Chapter 40

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The Guild charged forward with other guilds as the walls to the castle of Midnights were being pounded by catapults and a few trebuchets from the few artillery pieces the guilds had brought over to begin the Raid. Archers from both sides fired as the walls were taking a brutal pounding from the stones but as Midnight watched from the top parts of the castle, his keep that was giving off fumes of Pestilence and plague that would drift into the fields of players to debuff and poison them, he could only make sure every step these small guilds took now would hurt them until they got reinforced by the actual armies of the Alf lords.

And for the moment, as he watched them tried their third attempt on this Castle Pestilence Raid since the last two had failed before they even reached the walls but they had recently brought up mobile walls to keep them from being nailed by the ballistae that Midnight had set up, since trebuchets and catapults were kinda expensive.

But as he watched them make it to the walls with ladders and a pair of towers, he then looked to his skeleton commanders and said, "Keep them off the walls at all costs."

The commanders nodded and as he slowly walked away, he headed down a nearby set of stairs and as he came to his throne, he slowly sat down in it as he sighed and grabbed his nearby daggers as he connected the chains wrapped around his forearms to the handles of the daggers as they were curved likes Kratos's daggers but were a dark green and they had spikes attached to the front that had barbs which allowed him to reel in opponents that had been struck there.

And then-

"Please tell me you're not seriously making that!"

He looked at the message portal as he watched Kommando293 trying his best to sew together many things with needle and thread as he was trying to make what looked like a garment. Probably somewhere in the 150-160 level range.

Kommando293 looked over as he was doing his best to make this one specific garment and as he glanced around at the maybe roughly 200 other attempts to create this one magic armor that was Lv.150 for Sinon but as he finished it up, his attempt soon also went down the drain as all he got was a set of rags.

"Soooo to be honest, it's harder than it looks..." Said Kommando.

"But why? Can't you get it bought or done by someone else?" Asked Midnight as suddenly his castle shook and he glanced around as some dust fell down.

"How's the Raid going?" Asked Kommando as hen he added, "Besides no one else could likely make this since we are the only players in Hel."

Midnight sighed as he then said, "Raids going as well as ever for the guilds: like a unfolding train wreck."

"They've begin trying to Assault the walls but even with ballistae alone I'm reaping a toll... currently it should be the third attempt still." Said Midnight.

Kommando sighed as he got more stuff out and as he looks to Midnight he then said, "Well I gotta make this otherwise Sinons gonna be probably hoping for new clothes soon... so hopefully my units I'll be sending to you make it in time."

The communication portal soon faded away and as Kommando went back to trying to create the "Hel Dress" Armor outfit for Sinon and as he began to try and make it again, it was a tricky piece since he was fairly certain you had to do the dress then the armor and as he continued trying to make the dress portion so he could either get Lisbeth to make the armor portion or do it himself.

As he was doing that, currently watching him a ways away since she had no idea what on earth the Prince was doing, was Sinon as she hadn't seen him speak with the Prince of Plague but she had heard talking and came over to investigate. And as she watched from afar, she could tell from the multiple rags scattered around that he was currently failing at what he was doing.

Still, as she watched him struggle to make some sort of clothing, perhaps for himself, he then sighed as he made another rag and then said, "Alright... Hey, Medusae?"

"You called?" Medusae walked over to the Prince who then asked, " Show me he recipe for the Hel Dress."

She brought a small scroll out and as the Prince paused as he read it before he then looked towards Sinon direction as she managed to slip back into the shadows when he then said, "You do realize that you're trying to hide from the Master of Shadows? Come on out, please."

Sinon sighed as she held an arm close to her which made the Prince sit up as he thought she was hurt but then he saw her put her hands behind her as she asked him, "What's will all of this?"

"I'm trying... trying to make you something... and it's going oh so poorly as you can likely tell." Said the Prince as he sighed. "Looks like I'm forgetting this has to be done in the blacksmith and not sewn like normal."

She giggled a little at this mistake before she then asked tentatively, "What sorta dress is it?"

The Prince showed her he picture when she got closer and she was slightly take back by the style but at the same time it looked fairly interesting. It was mainly red and black, with two horns for her head, some blades on her dress, and a long flowing black train that produced blood-red spirits to defend her it seemed from one of the skills.

"But... forgive me, but why me?" She asked him.

"Fairly honest here, I figure since you saved my butt back with the Succubus I might as well... give you a gift of my gratitude." Said the Prince as he got up to go to the blacksmith with most of the materials in hand.

"What? You don't like what I'm wearing?" She asked him.

"No, believe me you look quite... ravishing with the armor you have. I simply figured you'd want options rather than wearing the same thing... but I believe this gives you better protection compared to what you currently have." He told her as they walked into the blacksmith.

Immediately, as Kommando opened the doors to Lisbeths domain, a wave of heat slammed into him and he gave a pant at the heat as she was currently working on a very large sword in one of the smelters before brining it to a nearby anvil. She was sweating like a dog but thankfully VR made her dress perfect so as she looked up, she then asked him while finishing the sword, "Prince? What do you need?"

"I need some help making this." Said Kommando as he handed her both the materials and the schematic for the dress as then he went to grab the DarkSteel for it as well.

Lisbeth finished the sword and put it on a spare anvil next to another as both blades were DarkIron, her first ones, and as she looked over the materials and schematics, the Prince brought some bars of DarkSteel over as she then said, "And... let me guess, you tried to make this?"

"Look out in the Hall. It looks like a utter sweatshop in there." Said Sinon.

"Alrighty then..." Said Lisbeth before she then asked the Prince, "Does that mean you'll find something for me too then? Hmm???"

She got close to him with a slight mischievous grin to the Prince who then got in her face with a smile, almost touching noses with his mask of bone, as he then said, "Oh? Does someone want me to pay attention to her? Maybe have some.... fun with her?"

Lisbeth immediately backed up with a blush before she then said, "P-lease as if I would want to take you away from Sinon... by the way, has she confessed to you yet?"

Sinon blushes now and shouted, "Lisbeth!" As the Prince then sighed while turning and booped Sinons nose with a finger as he then said, "Not yet.. but if you don't want me, then let me introduce you to my friend, the Prince of Blood!"

"Wait-" began Lisbeth as suddenly the Prince drew a circle with his hand as he formed a message circle to see the Prince of Blood soon appear as the Princes friend was currently sending out an army as he overlooked the marching out in one large column as the Prince then noticed he was being messaged as he then said, "Oh! Hey there, Darky! What's up?"

"Let's be honest, Blood, I'm here to have you finally go out on that date you've been wanting to do with Lisbeth." Said the Prince with a smile and Lisbeth gave a slight blush and also pale look.

But the Prince of Blood gave a huge blush on his mask that made him look like a demon, as he wasn't wearing his battle armor, as he immediately shouted, "Dang it! You know you're not suppose to do that! Uncoolest Bro move ever!"

Kommando smiled since Reaper had come to him a couple days ago and had told him about his crush on Lisbeth, like a crush to the point Reaper had to be totally head over heels for her. But Reaper never had been good at asking girls, something ironic since Reaper always tried to push Kommando with girls.

But as Reaper looked up, he then said, "Why now? Our friend is being pressed by the enemy at the moment!"

"He's fine." Said Kommando as then he looked to Lisbeth as he smiled and said, "But my blacksmith needs some time out of her workshop... so once she makes this one Armor, she's all yours for the day."

"You cannot seriously- you know what, fuck you." Said Reaper with a huff before he then muttered, "Is it at least consensual?"

"I dunno got a spare outfit for her that she might like?" Asked the Prince of Darkness when Lisbeth then said, "Alright listen! Listen! I don't need to go anywhere especially if I got an order from you."

"He'll feed you though." Said the Kommando and immediately Lisbeth looked at Reaper, who looked at her and said, "I might not be a 5-Star Restaurant  like our friend here but can you make do with a 3?"

Lisbeth looked at Kommando, knowing it that if Kommando was doing this that given his nature that wasn't prone to this that he had a good reason.

"You know what..." Said Lisbeth. "I'll go over there somehow... and we'll have a nice evening, while you get to play dress up and make sure the Handmaidens keep an eye on our Two LOVE BIRDS!!"

The last words were shouted out and as Kommando put a finger to his ear and tried to undeafen himself that way, the Handmaidens walked over as then Sanginium sighed and asked Lisbeth, "Look we know you're quite jealous of the lady Sinon but do we really need to babysit them both while you're gone?"

"When did you take orders from her?" Asked Reaper before Kommando could.

"Since she often had been asking us to get materials for her and what not." Said Thaxae with a sigh.

"And the reason why is I don't want to come back here and find out these two lovers have been getting into some.." And Lisbeth turned her head towards the two. "... romantic negotiations under some bed sheets."

"Oh my heavens Lisbeth just go make this dress and go have you're date with the Prince already!" Said Sinon with such a blush that she soon slightly playfully slightly seriously shoved her friend to the anvil of items as Kommando had to his own face from that shame as he said, "Wow, you just cut deep."

Lisbeth sighed and then she took her hammer and began to hammer the anvil as the materials began to glow and merge and as Lisbeth tried to time her hammering with the needed sequence of hits on the meter before her as rock music managed to play in her head but then she finished it and as it glowed, the Hel Dress appeared before them and as she took it up, she threw it at Sinon as she said, "Here! Go try it on because it'll likely make you look good!"

"Thank you, Lisbeth." Said Sinon as she hugged her friend before she went to change and as she left, Lisbeth grabbed Kommando's cloak as the message portal went away.

"You're gonna lay for this if you're friend is a creep." Said Lisbeth with a harsh tone.

"Listen... I'm sorry.... but this is me getting pay back for all the times he's done this to me and all of them have failed. Besides, he's a really good guy... and I'm thankful he went with you instead of some other girl." Said Kommando.

"And why me?" Asked Lisbeth.

"Because as much as you have this hard exterior, you're also kinda and caring to those who you love." Said Kommando. "And if he wasn't that way or you were that way I wouldn't have done this at all."

Lisbeth gave this small blush as she then asked, "Anything else."

"Yeah. I needed to make sure you didn't try and escape anytime soon. Or try and walk in on me and Sinon having "fun" as you put it." Said Kommando.

"You better not!" Shouted Lisbeth.

"I'm kidding.... besides... kinda hard to do that when I doubt my crush even likes me.." Said Kommando.

Lisbeth slowly let go of him before she said, "I think... she's starting to actually like you... so... so I hope..."

"I hope that it becomes something real... not a game, Kommando293."

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