She would hiss to him. "Mind if I have it?"

Before Kommando could retort with a "I have a girlfriend" comment, she suddenly ripped a talon hand free from his crap and began to choke him out which was not a pleasant feeling in any respects. And worse off, she was strong enough even with him trying to rip her grip off it felt like an iron vise.

But then suddenly he watched someone come running up and kick the Succubus in her face and as he felt the hands be ripped off, he watched as Sinon jump on the Succubus as then she said to her with her DarkSteel dagger raised.

"Sorry, but he already had enough trouble with me."

And then the dagger stabbed the Succubus through her head and twisted it as the Succubus then went limp. She then looked over at the Prince as he tried to massage his neck as she then sighed and said, "You're so lucky you gave me this."

"Could've just shot her." The Prince pointed out.

"Yeah but that required me to not hit you." Said Sinon.

"And here I was hoping we actually had something going on." Said Kommando with a shake of his hand.

"Don't the wrong idea. You're still a jerk for kidnapping me and my friend but now at least I might be nice enough to save your skin."

Kommando sighed as he finally got up and as he glanced around at the loot, he then sighed as he said, "Alright, let's get home before it gets dark."

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